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1Enjoying the Day [Open, No Kill] Empty Enjoying the Day [Open, No Kill] Sat Dec 01, 2012 9:03 pm



There was something about the joy of running that was just, well... joyous. Ashi had been keeping herself pretty busy recently between helping with the exams by doing the meet and greet thing at the gates and then following that up by doing a half dozen missions just to help keep everything up to date. So, what was she going to do today? Absolutely nothing. Her entire plan for the day was to stretch her and Akai's legs, and that's exactly what they'd been doing.

Ashi and her ninken, Akai, had both slept in till nearly noon before awaking to have a good hearty - and mostly meaty - breakfast. Afterwards it was time for a good race. There was almost nothing the two enjoyed more. They had practically ripped the door off the hinges that morning when leaving, the race having started from the sink after depositing their breakfast dishes in it, and it wouldn't end until one or both of them was sprawled out somewhere, or locked in a wrestling match; which ever happened to come first.

They'd barely been able to contain themselves as they ran through the village; only making sure to keep to higher up areas so they didn't knock anyone over, or run them over as it were. From there it had been a swerve and dodge of a run through the forest, scaring the local wildlife into scattering as they did so. The race came to an end at the rolling hills as Ashi went from running into a front roll that ended up with her sprawled out at the bottom of one of the larger hills. Akai followed suite in much the same way until the overly large white dog was sprawled equally as comfortable.

Ashi took a moment to glance around to see who all might be hanging nearby before closing her eyes and just enjoying the feel of the gentle breeze on her face. "Ah, today's a good day, Akai..." Her ninken gave a soft series of growls and short barks in reply, agreeing with her, before the large creature laid her head down on her paws and just took to looking around the grassy fields around them.

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