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1Sensei, Satoshi [Stats] Empty Sensei, Satoshi [Stats] Wed Nov 23, 2016 1:56 pm

Satoshi Sensei

Satoshi Sensei

Base Stat Pool

Strength: E-0
Speed: E-0
Reaction Time: E-0
Perception: E-0
Endurance: E-0

Current Modifiers

Strength: 0 additional ranks
Speed: +1 additional ranks (Taijutsu spec)
Reaction Time: +1 additional ranks (Special characteristic bonus)
Perception: 0 additional ranks
Endurance: 0 additional ranks

Current Stats

Strength: E-0
Speed: E-1
Reaction Time: E-1
Perception: E-0
Endurance: E-0


2Sensei, Satoshi [Stats] Empty Re: Sensei, Satoshi [Stats] Mon Dec 05, 2016 10:44 pm

Satoshi Sensei

Satoshi Sensei


Strength: E-0 -> D-0
Speed: E-1 -> D-0 (D-1 after modifier)
Reaction Time: E-1 -> D-0 (D-1 after modifier)
Perception: E-0 -> D-0
Endurance: E-0 -> D-0


Current Stats

Strength: D-0
Speed: D-1
Reaction Time: D-1
Perception: D-0
Endurance: D-0

3Sensei, Satoshi [Stats] Empty Re: Sensei, Satoshi [Stats] Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:02 pm



You need to label what you are training in the final post of the thread too.

4Sensei, Satoshi [Stats] Empty Re: Sensei, Satoshi [Stats] Wed Dec 14, 2016 10:15 am



That is not what I meant. I mean highlight what you have up there, right click, move your mouse over the copy option and left click. Open the thread, select the edit button and paste that there where you currently have "This topic is being used to train Satoshi's stats."

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