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1Ann-e Nearing Introduction Empty Ann-e Nearing Introduction Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:10 pm

Ann-e Nearing

Hello; well im joining the site and will start making my character today or tomorrow. If you want me to join your crew or similar & and have some sort of i,put into my starting choices. Make your case and I will be decide.

who are you
Plan, if i was to join with you
Things my char would need

2Ann-e Nearing Introduction Empty Re: Ann-e Nearing Introduction Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:16 pm



Hello Ann-e I would say that there is a lot of activity in Kumo and Kiri because of the war going on, so if you were to join a "crew" I would probably pick one of those villages. Iwa and Suna need more members, and Konohagakure is usually a steady choice.

As for qualities that people look for in a good character and partner for roleplay, I would say these are the top qualities:

1. cooperation: I mean the essence of roleplay is cooperative story telling, if it turns into a game of "I did this, no you did not" it's not fun for anyone.
2. no showboating: Everyone's an individual snowflake, so play your character to their flaws as much as their strengths. it is actually kindof fun facing off against people who are much stronger than you are and having them teach you via their experience.
3. a great attitude. If you go into every thread with the attitude that you're going to learn something new about someone's character, I would say that's a winning quality.

Have fun on the site and I hope to see you around sometime, either in the chatbox or whatever village I happen to find myself in.

3Ann-e Nearing Introduction Empty Re: Ann-e Nearing Introduction Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:24 pm

Nakazo Ashitaka

Nakazo Ashitaka

Welcome to Saga!

4Ann-e Nearing Introduction Empty Re: Ann-e Nearing Introduction Mon Dec 12, 2016 8:45 pm



Welcome to Saga! Lin's advice is spot on, so I don't have much more to say other than don't hesitate to ask us any questions about anything through chatbox, PM, or even this thread.

5Ann-e Nearing Introduction Empty Re: Ann-e Nearing Introduction Mon Dec 12, 2016 9:01 pm



Welcome to Saga there! I don't have anything specific in roleplay I can offer you but I have characters all over for threads? If you have any questions or concerns feel free to ask~

See you around the site~

6Ann-e Nearing Introduction Empty Re: Ann-e Nearing Introduction Tue Dec 13, 2016 7:31 am



Wlc Ann-e.. Like Lin said..
Have fun on saga

7Ann-e Nearing Introduction Empty Re: Ann-e Nearing Introduction Tue Dec 13, 2016 5:06 pm



welcome to Saga, we are here to rp and have fun

8Ann-e Nearing Introduction Empty Re: Ann-e Nearing Introduction Wed Dec 14, 2016 5:50 am

Ann-e Nearing

I wasn't sure where to put this but i wanted to ask a question.

Is it possible at a later date to change clans, and how that affects ones character. Eg: say one of my characters goals was to start their own village, and thus follow with own clan. Then in process breaks ones limitations thus becomes something new. Their own type of clan. 
Obviously with new limitations for balancing.

9Ann-e Nearing Introduction Empty Re: Ann-e Nearing Introduction Wed Dec 14, 2016 9:35 am



Ann-e Nearing wrote:I wasn't sure where to put this but i wanted to ask a question.

Is it possible at a later date to change clans, and how that affects ones character. Eg: say one of my characters goals was to start their own village, and thus follow with own clan. Then in process breaks ones limitations thus becomes something new. Their own type of clan. 
Obviously with new limitations for balancing.
As of now, that's not exactly possible. The only way to have any flexibility with your clan after your character application is approved is to go Undiscovered to select your clan later, but you can't really switch clans. Sorry.

10Ann-e Nearing Introduction Empty Re: Ann-e Nearing Introduction Wed Dec 14, 2016 10:18 am



Welcome to Saga! If you're looks for someone to hang out with in Konoha, come on around and find me!

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