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1Hello there!  Empty Hello there! Thu Dec 08, 2016 4:31 am



I'm New, Pleased to meet you all. This is my first real try at a forum style RP thing, so I'm sorry if I don't get the hang of everything right away.

2Hello there!  Empty Re: Hello there! Thu Dec 08, 2016 5:31 am



Hey there! Nice to meet you and welcome abroad

3Hello there!  Empty Re: Hello there! Thu Dec 08, 2016 6:03 am

Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

Hey, no worries! We all start out new somewhere and some time. If you have any questions you can't find the answers to, or just want some general help, please don't hesitate to ask, either here, in the chat box, or via PM~ I look forward to seeing you around, and remember; no question is a dumb question~

4Hello there!  Empty Re: Hello there! Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:21 am

Nakazo Ashitaka

Nakazo Ashitaka

Hey Hyeon, welcome to Saga! If you ever need help don't be afraid to ask!

5Hello there!  Empty Re: Hello there! Thu Dec 08, 2016 7:44 am

Ryo Knetegawa

Ryo Knetegawa

Welcome to the site.

6Hello there!  Empty Re: Hello there! Thu Dec 08, 2016 9:26 pm



Hi there! I would recommend finding someone that likes to post a lot and trying to get them to post with you :)

Or... for a more layed back approach, try looking... here

Annnnd here.

7Hello there!  Empty Re: Hello there! Thu Dec 08, 2016 9:36 pm



Hey there, welcome to Saga! If you have any questions feel free to ask (I'm Karumo btw xD)

Saga was my first RP too not too long ago, great place to get started and start learning! See you around the site and good luck with everything!

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