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1Searching for Konoha  friends Empty Searching for Konoha friends Mon Jan 30, 2017 11:00 pm



Hi all :) Yuka is looking for Konoha friends, just starting out here and flexible to work her in with any plot ideas.

2Searching for Konoha  friends Empty Re: Searching for Konoha friends Tue Jan 31, 2017 7:19 am

Uchiha Susumu

Uchiha Susumu

I don't mind to thread with you! I travelled to Konoha a while back for something, but that was cancelled so I have no one to roleplay with at the moment.

3Searching for Konoha  friends Empty Re: Searching for Konoha friends Tue Jan 31, 2017 9:40 pm

Izumi Hyuga

Izumi Hyuga

Izumi is up for plots!

4Searching for Konoha  friends Empty Re: Searching for Konoha friends Tue Jan 31, 2017 10:25 pm



Hey! I'll be headed to Kiri soon but I would love to get on some threads with you ALL when I get back. I should be a chunin by then so we could do some squad-type missions together too!

5Searching for Konoha  friends Empty Re: Searching for Konoha friends Wed Feb 01, 2017 9:27 am



It would be great to do some squad missions when you get back Nayako!!

Why don't the rest of us do a group thread to begin with and then we can branch from there?

6Searching for Konoha  friends Empty Re: Searching for Konoha friends Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:23 pm



Hey, in konoha, and already sent you a pm :p would also love to a thread with the rest of you if possible.

7Searching for Konoha  friends Empty Re: Searching for Konoha friends Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:45 pm



Uchiha Susumu wrote:I don't mind to thread with you! I travelled to Konoha a while back for something, but that was cancelled so I have no one to roleplay with at the moment.

Yeah, Hao, you have absolutely no one to RP with. We definitely haven't had multiple conversations on the subject >__>

But, for the original poster, I have a (Soon to be, once I stop being lazy and actually submit the application) Jounin named Kyohei in Konoha. Feel free to message me if you're interested in working anything out. He has his own plot pretty much drawn up, but there's always room to creative additions.

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