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Sabishi had stumbled on a wonderful thing as he wandered aimlessly about. His toys leading him along as they flew short bursts in random directions. Simple spinning tops but designed with a wide base and a gear that sped up with friction. So long as he stayed out of the deep sand they worked great but there was a small issue. Every time they gained speed the smallest bump or pebble would launch them off in a random direction and rebounding off anything they came in contact with until hitting the ground and jetting off in that direction. He had some difficulty at times keeping up with them even with his training. He had started with two but by now he had lost lone. Now he was following the second of the two as it slowed down while plowing through a two inch deep sand dune. Not much of a dune really but it was a ways out of the main part of the village further into some old ruins leading down into a cave area. Off it bounced down some steps and after it he went without much of a second thought. Deep into an abandoned part of the village. passed a couple of no trespassing and restricted area signs. A bio-hazard warning symbol on the top of the notices. Not that he would notice.

At the bottom of the steps the toy would plunge into a pile of sand in the unkempt area and be forced to grind to a halt. Sabishi would sigh in relief and reach into the pile to pull the top up and shove it in his coat pocket. Not a very obedient toy but it would be fun in a big but closed room. He would run his right hand through his grey hair brushing it back out of his dull grey eyes as he yawned and looked about himself. There he stood in a forbidden part of the city. Technically he had access to it given he was a shinobi but hell if he even knew it was restricted to begin with. He didn't even know where he was. Still he was dressed decently enough to ask directions back if he came across anyone. Hardly intimidating. He was wearing blue jeans over black sneakers with a grey t shirt on and a blue long coat with golden outlines on the fringes. A Suna headband tucked into the breast pocket with the medal hanging in the front like a badge. He would at least mark himself for the shinobi he was if he had to.

However all thoughts of finding his way home were dashed away like a flightless bird tackled by a tiger when he laid eyes on a dreamy place meant for him. Within his gaze he beheld what appeared to be an abandoned factory. Metal walls with broken glass and a foreclosed sign on it. He could smell the metal and grease from where he stood. With a lazy grin he turned and began to walk in the direction of the building. No real concern for anything around him as he casually moved to the front of the building. At first the door to the factory appeared to be locked. Unsatisfied with that he looked around himself. Finding a jagged metal bar he would jam it in the rusted hinges repeatedly with a set of loud clangs before finally breaking them free and allowing himself entrance into heaven. He squinted into the slightly dim factory. Finding dozens upon dozens of machines inside. He smiled happily now as he tossed the metal bar over his shoulder. Ignoring the rust stains on his hands as he would finally attempt to squeeze passed the ajar door into his happy place.




Ryuto stood in front of a mirror, looking over his clothing selection for the day while a crooked grin crossed his face. His dark brown pants were freshly pressed, the crease down the center nice and crisp and the shoes a cognac brown brogue with a wingtip. His vest was a light brown vest with three pockets, the top one had an ivory coloured pocket silk in it and the bottom left contained his pocket watch that his father had given him, a silver skeleton faced watch with rose gold trim. The shirt he wore underneath was also a carefully chosen ivory to be the exact match of the pocket silk. grabbed his charcoal grey coat from the wooden coat hanger in the corner and put it oni, most people in Sunagakure no Sato thinking that he was crazy for dressing so heavily, though he personally didn't mind it. Comfort wasn't important, it was all about looking good, and Ryuto knew that. His father had taught him that appearance is a key component in getting people to do what you want them to do, and he had never forgotten that lesson.

As he was walking out his mother ask him "Ryuto, have you cleaned up the kitchen?" He stopped, gritting his teeth a little bit before putting on a smile and turning to her.

"Mother, you're acting crazy. You know that you said you would clean it up last night, I have important things to do." He watched her as she began to process his words, clearly trying to remember if she had said that before smiling and giving him a hug.

"Of course I did dear, have a good day." He would have laughed if it wouldn't have shown her that he was lying. She had never said that, and Ryuto knew it. The phrase you're acting crazy was one that he had heard his father say to her several times and he knew that it almost always worked on her. As he walked out the door he had a smile on his face, making his way out to see what he could find. He had heard of an abandoned factory near a water reservoir in town and he wanted to see if there was anything in there that he could take and use for his traps.

He quickly made his way towards the reservoir, where he was extremely cautious so that the water wouldn't damage what he was wearing, keeping himself dry as he made his way towards where he had heard the factory was. Surely enough he found the building fairly quickly, walking towards it with a purpose. He noticed that he wasn't alone here, though, and he chuckled under his breath as he saw the other boy walking in. He went in just after him, taking a look around. It was an old toy factory, something with little to no appeal to Ryuto, though the other boy seemed fascinated by it. He watched him for a few minutes, assessing what he was checking out, and eventually he decided he would talk to him.

"Hello friend," He walked towards him and smiled a warm smile. "Isn't this place fantastic? There is so much neat stuff in here." Ryuto was curious to see how the boy would react to him, he was hoping he wouldn't make him nervous or afraid, as this place was supposed to be abandoned and Ryuto assumed that it wasn't that likely to run into someone else here. He took out his watch and opened it, checking the time quickly, one of his few ticks that he couldn't seem to break. It wasn't the worst thing ever at least, there were many worse habits that he could have picked up...

(638 words)



Sabishi would meander through the door and lose the metal chunk he had used to pry it open to the side with a clang. He set his grey gaze about the area as he would examine the walls and the piles of rubble mixed with Machinery from afar. It was a junk heap but with his expertise it was a treasure trove. His gaze would shift to a pile of toys to the side with missing parts. A discard pile no one had bothered to clean up it would seem. Not that it mattered. It was dry inside for most of it which meant parts lacked rust. It was obvious the owners or looters had taken the machinery still intact that didn't need any repairs and was easy to remove but that left a lot behind. He smiled as he moved along a path that seemed to have been cleared for them to move things out. Only a little rubble here and there. He would need to find the thing they used to...ah there it was. A wheelbarrow set to the side where it had fallen. Just another forgotten relic it would seem. Still he smiled as he shifted over to try and haul it back into an upright position.

He had only managed to collect a few pieces of scrap metal and bolts mixed into the wheelbarrow with springs and gears when his ears caught the sound of steps approaching him. It hadn't occurred to him that someone might actually still care about this mess after so long of it being abandoned until then. His shoulders slumped as he glanced up at the windows. They were a distant jump away but he could make it if he pushed himself. However he was out in the open and that meant he had already been seen. For all he knew the other already had a bead on him and one wrong move meant pain or a fight. He sighed at the idea audibly before his shoulders slumped. It was so tiresome to fight anyone and he just wanted to collect some goods. For now he was just going to play it cautious as he could. He had no interest in bleeding or spilling blood here and the fact that he had been discovered so quickly was either a massive coincidence or someone had been watching. He normally would of played it off as him on patrol but he had a wheelbarrow full of semi stolen goods. Clean up maybe? Sorting out recycling. Yes, if he was questioned about his motives that would be his go to story. After all the best lies move parallel to the truth. He was intending to reuse that stuff after all.

Still he decided he needed to look and see what was coming at him. Like looking to see just how bad an injury was he closed one eye in a wince and glanced over his shoulder just as the young man spoke. A well dressed individual referring to him as friend. Could be a rich kid adventuring or someone that had some investment in the place. Kind of young to be the owner but hey, who could really know? The question about how fun the place was could either be a trap or an invitation for further conversation. He didn't trust people to much but if the individual was going to play it friendly....well he was too lazy to be hostile anyway. Still his other grey eye opened and he shrugged as he looked about himself. Speaking in a dull and bored tone. As if nothing really ever excited him.

"I suppose if one is into antiques in poor quality. Nothing of much value here since none of it is mint in box. Just parts waiting to be used. Pardon but uh...who might you be?" The question that loomed in his mind. If it was a person of authority there would be no reason to conceal it. If not..a name could be fun too. He might even give his real name in return. Not that he was looking forward to his mother getting another call about her son looting yet another trash pile. She had enough stress to deal with come time to pay bills.




Well the boy didn't attack Ryuto, that was a good start. He admittedly was in a bad spot as he certainly wasn't a combatant and knew nothing about this other boy, except that he was holding items that could be used as weapons in his hands. Ryuto scanned around quickly to see if there was anything that he himself could use if he were to be attacked. There was a pipe nearby on the ground that he supposed he could use, though it was distasteful. He didn't seem to have anything to worry about though as the boy didn't threaten him or even come at him. He asked him who he was and at first Ryuto considered lying to him. People often tried to kill Uchiha after all for their eyes. He, however, hadn't activated his Sharingan yet, so there was no reason to be afraid of that. He looked towards the boy and bowed formally. "I am Ryuto Uchiha, a shinobi of Sunagakure." He reached into his coat pocket and presented his headband to support his fact. On the inside pocket the symbol of the Uchiha clan could be seen, and he opened the jacket enough so that the one in front of him could see it as well.

He was a curious seeming individual, and Ryuto was quite curious to know how he could use him. Everything he was gathering did seem like junk to Ryuto but from his words it seemed like he had plans to use them for something else. Ryuto himself wasn't a builder or an inventor or anything like that, but he had people while he was in the academy who could do such things, and they were extremely handy people to have at your call. He was starting to think that, if that was the case, he could definitely use this boy, another piece on his side of the chess board as it were. He wondered, though, if the boy was a simple pawn, a meat shield sent in to die, or if he was a rook, giving defense to his king as he attacks. He would find out eventually, he just had to figure out what it was that would draw him in. He opened his pocket watch, checked it, closed it and put it away again, while doing so trying to note to stop doing that as it truly was something he needed to break.

"What about you, friend? What's your name? What do you do?" He didn't give much, trying to set up a conversation where the other boy would have to give up more information that Ryuto could scan for weaknesses or cracks in the man's personality. He wasn't sure if he would get it, but if he did it would simply be a bonus. He had hoped that by revealing himself to be an Uchiha he would have gained some trust with the boy, as it was not something that was done very often. The Game Master watched intently at the reactions, movements, ticks of the boy, looking for the next piece to put into his game. He smiled and extended a hand to shake after his questions, as a handshake could tell a lot about a man. This was his game, and he loved every second of it.




Sabishi would raise an eyebrow at the introduction of the young man. A bow was certainly formal for anyone in this day and age. Usually people who thought themselves high class or flashy bothered with such things. However the name, the symbol and the headband all raised alarms for Sabishi. That symbol had been a sign of warning and fear for hundreds of years. A warning the Uchiha had come and usually if the Uchiha had come for you...usually it meant you were going to have a bad day. He was just a kid before the academy when the summit had been attacked by Hao Uchiha but he still remembered multiple Kage dying there. Hao had controlled so much power it took all of Konoha to take him down. Ukiyo Senju had been someone who was taking the clan down a notch but even her end was shrouded in mystery. Not to mention the history books stated the world almost ended when the Uchiha clan was at its weakest. With only a few standing members remaining the world had almost fallen. And here was this one...standing in front of him now and all Sabishi could do was damn his bad luck. If an Uchiha was watching him he was in no position to fight back.

Still he let his other eyebrow raise to meet the first one as the boy checked his pocket watch for the second time since they had ran into each other. How odd it was that he would do something again so soon. Perhaps he was distracted? Waiting for back up or timing the authorities perhaps? What kind of thing could he be expecting that he would check his watch so often? ehhh it was so bothersome meeting new people. Quirks or no they always had to be read to figure out how to handle each situation and it took forever to get comfortable around them. He could let off the toy in his pocket and run if he needed to he supposed. His hand resting on his left coat pocket over a bulge as he thought of it. However he wasn't willing to leave his loot behind if there had been no sign of any threat as of yet. Still the fact remained now that he was being watched. Scrutinized under that gaze. It made him irritable but still he would shrug it off. However he might feel, uneasy or comfortable, the man was being polite. He should as well. He would let off a lazy smirk before a small chuckle. Speaking comfortably but keeping his hand on his toy.

"Uchiha eh? That's funny. Kikyojin Sabishi. I doubt you have much reason to know of it but legend had it my clan was designed at one time to counter yours. Not much more than third class shinobi now. Not even really second class. As you can see from my headband though what I do is the same as you I guess. Just another pillar of the great community and all its sand filled cracks."

He was carefully avoiding talking about exactly what he was doing in the factory without breaking away from the recycling story. If it was found out this was for himself and not the village he could find himself in trouble. Still he wondered where this line of questioning was going. Had they seen him break in? Did anyone even care about this place anymore? Either way he was eager to find more goods but unsure of the intentions of the individual. A hand was reached out to him but he looked at his own dirty hands and back at the man before lifting the soot covered hands. The man was much too clean for grease and soot mixed with dirt and rust to get on him. He was sure of that much.




Sabishi kept looking around and Rytuto noticed him looking at the watch when he pulled it out. Of course he had, he would have been a bad shinobi if he hadn't noticed the simple tick. He seemed a little bit nervous, which was to be expected. He boasted about his clan being able to take out Uchiha, which was a laughable thought at best. The only people who had managed to take out the Uchiha effectively were themselves and a coward of a Senju who stole the eyes of Genin. When Ryuto was a kid he was told horror stories of the Eye stealing Senju, which made him terrified to have a Sharingan, she was the only thing that he had feared at one time truly, until someone had taken her out. He had never heard who did it, but the person or persons who did truly were heroes to young Uchiha everywhere. Ryuto felt the urge to check his pocket watch once again, and this time instead brought his hands together in front of his vest, folding them into one anothjer so that he wouldn't do that again. Mentally breaking ticks was the only way to stop them, or so he told himself.

His smile dropped a bit at the bit of a lack of information, but he seemed to be quite proud or his clan, which was common enough. Pride was something he enjoyed in a target, as it made them easy to manipulate. He looked at where the other shinobi was looking, around him to see if there was anyone else there before speaking.

"No need to be nervous Sabishi. I came here alone, I'm not trying to start a fight and I do not have people following me, nor do I personally care about what you do with the stuff you're collecting. This place is a treasure trove, and people won't care if some things are missing."

His voice was a little soft, making himself seem more genuine. He let on that he was alone because he figured that if he was sharing information it would make him seem more trustworthy. He hoped the other shinobi believed him, but even if he didn't it didn't make a difference. Ryuto was alone and if he was to get attacked he had no doubt that it wouldn't end well for him.

"I was just out for a walk, and this is one of the places I like to come to think. It's generally empty, people not wanting to risk coming here in case they get injured or some kind of infection from the rust. I don't know why they're so nervous though, infection is such a minor thing in the world we live in." He smiled once more, his hands trembling wanting to check his watch. Damnit, his mind wouldn't win this one as his hand would let go of the other before once again dipping into his vest, pulling out the watch and checking it, before closing it once more and putting it back in his pocket. He sighed softly and shook his head at his lack of restraint. "I also apologize with my fixture on the time, it's something that I can't seem to control. Please pay it no heed, I am already embarrassed to be plagued by such a ridiculous weakness." He would let him in a little bit in order to see if that would allow him to reveal more to Ryuto. Ryuto liked his pride, and he was deciding more and more that he wanted this one.




"No need to be nervous Sabishi. I came here alone, I'm not trying to start a fight and I do not have people following me, nor do I personally care about what you do with the stuff you're collecting. This place is a treasure trove, and people won't care if some things are missing."

Well that was interesting. He had tried to comfort Sabishi as if reading his mind. Sure he was obviously nervous but to be read so easily and readily he wasn't sure how much he enjoyed that. To be comforted was to be considered for who you might become to a person. Every day people didn't care much for the average kid like him. He had seen kids crying in alleys as their parents were beaten or dragged off to prison. An orphan nation he heard his mom sometimes call it as she watched the news. She was so sad with this village but after having enlisted her son into the academy in hopes of a better life they were now locked here by an oath. He was to serve the village and remain within or have his body burned to a crisp. So for someone to take such a cool tone and sound so genuine it left him untrusting. But on the other hand he really did want these parts and the guy did just give him the go ahead. Feeling like responding would be an effort he didn't need to do he listened glancing at the guy every once in a while while he shuffled through the piles and pulled out what he was looking for. Springs and bolts. All of it useful for his inventions. Oooh a motherboard...and a ram stick! Gold! He almost missed the next words entirely as he smiled and pocketed the more fragile parts.

"I was just out for a walk, and this is one of the places I like to come to think. It's generally empty, people not wanting to risk coming here in case they get injured or some kind of infection from the rust. I don't know why they're so nervous though, infection is such a minor thing in the world we live in."

Infection eh? Laughable. Anyone who knew how to scavenge knew that if they needed a part buried in rust they should wear gloves. Most of the shit here though hadn't seen a drop of moisture for a long time. Mostly just dust which he was careful to try not to enhale. He could air blast it later before melting down what he couldn't use and utilizing the rest. Dust in a furnace was a combination for a dead man. Still his grey eyes shifted back as he idly tossed what appeared to be a wrench into the wheelbarrow. Watching the young man pull out that watch again. What a strange quirk to have. Curiosity about it still gnawed at him endlessly but he didn't really intend to press such a curious person or do more than take advantage of this place. Still if he saw value in this junk he might see more if given the time to do so. Sabishi would rub his chin with one of his hands leaving a black smear there as he contemplated his next move. He already gave the guy his real name. Even if he was reported for coming here he could try and lie his way out of it. God though the idea of dealing with authorities. On the other hand if he wasn't here to witness the theft he could be a was money and that's what made the world rotate. He didn't care to lie to himself about that nor did he care where it came from. Still his ear twitched just a little at the last words.

"I also apologize with my fixture on the time, it's something that I can't seem to control. Please pay it no heed, I am already embarrassed to be plagued by such a ridiculous weakness."

Someone who wanted to pay attention to time was of some value to him. People that took time to think things through always wanted to barter or try to point out how something could be done better. Always such a waste of time and a huge bother to let them prattle on and he grew impatient watching them think. He could feel the gears turning in their head as they tried to rip him off. At least the headband kept most thieves away. Thugs not as much. Hmm he was due for payment for that one gang in a couple days....Perhaps a customer would be a good idea. Even if his business was in a basement it was interesting enough to warrant customers. Especially those concerned enough with time to be impulsive. Still Sabishi would smile and bow as he flicked his wrist and produced a business card. Labeled Mechanized Emporium with his address and name on it. Tossing it through the air like a slow knife in his general direction with very little success before speaking.

"Ahh no need to apologize Mr. Uchiha. No need at all. However I have a full load now so imma have ta be off to work. I will probably see you on some of my trips or maybe, you can swing by the shop and see if anything catches your eyes. From toys to weapon joys I make em all. You want your opponents worryin? Shop at Mechanized Emporium. I can make you a custom weapon like nothing anyone else has. Just look me up yeah?"

With that he lazily bowed his head before turning and grabbing the full wheelbarrow. With a huff he hiked it up and began to wheel it back the way he came with a squeak each time the wheel turned. Loud and piercing but something he seemed to ignore. Humming as he considered what to make with all these new found supplies. Also hoping he got a customer or two before that gang came by for this months fee. He really didn't need them or anyone else wrecking the place.

Exit thread
1500/1500 Puppetry D-C
1500/1500 Summoning D-C

34 wc discarded



"Ahh no need to apologize Mr. Uchiha. No need at all. However I have a full load now so imma have ta be off to work. I will probably see you on some of my trips or maybe, you can swing by the shop and see if anything catches your eyes. From toys to weapon joys I make em all. You want your opponents worryin? Shop at Mechanized Emporium. I can make you a custom weapon like nothing anyone else has. Just look me up yeah?"

The curious individual would lazily bow his head and then leave the area, Ryuto scowling slightly. He seemed like he could be useful, and was certainly someone that Ryuto could use in the future, as he was always looking for new subordinates. He examined the card, taking a look over the front and back and chuckling to himself. Mechanized Emporium eh? Well Ryuto would have to check them out in the future, it would certainly be worth it. He would stroke his chin and make his way towards the doorway, brushing some dust and dirt off of the oants that he was using. He was frustrated that the boy had left without him being able to get more information out of him, but at the same time he knew that there would be other chances for him to get information in the future, and to hopefully build this relationship a little bit more.

He kept an eye out as he left, ensuring that he wouldn't get himself injured walking over the debris and the rocks and sand in the area, though generally sand wasn't an issue, and he made his way back to town, wondering if he could make it so that this day wasn't a complete waste of time. He hated people who didn't tell him what he wanted...

{Exit Thread}


Perception E-D 750
Reaction E-D 750
Endurance E-E3 450
Strength E-E1 75
Speed E-E1 75

8 words discarded

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