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1Looking for a social partner in Sunagakure Empty Looking for a social partner in Sunagakure Fri Nov 25, 2016 11:32 pm

Nakazo Ashitaka

Nakazo Ashitaka

I'm looking for a RP partner to do social threads in Sunagakure. I'm up for any type of roleplay, it doesn't matter to me. It can be as simple as sparring, or if you have a story to tell and need me to play a role I am willing to do that as well.

If anyone is interested please post here or message me and we can get started. :)



Hi! I'm looking for someone to RP with in Suna, too. I'd love to start with a simple training thread or something and then see if we can build a story from there.

Nakazo Ashitaka

Nakazo Ashitaka

Sounds great to me! A training thread is a good place to start. I'll have a post ready in a little bit and I'll let you know when it's up, ok? I'll simply start up training and you can join in and we'll go from there, sound good?



Yeah, just let me know when the thread is up!

Nakazo Ashitaka

Nakazo Ashitaka

Thread is up:


If anyone else is interested let me know! I'm happy to do threads with anyone.



I'm always looking for threads in Suna if you're interested!

Nakazo Ashitaka

Nakazo Ashitaka

Sutaka wrote:I'm always looking for threads in Suna if you're interested!

Awesome, do you want to start one up or should I? I'm game for anything you want. Training, Sparring, or just social stuff.



I'm packed with posts to do right now, so it'd be better if you could start it. I don't mind what it is, just keep in mind that my character is a pacifist.

Nakazo Ashitaka

Nakazo Ashitaka

Sutaka wrote:I'm packed with posts to do right now, so it'd be better if you could start it. I don't mind what it is, just keep in mind that my character is a pacifist.

Ok, I'll start up a training thread sometime tonight, is that okay? You said you're a pacifist so instead of sparring maybe simply training together would make more sense? I'm going to start it as if I know you from the academy if that's alright with you.



That's fine, and a training thread is good too.

Nakazo Ashitaka

Nakazo Ashitaka

Sutaka wrote:That's fine, and a training thread is good too.

Thread set up:


Still looking for more RP partners. Post here or message me if interested!



I'm always up for threads in Suna, the type of which I don't mind (Spar, training, general social, etc)~

Nakazo Ashitaka

Nakazo Ashitaka

Chiaki wrote:I'm always up for threads in Suna, the type of which I don't mind (Spar, training, general social, etc)~

I can make a training thread tomorrow if you're interested, I'm a little bit burnt out from posting today. If you want to start a thread before that that would be cool too, but if not I'll make one then.



If you start a social and link me to it I'll join



I'm always happy for some interaction with Suna-nin.~ Ano's currently in the Land of Wind, so should your story take you to the Outskirts, he'd be more than happy to accept a visitor to his campsite. He frequents the Meeting Cactus, since braving the sandstorm to find his sorta-home in the Sand's Domain is quite difficult.

Nakazo Ashitaka

Nakazo Ashitaka

Sabishi and Ano, I'm about to start a thread with Chiaki and then I'll be at my thread limit until my completed missions get approved, but I'll be sure to send you guys a message when I've got open spots and we can get something going!

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