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Invited Persons:


It was time to earn some money. The budding ninja had been recently initiated to Genin, and it was time to start working, to earn his keep so that he could continue to pay for his room and board at this inn until he could afford something more permanant. Early in the day, the male would report to the mission board to receive his first assignment; simple patrol duty. Fortunately, it was something very easy for him to do. Unfortunatly, it was night patrol, third and fourth shift. He would, according to the briefing, due to the recent escalating tensions with Kirigakure and Kumogakure, be placed into patrols that would be increased in the village at night as a precaution against actions taken by Kirigakure no Sato and the Mizukage as well as Kumogakure no Sato and the Raikage.

What the actual frick was a Mizukage and Raikage? Where they like Konoha's 'Hokage', the leader of the village?

While the finer details were above his pay grade and thus, he was not privy to the knowledge, he was informed that he, and those else working his shift would be patrolling from dusk until dawn. Each shinobi would patrol with a partner that would be selected based on skills and ability, and would be notified of whom they were working with when the shift began.

As the briefing was dismissed, the Toku Jo, or special joinin,  in charge of the mission advised them all to be well rested for their shift. Any one who was found to be slacking off would be sent home without pay for their time, and given corporal punishment for their actions.

It was still early in the morning, so Ryoka decided to spend his time wisely; he had placed an order for some parts that were in need some repairs, so he decided to drop it off with a well known weaponsmith. Upon being informed by the smith that the repairs would take most of the day, Ryoka decided to leave the pieces with the man until completed, and go about his errands. He figured it would be done by the time he had to report for duty at seven pm, so he could get some rest. After leaving the weapon smith, he ventured home where he ate breakfast, assisted the keepers with a few chores around the inn It was almost noon when the male settled himself down to get some rest so that he could be ready for the shift.

~~~Later in the day~~~

It was five pm when the male awoke. After a quick meal, the male took a shower and proceeded to grab some clothing he thought suitable for the mission; black T-Shirt over blue jeans and boots. Over the shirt was a sleeveless hoodie. Nothing special.  The young man still did not understand the wild fashions of this time period; the fishnets, and half nakedness that so many seemed so fond of wearing. When he was satisfied with his appearance, the male gathered up his kunai and shuriken, then ventured out of his room after letting the innkeeper know that he was going off for a mission, and made his way to the weapons smith's shop.

Upon arriving, he was greeted by the weapon smith's assistant, who informed him that the weapon smith had to leave early due to a family emergency. As such, all the orders that were placed that morning, were on hold until the man returned the next day.

Great. His first mission, and he was sans his weapon. Just wonderful. At least he still had his arms.

With this news, the male would make his way to the rendezvous point at the village's main gates, arriving a half hour early. As he would lean against the massive gates and wait as people filtered in, he would watch them carefully. The male was not the type to socialize with people, he tended to keep to himself, but would speak if spoken to. Arms folded across his chest, glowing gold eyes watched the world go by as the sun sank behind the trees.

Ryoka remained quiet as people began to filter in behind him. He watched them as they came into view, wondering which of them he would be paired with, if any. It was a smorgasbord of strange folks; ninja who covered themselves into bandages from head to toe, even their eyes. Some carried strange weapons, like giant conch shells. Others carried more standard weaponry, like swords and kunai, and even a war hammer. There was even one guy with a pair of nunchucks.

Seeing all these people show up with their weapons caused a sigh to escape from the male. He still wished that his weapon parts had been ready when he had gone to pick them up, but he could not be angry at the weapon smith. Things happened, and to be honest, Ryoka should have picked up the parts sooner than this morning. But, at the very least, he still had his Kunai and some shuriken. He was proficient enough with basic taijutsu to hold his own for a while, and his prowess with weapons was adept. He would be fine if something were to happen.


With roughly ten minutes to spare, the Toku Jo from the morning briefing appeared in their midst, whistling to capture everyone's attention. Ryoka would move his learning post, and fall into formation with the rest of the gathered crowed. He could not help but glance around one last time, wondering whom he might end up paired with.

“Settle down, everyone, we are gonna make this quick! If you do not know, or missed this morning's briefing, my name is Satomi Takashi, and I will be in charge of everyone and leading this mission. I ask that you take this mission serious, even though this is simply a patrol mission. Since we have roughly twenty one people present, we're gonna be splitting you guys up into nine teams of two, with one team of three. As I said earlier today, each team has been selected based upon your strengths and weaknesses, so that you can easily cover each others faults should a situation arise. For those who do not have one already, you will be issued wireless radios so that everyone can keep in touch. They are already set to the appropriate frequency. For those who do have their own radios, the frequency for this mission is 347.34. Mind you, this frequency will be used for the mission only. Unless there is an emergency, this channel is to be kept clear for those who need it.” The Toku Jo would pause for a moment, allowing an assistant to pass out wireless radios to those who did not possess one and allow those who already had one time to adjust their frequency to the mission appropriate one. As the assistant chuunin came to him, Ryoka would remove one from the sets and attach it to his person, securing and hiding the earpiece beneath his hair.

Once the wireless radios were distributed to those who needed them, the Toku Jo would clear his throat, and then begin speaking once more. “All right, so. When I call your name, please step forward. I am going to announce to everyone where the patrol rounds will be. Each Route will overlap with at least two others so that no area is left unchecked – if you are forced to deviate from your route, please call it in. We need to be aware of whats going on out there in the event of an invasion, as unlikely as it is.” Reaching into one of the pockets of his flack jacket, the Toku Jo would pull out a scroll and unravell it.

“Snow, Nanalie!” Heads would turn about, attempting to locate the owner of the name, hoping to spot the persona as they stepped forward. However, Takashi would not wait. “Genos, Ryoka!” Once more, eyes would begin searching for the owner of the name. Ryoka himself said nothing, but simply stepped forward.

“You guys are Alpha Squad. Get to know your teamate; your life is in their hands for for the next twelve hours.” Ryoka frowned a bit; he was supposed to trust someone he did not know with his life? Ehh.. This was starting to look like something that would be troublesome, but that name.. something about that name seemed familiar.

They were a ninja of the village; they were skilled in thier job, and depending on thier ranking, perhaps it would not be so bad. He might even learn a few things from them in the meantime, or gain some valuable insight on how to be a better ninja.


1452 WC



Sleep... the fuckle was sleep? Did sleep exist? Could it exist? Uh, that would be a no. Sleep was a lie! Of course, Nana was no stranger to all nighters. In fact, during her near decade of being a druggie there were long stretches of time where she saw neither the sun or the moon and thus her internal clock that told her when it was time to be awake and when it was time to be tired had changed. It had changed so much that she by he end of it had been able to stay awake for sometimes up to three days at a time before becoming tired. So, to say that it was something her mind and body were used to was an understatement.

Of course that didn't mean she wasn't going to have herself a nice and hot cup of peppermint flavored tea before heading off for what was likely going to be a long and boring patrol: Nana simply didn't have the kind of luck for it to be anything but that after all. When her tea was finished and her watch checked to reveal it was almost time, Nana sighed softly and stood up. "I suppose it's time to go...", she muttered to herself. Nana grabbed her jacket, her outfit for the day a bit different than her usual attire when she was lounging around home: a tank top dark gray in color which went down right below her buttocks, a pair of black leggings, black shinobi sandals, and now a black cotton jacket with a hood was being slid into place over top; the jacket itself going down almost to her knees - baggy and comfortable. As an after-thought Nana snatched up her few weapons she bothered with - her beloved katana still off being fixed after a particularly ruthless sparring match - and her village headband. The weapons were deposited into a pouch tied to her right leg, and her headband was tied around her head to push her long white hair back and out of her face.

Sure that she had everything she would need Nana headed out and toward where she knew she was to meet everyone else. Not being quite the social butterfly as some of the other people she knew Nana kept to side streets and alley ways as to avoid the massive throng of people moving about still. It didn't take her long to reach the meeting point and find that there was already someone else there. Pulling the right sleeve back of her jacket Nana glanced down at her watch to realize she was roughly twenty minutes early.

"Meh.. suppose it's better to be early than late.", Nana said softly before folding her arms across her chest and adjusting her weight so that most of it was on her left leg; making it look almost like she was leaning on nothing but air.

Several more people arrived in and around the time that Nana showed up. She kept herself off to the side and out of the way, trying her hardest to ignore the severe height difference between herself and those around her. She might have been seventeen old but she didn't look it; in fact, she normally ended up being looked at like nothing more than a child instead of the adult woman she was. Nana shook her head, attempting to use it as a way to actually clear her mind of the thoughts: she didn't want to judge these people too harshly too soon especially since she might end up paired working with one of them.

“Settle down, everyone, we're gonna make this quick! If you do not know, or missed this morning's briefing, my name is Satomi Takashi, and I'll be in charge of everyone and leading this mission. I ask that you take this mission serious, even though this is simply a patrol mission. Since we have roughly twenty one people present, we're gonna be splitting you guys up into nine teams of two, with one team of three. As I said earlier today, each team has been selected based upon your strengths and weaknesses, so that you can easily cover each others faults should a situation arise. For those who do not have one already, you will be issued wireless radios so that everyone can keep in touch. They are already set to the appropriate frequency. For those who do have their own radios, the frequency for this mission is 347.34. Mind you, this frequency will be used for the mission only. Unless there is an emergency, this channel is to be kept clear for those who need it." As he spoke Nana moved her way carefully through the crowd and to the front so she could actually see: making sure she didn't shove anyone out of her way or bump into anyone - dirty looks were not something she wanted to deal with right at that moment.

“All right, so. When I call your name, please step forward. I'm going to announce to everyone where the patrol rounds will be. Each Route will overlap with at least two others so that no area is left unchecked – if you are forced to deviate from your route, please call it in. We need to be aware of whats going on out there in the event of an invasion, as unlikely as it is. Snow, Nana!" Blinking Nana stepped forward as she had been instructed, wondering who it was she was going to end up paired with. “Genos, Ryoka! You guys are Alpha Squad. Get to know your teamate; your life is in their hands for for the next twelve hours.” Well, that seemed a bit... dramatic. If they were really expecting some serious trouble then wouldn't it make sense to have some higher ranked individuals doing this? Whatever. She doubted her life was in danger... then again, she had been sheltered for the past ten years.

While everyone else got paired up Nana made her way over to Ryoka and stopped near him. She was about to wave in greeting when she realized she knew the man she was paired with: her savior all of those years ago. "Hey!" She so wasn't one for words, but at least the hey expressed a 'it's so good to see you!' without her actually gushingly saying it.

Wordcount: 1,064



As the rest of the people present began to pair up, Ryoka would notice someone making their way in his direction. To him, this child – woman, perhaps – was a strange sight. She was wearing what looked to be a  tank top, dark gray in color which went down right below her buttocks, a pair of black leggings, black shinobi sandals, and a black cotton jacket with a hood. What was most odd about her was her hair and eye colors; pink and brown.

What an odd combination...


Gold eyes looked over at the persona that had spoke up and approached him; Oh god. It was her! A smile crossed the young man's face; a genuine smile that was filled with warmth. It would seem that the persona he was paired with for this mission was none of ther than THE Nanalie Snow, the one of the few people of this time period that Ryoka had allowed himself to become friends with. Ah, so this was his partner for the patrol?

He was not one to complain and judge this turn of fate and events; instead, he nodded his head and extended a hand in her direction, something he was not able to do at thier last meeting and parting of ways. If she took the offered hand, he would shake hers; if not, it was not a big deal. It would not change what would happen next in any scenario; he was happy to see her doing better than last time.

"I guess we are in this together, hm?"

As the rest of the people present would be paired off with their partners, the Toku Jo in charge, Satomi Takashi, would speak again, addressing everyone present. “Now that everyone has had a change to meet their teammates, lets get this underway. Alpha team, you are taking the market district. You will be a bit closer to the command post than the rest on account of your ranks. If something happens, you will be runners for me. You will head straight to the Jounin stand by station, and alert the attendant.”

Ryoka would nod them, showing that he understood his role in the hierarchy. It seemed that this man knew what he was doing; Ryoka himself was only a genin [not even properly trained and freshly minted at that], and he came to the conclusion that Nana herself was one as well, given what Satomi Takashi said about 'Given your ranks'. It would make sense to send the most skilled in tracking and patrols out to the front lines, and leave those who were a bit newer a bit closer to home for the easier tasks.

He was not about to argue with this decision.

When the Toku Jo was done assigning the squads their patrol routes, Ryoka would turn in the direction of thiers and set off, walking at a decent pace. He had all night, and there was a coffee shop in the district that he wanted to stop it. He had forgotten to prepare some kind of snack or drink for the night, and figured it would be easiest to stop somewhere early in the shift to grab something. It would take about ten minutes to reach the district from their current location; if Nana were to follow him, he would turn his head in her direction and begin speaking.

"So, how have you been, Nanalie? Staying out of trouble, I would  hope?" A simple enough question, and he hoped he was not being unintentionally rude. The male reasoned that it would be best to know what had happened to her since the last time he'd seen her. Surely, a good story would pass the time, no? If she inquired of him, he would tell her about himself as well..

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Nana could only imagine what was going through her patrol partners mind, yet she tried not to dwell on it. She didn't want to make assumptions and pass judgement until judgement was needed: he seemed happy to see her unlike so many others than they realized who she was and what she used to be addicted to. Nana looked to his extended hand for but a heartbeat of a second before extending her own and shaking his; her grip neither too loose or too tight. “Hey! it's great to see you again. I guess we're in this together.” Nana nodded to her partner's words with a polite smile still plastered on her face.

So far, so good.., Nana found herself thinking as she folded her hands in front of her again. Her mismatched gaze shifted back to the man in charge as he once more started to speak. “Now that everyone's had a chance to meet their teamates, lets get this underway. Alpha team, you're taking the market district. You'll be a bit closer to the command post than the rest on account of your ranks. If something happens, you'll be runners for me. You'll head strNanaght to the Jounin stand by station, and alert the attendant.” Well, Nana couldn't say she didn't see that coming. Spending the majority of her time around someone who was Jounin in rank tended to give her an insight on how things worked, as well as the power difference between a Genin and those of higher ranks. So, she wasn't going to complain about having to patrol the market district, in fact she honestly prefererd it: they would get a longer break since they wouldn't have to worry about traveling too far to grab a bite to eat or a drink if either of them wanted it.

When Ryoka turned to begin walking in the direction of where they were to patrol Nana followed automatically and fell into step next to him. When Ryoka turned to speak to her Nana flickered her gaze between looking forward to see where she was going and to make sure she didn't trip and fall flat on her face, and looking at him as to be polite. "I've been staying out of trouble... it's not easy though. Most people tend to keep judgeing me on my past, and refuse to look at my present. It's an adjustment, but I'm getting through... and my brother is helping."

Nana thought quickly on how well she had answered his question. Most people tended to be all hushed up around her, never bothering to inquire as to how she was: they were either too untrusting or too secretive. Nana, however, wasn't one of these people. Oh, she wouldn't give him every detail, but enough as to not come across as rude - he didn't need to know every exact detail on how she suffered some days. A sly and playful grin spread across her face at that point. She would for the moment allow him to make of that what he wanted; Nana was playful after all and she was curious to his thoughts on this. If he asked what she meant by that then she would offer up a better example, but for now she wanted to see what he made of everything. "What about you, Ryoka? How've you been?"

Wordcount: 560 | 1,624



"I've been staying out of trouble... it's not easy though. Most people tend to keep judgeing me on my past, and refuse to look at my present. It's an adjustment, but I'm getting through... and my brother is helping."

Ryoka nodded to this; while his expiernece with people was limitied to the last six years, he could understand where she was coming from; he had seen a lot of things in his short time in this period, and he had learned rather quickly that people tended to be very unforgiving to those who needed it. He found it rather desipicable, and he hated it every tme he encountered it. But, there was nothing that he could do about it, and so he left it be. For the moment he continued on, walking silently.

"What about you, Ryoka? How've you been?"

Gold eyes blinked somewhat; Nanalie had asked him a question, and he almost missed it. It took him a moment to figure out what Nanalie had asked him, but once he did he grinned at her, lifting up is arms to show her the implanted limbs. " I'm finally whole again." The young male took a step off to the side, flexing his arms. "They feel great and work perfectly. It took me years, but I got the parts, and got them attached. The medic who did them didnt even want to charge me, so I'm a member of her squad to pay her back. I've only been in the village for a day, so I figured I'd try out a mission and see how it goes..."

As the duo would make their way into the Market District, he would motion for Nana to follow him down a side street. Provided that she did, he would begin speaking once more. “There's a small cafe down here... I did not grab a coffee or anything before I left the inn for the patrol, so I could really use something right now to keep me awake. I'll pay for you if you would like something.” True to his word, in the distance flickering neon sign could be seen, advertising the Cafe. It was a small establishment, barely noticeable save for the sign out front. As the male came upon it, he would order a plain coffee with milk, then step aside and allow Nana to order if she wished for something.

With this done, he would patiently wait for the order(s) to be made and delivered – and being the quiet person he was, he did not have much to say, but felt that something needed to be said, or else this was going to be a very long night. "How is your brother, Nana? He doing okay?"

456 | 2543 wc



Ryoka showed her his arms, which she knew he hadn't had before. A transplant then? Nana wondered who had done it, though she didn't want to interupt him to ask."They feel great and work perfectly. It took me years, but I got the parts, and got them attached. The medic who did them didnt even want to charge me, so I'm a member of her squad to pay her back. I've only been in the village for a day, so I figured I'd try out a mission and see how it goes... Nana nodded to his idea, finding it to be sound. Trying out his arms on a mission was likely a better idea then running half cocked into a battle without proper testing. Much smarter on his part to do it this way, especially with a partner for back up - not that Nana expected them to run into any sort of trouble or anything.

There's a small cafe down here... I did not grab a coffee or anything before I left the inn for the patrol, so I could really use something right now to keep me awake. I'll pay for you if you would like something. Coffee? Yes, please! She had been wondering how she was going to stay awake for so long without something, so this worked out nicely - doubly so since he was offering to pay for her. She would make it up to him at a later point, of that she was sure. For now though coffee!

When they arrived at the cafe she waited patiently for Ryoka to give his order before giving her own: a coffee with plenty of creamer and lots of sugar. Light tan and sweet was exactly how she liked it after all. As they waited for their orders to be ready Ryoka asked her "How is your brother, Nana? He doing okay?" to which a thoughtful look came upon her face.

"He's doing alright. I have a tattoo shop set up now not far down the road from here. My brother and I live above it; makes the commute to that job a breeze at least. He's... adjusted, and forgiven me for my stupidity. I think he's just glad to have the old me back, really. He's in the Academy now; wants to be a proper ninja like me he says. Suppose it's better than him trying to get me to tattoo a whole bunch of shit over him, teach him my other trade, and end up looking like one of those creeps who hang out in back alleys and scare the holy hell out of little kids...", the latter part was said with a grin - she was joking of course, since the majority of /those people/ were in fact her best clients and not all that bad underneath their hard and scary exterior.

When their coffee's were done she took her own, sipping it to make sure it was good - which it was. Grinning a bit she took a bigger sip and then headed out the door figuring Ryoka would be right behind her. They would have to get started on their mission properly soon enough or risk getting in trouble, but that didn't mean they had to stop talking - Nana was great at multi-tasking after all.

Wordcount: 554 | 2,178



"He's doing alright. I have a tattoo shop set up now not far down the road from here. My brother and I live above it; makes the commute to that job a breeze at least. He's... adjusted, and forgiven me for my stupidity. I think he's just glad to have the old me back, really. He's in the Academy now; wants to be a proper ninja like me he says. Suppose it's better than him trying to get me to tattoo a whole bunch of shit over him, teach him my other trade, and end up looking like one of those creeps who hang out in back alleys and scare the holy hell out of little kids..."

Ryoka nodded to this; he was glad to hear that Nana's brother was doing better. The fact that he wanted to be a shinobi now like his big sister was suprising, but Ryoka figured that it was due to Nana becoming someone worth looking up to. When the barista handed the male his coffee after Nanalie's, he would turn to see Nana holding the door for him, but stepped to the side to allow a shady looking individual into the cafe. Stepping out into the cool nigh air, the male took another sip before nodding and smiling at Nanalie.

"Come on. We don't wanna be late." The young man then turned in the direction of the market district, sure that Nanalie was following him. They would not have gone more than several yards when the sounds of someone yelling would ring out into the air.


Gold eyes would turn about, catching sight of the individual that had stepped into the cafe just before they left, running in thier direction. Following closely behind him was one of the Baristas, waving her hands and yelling. Gold eyes scanned over the situation and found it comical; did this man really just rob a cafe that two shinobi were just in? With an almost audible eyeroll, Ryoka would allow the man to draw nearer before lashing out with his arm that held his cup off coffee, smashing the flimsy cardboard contain in his face. More importantly, this thief's face was now full of scalding coffee, a thing he came to realize as the burning liquid began to blister his skin and screams ripped from his throat.

Wasting no time, Ryoka ducked down, driving his shoulder into the man's solar plexus and the man's back into a wall once, twice, three times before letting the gasping thief drop to the ground. Looking up at Nanalie, he nodded to her. "Could you call for the Toku-jo? Maybe he can arrange for a pickup for this scum... That way, we do not have to baby sit him, and can get on with our patrol."

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Well, there went a peaceful night apparently. Nana turned, looking back to see the same scene unfolding that Ryoka was. Apparently, the man who had slipped past her as she was leaving had decided to rob the very cafe they had just left. Nana sipped her coffee in a very calm manner, albeit with at right sided cock to her head, as she watched Ryoka smash his coffee cup of scalding hot liquid into the mans face and then proceed to shoulder him several times over again.

At least she didn't have to waste her coffee - though she felt bad for him losing his.

"Could you call for the Toku-jo? Maybe he can arrange for a pickup for this scum... That way, we do not have to baby sit him, and can get on with our patrol." Nana would nod in response to his request, leaving him to deal with the thief while she put a hand up to her earpiece and spoke into it. "We've had a situation outside of..." she inserted the name of the cafe, as well as its general location since it wasn't as well known as some of the others. "... can we get a pickup for the individual, please. Thank you." The conversation was quick, to the point, and over within seconds. Nana brought her coffee cup up to her lips and sipped at the hot liquid inside while giving the theif a quick look over - he didn't look like he had enjoyed what just happened to him even if it had been well deserved. "I'm sure you're regetting this already... but you're about to regret it more when you're taken into custody in about... fifteen more seconds." Sure enough Nana's prediction came true as two high ranked shinobi arrived on the scene to take the man into custody.

To Ryoka Nana would shift her attention, nodding toward the coffee shop. "You want to get another cup before we get going or...?" She would leave it up to him, simply following him either way - whether back into the shop for another cup or down the street to start their patrol.

Wordcount: 360 | 2,538



Ryoka shook his head at Nana. With the way things were going, stopping that thief was enough to wake him up for the evening.

"Lets head out, and get this patrol over with. Hopefully, nothing else will happen tonight, and we can keep talking."

Turning away as the thief was carried off, the male made his way off into the night to complete his patrol duty.

- Thread Exit-

68 | 3079

1000/3079 = Mission Completed [Patrol Duty] C rank Jutsu Credit

1000/2079 = Mission Completed [Stop the Thief] = C rank Jutsu Credit

1079/900 = C rank Jutsu Trained

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