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1Sun going wild [Open] Empty Sun going wild [Open] Fri Feb 24, 2017 5:03 pm

Sun Bulate

Sun Bulate

Her hands were flying around in all directions. Because they felt light! She was lifting her feet way higher than usual - because they felt lighter! She was swaying forward and backward with every step she took, because the inertia was so strong. She could feel it. It was not easy stopping yourself in the middle of motion. "Hey, we should totally get back!" the blonde girl said to the other girls who were in similar state as herself. It was just 3 young women in revealing clothing spending some of their time outside the Sky Bar. One of the girls agreed with the blonde, but the last one looked like she had had too much and was resting with both hands against a wall, facing down, shaky in the legs. "I'm sure she will be okay, let's get moving, I loved that blue cocktail," in loud voice and excited face said the other girl. She threw her arms in the air and tried to fetch the blonde, almost falling down instead. It would be quite the fall, but perhaps Kumo-citizens were used to all the high places and stairs.  The two girls disappered back in the bar, whilst the third one sat on the ground and turned around - she would rest her back against the wall this time. It looked like she was about to fall asleep.

It was the first memory Sun had of Sky Bar when she was just lingering nearby one evening. This sight was both intriguing and eerie. The two girls sure seemed like they've been having fun. It was no secret - they were intoxicated and that's why they were in such high spirits. The third girl however was probably straight drunk. If there is a medicine for sadness - why not everyone use it? It was a question Sun would ask without realizing the answer was withing the third girl.
It might not be surprising (for those who know Sun), but the girl had never actually tried an alcoholic beverage. Or been to a club. Perhaps it was because of her strict parents, but she was never really attracted to those things. She never had a friend who would try to make her engage in these activities. Her hunt for a boyfriend in Suna soon ended and she decided to pursue the career her parent's wished for - the greatest medical-nin in the world. Of course this wasn't end goal for Sun, she wanted to do a lot of ther things on her way: implement the punishment system, save a ton of people, change the ANBU squads and make medical-nin status something that people would strive to achieve.

But Sun wasn't strong-willed enough, she was bound to get off the tracks at one point. And this was it. It was a boring friday for her - she had no squad to meet up and the local doctors didn't really welcome her at the hospital - she wasn't one to be trusted. Yet. Of course she was going to prove them wrong, but meanwhile she was practising. The whole friday passed while Sun was reading different books about human anatomy, diseases and their treatment and even some biology - the herbs that would work as a wonderous medicine. She learned a lot and she loved it. The books were different (especially the one about local plants) than back in Sunagakure - not like she had much time reading there, since doctors actually trusted her enough to offer work straight forward.

By the time it reached evening, Sun was exhausted - mentally exhausted. She didn't want any sleep, she just wanted the comfort of her parents or ''friends'' in hospital. You could say that Sun was finally homesick. It took her more than a week to achieve this state.
She wasn't exactly seeing many people around the village and wasn't being very social. It was so not like Sun, and that drove her crazy. The best solution was just to go out and meet people.
And Sun was ready to do the first step: get dressed. She had bought some fancy clothing in market in some of her first days here: she did have a lot of excess money to spent on luxuries. She changed into cherry red skirt and yellow blouse with some flower patterns in different color on it. The brown petals of flowers really complimented her hair. She liked to combine her clothing, she didn't like dresses - it was just a piece of fabric where you can't change anything. Once it's bought, you have to wear it whole, you can't change anything about it. One may agree that it's lady-like to put on some make-up or at least use shiny earrings or necklace (especially considering the way her hair were scrolled up), but it wasn't Sun-like and she didn't do it. She didn't even wear high heels (considering the place she had in mind to visit), she just wore flats with black velvet-like design. It wasn't actually anything that fancy, it was some cheap material that would probably be damaged and wear off after tonight.

Sun was ready to set off! She packed some money in her handbag and that's it. Yes, the handbag was obviously still full of her medical equipments. It even contained a scalpel. Creepy, perhaps, but she was never going to use with vile intentions. She locked the doors to her flat and aimed for the Sky Bar. The young woman wanted to meet people of her age, obviously. She could walk around the village and socialize with anyone she finds, but it was guaranteed to find some more adolescents in the Sky Bar. Who knows, perhaps the place was favored by the local shinobi? Wouldn't that be convenient?
The place was actually quite crowded in the Friday's evening. It was to be expected, but Sun was clueless about people's habits on Friday's evenings. At first she just observed the place: it had awesome glass dance floor. She totally wanted to try it out with anyone, yet she didn't feel comfortable enough to do it. Instead she went past the bar that had not so clean counter with people around it talking among themselves and asking the visibly over-worked two bartenders for drinks. Sun wanted to visit those balconies that can be even seen beneath the Sky Bar. They sure were something! They were big (and hopefully stable too) enough to hold people who were dancing even there. The music was less loud there and people didn't have to shout at each other to talk. Sun didn't participate in any of these conservations. She didn't even get to lean on the railing, she just enjoyed the dim moonlight for a while and appreciated the other mountain tops that could be seen from here. Most of those had some structures built on them - the girl could even notice people traversing them at this very moment.
It wasn't hot outside - it wasn't Sunagakure after all, and she wasn't used to these temperatures. She got back inside when she had to rub her hands against the shoulders in order to stop shivering.
Sun noticed a free opening at the bar - it even had a red bar stool that no one was sitting on. She took the advantage of it - she sat down and grabbed a nearby menu. It mostly consisted of drink and some overpriced snacks. "Vodka, whiskey, rum, liquer.." she was frustated at all the ingredients used in the drinks. None of them rang a bell. And the titles of drinks made even less sense to her. Sun looked around for help - she searched for girls who were holding glasses around the counter. It was mostly guys though holding huge cups of light brown liquid, or smaller glasses with dark brown or even black contents. But then she noticed one young blonde girl holding a high glass that had blue bright liquid in it. Sun wasn't very interested in what was in it, or what was it called, or even why the girl picked that. Sun just went ahead and beckoned a bartended, pinted to the glass with blue contents and said "I want that!" The bartender was an older guy with black moustache. He was actually wearing a hat, so Sun couldn't really tell if the man was old or not. He looked at Sun and raised one eyebrow in questioning grimace. Sun repeated herself:"The blue.. cocktail, please!" Her wish was still not being delivered. "Young lady, we serve only those above 16!" the man said and looked around to see if any other customer was ready to order. But jokes on him, Sun was above 16. "Wait a second," she said and managed to keep bartenders attention for a while longer while she was rushing through her things in the handbag in order to find a documents that would prove her age. "Alright, one Cosmopolitan coming up," the man said after seeing a paper that would confirm Sun's age and identity. He got to the work immediately.
Less than a minute passed after that and there was a tall glass in front of Sun. It had some sizzling liquid in it and it was decorated with square ice. She was also given a white straw that was placed in the glass.
Sun didn't taste it yet, instead she grabbed the glass and only looked around - perhaps there was someone to talk with. She kind of felt more comfortable to indulge into socializing while holding this thing in her hands.

2Sun going wild [Open] Empty Re: Sun going wild [Open] Fri Feb 24, 2017 9:47 pm



The first experiences up to this point, as a new shinobi of Kumogakure no Sato were good. She had been involved in a high octane spar with Zetsume, she had challenged a hulking man named Ken’ichi to a drinking contest which was a questionable decision on her part at the, but hindsight is twenty-twenty. Nothing particularly negative had come of the experiences and bonds were formed. All was well with her. The only thing she missed, as she stood before her bathroom mirror brushing her teeth vigorously, the deep invigorating mint taste flooding her entire mouth, was the posh life she had become fond of in the business world. High heels, expensive dresses, jewelry, lipstick, and best of all - getting whatever she wanted by manipulating the dogs in the bars and at the parties. That was always an extraordinarily fun night. Not that she needed her drinks paid for, but who didn't enjoy having things handed to them without much in the way of effort. She'd never argue with someone making her life easier. She loved the flattery and attention, despite knowing how utterly creepy it was for any men to be attracted to her, being that the Hinode develop so slowly, it was almost pedophillic for someone to be purely physically attracted to Chiyome. Nevertheless, of the twenty-seven year old woman could empty a sexual predators wallet throughout a night, why wouldn't she?

That being said, Chiyome had resolved to go on ahead to the Sky Bar tonight and sample what this village had to offer in terms of the night life. For this, she would need to invest her day in shopping. She would be buying herself a new dress, a new pair of stiletto heels, and perhaps she needed a manicure. Yes, yes she did. How totally irresponsible it would've been of her not to get a manicure...and oh, one can never forget pedicures...and massages! These would be entirely imperative and no respectable human would ever skip out on those features.

Chiyome spent her day pampering, mentally assessing everything she did as necessary and beneficial in some way. The dress she chose was a straight strapped, crimson brocade dress with a heart shaped neckline and a thigh high slit in the right side. She found a lovely pair of black, pointed toe, cross-strapped heels with which to accompany the outfit. She had her toes and nails French-tipped, and had a bit of a massage meanwhile. Her shopping extravaganza came to an end just in time for her to curl her hair and freshen up. She placed her headband, shuriken, and kunai in a small hand-bag along with her wallet. The sun was nearly fading from the horizon and she was ready.

Chiyome made it to the bar, having attracted the attention of many people along the way. Her small form wasn't too lacking in the way of features. She had a curvy figure, and this dress fit it well. It would be confusing to many people looking at her. How could one assess whether it was okay to look or not? It made her smirk. A bit of mischief never hurt. She was usually so stern and by the book, so on a night like this she would cut loose a bit. She liked feeling attractive. She sat down on the far left side of the bar on a stool, which she had to climb onto, at only four feet tall, that was often the case. She promptly ordered a mojito and waited for it, looking around the place and enjoying the ambience.

She would start out her night sipping the minty rum drink, facing the crowd. The small, rather attractive blonde kunoichi was happy as the ambient music pounded and she observed. A young girl with brown hair and a red, yellow, and brown themed outfit seemed to be new to alcohol, choosing her first drink of the night in a childlike manner as Chiyome observed from a few seats away. “Darling, have you ever tried a mojito?” Chiyome would ask, a certain charm in her slightly more mature voice. Regardless of the girl's answer, Chiyome would then to the bartender and order one for the girl. "Cool, sweet, and minty with that wonderful rum flavor. I feel you'll enjoy it and..well, if you don't, slide it this way. I'll be requiring another soon anyhow. My name is Chiyome, by the way."

WC: 754

3Sun going wild [Open] Empty Re: Sun going wild [Open] Sat Feb 25, 2017 3:50 pm

Momoko Hotaka

Momoko Hotaka

Hotaka would prepare to go out for the night and have a good time. He, being a young man with a loving partner at home at the time, decided to head out at a later time than normal so he can spend as much time with this man as possible. He never caught the name, though according to the employee at the clothing store they met at the beautiful piece of ass preferred to be called "mannequin". It must be a kink thing, he guessed, but so far, it was quite the loving relationship. Having spent the entire night talking to him, reading to him, sharing his thoughts and feelings, his ideas and his darkest secrets, he truly fell in love with this man. Hell, he'd kiss him if he had a head, but he knew he couldn't get too ahead with himself, not with this relationship.

Instead, Hotaka, whom of which was proud of himself for such a successful first date, would give his lover some space, instead deciding to head out to the Sky Bar in order to get a drink or two. It would be nothing too serious, just him interacting with the people there, perhaps even make a friend. It would be nice to have a friend, especially one that also liked fast-fire, where it crackles and is bright, and shocks when used. It was a great form of Katon, according to what he told himself, and perhaps someone else can share in his love of it? Perhaps he can also find someone that thinks like him! Then again, he could also just end up talking to the cups, like the other two times that he tried going to the bar. Those cups were nice, though for some reason the bartender didn't like it when Hotaka did what the cup asked and smashed it into the head of the person next to him. Why, he could never wrap his mind around.

He would be happy with how he looked. Dressed in his more simple clothing, which consisted of a long-sleeved shirt with the sleeved rolled up, a pair of plain black pants, and some black boots, he thought he looked pretty dapper dan. He just needed to add the finishing touches, which included a white apron tucked into his waistline, folded up into a neat little rectangle, and him violently rubbing his head with a light amount of gel, creating a mess of red spikes that gave him an unkempt look. "It's perfect, it's ugly, it's happy!" He would exclaim enthusiastically to himself, giving himself a thumbs up. He truly believes this is the best he has looked in a day or two, and he had everything but a knife with him. He didn't wish to risk getting kicked out of the bar again, though, so instead of going to find one, he would instead keep it home, believing to not even really need one at a bar.

Stepping out of his small home, the five foot eight male could see the sun setting, signifying that it is dark time. He knew that the bar would begin to be filling up with thirsty patrons, hoping to quench their thirsts and dull their senses. Perhaps one of them would wish to share their drink with him, or at least the drink sharing one of them, instead? Sometimes, he wondered if it was easier at a bar if he were female, so he can have a curvy figure, one which he can use to get the guys, but he knew with his body he wouldn't even be able to pull off imitating one, let alone being one. Dresses do not work for him, especially not yellow ones, so he would just have to resort to his charms and wit. He always felt like he was both, and his own reflection told him so as well, meaning that he should be more than witty, and twice as charm-y as someone whose reflection doesn't speak to them. This made him feel more confident with himself, and as he begun moving towards the bar, making it a little later, he would happily chew on his right forearm.

Walking into the bar, Hotaka would have just begun breaking skin, the faint itching feeling he was beginning to gain on the way down beginning to leave his body, instead replacing it with sweet, sweet relief. Raising that said arm in the air as he sat down in the far right stool, he would wave wildly, his lightly bleeding arm flicking a small drop or two of blood off of it. "Barkeep! In the name of the Gods I require a Shirley Temple to dull my senses! Bring it! Bring Ale, Bring water!" He would yell out, his face holding a grin while his eyes were wide open. He knew it was non-alcoholic, but he was hoping for a decent conversation nonetheless from it.

wc 835

twc 835

4Sun going wild [Open] Empty Re: Sun going wild [Open] Sun Feb 26, 2017 7:32 pm



"You got some nerve attempting to challenge me, Sanosuke Flynt of the village hidden in the clouds."

"You're a foool for attempting to challenge me in my homeland, my home! Let's talk about the balls you have for thinking you can claim anything in my presence."

The man snickered to himself as he moved his face closer to the Raikage's as the two larger men were starring each other down in an attempt to use just their spirits to compel the other to back down. The larger man was a towering seven foot figure that dwarfed the six foot tall Raikage. It forced the silver haired man to be glaring up at a hulking tower of muscle that was before him. Every vein was visible as the man's tension of the situation was visible for all of those in the bar to see. He had on a sleeveless shirt and a kilt. His ginger beard covered most of his face as his blues eyes were locked with Sanosuke's. Mugs of beer were held tightly in each of their hands.

As the two stared each other down, a crowd was beginning to form surrounding the two in this drinking competition. Noises and shouts for the two of them could be heard to cheer the two men on. Sanosuke was wearing a rather civilian clothing to blend in outside of his normal Raikage robes he would be wearing in the office. A royal purple shirt along with black pants and boots, along with his silver gloves, were what the man had on his person to wear. The table the two men were having their drinking competition were stacked with freshly empty mugs of beer. They were stacked high to show how much the two men were drinking. 

The crowd loved every minute of the drinking competition as it was like a spectacle for all of those in the bar. The bartender himself could only look at the men and just sigh as the Raikage coming into his establishment and get challenged to a drink off by a regular was something that was a usual event. Sanosuke had gone and made himself a legend at the Skybar from his unbeaten win record of drink offs. With the break being had, the men linked arms and guzzled the mugs down bringing up the hype in the crowd to even higher levels.

It won't be long before the entire bar itself would have its attention served to the drink off between the Raikage and his opponent.

5Sun going wild [Open] Empty Re: Sun going wild [Open] Wed Mar 01, 2017 11:42 am

Sun Bulate

Sun Bulate

Sun was just looking around and ovserving the enviroment. She noticed some ruckus in the middle of the bar, but didn't pay any attention to it. She didn't want to get involved in any activities that would attract attention to her. There were all kinds of people - mostly young ones. Of same age as her or a little older. Most of the girls liked minimalism here - they wore as little clothing as possible. It even seemed like some of them had no bra under their clothing. All of them had tended to their hair (which Sun had skipped for she likes how her hair stands up in the sides) and applied some make-up (which Sun also had not done. Honestly, some would wonder if she even knew how to put on make-up - if she would not overdo with the tonal, lipstick and eye liner, or if she would get it on the right places of face in the first place). The men in the building were dressed more casual - they had pants or jeans and sneakers. The fancier ones had a formal shirt, some were done with a t-shirt. Most of them had done something to increase their good looks too - for example made their hair stand up.

The young Bulate was about to try out her Cosmopolitan, but something caught her sight that made her rething the decision - she noticed a girl who looked even younger and smaller than Sun. And she was moving straight towards Sun. Without any introduction Sun was offered a drink, after she had given a negative answer:"No, have you" but the rest of the sentence went unnoticed for the increasing volume of sound in the middle of the place.
Sun was handed a clear drink this time. The girl was definitely 16 if she was allowed to have a drink. The girl proceeded by introducing the drink and only then herself. She called herself Chiyome.
Sun tried the drink - it was clear and flavour was nice. It definitely tasted like strong soda. The girl expressed a disgusting grimace upon having the taste of alcohol in her mouth, even if for a little while. "Thanks, Chiyome, I like it," Sun now had two drinks in her hand - the bluish one in her left, and the crystal clear one in her right. She took another sip of the Mojito, "My name is Sun. What other attractions are there to do?" she inquired and looked at the middle where the ruckus was just growing in the loudness. Sun wanted Chiyome to give some explanation on it.

Before Chiyome could immerse herself into explanations, there was a very loud cheer adressed to someone responsible for the rucks:"RAIKAGE!" Sun knew what the head of the Kumogakure was called, and she wanted to see him:"Isn't that the Raikage?" Sun had no idea if the Raikage was actually or not for the two drinkers were engulfed by crowd of spectators, like hyenas surrounds their victims. "Let's go and check it out!" Sun wanted to grab Chiyomes hand and pull herself, but the two drinks occupied Sun's hands instead.

When Sun joined the crowd, the two competitors had quieted down and was now commited to finishing their glasses. The girl actualy saw nothing over the huge crowd of people observing the situation. "Do you see anything?" she asked a random guy who was standing right next to her. Sun looked at him and noticed the formal shirt that most guys had and the spiky hair, which was more unique but expected anyway.

She was halfway done with the mojito by now.

6Sun going wild [Open] Empty Re: Sun going wild [Open] Thu Mar 02, 2017 12:07 am



Ah yes, the girl introduced now to be Sun, claimed to have enjoyed the drink despite her look of displeasure as it passed through her palette. Chiyome could not help but give her a subtle chuckle. Between that small conversation taking place, a new arrival - a thin guy with a spiked, crimson hairstyle arrived and boisterously requested a drink from the barkeep. He was loud and proud, or some might say obnoxious. Chiyome being of the latter variety. He ordered a Shirley temple, and from Chiyome’s slightly too veritable library of alcoholic knowledge, she knew this drink was non-alcoholic. So why the hell did the boy think he was going to dull his senses? Just before she could move anywhere with that thought process, a loud ruckus broke out in the room.

Chiyome made her way over to it, drawn like a moth to a flame. These were drinking games, no doubt. The contest was between a man of a darker skin complexion wearing a purple shirt against a burly looking, red-bearded man adorned with a kilt and a sleeveless shirt. Pints of beer battered and clanked as the two competed. Chiyome did not recognize this man as the Raikage, and at a physical assessment, she assumed the burly man would take the game. He looked the sort to be able to hold his liquor. He was the bigger of the two.

Chiyome stood in the crowd, carrying herself with class and poise, holding her drink carefully, sipping it with a devious grin as she watched the two go at it. Coming out to the bar was a fantastic decision. One of the best she had made in a very long time. She leaned slightly toward Sun and stated with a chuckle “I’m wagering that the bearded fellow is going to easily win this. Just look at the sizes of the two.

WC: 316
TWC: 1070

7Sun going wild [Open] Empty Re: Sun going wild [Open] Thu Mar 02, 2017 5:30 pm

Momoko Hotaka

Momoko Hotaka

Hotaka would be taken off guard at the sudden drinking contest that had occurred, and could've sworn he heard something involving the Raikage in the midst of it. This drinking game had quickly become something along the lines of a main event happening within the bar, as soon the two men that were going to participate, one of which was a large, burly man and one of which that had a darker skin complexion and a purple shirt, seemingly made the surrounding patrons excited, surrounding them. Hotaka himself took this as an opportunity, however, as seemingly the bartender either tried ignoring him or just forgot about him due to the commotion, leading the Genin to steal the drink of the patron next to him. Seemingly, it was merely some whiskey served neat, the unmixed, untouched liquid resting within its shot glass.

Grabbing it and bringing it with him, Hotaka would navigate to the other side of the crowd, trying to see if he can get a better look at what would be going on, though as he moved Hotaka would take notice of a female that was seemingly shorter than him by around five inches or so. She seemingly was asking if he could see anything. He would look at her with a confused look for a second, before he recalled what she was speaking about, she wanted to know if he could see the contest that is going on between the Raikage and the burly man. "It looks like they just began drinking." He would respond calmly, though, as if it was an automatic function in him, his tone would begin to change slightly. "I see the Raikage being challenged to a drinking contest with some bearded guy." Having answered the stranger's question, he would take notice of the other female with her, whom of which looked extremely young, and especially well dressed.

He didn't know kids were allowed in bars, but then again he also didn't know he was perfectly allowed to steal a drink, and to take a mannequin from a store, and various other things, so Hotaka himself wasn't one to judge. Besides, if a kid wants to drink then let them drink. If they wished for children to not drink certain drinks then they should've done a better job stopping them. Shoot the messenger, not the tuna casserole. Still, Hotaka, couldn't help but wonder why she was so formally dressed. Granted, a lot of people weren't exactly wearing day-to-day clothes, though to put that much effort into how she appeared, it made him wonder if she had some sort of ulterior motive.

However, this train of thought ended as he heard his shot glass speak to him, a soft voice saving "save me". He felt for the drink, whom of which he suspected was feeling left out of the excitement. Lightly petting the side of it, Hotaka would drink the shot, the liquid providing a kick as it went down his throat, leaving him with an empty glass. "It's okay.. you're saved." He would whisper to the glass just before raising it up behind some of the distract crowd, throwing it directly at a man that stood a couple of bodies away, the small glass cup aimed directly at the right arm of the man. As he did this, he would look back towards the original female that asked him if he had seen anything. "Are you able to see anything yourself, miss? You need help?"

wc 593

twc 1428

8Sun going wild [Open] Empty Re: Sun going wild [Open] Tue Mar 07, 2017 1:39 pm



Mug after mug, the two were keeping up speed with each other. It seemed as though just a single gulp was what was needed from the both of them to down the contents of their frothy mugs of beer. These mugs were rather large as well. Five mugs turned to ten mugs, ten mugs turned into fifteen, and fifteen then turned into twenty. Both men were keeping up with each other as the chants from the crowd only egged them on to continue drinking more. These people wanted a show and after the events that unfolded months ago with Kiri's forces being led by Ayakashi, some fun was exactly what the commoners of his village wanted. Specifically his own ninja. They were rather tense with the situation and needed reassurance from their leader that the stability in his village was secure.

Like he was being swept away by a wave from the ocean, the alcohol from the approximately thirty-seven mugs were beginning to take its toll on him as his footing caused the Raikage to dawdle. The bearded man of course took notice of this as he peaked with one eye while finishing the contents of his mug. "Whats the matter Raikage-sama? You seem quite light head-" He was cut off as Sanosuke reached for his mug and downed not only the one he was currently drinking but another mug simultaneously. His mouth opened up wide as he pour the beer straight down his throat like a giant river of booze. Ooos and awws could be heard from the crowd as they were ecstatic from seeing their Raikage still in the competition. When he finished downing his contents, he wiped his mouth clean and smirked at the man.

"Is that all you got Kristoff?" Sanosuke asked as he steadied himself back on his feet. Even Sanosuke was reaching his limits soon. The hype from the crowd can only take him so far with his drinking spirit. What surprised Sanosuke the most was how the larger man copied what the Raikage did by raising two mugs in one hand. Something else was done that had the man raise his eyebrows at. The large man called Kristoff had laced chakra into his beard and controlled it to grab the handle of yet another mug. In one smooth movement, all 3 mugs of beer were downed by the larger man. The crowd were close to a frenzy now at what they witnessed.

Kristoff sneered at Sanosuke this time with his eyes dancing with vanity from the crowd. A tick mark appeared on Sanosuke's forehead as he refused to be sized up by some random muscle man in a skirt. It was time for this man to learn his place. Chakra surged through his body as his mind was getting clearer from the nature chakra he was taking in. The contents from the keg behind the bartender surged out of the barrel in a violent torrent that whipped around Sanosuke. With a battle cry, the man opened his mouth and commanded all the contents of the barrel to flow into his mouth. The force was extraordinary as more and more booze came rushing into his mouth. 

It was enough to almost make him gag from the excess beer he was taking in. But he wouldn't back down from this challenge. The torrent got weaker and weaker as the beer finally finished rushing into Sanosuke's mouth. As he finished, the man struggled to maintain standing properly upwards. The crowd was deafened as they observed the spectacle in its entirety without making a sound until it was finished. With a fist raised to the sky, the bar was in a frenzy of cheers and applause at the feat accomplished by the Raikage. Even the man who had challenged Kristoff smirked and clapped his hands in respect. 

The man had been bested by the leader of the village hidden in the clouds.

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