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1Impress me, Squad 1! [Squad 1/No-kill]  Empty Impress me, Squad 1! [Squad 1/No-kill] Sat Aug 27, 2016 4:36 pm



Beeeeep. Beeeep. Beeep.

The ringing of that infernal alarm came so quickly, already 5:10 am on the next day... why he didn't go to sleep earlier was beyond him. Karumo was perfectly aware of what was ahead of him, preparing his squad and testing them in every way he knew how, and yet, he didn't lay awake restless with anticipation. More, in entertainment, keeping his mind busy with musings on a late night novel rather than focusing on sleeping. And regardless, he didn't know that he regretted, certainly he regretted rotating his lazy body out of bed and slumbering over to his alarm to hit the off button, instead hitting the snooze button in its place.

A heavy yawn overtook him as he stretched out and shuffled his feet towards his bathroom to begin getting ready like he always would. It was simple and basic, he didn't put any great care into grooming himself, letting his hair naturally dry from his shower and brushing his teeth, there really wasn't anything more than the absolute basics. He would find, today, his mistake of hitting snooze instead of shutting off that alarm halfway through brushing his teeth, becoming immediately irritated until the noise stopped and the room fell back into a quiet silence. Moments later he would emerge and begin to dress himself, black pants and a black shirt, wearing his standard grey ANBU armor over it. Uniquely designed, the chest plate bore the symbol of the Oracles on its right side, just above his heart. On the left shoulder plate was a graphic of the symbol of his clan and on the right shoulder, the symbol of the village lightly carved into it.

To match along with how quickly he'd gotten ready, his armor was also a bit out of shape, a few markings and scuffs here and there, he'd been using it for everything since he had gotten it but hadn't tended to it very well.

5:30 am.

He was making about the time he thought he would, having already packed a small backpack with some food pills and bottled water, and other necessities, he took his time to sit at breakfast and think things through. Briefly pondering on whether he would be putting too much effort into testing his squad, raising the ceiling against them and expecting too much of the two of them. For whatever it was worth, he didn't have an answer to such, and didn't care to think one through yet, he was going with his plan as he had seen fit before, no time for deviation anymore.

5:40 am.

The next checkpoint of his prepared morning routine, sliding on his black sandals, Karumo headed out the door after locking it in turn. A small house, more of a large mountain, burrowed slightly into the mountain overlooking the village and no more than a few blocks from the administration building. He'd used the place less often than he'd like, but Karumo had a quiet and restrained respect for the place. It's location important because he knew the time it would take to get to that training grounds outside the village, just under twenty minutes at a brisk pace for him, give or take another 10 seconds to back track towards the village center.

His brisk pace, however, was a bit much for such an early morning jog, and thinking about how much more running they would be doing when they arrived. He didn't care to think too much on the subject for very long in the end, it would be better to just roll with it and let the small workout take its toll. He only hoped that the other two would be mentally prepared for everything as well, beyond the vagueness of which he had left their meeting. Dashing along the path, occasionally to and from different stones as needed to keep up his pace and avoid certain pitfalls.

Karumo looked briefly at his pocket watch as the forest drew near and began to form at the edge of his vision, 5:58 am. Karumo would arrive at the gated entrance to training ground 42, a deep blooming forest seemingly held back by the grey iron fence. Karumo would wait for a moment for the other two if need be, if they hadn't already arrived at the scene and were waiting for him. Either way, as they would arrive or if he were to meet them there, he would offer his greeting with a casual smile, doing his best to hide the lack of sleep he had, "Good Morning, I hope you're ready to begin." He would offer to each of them individually or together depending on how they arrived, otherwise, he would wait for the greetings to depart before heading to the fence with a key and unlocking the gate for them to begin their journey.

[831 words]



Cinderella awoke that morning to the dimness of her room, lacking the usual sunlight that greeted her in the mornings. Five in the morning, typical of the sun to just be getting up. Well, today it would find its usual lava princess already up and about, no yawns in her place to the sun’s ticklish rays. An hour to prepare, and it was more than sufficient, as Cinderella quickly breezed through her freshening up. As she opened her closet, however, she paused at the sight of her favourite mini-dress, standing awkwardly at the wardrobe in little but an inappropriate negligee.

The beautifully tailored red minidress stared back at her in sets of three, the left long sleeve painted with intricate yellow markings meeting her gaze. Somehow, wearing her usual attire seemed inappropriate, given how Karumo had insisted they be prepared for the worst of the worst. Her mind went to the kunai in her desk drawer, just a decoration, a testament to her ability that had never seen the spark of battle. Dropping onto one knee, she ignored the dresses that had become her bread and butter in more ways than one, pulling open the bottom left drawer and carefully picking out the folded black square.

She laid it out on the bed, close-fitting outfit loosely resting on the soft material of her bed, sleeveless and cut down the middle. Cinderella stared at it from a relative distance. It was not fashioned for the express purpose of espionage, though it certainly could be adapted for it. Rather, Cinderella often used it on missions where she was required to solitarily sneak into tight places and individually incapacitate the few guards present, clearing the path for her previous team. Her sensei had believed it a good exercise of her skills, and he’d been proven right when any guard who was mindful enough to detect her presence couldn’t ignore the salacious getup long enough to avoid being melted.

It was surely an outfit that held a dirty past, but not one behind her. Perhaps Mahikari would appreciate the gesture. The mask, though, would be unnecessary. Sauntering in a tight-fitting uniform would garner her no less attention than she did on normal days, and there wasn’t any need to further attract unwanted attention… well, attention. Mind made up, she changed quickly into the uniform, one sleeveless with a low-cut cleavage infamous for distracting the less chivalrous, gripping her skin with its dull, black fabric. The arm-length gloves went on next, the same shade, and finally her pouch, which contained all her required ninja tools for the exercise.

Equipped and ready to leave, she spent a final moment admiring her looks in the mirror, the vanity of beauty not leaving until she closed the door behind her and maintained a quick pace on the rooftops, making a beeline for Training Ground 42, one of the grassier and forested regions of the Land of Earth that fell under Iwagakure’s jurisdiction. While small in comparison to the rest of the country, the grounds themselves were large, containing trees several dozen meters her taller, with leaves a shade of red from the autumn, glowing somewhat dully in the autumn sun. Grass shared the same colour in patches, deviating from the normal green which struggled to assert its presence as the dominant shade, but failing in contrast to the stark and seldom present hue of lava that was now painted unto the grass’ surface from failing chlorophyll.

Of course, that was the view behind the gate, where she found Karumo waiting. He seemed like any other ANBU, with the scarred armor and a similarly coloured bodysuit such as herself, though very likely for purposes that could be no more different. Upon hearing his question, she’d answer, “Yes,” simply, short and to the point as she waited on Mahikari to finish their trio.




Karumo sat there, yawning a bit, catching Cinder arriving off in the distance towards the gate, unlocked and with the chain and padlocked resting loosely around the handle. She gave a simple 'yes' to his greeting, it would work for the time, she still wasn't the talkative type, which meant this training session would be a bit more interesting, if not, the quiet would be nice for the most part. Karumo nodded with a smile and spoke up, "I see you took my advice on your attire." he held his smile as he pushed the wire gate open and revealed himself towards the forest world behind him. Her black clothing matched his own, quite coincidental, but Karumo was never one for flashy colors or fashionable choice in clothing, the simpler and more comfortable the better. He also noted that her quip the day before at their meeting was right, she certainly hadn't held off on any of the distracting aspects of her clothing, though he wouldn't comment on any of it aloud. Given that he was her sensei and all for the time being, and given his bit of training prepared, he wanted to keep both his and her mind focused ahead.

Continuing on, he remembered his bit about Mahikari, coughing into his hand a second and letting his smile fade, "Also, Mahikari won't be joining us. He resigned himself of the squad, so it'll just be you and I, if that's alright with you?" he would look towards her with a curious eye waiting to see how she would respond. Still no idea what was ahead of her or anything of that nature, he'd leave explaining Mahikari's resignation for a later time, or perhaps for on the way to their actual location. Still, if she were to accept this and continue on, he would wave an arm through and get her to enter into the gated area, closing it and locking it behind them before they began.

"Now, our test location is a few miles within the training ground, I'll lead the way, but we're going to keep a quick pace." he spoke calmly towards her, looking past her to the forest and path ahead of himself. The different sounds of animals and birds rang out, rustling of leaves and branches from wind and other beings, he added in one last bit, "Another thing, given the nature of these training grounds. There are many wild animals lingering about, please be careful, and look out for lingering traps left from others around here. The ANBU and other jounin use these for exercises from time to time, so no telling what could be awaiting our path." he said with a neutral expression, once his message was across and if she had no questions or concerns, Karumo would leap up to a nearby branch, delaying for a second for Cinder to begin as well, before he began dashing through the trees onto their next location.

A few miles journey, a few being underestimated, it would take them about an hours run along to make it through the forest. Passing by a small lake with a waterfall at one point, nothing unusual or concerning along their path though. His warnings had been more or less serious, he would have caught any traps himself but he wanted to keep Cinderella focused and attentive through their trip, the first test, on whether or not she would be prepared to make long and tough journeys. Though an hour of practiced focus to make their trip wouldn't be a great test of traveling across countries or things of that nature, but it would give a bit of insight to her demeanor.

Through some brush and down a beaten path, the forest would slowly fade to a small enveloping mountain in the forest. Where there was grass and trees, they were quickly replaced by the same brown stone leading up and a small creek leading into a two foot wide hole in the mountain. A foul stench of chakra would lightly leak out from it, standing above the hole and down the slope, Karumo would speak up, "Well, here we are..." he would offer after their journey, looking towards Cinder as long as she kept up and there were no trip ups on their journey there. He would look for any signs of fatigue and to see if she would be able to detect the bit of chakra leaking out from within ahead of time, whether or not, Karumo would continue on, "Our training will continue on inside..." he would point downward, "Ladies first..." he would offer with a smile and let her descend first. Not taking no for an answer, and assuming that she didn't have any questions or concerns, he would wait for her to drop down in and slide through the small opening.

The hole would lead down like a slide, the erosion from the creek smoothing it out, the tainted chakra and heavily poisoned air would sting and burn as they entered in. About 100 feet down they would fall, and then drop into a wide open room another 10 feet below that. Inside the room, the widened cave would open up, the creek running parallel and creating a small lake. Rocks scattered about in a variety of shapes and stalactites hanging from the roof in a variety of shapes and sizes as well. Oddly enough, the cavern was lit, though not brightly, small rays of light shown through from a variety of holes. No doubt, once Cinder hit the bottom the toxic chakra of the air, filled with the dust and dirt would fill her lungs and poison her eyes breifly, it would make it difficult to breathe and navigate through the area at first.

Once at the bottom, Karumo would begin to explain things, and help keep Cinder to her feet if need be, it would take quite some time to adjust after all. "This cavern is tainted with a strange chakra, I've adjusted to it over the years, but you're going to find it incredibly difficult to breathe and move until you adjust also. Beyond that, it'll be impossible to imbue chakra until then, but we won't hold back on your training, we begin soon." he would say, his tone commanding, showing little mercy for her predicament for the time. This is what he intended to happen, though he would keep careful eye on her, and should she pass out, he'd be able to help. But he wouldn't intervene for anything less than that after all, and she would soon discover just how seriously he meant to make this test. It was only too bad that Mahikari wasn't here, or anyone else to make a full squad, it only made it harder for her. So he'd have to hold back if just a little, though, she wouldn't know that or be able to figure it out.

"Now Cinder, I hope you're ready. On your feet and let's go, we're going to break you into the air and feel of the cavern by starting with a spar. I'll hold back enough that you can compete with me, but not so much that I make it easy for you...." he spoke and spread his feet apart. Raising a single hand forward, his breathing a bit heavier as well, seemingly not totally used to himself, but he could still move and weave chakra. He would give a ready stance and wait for Cinder to do the same, giving her a chance for the first move. However, if she were taking too long, Karumo would opt of his waiting and dash forward towards her with a basic kick to get things started off.

"Now Cinderella, show me what you can do..." he would offer with his raised hand, waiting to see what would happen or making his own move if she delayed too long.


[1344 words, 2175 words total]



Cinder’s head would simply tip to one side in an innocent manner that was hardly innocent upon hearing his comment on her outfit. While it was more flexible to move in than her dress, she doubted it was exactly the type of mission wear he had been expecting If he did have an opinion on her less than conservative outfit, he withheld it to himself as he informed her that her teammate from the day before, Mahikari, would unfortunately not be joining them, having pulled out of the squad less than twenty four hours after he was assigned.

“That’s no problem with me,” she answered, wondering what other option Karumo would’ve given. There was no path but forwards unless she was to pull out as well, and she’d already determined the day before that such a thing would not come to pass. Her skills would be more than enough for Karumo’s little test of her worth.

As a response to her words, he waved her in through the unlocked gate, the colossal metallic structure swinging open with a slight creak as the two entered. Karumo made sure to lock the gate – curious – before catching up with her just meters from what Cinder felt was the only entrance to this enclosed ground.

She held her arms as Karumo briefed her on their general destination. One side of her lip would, almost unnoticeably, tug upwards in a smile upon hearing that they’d be maintaining a quick pace. It seemed like the test of her skill would begin with how quick she could travel, though she likely wouldn’t measure up to his standards either way. To have confidence in her skills to pass his test was one thing, but to measure oneself to the standards of the Tsuchikage was complacency she didn’t have time for. She took one step forward before Karumo spoke up again, warning her of the savage creatures lurking behind the trees and bushes and prowling about the earthen grounds. A welcome challenge.

The Tsuchikage leapt up onto one branch with a powerful kick of his foot, with Cinderella following promptly before the two took off. Cinderella followed a comfortable pace behind him, keeping a branch between them at all times to avoid accidentally crashing into her sensei. The two travelled for an hour, and Cinderella could admit that the pace they kept was beginning to wear her down in the last few minutes of their journey, if only because of the length of time they spent constantly on the move, but it was nothing she couldn’t handle, and nothing different from an escort mission to one of the distant towns, so she managed to keep her stamina conserved.

Both remaining members of Squad One would emerge from the shrubbery onto a dirt path, with grass making way for chocolate soil and rusted stone. They travelled at a walking pace along the beaten path, finding themselves accompanied by a small, gentle creek flowing in the direction they were headed, ending within a two-foot-wide hole that burrowed itself into the mountain’s core. Cinder could smell some sort of gas escaping from the vent, foul and unpleasant and very likely toxic as the first daze that hit her forced her to take a small step backwards, to regain her footing and back away from the torrent of gaseous vapour.

Karumo pointed downward, motioning for her to drop into the small natural manhole where their training would continue. She gave him a look of ridicule, possibly one of the few times she’d lose her composure around her sensei, and definitely the first since they’d met. It lasted for a split second though before she returned her attention to the tunnel and leapt inside without question, the back of her suit running frictionlessly against the smooth edge of the hole. Her eyes squinted and watered as the foul gas invaded her personal space, dazing her with more than just its unpleasant odour. She exited the tunnel in a roll, ending up in a crouched position and already feeling the laboured breaths catching up with her, the fumes clinging to every part of her body both in and out and whispering the sinful delight of giving in to rest. Her arms felt like they were held up by chains, the bondage of nature’s wrath unavoidable once it had invaded her system.

Her squinted eyes scanned the room as she waited for Karumo to enter. The creek ran parallel to her right, creating a small lake at the far end of the cave, thirty meters ahead, with the opening but a meter behind her. The roof was almost thirty meters tall, and the cave stretched five meters to her right and about twenty five to her left. Rocks lined the edges, forming menacing pikes like the stalagmites on the ground and the stalagtites above. Disappointingly, it took her after this to realise the only reason she saw as much as she did were the few cracks of light that forced their way through the cracks.

The fumes were worse than she’d thought.

She felt Karumo slide up behind her, and she stood on her own two feet, if a bit wobbly. He explained the strange phenomenon she was experiencing and the authoritative command of his voice helped her find some stability in her posture. He mentioned not holding back in her training, and through some haze in her head she noted that he mentioned holding back enough to help her adjust, and her eyes saw double as he got into a fighting stance five meters ahead of her.

Sloppily, she would run at him, not even moving into a stance with the haze in her head. She’d look to throw a right hook at his face, though for all intents and purposes and with her chakra failing to respond to her needs she would need far more than that to make the break.




No problem with her, the solo test and training session would be alright, it just meant Karumo had to tone it back but he would get a greater chance to observe in the end. It'd work out, hopefully, aside from having to go back to looking to fill in the rest of the squad when all was said and done, though the composition would probably end up changing more than he'd like to see. Their journey otherwise unhindered, Cinderella kept pace well enough, granted it was a short trip in the end but it was commendable to keep up with the pace of someone of Karumo's skill and rank.

Their arrival at the small opening into the mountain side was met with a little hesitation, but strong conviction pushed the both of them inside despite her temporarily losing her balance before even entering in. Within, she would be assaulted by the feeling, even Karumo would feel it too, as the same thick air would surround them. It wasn't surprising to see her breathing struggle and movements become a bit more labored throughout, though it could be far worse and all in all, she was doing well thus far.

Things digressed, he would give her no time for thought or preparation, making known what was about to happen immediately. She moved forward, Karumo could see the affect in motion as she struggled through, it was slow and her footing sloppy as she moved along, almost unable to focus on him as a single target. Her first move was to throw a right hook towards his face, he decided to show off a bit. Stepping back quickly and beginning to extend his left arm out, he would catch the back of her hand in punch and drag it forward. Dragging her forward along with it at full force and continuing the motion of her swing, aiming to toss her to the ground from the momentum and distortion in her equilibrium. He supposed there was a chance that she could counter him and go onto other strikes, but Karumo would keep grasping at the back of each strike and throwing her in the momentum of it if she lasted, until he got what he was aiming for.

Whether or not she would be able to catch herself or meet the cavern floor with a thud, Karumo would jump back another meter or so away as he would begin to lecture. "You started with a straight hook directly at me, sloppy at that. It's a bold move that might work on someone you are sure you outclass..." he would continue to lecture her in the small break, going even as far to keep speaking if she decided to move and attack again. "Calm your breathing, think about what you're doing. The pain of the air won't go away whether you struggle or not, so embrace it until you're adjusted. Until then, plan your moves carefully and don't exert yourself... My next counters won't be as forgiving as throwing you forward."

"Come on then..." Karumo would wave his hand towards himself to taunt her along, assuming that she hadn't already moved onto attacking him. But Karumo didn't peg her for much of the 'attack in anger and rage' type but she could always surprise him. He did intend to push her to her limits, hoping to find a breaking point somewhere, and he was just getting started. Time to wait until she attacked again otherwise it would be up to him to make the first move this round.

[605 words, 2780 words total]



The gas was killing her. Cinderella’s muscles screamed as they refused to cooperate. The five meters distance between them expanded though Cinderella wasn’t sure if her legs simply slowed or if her vision blurred. Breaths were taken unevenly and laboriously as each leg stepped in front of the other to close the distance between them, but the oxygenated gasps were just enough to keep her going, not to calm her down. With the loss of serenity in her movements, adrenaline replaced the normal composure she radiated.

She could feel her thighs cry out, though in pain or in confusion she couldn’t tell. Her blood raced in her veins and her body felt hot, warm, uncomfortably so as she felt the sticky, moist sheen of sweat grow on her exposed skin. Her eyes narrowed, squinting to clear her vision and force out the drumming in her temples that somehow seemed to press all the way down to her neck, restricting her already pained breaths.

Karumo was indeed tricky, if his playground wasn’t the field but your own body. It was difficult to concentrate on her surroundings, when her body refused to cooperate, and it was moreso difficult to force it to cooperate when her surroundings demanded it not. As she neared the man revered as the Tsuchikage, she could feel some of her vision return to her, the fog in her sight clearing to show her Karumo’s clear stance, perfected and ready.

Ready to counter.

There was nothing she could do to stop his left palm closing around the back of her right fist. The grip was tight as he latched his left hand around the back of her right, drawing her in and pulling her close, forcing her forward with his superior strength. At this point, her left leg stepped down in front of his in an instinctive grasp of balance while her right floundered to find a proper grip on the floor, as her entire body was pulled to Karumo’s left.

The man turned to his left with her in his attempt to toss her to the ground behind him, using her momentum to do all the work for him. She could feel the heat from him as well, their bodies near pressing with how close she was to him, yet how far she was from landing a hit. At this point, the two seemed rather ridiculous. Teacher standing with his feet spread apart, waist rotated to the left, left hand holding onto his student’s right and right hand extended outwards as if to catch Cinderella. The girl herself was a further cry, with legs spread wide apart, right leg just beside Karumo’s left and left leg in front of both of his, as her body weight was pulled in front of her by her sensei’s unrelenting grip. The danger of the situation screamed at her, and Cinder’s brain began to clear up from the effects of the toxic odour, feeling the fires of her chakra licking within her again.

As Cinderella was thrown forward, she would dive into a roll, ending in a crouched position with her back to Karumo, though her head looking over her shoulder to keep an eye on him. It was at this point that she would see him jump back another meter, leaving a total of two meters between them. He seemed to begin speaking, but the drumming in her ears drowned out his words. After the first word left his lips, she shot out at him again, this time more focused, covering the distance within the span of two fifths of a second, leaping at him airborne with a right kick to the side of his face.




Karumo watched as the gas tore through her system, bit by bit it took it's toll. Karumo watched her close the gap between the two of them, his grabbing her wrist and throwing her through the motion was beyond easy. He pulled and stepped to the side in his motion, watching her fall forward, jumping back all the same himself. Karumo cracked a smile as he watched her roll into her back and then into a crouched position. A short pause as she watched him from the corner of her eye, Karumo stood proud and in a half stance, his feet closer together and a single arm still. A bit of gesturing at best, he began to speak, seeing the spark of adrenaline in her eyes.

It was after his first few words that she burst forth at him, her movements quicker and more precise, she was beginning, no... learning to adjust to her conditions. Karumo continued to speak as she lept up and kicked at his face, he could see it all coming together, ducking underneath into a squatting position as soon as she jumped up in the air. As he would do so, he would fall back onto a single palm and bring up his right leg to strike her off leg, aiming to bring her off balance for her landing.

Karumo knew though, in his speech, speaking as he followed each of their movements, whether or not she would land awkwardly or find a way for her to recover herself. Karumo would jump in a short backflip onto both his palms, using his legs to strike in Cinderella's general direction in case she had decided to follow after his jump. With a powerful leap from his hands, Karumo would jump up to the ceiling of the cavern, skipping the second bit of his speech about calming her breathing. She seemed to have gotten that all on her own and his lecture wouldn't help any more or less than he would intend.

Instead, Karumo would grab hold of several large stalactites, around a meter in length and about 12 inches in diameter at their base, from the ceiling and break them away into short spears, kicking a few more off all the same. In total, he would take two in each arm and throw them at Cinderella, like makeshift spears, and roundhouse kicking three more off the same time to kick those at her as well. It would take him a bit of time, having to crush them and hope that she would do her best to avoid or defend against them. Throwing and kicking them at her no faster than a normal shuriken or kunai, it shouldn't be impossible for even her, but he wanted to push her just a little more. All the same time, Karumo would play a little bit of a trick into his, infusing chakra into the second stalactite he grabbed hold of for a substitution jutsu.

Staying on the roof for a quick second, using the supernatual walking practice, he would carefully watch how she acted. Whether she blocked or dodged the spikes, whatever method she would deem worthy, trying to force her into using the most of her skills and whatever else she had under her sleeves to combat against him. If she were able to dodge or avoid the makeshift spears he created and weren't able to interrupt him, Karumo would continue on with his assault towards the student. Next he would continue on his onslaught of basic techniques, this time using the Doppelganger Technique, creating an additional 4 Karumo clones on that roof with him.

Assuming he got that far without Cinderella launching any counter attack or anything of that sort, Karumo would continue his combo by jumping down towards Cinderella. Two clones on each side of him, aiming for a variety of attacks at her, but the real Karumo, in the very center, would be aiming for a simple kick to her stomach. This test nothing more to keep her on her toes, and give a bit of insight to her own perceptive abilities, hoping that she would be able to distinguish which was the real Karumo and which were fakes. That, or, to press her into addressing all of them, after all, the scenario of being outnumbered on a mission is ever too present. But no matter what, Karumo needed to keep pressing, to test her skills and push her to the limit. Also a part of him wanted to provoke her into using that special power of hers, the Lava kekkai genkai, a rare chance to finally see it in action as well. Assuming, that she felt comfortable enough to use it and had gained her ability to weave chakra again.

[800 words, 3580 words total]

[285/300 Chakra]

Jutsu Used:



Cinderella had been expecting Karumo to attempt to redirect her momentum, not ducking under the hit. He squatted at a height of eight tenths of a meter, his face a meter where her right shin would have met it, with Cinderella horizontally airborne, her lower body rotated to the left to give more force to her missed kick. Her golden eyes remained trained on Karumo as he dropped onto his left palm, lifting his lower body up, specifically bringing his right leg to intercept her left from behind, attempting to throw her off.

His attention was on her.

The only contact with the ground was his left palm, an appendage that, while enough to ricochet him upright if it was against the ground, would do little good if it pressed down against liquid. As his right leg approached her left leg, her sensei emulating what she felt was a move from breakdancing, the ground directly beneath Karumo – and herself – would instantly liquify as a result of her Kekkei Genkai. A line of lava, one meter wide, would be carved into the poor earth, running parallel with the wall from which the two of them emerged. It started where the creek did, already cool to a thin layer of stone where it met, running five meters to where Karumo was, and another five meters past his position. It wouldn’t matter if Karumo was able to react; his hand pushing downwards would only insert itself into more lava, and with the rest of his body airborne, it would take a superhuman feat to react.

Of course, superhuman feats were the bread and butter of ninja, which was exactly why she would not allow it. Near immediately after it liquified and Karumo’s hand naturally sunk a fraction into it, the lava would explode upwards to a height of one meter, reaching such a height within less than a tenth of a second, just enough to completely cover her sensei in its wicked embrace. His palm would be located at the middle part of the one meter gap, with his head, and frankly entire body, wrapped up in the hot substance. She was fortunate to be out of its reach, having tailored the jutsu carefully not to reach her. Despite this, it was possible her sensei would effortlessly live past the meager burns it would inflict on him, or maybe even pull up a defensive jutsu of his own, however unlikely it was given he was already set on his plan to trip her midair, and with little stimulus to tip him off. Nevertheless, Cinderella was adamant to use the small distraction she’d gained to continue up with her techniques.

The lava would restrict oxygen flow, though without it hardening the chances of winning by knockout were slim. What was important was it also stole from Karumo his sight and his hearing whilst he was trapped within – if he were smart and quick he’d manage to protect his eyeballs too from tissue damage – allowing her to set up further techniques without fear of him knowing beforehand. On either side of the lava wall, seven shards of obsidian would emerge, materialising in midair. They would be, on either side of the line that now held Karumo, no more than half a meter from the lava’s surface, and generally in the area where his submerged body was located. Six last obsidian shards would form themselves behind her back.

Assuming Karumo fought through the pain and continued with his earlier maneuver of tripping her, capable of doing so due to the non-viscous lava that continued to burn him through his action, it would come into contact with her left leg, tripping her in midair. The sudden force caused her to rotate backwards in midair, though fortunately the momentum with which she took off with would bring her past the lava wall, landing in a roll and ending on her right side a meter away from his position as she watched for her sensei, quickly scrambling to a crouch, the six obsidian shards she kept for herself hovering behind her harmlessly and out of sight as the lava wall finally dropped.


OOC: When you duck, I used my Lava Wall and Obsidian Shards. Your kick then hits my leg, and I land on the opposite side, the side where I first started.



Karumo was able to duck under her kick, succesfully and placed his left hand back behind him to begin his next maneuver. Karumo watched her intently as her own glance returned, his eyes staying trained on her throughout his movements. It was a small flicker of an instant as he made his movement, that Karumo watched his balance distort towards her, he had no feeling in his hand but he saw that it began to sink and in the bottom of his eyes, a line of red and orange glowed beneath him from her direction. He knew his hand would be giving way at any second as the ground beneath him bubbled up and converted into her precious lava.

But beyond that, Karumo knew another bit, he was caught in her terrain. The ground that his hand was on was no longer capable of supporting him and she controlled the immediate area around him. He wasn't expecting her to act so quickly, but it was quite the clever tactic no doubt, his hand would absolutely burn in it, but he needed to escape the immediate area. His gaze would fade away from Cinderella for the mere moment, quickly glancing down to the ground beneath himself as he thought in as to what to do. One thought immediately hit him: He had the choice of trying to maneuver his body out of the lava and then place a barrier as he retreated to avoid any concurrent attacks from the area.

Karumo did think that he could counter whatever jutsu of her own by his overwhelming offensive force in return, he had the jutsu to blast away and deflect nearly anything she could throw, lava or not, as a genin he knew his chakra could out beat hers. Not worried about that in the slightest, at least not just yet, but he was certainly regretting not setting a substitution beforehand. His one and only rule of battle was to never get caught off guard and always have an unbeatable counter for if it were to happen. And here was a genin to be his student already displaying her own prowess in battle, if anything, she was certainly going to cost him a great deal of chakra and damage to his hand and wrist to get out of this one.

First thing was first, Karumo started to bring his left arm up and pull from the lava while bringing his right hand down towards the lava but not yet touching it. It wouldn't be enough to save him from the full force of the lava, his left hand already submerged and then some from what he could tell, but it wouldn't affect him in the slightest. There was no feeling to begin with there, or anywhere in his body for that matter, but he would keep the facade of feeling going for a little bit. Making the burn seem like it scorched against his hand and he could feel the heat, tilting his face away from the lava itself as it gave off the heat as well. Beyond that though, he began to push chakra to his hand, making use of the ANBU Barrier technique and creating it underneath himself over the area of lava being created. With as much chakra as he could push out, he would angle it away from the ground and give it a 45 degree angle, giving himself some room to maneuver from his position. Beyond that, he would make the barrier as large as he could in the form of a wall of his own.

If his newly built and expanding barrier were able to stop the lava from expanding up and attacking him, Karumo would continue on with some quick maneuvering again. A quick breath of heavy air, Karumo would push the air out in a quick stream and blast himself away from the lava to seemingly safe ground. Karumo would watch the lava quickly blast up against his barrier and be deflected away or to even push the barrier up with him, but for Karumo, he would be slowly pushing himself out of the way of everything.

If everything worked out and Karumo were able to escape from the quickly developing lava, he would make a quick scan of the battlefield for Cinderella and whatever she were doing next. As soon as he would find her, he would jump back and keep separating himself, aiming to make this a long range battle again. Also to keep moving as to not give her another chance to change the battlefield on him, and even if she did, then he would be prepared and keeping a watchful eye for anything shifting or changing around him.

His next movement would be to take back the offensive, but he didn't want to push things too far along, the taijutsu fight seemed like it would work out alright. But with her ability to change the environment it would be a risky approach for the most part, but he wondered how far she really had honed her jutsu. Maybe pressing at the issue a little more would be worthwhile, looking towards the hand seared slightly by the lava, turned a nasty shade of red up to his wrist, but it didn't bother him. He would keep running away from and around her until he could force her into action and make her next move, ready to counter as soon as he could or go on the offensive if need be, if she would let him.

[928 words, 4508 words total]

[270/300 Chakra]

Jutsu Used:

[OOC: Alright, so, I voided a lot of my last post in change of getting sucked into lava and all. Refunded the chakra costs from the original jutsu and all as well. From getting his arm stuck in lava and beginning to sink down, Karumo will place a defensive barrier and use Stream to maneuver out from there. Afterwards, he jumps back and keeps on the move while waiting for Cinder to act.]



OOC: Since you used the barrier I also voided part of my post since it depended on you being blinded and deprived of sight and sound, so I didn't use the Obsidian Shards then, but rather in this post.

Cinderella frowned. She was currently still in midair, right leg extended in a missed strike, and she’d just forced the recently forced the Lava Wall Jutsu onto Karumo, though no appeared to be no as he reacted far quicker than she’d expected. A translucent barrier formed beneath him, raised forty-five degrees behind him. The eruption of her lava was deflected behind him, suppressed mostly by the barrier that dwarfed her jutsu in length. A pool of lava extended one meter behind the edge of the line of lava, leaving essentially two meters of ground covered by her element.

His defense bought her time, sailing past his head and landing on her feet on the spilled lava, eyes still focused on him from over her shoulder. Chakra ran through her legs, shielding her from the effects of her own jutsu, and she witnessed Karumo propelling himself into the air. The line of his motion was perpendicular to the line of lava she’d formed, and his jutsu, according to her calculations, would bring him ten meters from his previous location, and eleven meters from her current. Cinderella kept in mind the opening five meters behind her as she turned to face Karumo.

The land was her playground and it would not accept him easily. He was attempting to force distance between them. She couldn’t have that now, not with her sweet partner. She took off in a run toward him, five meters per second, but already working on entrapping him. Before Karumo’s feet would touch the ground, his landing spot would be consumed by a circular spot of lava two meters in diameter, the earth melting again and forcing him to land in its hungry maw. Two more circles would form as well, one in front and behind Karumo, the circumferences of these three pools just touching, though truthfully, Karumo would not notice any of them. At the same time, a square of seven point seven meters length would be formed with him at the center, covering everywhere but the circles and mixing in with them nicely, with the contents of this square melting into lava to blend her technique in to the surroundings. Overall, without a chakra sensory technique, Karumo would only see the square of magma being formed.

As she ran to him, eleven meters between them and before he landed, twenty obsidian shards would be formed around her. Four would be in a vertical line each on either side of her, with another four behind her, hidden with little threat of harming her due to the pseudo-telepathic control she exerted over them, with these twelve obsidian shards a meter away from her body. The remaining eight would aim to attack Karumo, separated into three columns of three, two, and three shards. There would be one and a half meters between each column.

Within the middle column, the first obsidian shard would aim to hit Karumo where he would land, hoping the pain would keep him there for until her lava jutsu beneath him took hold. The second would travel one and a half meter above it. With the left and right columns, the lowest two would be of equal height with the middle column’s shards, with the remaining one shard travelling at one and half meters above the highest. The eight shards would form a perpetual net to dissuade Karumo from dodging, rather defending against the incoming shards.

Upon his landing in a second, during which she’d have crossed five meters and be just six meters from him, it would singe his shoes rather badly, unless they were made of a more advanced material than Cinderella was hoping for. His feet, though wouldn’t feel more than first degree burns, and given how he was able to ignore the pain his left hand, the pain on his feet likely wouldn’t faze him either. That would bring him to focus on blocking the one shard aimed for when he would land, before she would engage him.

OOC: Also, since it was a long post I thought it’d be safer to mention here without the flowery language that you will land in a square of 7.7 m of lava. Obsidian shards fly towards you in a 3x3 fashion with 1.5 m between each of them, only with the top middle column empty of a shard. Meanwhile, upon you landing I’ll be 6 m from you and running at you at 5 m/s.



Last edited by Cinderella on Thu Sep 08, 2016 6:38 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot to include Obsidian Shards in my chakra calculations)



Karumo watched his barrier hold back and deflect the quickly bursting lava, followed in suit by his Stream of air to push him away from the strip of lava that she had created. He needed a trump card and soon, something to serve as a distraction and save himself if he needed to. One thing he knew for sure, is that the terrain belonged to her, and she could seemingly change it at will with nothing but chakra manipulation, no hand signs needed. It was problematic, and yet, he was a little surprised and admired her skill, definitely a bit beyond the level of a normal genin. It would certainly make things interesting to say the least, but for him, he still had tricks up his sleeve and the stamina to take a hit or two.

Finding Cinderella ahead of him near the same spot she was when he first started his combo, preparing to move in and dash after him. He didn't know if he'd get a chance to really maneuver much further than he would, not without engaging in a taijutsu fight. It mattered not for the moment, below him, he caught glimpse of a huge pool of lava forming underneath him as he began to bring his feet back to the ground. This was beginning to get exhausting to say the least, her dashing at him and his footing lost again. He needed a trump card and to get back on the offensive. He ignored her for the time being, and his first order of business would be to escape the pool of lava underneath him.

Karumo's first action was to create a simple fire clone, a relatively low level technique but it would be useful. Turning his back above him and creating the clone of fire, forming in an expansion of flame just above him. He would have the clone grab hold of him and pull the real Karumo above itself, leaving the Fire Clone to separate Karumo from the lava for the moment. It would all be waster though, as Karumo would set his feet into the back of the clone, and push off with all of his might, launching himself back up towards the roof. Using all the might he could muster up, he would shoot himself upwards in hope of dodging any encounter with her and letting his clone take the brunt force of it whatever would happen. He would be moving at 19 meters per second when he reached full speed, no doubt not until after he hit the roof and began to run across it, using the Supernatural Walking Practice.

While he was launching up, he would grab into his pouch and pull out a small pocket watch, opening it quickly and taking a look into the mirror of it. Casting the Phantom's Blessing of Celerity on himself, boosting his speed by just a little, he was gonna really turn the jets on. Making it so that when he hit the roof and made his acceleration into a burst of speed, he could be moving at over 30 meters per second. He knew at that speed he could beat whatever perception that she held, making it near impossible for her to track him. Another bit of the test for him, if he were able to use his clone to escape unmarked and substitute the clone in place of himself.

He would work heavily jumping from roof to wall to roof while maintaining his burst of speed to trip her up. Avoiding touching the floor at all or any one location for more than a mere moment to avoid anymore lava created. Once he was sure that he'd completely lost her focus, he would begin to attack from blind spots and keeping her on her guard. Finding his way behind her and using a simple Fireball Jutsu before dashing off again.

[OOC: So, summarizing here and all again, Karumo made a fire clone and had the clone grab him and pull him above (the clone) to escape hitting the lava. Then using the clone as a springboard, launched himself up to the roof as before. In motion, using his pocket watch mirror to cast his fancy eye jutsu on himself to boost his speed (+2 there and +2 from Taijutsu) means his speed is closer to S-3. Burst of speed is 33 m/s and he's gonna keep moving until Cinder loses her ability to focus on him, then get behind her (whatever distance that would be? 11 meters if she stays where she was (5 meters behind + 6 meters traveled)) and then use the fireball jutsu before running off again. Also the clone is/will be destroyed soon enough, so I'm not worried about him or whatever he does after repositioning Karumo.]

[654 words, 5162 words total]

185/300 Chakra:

Jutsu Used:



As Cinderella initially began speeding towards Karumo, she would’ve formed twenty obsidian shards, planning to first propel eight in the form of a net to catch him off guard, while hoarding the other twelve. At the same time, lava would’ve danced on the ground where Karumo would’ve landed, building up to catch him. However, she noticed when a clone appeared in midair, latching onto Karumo and sacrificing itself as a springboard for the Tsuchikage at about a three meter height.

‘For frick’s sake.’ Would her Tsuchikage never stop moving?

By now, she’d only covered three meters of her intended eleven meter sprint, and she’d halt to take in her sensei’s actions. Ricocheting off his clone, the latter would plummet into the eruption of lava that would immediately dispel it. Karumo would travel nineteen meters per second to the roof, vertically upwards. Changing her plans, the eight obsidian shards she’d planned on netting Karumo instead shot upwards at speeds of twenty meters per second, intent on meeting him where he would land. At his current speed, he’d reach the roof within one and a half seconds. Given that the linear distance from her location to Karumo’s destination was thirty one meters (she was eight meters from where he would’ve landed, and he was shooting straight upwards to a roof that was thirty meters tall, so triangle calculations make it thirty one meters, also note Karumo is shooting up from three meters high, so he travels twenty seven meters) her obsidian shards would collide with Karumo’s position only one twentieth of a second later than he would arrive, much too short for anyone to realistically dodge. If Karumo was unable to dodge, upon landing on the ceiling, two shards would strike the middle of his shins, piercing an inch. One would cut his cheek an inch deep. One would pierce an inch into his right bicep, two into his left bicep, while the other two would pierce into his left pectoral, aimed for his heart.

She didn’t intend to really kill, but her Tsuchikage was far more skilled than to fall to little cuts.

Should he continue on with his motions, whether he was hit, Cinderella’s eyes would bulge at the man who disappeared from sight. Her eyes failed to keep up with his movements, such was his speed. Was this the secret of the Fantomusodo? Her remaining Obsidian Shards fell harmlessly down, useless against an opponent they couldn’t catch, and Cinderella drew upon the earth to coat her skin protectively as she took out a kunai in her left hand, held in reverse grip, and withdrew three senbon in her right, one between each finger. She felt a slight heat, but was mostly protected with her earth jutsu, but she refrained from reacting with her projectiles, useless against an opponent she couldn’t see or catch.

Still fearful, just after she felt her earth heat up slightly, the ground around her would immediately melt. At this point, prior to melting, she would be standing one and a half meters ahead of the edge of the straight line of lava. The wall would be five meters to her right. From the edge of the square she’d made for Karumo, there was around four meters. As such, a rectangular area connecting the two segments of lava, and stretching all the way from the wall to her right to four meters to her left, would melt, with her standing atop it, attempting to sight her sensei.

OOC: You shoot up to the roof, I send my shards to you, and you have around 0.05 s to 0.01 s to defend. Assuming you follow through with your last post, I defend with my Earth Gown. Then, for the area between your lava square and the 2m wide lava line, that entire space of 5.5 m wide is turned into lava of 9m long, pressed against the side of the cave/creek.





Karumo used his clone as a platform to escape the lava again, avoiding that fiery grave at all costs as long as he could, instead of taking his chances with the pool of lava that she had complete control of. As far as he knew, his decision to escape the area was wise in itself, but what he couldn't count on was her own foresight to his actions. When he would glance away from his pocket watch back in her direction, he would find several black rods fired at him. With little time to think or act, Karumo took his pocketwatch and rotated his upper torso to avoid them as much as he could.

Unfortunately his shins took the brunt of both of the needles since he couldn't exactly maneuver his landing on the roof any further, but he didn't notice them in the midst of the others, or feel their contact. Instead he focused his attention on the rest, thinning out his body by turning to avoid the two that were going for left arm, dodging out of the way of those and the right one as well. Then using his pocket watch he aimed to block the two that were aimed with his center mass with it. Another hit the right side of his cheek and soared past, tearing the bit of flesh as he barely tilted his head to avoid it, while the two that he aimed to block with his watch and hand had no luck. He should have known, the watch offered little protection as both the rods shot through and broke his watch while piercing his hand.

Dammit, I should have been less careless, he thought as he grabbed the watch and needles with his other hand and tore them out to let them drop to the floor below him. Small drips of blood accompanied him and the blood from his face would start to flow downwards too, along with more streaks from each of his shins, but he didn't care about those two for the time. Instead, he made his move from there, bursting forth at full speed and getting behind her, and launching his fireball. With a discerning eye, Karumo watched her tank the full brunt of his jutsu with seemingly little concern. He watched even more as the fireball faded and she began to melt more of the floor into lava around them, not a good situation to be in.

But Karumo slowed his movements from the quick burst of speed to a normal sprint for him, hoping to avoid winding himself so quickly. Continuing to move from wall to roof he would begin to fill the area around her and above her with the noxious gas around them. Whether or not she would notice it before hand, in the short time it would take for Karumo to exhale it all, he would stop on the ceiling directly above her.

"You stopped the first fireball, but try this on!" he would quickly yell then inhale violently, letting his chest and mouth expand full of the Katon chakra within him. This time, he intended to melt away her little earth chakra armor and see what else she had up her sleeve, lest she be out of options? Karumo would have to wait and see, he would watch his Flame Bullet travel through the gas downwards at where she would be standing.

[OOC: Karumo took most of the hits from the shards (I made an attempt to dodge a few at least xD) and then continued on with his fireball stuff. Afterwards, he continued to stay on the move using the walls and ceiling exclusively, while breathing out his gas towards Cinderella, whether you smell it beforehand is up to you? Then using Flame Bullet to try and break her armor, waiting on ceiling to see what happens.]

[573 words, 5735 words total]

160/300 Chakra:

Jutsu Used:



Her obsidian shards connected, digging into Karumo’s flesh, harming his right palm, left cheek, and both shins. She wouldn’t complain that only half her shards landed, remembering the gap in their ability. She remained equally shocked but levelled when he’d disappeared and ambushed her with a fireball, drawing barely enough time to shield herself with her earth armor before a chunk of it was weakened from the heat. Still, her continuous use of jutsu was wearing her down, with the natural noxious odour of the cave no more gracious.

It was then that he began blurring back into her vision, dancing up the wall, stopping on the ceiling vertically above her. Sly bastard, taunting her just outside the range of her technique. Due to the already toxic odour, Cinderella wouldn’t pick up on the gas that Karumo introduced into the cavern, but her ears clearly heard the warning he gave. Karumo inhaled, and Cinderella was aware her armor would fall apart from another onslaught, leaving her merciless at his whims. As the flaming monstrosity was exhaled from the Tsuchikage’s lips, Cinderella reinforced the strength of her armor, feeling the drain on her reserves as eight more shards spread out of her, resting at five meters from her at the eight vertices of a regular octagon, taking one fourth of a second to do so. At this point, the fireball would’ve travelled five meters towards her, with twenty five to go.

The shards rotated as Cinderella attempted to aim them at Karumo, using her memory to seek him now that the fireball obscured his form. A second later, the eight shards would shoot upwards at Karumo’s location vertically above her, if he was still there, while Cinderella took the fireball in stride, her armor withstanding the raging heat once more. From whence the fireball was first exhaled, it would be two and a half seconds before her shards reached Karumo, plenty of time for him to escape. Of course, only if he managed to spot them.

Meanwhile, subconsciously, Cinderella continued to terraform the land. The segment of land between the magma line formed by her Lava Wall, and the wall that held entrance to the cavern would be her next target, attempting to claim the entrance for her own territory. The three and a half meters distance between the line and the wall, stretching fourteen meters long, four meters more than her lava line had reached, would melt, magma bubbling up as she filled more than a third of the entire cavern with her element.





Karumo launched his flame bullet forward from the roof, having caught her attention with his short quip beforehand. Karumo watched as his flames descended upon her to strike again at that earthen armor, the temperature and severity of it increased by the gas he had been releasing beforehand. Still, a half of a second before the flames would begin to crash down on her, he saw something interesting begin to fly up towards him. The rest of those pesky black shards were now flying at him, approaching to close half the distance to him already. To address them, means he wouldn't be able to examine Cinderella tank through the flames if she could or find another way around them, at least as closely as before.

He had a short bit of time, maybe another second before they reached him, Karumo found his exit point. Aiming to jump from the roof to the pool of water that had collected up from the spring, at the very least, Karumo knew that the water would at least keep her lava from burning him so easily. And it would give him a chance to map out how he would go about continuing on, with so much of the area floor under her control and Karumo not wanting to risk stepping into it for numerous obvious reasons, he would have to keep playing it conservatively.

He would run to his right, clearing the distance that the shards were strike him as quickly as he could, running between the stalagtites of the roof with finesse. But, not without his trump card, breaking off three sizeable ones and throwing them into the wall in a horizontal line one meter apart from each other near the spring-lake but not over the water itself. On the second one, he would infuse a small bit of chakra for a substitution jutsu as he intended to before. He had an interesting idea of testing her own lava quickly, seeing how much he could get away with. When all was said and done, Karumo would be standing on the waters surface, his spikes planted into the side of the wall and looking onward towards Cinderella.

Quickly drawing a kunai into his right hand from his pouch, he would spin it quickly a few times in his hand before gripping it tightly. Giving a small exhale, assuming that Cinderella hadn't already tried to interrupt his motions or go on the offensive herself, Karumo would focus in the chakra at his feet. Then, he would charge forward, kunai in hand and ahead of himself, aiming to see how far he could go on the lava's surface with the supernatural walking practice technique. Knowing at the very least, he would stay afloat but begin to burn through the soles of his sandals and at the worst, the lava could consume him in another one of her jutsu if she so wished it. Given that and the potential depth of the lava that added a bit more worry on top of everything should it not work out for him.

If he did end up alright and able to close the distance, he would continue his attack with the kunai by aiming to cut at her in diagonal slashes twice, trying to bring the fight back to a Taijutsu-oriented match. That is, if she would give him the chance to do so in the end.

[573 words, 6308 words total]

150/300 Chakra:

Jutsu Used:



Karumo’s feet carried him across the roof, clearing him of the pain of her obsidian shards, moving in the direction of the water springs in front of Cinderella. In the process, he broke three stalagtites, throwing them into the wall five meters to her right in a horizontal line at one meter intervals. She queried his plan as he leapt from the roof and landed on the water, before turning to her. The water spring was a small quarter of a circle, five meters radius, pooling at the corner of the cavern. Its clear liquid shone with a dull orange glow from the lava mercilessly conquering the cavern’s grounds, surface rippling Karumo’s invasive presence.

Cinderella watched her Tsuchikage’s movements closely, from the playful twirl of his kunai to arming it, held in a forward grip. Throughout his circus display she questioned his motives. His removal of three stalagtites from their roots and forceful lodging into the wall, with the furthest one six meters from the cave at a height of twenty meters, suggested he was setting something up. Cinderella didn’t know what, and she didn’t like not knowing what. She wasn’t taken by even the slightest surprise when Karumo ran towards her, his nineteen meters a second making quick work of the twenty three meters distance between them.

Within a second, he was no more than four meters from her position, and she ran up to meet him, covering only one step forward with her right leg before they were a meter apart. Within this time, Cinderella would end her terraforming. There was only so much she could keep up with, and an area four meters around her would return to earth, harmless and safe to step on, while cutting off her lava skates. Meanwhile, at the close distance of one meter, he would be unawares of the four obsidian shards she still had. Three would rocket off towards the stalagtites, aiming to break them for whatever preparation he had in store. While she would not be aware of this, it would also serve to impale Karumo’s left arm with one shard should he substitute back. Back at the present, she saw his cut coming, aiming to cut upwards from his right in a diagonal fashion, drawing a pretty red line across her chest and out her right shoulder. She ignored its harmlessness in favour of her only goal from the start, throwing her right fist aimed at her sensei’s face.

OOC: I think I covered everything in your post. No jutsu used this post.





Karumo covered the gap between them quickly, he watched it as her eyes did what they could to focus in on it all, but she impressed him again, using more of those black shards to fire off at his own shards he implanted in the wall. Does she hope to break them before I can use them? he thought to himself as he watched her step into him as he slashed, it mattered not, he would punish her for taking her attention away from him for even a margin of a second, making both of his slashing attempts against her. Karumo made his cut leaving the mark in blood for her, she seemed to ignore it and aimed a punch for the right side of his face.

Her right fist would close the distance quite quickly with her body rotated in to him and Karumo having cut through to her off shoulder. It was a decent move, but she had to learn here, she should know the disparity between them, and she took a hit to gain a hit in a situation she couldn't sustain. Impressive up to this moment, maybe a lapse in judgement of the situation or perhaps she knew that there wasn't much to counter here, maybe her fist would bring about more than a simple attack to his head?

With Karumo's left arm he would open the palm of his hand and move quickly to swat her punch back and away to behind his head. If he were successful in deflecting the hit, he would continue on with his combination squatting down and grabbing his right wrist with his left hand and directing his right elbow into a powerful elbow to her upper stomach, aimed at the diaphragm just below the ribs. It would be a beyond painful blow and plenty enough to knock the wind out of her to say the least. If that would be it for her, he would rise slowly to catch her and keep her on her feet from the hit, if she had more in her tank, he would wait patiently for her next maneuver and begin planning further along.

All in all though, Karumo kinda hoped that this strike would be enough to end their short spar, he'd burnt a lot of chakra already and while he could keep going, there wasn't much more of a reason to push her so far. He'd seen the promise of it, from the start of the battle she commanded it so well, but she gave him time to reason out and find a way to get to her. Her control of the battlefield was exceptional and her jutsu very practiced, if she could learn to think further along and more on the spot, she would probably end up many times better than Karumo as a tactician. She was able to burn him after all, even given his immense advantage, to strike first against him would be a monumental victory, even if she was going to be knocked further and further along if she kept this going.

[520 words, 6828 words total]

[150/300 Chakra]
-Supernatural Walking Practice maintained (-5 every other turn)



It would be arrogance that let the underdog weed his way through the cracks. Cinderella’d invaded Karumo’s personal space, ignoring the slash coming from her left hip and out her right shoulder, which did nothing but scrape harmlessly against the earth armor on her person. His left hand deflected her punch, and he bent down at an angle at the knees, before shoving his right elbow into her gut, the jerk from his left hand around his right wrist supposed to enforce more strength behind the attack. It would have hurt, had her earth armor not been present; as it was, the cozy coating of dirt absorbed the force from the blow, but should Karumo have willed it it would have been enough to throw her back, even if it didn’t seem to be the case underlying their scenario.

Right now, Karumo was knelt in front of her, looking to her right. Her body was hunched from the force behind his elbow, but her body remained unscathed from physical wounds. Her left leg was stepped back to stop her from toppling. Her left hand was pulled close to her body, and her right extended behind his head, which now circled around his neck to latch onto her sensei, reflexively and immediately after his elbow connected with her gut. Having latched onto him, her left hand rose, aiming to return the elbow hit downwards on the back of his neck, while the one remaining obsidian shard would run a gash along the left of his left leg, from ankle to knee. Focused as he was on her, or the lava bubbling beyond the four meter radius they stood upon, he seemed to have ignored the one remaining shard, while the three successfully collided and disposed of the stalagtites he’d fashioned.





Karumo's elbow crashed into that earthern armor of hers, dust settled in its wake as he was hardly able to even scratch the outermost pieces of it. He knew he was going to have to step it up a bit if he were going to remove this armor, something beyond even his enhanced fire ball technique would be necessary if he were going to shatter it. Her hand slide around his neck almost immediately after his hit landed, either in preparation for her move or to try and take control of his positioning. Either way, he knew he needed to break her armor and find a way out of the awkward position that he was in all the same. He paused a second to think, he wanted to see what she had planned, if she really had a way of finishing him off or disabling him here. He knew that those other shards would impact with his spikes and break them into pieces, thus ruining his one good and definite escape mechanism here.

What he didn't count on was her left arm bringing her elbow down into the back of his neck. What would have been a painful hit if he were able to feel it, he would keep the facade up all the same and let his jaw drop a bit in response. What he wouldn't even come to notice in that time though, was another hidden shard cutting from his ankle to his knee on his left leg. Bothersome to say the least but what he didn't know, couldn't hurt him, right? In reponse to her hit, he would exaggerate for a moment, and then letting his arms fall in the same time as a sort of response to it, he would quickly grab hold of her from his crouched position. Locking his hands together at her lower back, in an attempt for a simple german souplex, picking her up and leaning back to his heels, dragging her up from the ground if he could do so.

Once he would have her in the air, and remove her control of her own balance and such, he would lean back from his hips and throw her behind himself. Aiming to land her upper body into the ground and deliver what would have been an extremely punishing blow if it weren't for that chakra armor she were wearing. He had a plan for that though, at the very least, instead of following through and flipping around into a clinched position above her, Karumo would reach the half way point and launch himself around four meters into the air by pushing himself off of her in a very literal sense. If a hotter flame bullet wasn't going to work, then he would need to increase the heat naturally and the size in form, having just the jutsu to take another step up here. The appropriately named, Giant Flame Bullet technique.

As he rose up over the ground, even before he would have pushed off of Cinderella, he would begin to build up a solution of oil from his chakra in his mouth and throat. It always had the absolute worst taste to him, but for only having to hold it such a short time, it wouldn't be so bad in the end, considering what he would get out of it too. At the peak of his jump, around four meters from the ground and the armor clad women, he would spit that oil out into a giant hot flame aimed to center directly over the girl below him.

Karumo knew it would be extreme, especially given that the flames tended to linger and didn't extinguish that easily either, but her armor had stood up to everything below it and this was the next biggest thing other than trying to bring the cave down on top of them. He was saving that bit for when he really needed it, if he would need it of course...

[673 words, 7501 words total]

[125/300 Chakra]
-20 Giant Flame Bullet
-5 Supernatural Walking Practice

Jutsu Used:



Fire. The flames licked at her skin, having eaten through her armor, which collapsed under the intensity of the flames. That was all she could recall. It happened too quickly. The surprise maneuver, landing her on her back, and Karumo obscuring her vision as he leapt atop her like predator on prey, and then red, hot fire. Cinderella had felt this degree of pain before. It was a minor second degree burning, the searing injury inscribed into her mind from missions across the years. But to feel it to a degree of enveloping her body, wrapping around her like a blanket of hot coal, was an entirely new sensation.

It was also too intense a sensation, and the next she knew was darkness, as hungry as the flames dancing on her skin. She only had time to entertain the thought of the Tsuchikage having burned away her armor and her clothes, before allowing sleep to wrench her consciousness from her.

OOC: I thought it was pointless to continue cause this is where Karumo obviously gets serious. So, I'm going to go ahead and exit this as if she fainted and we can continue on in the hospital or another squad thread. Besides, this thread's gone on long enough anyway ^~^



[Lava Skates / 500]
[Lava Geyser / 1000]
[Chakra Malfunction / 500]
[Incendiary Jutsu / 1000]
[Speed / 325] D-0 to D-1
[Strength / 675] E-1 to D-0
[Endurance / 675] E-1 to D-0



His attacks landed in succession, the fire burning and eating away at her chakra armor and crash upon the lava below her. Karumo himself stayed projected in the air a moment from the force of his chakra he fell back down to the ground beside her as she fell away into unconsciousness. Karumo felt a bit poorly, perhaps it was taking things a bit too far with his last attack. The flames would continue burning for a moment at her clothes and skin where exposed. Karumo would pick her up and carry her in both of his arms before dunking her into the pool to clear it all away. It was certainly bad, second degree burns and all else before he would continue to carry her back to the village. The doctors at the hospital would clean her, and Karumo up nicely but Karumo would leave the visitations for later on. For Karumo, it was simply to just bandage himself up and clean the wounds, but with her burns, it would take a bit more chakra and energy expended to clean her up before she awoke.

[186 words, 7687 words total]
[Exit Thread]


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