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So Kashizudoto basically got the chance to dick around in the middle of his mission right now. And he took that chance very seriously. Born naturally with an extremely high IQ, he had always been a fan of the liberal arts and free thought in general, so such a prestigious university had always interested him. He went to meet with some of the professors, who were excited at the prospect of a Konoha ninja interested in their university.

The first professor he met with was one who taught mathematics; he was impressed with just how advanced Kashizudoto's mathematics truly was, and how applicable his skills with numbers were in the real world, where he could crunch numbers, angles, and formulas to calculate valuable move orders in order to make sure his mission was a success.

Next, he had met with the politics professor, who he rigorously debated with about civil rights, particularly on substance use. Drugs were no stranger in the shinobi world; everyone knew about the criminal underground. Kashizudoto figured that the only way to truly bust that underground was to make it open; that was to say, completely decriminalize drug use. The scholar disagreed with him, and they had a heated exchange; each walking out of the argument as if they had won. Still, it was enjoyable.

Now, he was at the university gates, just about to leave with a pamphlet given to him by one of the receptionists that advertised the university. Who knew who he would bump into when on the way out of this place? It could have been an intellectual, but it just as easily could have been just some average Joe walking down the street. While he was a bit nerdy, he always enjoyed meeting new people, that was for certain.

WC: 299



The birds chirping lively, as they usually tend to in the morning, were what Ashi was currently focusing on. She loves the sound of them, as they tend to make people more cheerful; and cheerful is good. Her dad always says that when you're having a fight with someone, there are few ways to make peace better than listening to birds chirping together with the person you had the fight with. And he's definitely had success with Ashi's mom; God knows how many times that was how they ended up patching things up. Not like they fought often, but you know, they have their squabbles. To get back on topic, a relatively short girl could be seen passing the narrow bridge connecting the Iwagakure's main university with the lake's shore. It was at least two hundred meters long, as the lake was remarkably large, and our protagonist was hastily approaching it's end. Hence the chirping, coming from the lively tree tops on the island.

Ashi wore a knee-long grey skirt, black T-shirt and her usual black sandals; completely casual attire. It wasn't like she had a mission scheduled or anything, so this were the kind of clothes she preferred to wear. With her hair not tied up, she looked quite a bit different than when she was dressed in her "shinobi outfit"; she'd wear a ponytail then. This way, her wavy black hair hanged freely and was almost touching her waists, due to it's notable length. The girl's face didn't bear any real emotion apart from her slight boredom. She was on a chore, after all: relaying a message from her aunt to her cousin, who studied at the university. He was to come home at once, since his girl had become bed-ridden with illness. Ashi and him weren't really close, but she still felt really bad, especially because she met the woman once. Ayano, his woman's name, was a really nice girl, and they made a good couple. Hopefully it wasn't anything too serious. If Ashi wasn't taking a walk at that moment in the early morning when her aunt was on her way to see the doctor, it would probably be the aunt on this bridge right now, not Ashi, on her way to see Tyoru, her cousin.

Still in a slight hurry, and entering a small crowd, Ashi approached the entrance to the university. She had been told Tyoru was on the 4th floor in classroom number 19, and was supposed to drag him out because of the emergency. It was her first time here, but she didn't have much time to pay attention to details: right now, she was doing her best not to forget where she needed to go, because her aunt wasn't very precise when she was describing what to do to Ashi. Apparently, she first needed to pass through the entrance hall, take the 2nd small corridor from the left, and take a left there too, which would bring her to a spiral staircase that reaches all the floors up to the 5th. She entered the grand building, and continued in the right direction, paying little attention to all the people, statues of important history figures and all kinds of important documents and tablets that hung on the stone walls. But, her plans were quickly foiled when, while she was hurrying around a fast corner, that was supposed to lead to a staircase, a man popped out: she didn't even have enough time to catch an actual glimpse of him before they were about to crash into one another.

Wordcount: 617



Heels clacked against the stone bridge crossing the river to Diamond Heights, drowned by the paradoxical gentle rushing water through the creek. The red-dressed woman shook her head in disbelief midway past the bridge, still convincing herself she hadn’t read the letter wrong. In dark, blotchy ink, cursive letters had demanded she take the time of her day to travel to Diamond Heights, rather than schedule a normal appointment like everyone else. Her hands rested in front of her clasped in each other uncharacteristically conservatively, to support the paper bag drooped around her left forearm where her black, mission-purposed catsuit was neatly folded.

The amber-eyed woman had long since visited her old acquaintance, the very same whose tailoring she’d take over other services. The same age as she was, he was one of the closest acquaintances she knew from their frequent correspondence; red mini-dresses like the one currently hugging her figure, lined with intricate designs, didn’t find form in a commercial factory. Her brow ticked as her ears picked up whispers likening herself to a worried mother bringing a teenage child his forgotten laundry. The gall of these people!

A sigh escaped her soft lips. There were swarms of people, even for this time of the day with the morning sun haughtily laughing from above. Her search would be a chore but she’d expected to have to work to find his mop of red hair amongst the throngs of strangers. Cinderella stepped finally past the gargantuan gates that welcomed no shortage of visitors into the university’s large campus, pivoting left on her heel to avoid the heavy mass of students flocking to one of the buildings, likely the laboratories. Modern science always appealed to bright young minds, but Cinderella distanced herself from too much exposure to it.

The woman had but the faintest lead to her target’s location. From her previous visits, she could visualise the many winding routes to take to seek him out, but what occupied her mind were the many ways she’d torture him in front of his friends, bringing him to a red-faced defeat in place of the white flag. Ahead of her she spotted the outline of a girl turning left rapidly at a corner, just another face in the crowd, though flowing past it in the same general direction, and it was without a second thought to the girl that Cinderella continued, moving towards the spiral staircase she recalled from her memory.




Kashizudoto, a boy who'd just turned thirteen some time during his current mission, was wearing his usual attire. His upper body (and parts of his lower body) was covered by a black swordsman's robe that he had been given by Master Piandao after his apprenticeship. On the left side of his hip was a bamboo sheath, which held the Tentetsutou or "Sword of Heaven", the blade that Kashizudoto forged out of a four billion year old meteorite - the most important piece of gear that Kashizudoto owned. He also had about 50 meters of wire conveniently coiled up in a loop that hung from the right side of his hip; it could be used for the Dragon Fire Jutsu or as a trap for incoming enemies. On his forehead was his Konoha hitae-ate, the headband being a symbol of village pride - also an instant giveaway that he was not from this land.

Contrast that with the girl he just crashed into on his way out (perhaps she was a little clumsy). She did not look ready for battle at all, though he could identify that she wasn't quite a normal civilian either. She was wearing a knee-long grey skirt and a black t-shirt, with long black hair falling to he waist. Most people didn't like wearing their shinobi outfit when they weren't on missions, but Kashizudoto always felt like he was on-duty, so he basically wore his outfit whenever he wasn't sleeping (he washed it everyday though, or else the stench would make him be easily caught on a stealth mission).

They both ended up falling to the ground and landing on their rear ends. Kashizudoto immediately realized what happened, so he got up and held out his right hand to the girl, "Sorry about that, didn't see you there. Need a hand?"

WC: 612



Collision! It didn't take long for Ashi to realize that she had fallen on the ground after a person crashed into her head-first. She didn't fall hard of course, but a bit of pain could definitely be felt. But more importantly, the situation was humiliating and very inconvenient. The moment Ashi fell, she decided it was the guy's fault for not being careful, and began harboring animosity against him. He got up quicker than Ashi, though, and immediately extended his arm in a friendly manner, and spoke to her: "Sorry about that, didn't see you there. Need a hand?". His condescending tone irked Ashi, causing one of her eyebrows to twitch at the sight of the foreign shinobi. Who the heck does this guy think he is? At least he apologized. Else he'd be done for.  Surprisingly, he didn't really look any older than her, not any older at all. But he was seriously dressed as a shinobi, even carried a weapon. Seemed to be on a mission of some sort? His face wasn't bad either... Nonetheless, Ashi passively refused his hand, and swiftly got up on her own, replying: "No thanks. I'll forgive you this time, but only because I'm in a hurry." The tone of her voice was sharp and filled with arrogance.

Ashi was usually rash like this and would rarely think things through before acting or speaking harshly, it was one of her greatest faults, actually. Funny thing is, even if she kept getting in trouble because of it again and again, her stubbornness kept the thought of her trying to change or be nice from even occurring to her. Ashi was very rarely nice, but it definitely meant that she honestly cared for that person. And this was a person that she most definitely didn't care for at all. But she overlooked his strength, unaware that he's actually much stronger than she is. Maybe that wouldn't be the case if she hadn't been slacking off since she became a genin so much. For goodness' sake, she'd barely finished a couple of trivial missions! Back to topic: she wiped some dust off clothes and planned to walk straight past the poor young man. Ashi opened her mouth once again, and with a needlessly rude tone, said: "Move it." The corridor was pretty tight, after all.

Wordcount: 404 (1021 total)



Cinderella seldom found her attention drawn to much intriguing. The passings in her days normally bore a sense of relative normalcy, with the most recent interest being her sudden sensei’s identity. She’d expected this day to be filled with the same: hasty students flocking to one building or bright intellectuals displaying a less than chivalrous approach to her presence. Seeing the girl she’d only momentarily had her eyes on fall back onto her behind just after turning the corner was not on her agenda.

One brow raised in interest at the development. While a normal sight, the woman was also bored. Anxious to a small extent, maybe, but mostly annoyed that she’d been pulled out of her schedules to visit this out-of-the-way institute. She could take a detour and seek out her sensei, who led the institute’s staff, according to the women’s circles, had she seen any concrete reason to. So, with her intent only to pass her folded outfit over to an old acquaintance, the slightest out-of-place accident roused her curiosity.

A hand extended itself from behind the wall, beyond Cinderella’s vision. The gesture was rejected rudely – proudly – by the arrogance of the girl on the floor. It brought a smile to Cinderella’s lips as she approached the girl, not intentionally but along the way to her destination. The girl picked herself up, again lashing out with that sharp tongue for the other to move out of her way. Fifteen, sixteen, possibly, Cinderella guessed from her height as she neared. The immaturity was laced with a certain spiciness Cinderella seldom saw in teenagers; they were normally more reserved with their thoughts or less imposing with their words.

“Now, now, child,” Cinderella said, her tone as condescending as the girl in front of her. “No need to lash out.”

As she stopped beside her, she noticed the object of the girl’s fury was a male of roughly the same age group, a headband of Konoha wrapped around his forehead partially obscured by his hair. The foreign ninja’s waist was equipped with a sword encased in a bamboo sheath and a loop of metallic wire. Cinderella toyed with the idea of stepping on his toes too. Iwagakure’s reputation didn’t lie on her shoulders alone. Besides, what fun would a woman have if she couldn’t speak her mind?

“I’m sure he didn’t intentionally run into you. Mostly,” she said with a mischievous smile.




"No thanks. I'll forgive you this time, but only because I'm in a hurry," said the brash girl. Refusing his gesture was one thing, that was no issue, but pretending like it wasn't her fault that she bumped into him? If he wasn't in a foreign village on a diplomatic mission that could seriously put Leaf-Iwa relations in jeopardy if he caused trouble, he would've definitely taught her some manners with his jutsu.

"Move it," the girl said in a belligerent tone after dusting off her clothes. Alright, Kashizudoto wasn't just gonna listen this girl's demands. He'd show her the error of her ways, through being purposely uncooperative.

"Now, now, child," a woman said, rebuking the girl as she came over, "No need to lash out." Goodness, Kashizudoto usually liked attention, but this might have not been the time for more spectators. Seriously, on a mission like this, he should've been low profile and stuff, but he couldn't help himself apparently.

"I’m sure he didn’t intentionally run into you. Mostly," said the woman, apparently teaming up with the girl she just scolded. So this was how the shinobi of the Land of Earth conducted themselves apparently: with duplicity and aggression. Of course, Kashizudoto would be the last one to generalize about an entire demographic, but this certainly wasn't leaving a very good impression.

"Alright, you," he said confidently to the abrasive girl, "Why don't you move it? Or if you're too lazy to walk, I can help you move yourself, no effort required. Though things may get a little... muddy." All the while he was forming hand seals. By the time he was done with his statement, the concrete beneath the girl started turning into mud, instantly creating a river - although Kashizudoto kept this flow much smaller than usual so that it wouldn't push away or unnecessarily soil the clothes of any random passersby. This was only meant to cause the girl to slip and fall, into mud of course. Obviously he wasn't looking for a fight, just a little bit of a lesson for this overly rude girl.

Kashizudoto Chakra:

WC: 979



Before the leaf shinobi had a chance to react to Ashi's assault, another person blessed them with her presence. It was a young woman considerably taller than both the boy and Ashi. To call her pretty was an understatement; she was gorgeous, though looked a bit out of place. Her intricate red mini-dress and high heels definitely didn't make her look like she was a student at the university, and much less a teacher. She seemed too young to be a teacher as well. Ashi, now slightly more irritated before since she was interrupted, curiously inspected the approaching woman while she spoke: "Now, now, child, no need to lash out. I’m sure he didn’t intentionally run into you. Mostly.” Her smile was definitely not honest; it even looked like she was mocking Ashi. And the way the woman worded her sentence only made Ashi confused, unsure weather she's actually with Ashi on this one or not. And as if this wasn't enough to get her to start slightly panicking, the guy spoke back to Ashi in a sharp and confident manner, and seemingly chose to ignore the red woman. "Alright, you, why don't you move it? Or if you're too lazy to walk, I can help you move yourself, no effort required. Though things may get a little... muddy." Somewhere in the middle of his sentence the young leaf shinobi started rapidly forming a chain of hand seals, which made Ashi's heart skip a beat. What was that bastard going to try and do to her?

Although surprised beyond measure, and moderately scared, Ashi didn't back down, or take a step back. She stood her ground as she always had before, and tried her best not to look scared. She was still pretty scared though. Fortunately for Ashi, what happened next wasn't at all life-threatening: her feet started sinking and being enveloped by some sort of cold ooze. The sensation was both disgusting and disturbing. All of this started happening just as the leaf guy was saying the word "muddy". Ashi quickly looked down in confusion, only to see the concrete turning into actual mud. Quickly, before she had even tried to get out of it, she was already more than ankle-deep in it, and it was flowing, carrying her away from the guy. At first she lost her balance, even  screamed for a second. It seemed like she was going to fall any second now; but in the end she didn't. She managed to regain her balance by lightly crouching  and leaning forwards. Her scream earlier was short and kind of quiet; definitely not an actual scream, just a result of her shock. The mud had carried her a considerable distance away from the leaf guy, and even managed to get a part of her skirt dirty. And more than anything else, it provoked her. She was mad now; really mad. Her facial expression showed nothing but anger and destructive intent. Before she could even regain her composure, she was already yelling her throat out: "You're dead! You're soo dead!! I'm going to fucking kill you!!!" The truth was, she had absolutely no way of doing that, but it didn't matter for now. Ashi started walking back towards the trolling guy, dragging her feet through the heavy and dense mud. He definitely struck a nerve.

Wordcount: 575 (1596 total)

Last edited by Ashi on Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:49 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Spelling mistake~)



Cinderella watched as the foreigner retorted immaturely towards the girl’s earlier provocation. Halfway through his words, his fingers blurred into hand signs, and Cinderella’s eyes narrowed. Her eyes zeroed in on her surroundings in alarm, but the tug of her grin betrayed her humour at the situation. Children did love to play with chakra; if the foreigner’s sore ego could be stroked with intimidation, there wasn’t a need to disturb their playtime.

The ground beneath the other girl liquified, flowing back. The girl let out a squeal – which elicited a small, inaudible chuckle from Cinderella – but balanced herself with a small crouch and lean. A woman who normally woke up to fashion in her closet, Cinderella’s eyes spotted immediately the pitiful stains on the girl’s skirt that would’ve soured her face if their positions were reversed. Her following rage was justified as she plowed through the flowing mud, making little leeway, and Cinderella felt a need to join in herself, for the girl's sake.

Just like how the earth had been manipulated, the boy’s feet would suddenly find no foothold as the ground split in half under him, dropping him into a cylindrical hole a meter deep and wide. Outwardly, no one would’ve suspected the demure woman responsible, with her hands clasped still in front of her and the bag lazily draped over her arm. Surely Karumo wouldn’t find fault with her exercising her chakra coils. Her dearest Tsuchikage would no doubt want her to protect a fellow citizen of their home against unnecessary provocation, and regardless of the severity, channeling a jutsu first was always regarded – in her books – as provocation.

There were a dozen and one laws she could twist to her situation, but none would give the satisfaction of seeing the boy plummet into the hole. Part of her would be focused on the girl, to study her reaction to the development, but mostly she’d wonder if their little playtime would draw anyone else’s attention. It was unlikely, unfortunately.





Perhaps he'd taken it a little too far. Hopefully she wouldn't start weeping or anything. The mud gathered around her legs until she was ankle-deep, noticably pushing her far away from Kashizudoto and making her skirt dirty. She even let out a sharp squeal in her shock.

"You're dead! You're sooo dead! I'm gonna fucking kill you!" screamed the girl in anger. That was... impressive. Most would simply start crying uncontrollably seeking pity, but this only seemed to motivate him. A smile formed on his face as he watched her trek through the mud, going against the current. He felt like that at times too. Perhaps she wasn't such a bad person.

But he couldn't stay and watch for long. The earth underneath him suddenly turned into a 1 meter wide cylindrical hole.

"Whoever just did that, let's spar one on one!" he yelled out as he fell, all this while he pulled out the Tentetsutou - his blade forged from a meteorite. Really the fall wasn't really steep at all; as soon as his toes touched the ground, his superior perception, reflexes, and speed allowed him to immediately push off with them and leap backwards out of the hole. So... who could've done that simple maneuver with Doton? Clearly the stuggling, angry girl couldn't pull off a jutsu while trekking through the mud. The students and the professors were all inside their classes by now. That left the woman, whose arms were still crossed, as the only possible suspect. He kept on the lookout, ready to jump at a moment's notice.

WC: 1253



As Ashi squabbled her way through the large amounts of mud the man she now viewed as a mortal enemy had created, a peculiar thing happened: he fell. The ground literally opened up beneath him, in a circular shape, and he fell down. In the hole. This brought a pure smile on Ashi's face. The look on his face was priceless, it was even worth being in this crazy mud, Ashi thought. He cried out, while falling: "Whoever just did that, let's spar one on one!" Interesting how composed the guy actually stayed: he was able to get over the initial shock with ease.

But the deal is, it wasn't Ashi that made the hilarious trap beneath his feet. So, reflexively, she looked back, looking for the culprit, all the while continuing to slowly walk towards the konoha-nin. But there wasn't anyone there, not anyone who she could see at least. Only the mysterious hot chick and Ashi: and it definitely didn't look like the older woman was just casting any jutsu. But if Ashi had to guess, it was probably her. Her intentions were mysterious, but did this mean she was really Ashi's ally? And a shinobi as well? Just like Ashi, the woman didn't wear a headband, nor had any weapons on her; only a purse. Well, the purse could have contained weapons, but she didn't carry any out in the open like the boy did. Ashi, with a smile still imprinted on her face, nodded in affirmation and light gratitude while looking at the woman's amber-colored eyes.

But by the time she turned her head back around, the guy had already gotten out of the pit. And it didn't look like he climbed out of it, but gracefully jumped out or something. He seemed determined and ready to fight, but still unsure as to who he was going to fight. Ashi's lips tightened in the classic "I don't know" gesture, as to answer his previous question. But a thought suddenly struck her: they were in an university. And not just any university: the fucking Diamond Heights University, the most prestigious one in the entire great village, if not the entire country. She definitely lost her cool before, and still hadn't regained it of course: she was really pissed at the guy, but it wasn't smart at all to continue duking it out here. So she spoke her mind: "You sure about that? If you ask me, you've caused enough trouble here already." She was now about two meters away from the boy, and waited for his reaction. "I'm still ready to bash his face in..." - Ashi pretended that she wasn't at all impressed by how he leisurely got out of the hole.

Wordcount: 474 (2070 total)



The boy hid behind his facade of immaturity skill beyond her own, Cinderella knew. He responded to the crack quickly, betraying battle experience at levels that dwarfed hers. He leapt backwards out of the crack, leaving roughly two meters between him and Cinderella, and the adorable girl beside her. His blade shone of sleek onyx, peeking out daringly from a hilt of radiant gold. Cinderella smiled as she registered the battle ready posture he adopted, weapon drawn and eyes hunting for his attacker.

He was definitely battle ready. But Cinderella knew, those most prepared could be toppled with the least effort. She was about to play her most favourite game, prey and predator. Unfortunately, he was prey.

The boy yelled out dangerously loud, pulling the attention of passers-by. However, by then, the hole had closed, her ability oh so fun to play to play with. No one would be the wiser. People stared on in confusion as they met the picture of a very clearly foreign shinobi disrupting the peaceful bustle of the university, blade drawn with two defenseless women no more than a couple of meters from him. Cinderella felt excitement whip up within her, the uncontrollable shivers tamed to stillness in her shoulders, the tingle in her neck unnoticeable but a roaring wave of giddiness. There was nothing more fun that taking away what power one had.

The girl attempted some diplomacy, but as she finished, Cinderella rested her right hand on the girl’s left shoulder. Turning to address the boy, she spoke softly, but certainly loud enough for all passers-by to hear. “I doubt you want to draw more attention to yourself. A representative of Konoha shouldn’t be seen drawing a weapon without cause, much less against two defenseless women as ourselves.” Cinderella obviously knew the cause – herself – but without anyone the wiser, she was free to play the part of damsel and draw the girl into her little game. It only helped that the only aggression was shown on part of the Konoha shinobi, from his weapon to the residue of his jutsu, in a place filled mostly with students seeking careers beyond sleeping with and murdering your targets.




"You sure about that?" the girl asked in response to his request to spar with the one who cast the jutsu, "If you ask me, you've already caused enough trouble here already." Well, she was the one who started this whole thing... Meanwhile, his yell attracted the attention of a couple students who were late to class. Everyone else was locked up in their classrooms memorizing terms and equations, maybe they heard the challenge but didn't bother. All they cared for were their scores. The letters. The numbers. The grades.

"I doubt you want to draw more attention to yourself, the woman spoke softly but loud enough for the two students - who were watching in fear - to hear, "A representative of Konoha shouldn’t be seen drawing a weapon without cause, much less against two defenseless women as ourselves." So... The hot woman was clearly a master of deception, trying to take away his power through the opinions of the two watching students, such skill could be attributed to a master kunoichi. He'd determined: this was clearly the one who used the jutsu, such social skill had to be matched with at least a little prowess with jutsu.

"Your jutsu," he said confidently, pointing at the woman, "You clearly have some shinobi skill. Whether the caster actually was the woman or not didn't matter, really. All he was doing was alerting the audience of the two late students that he was drawing his blade for a reason: self defense, although with his skill he probably didn't need it.

"Tell you what, he offered as he sheathed the Tentetsutou into his bamboo cover, "You've got a pretty neat village and a cool Tsuchikage who I've had fine discussion with. I'd really hate to soil your prestigious university trying to get back at you for pulling off that stunt.

"My name's Kashizudoto Sarutobi, he said as he extended his right hand in a gentlemanly fashion, "Truce? Whether they'd accept his request was a matter of speculation.

"As for you guys," said Kashizudoto as he turned to the students, "Get back to your classes. Tell them that you're late 'cus you had to had to give a foreign shinobi some directions." They heeded his request and scurried off.

WC: 1639



OOC: It's been half a month, and no word from Ashi yet. Sorry to cut this thread short. Hopefully we can all RP again later.

Whether or not the handshake would be accepted, the university's bell would ring right after, and the students would be released from their classes. Seeing as he didn't want to attract any unnecessary attention, Kashizudoto would have decided to leave before anyone came out and saw him, so he would vitalize his body with chakra and move at an untraceable speed out of the university; to the girls, it would seem as if he had teleported away.

By now, the mud flow would have completely subsided and the angry girl would have been completely free from the dirt and gunk (other than her temperamental personality, of course). With the hole in the ground also gone, the stairway was now back to usual and ready for the students to use.

WC: 1770


Strength: C-0 -> C-1: 575/575
Endurance: C-0 -> C-1: 575/575
Perception: C-1 -> C-2: 600/600
Leftover WC: 20

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