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1Space Sword? [C-rank Mission] Empty Space Sword? [C-rank Mission] Fri Aug 26, 2016 11:32 pm



Wow, he'd actually passed the test that the Blacksmith gave to him. Apparently the swordsmaster was looking for raw potential and a ready spirit, and he got both when he saw the kid going from literally being on fire from his own jutsu to ambushing the more experienced swordsman from inside a lake. The man asked him what he wanted in his blade. All Kashizudoto could think was "something unique." But what was that something to be? Normal iron and steel were just too boring. They expressed no individuality.

He was confused. That was until he asked to see a map of the Dense Forest. After a few minutes of perusing through the various locations, he spotted the location of a fallen meteorite on the old scroll. When he inquired further about it, the swordsmaster told him that the meteorite was said to be older than chakra itself - the rock worshipped and feared by many. It had now become home to a hive of criminals due to its convenient location.

Kashizudoto's mind was set. He wanted to make a sword out of rock from the meteorite. Obviously, it contained a lot of iron within it anyway, so it would be as good - or even better - than any normal katana. Not only that, but considering that it came from space, it was bound to have some sort of mystical properties, perhaps some sort of hidden potential he could unlock in it later. The Blacksmith was indeed impressed with his creativity.

The Blacksmith told Kashizudoto earlier that he'd been meaning to go to the meteorite and clean up the hive of crime, but he didn't think that even he could take on those criminals head-to-head and destroy their site. However, the Blacksmith was confident in Kashizudoto's ability to stealthily grab enough rocks to fill up a sack and run before being caught by the ones on guard duty. The swordsmaster allowed Kashizudoto to borrow a C-rank katana before he left to go collect the rock.

WC: 341

2Space Sword? [C-rank Mission] Empty Re: Space Sword? [C-rank Mission] Sat Aug 27, 2016 11:07 am



He was leaping through the trees once again, headed for this old meteorite. It was gonna be so sweet to have a sword made from frickin' space rock. What should he name it? Well, it did come from up above, or heaven. And it was a sword. That was it: he would name it the Tentetsutou, the Sword of Heaven!

He reached the site stealthily, spotting six, rather weak looking, criminals on guard, armed with knives. He didn't think that, even as a ninja, he could actually take the all on at once while simultaneously collecting space rock. He had to do this stealthily. Well, he just had to look at the origins of Katon ninjutsu. Before chakra, apparently people had lit things on fire to distract guards. So that was exactly what Kashizudoto would do.

All of their backs were turned, even if for a split second. However, that was just enough time to pull off this trick. He collected oil in his throat and blasted out a flame bullet all the way across to the other side of the meteorite. None of the criminals noticed, having weak senses. They were only alerted, however, once the flame bullet had reached the ground and started a fire. They all ran to the scene, giving Kashizudoto a window of opportunity to jump in and start collecting rock while they weren't looking.

Kashizudoto Chakra:

WC: 573

3Space Sword? [C-rank Mission] Empty Re: Space Sword? [C-rank Mission] Sat Aug 27, 2016 12:01 pm



Great, they were distracted. However, he couldn't just take his time and collect rocks in peace. He had to make haste, for they would notice soon. Indeed, after lots of commotion at the fire, they spotted Kashizudoto collecting rocks.

Because of the speed at which he collected them, he had finished loading up his sack completely, filled to the brim with all the meteorite rock. Three criminals threw their knives straight for him, while the other three began to chase him. With his borrowed blade, Kashizudoto deflected all three weapons at once, only for the three criminals to leap at him with their own knives. Oh, wow.

He quickly put the sack on his bag, but he couldn't run just yet, not with this many after him. He crouched to the ground and did a mid sweep, knocking all of them down to the ground with one swoop. Wow, he was getting good with katanas.

WC: 730

4Space Sword? [C-rank Mission] Empty Re: Space Sword? [C-rank Mission] Sat Aug 27, 2016 3:58 pm



Nice. [Or should he say gneiss since it was pertaining to rock.]

He'd distracted the guys long enough to grab enough rocks from the meteorite to create his sword, which he had resolved on naming the Tentetsutou. After a sweep from the blade that he'd borrowed from the Blacksmith, the criminals who nested around the old meteorite were subdued temporarily - enough time for him to make a run for it.

"You!" said one criminal who was face flat on the ground, "Give us your belongings, kid!" Ya, nope. He had no need for that. Although, there were three more criminals (the ones who had previously thrown the knives at him) that were now after Kashizudoto.

"Heh," said Kashizudoto, "I'll pass." With that, he took off with his sack of rocks. He couldn't let the three criminals who were still on their feet catch up to him or possibly trail him all the way to the Blacksmith's abode. He was sure the man wouldn't appreciate having his home found by criminals.

WC: 906

5Space Sword? [C-rank Mission] Empty Re: Space Sword? [C-rank Mission] Sat Aug 27, 2016 5:57 pm



He was excited now that he finally had enough of the meteorite to forge his blade, but his mission still wasn't over. Three of these guys were, of course, trailing him, and he couldn't just ignore them. He'd have to eventually lose them somehow. It was fine; he had an easy way to do it.

Katon no Bunshin! Six clones, made out of fire itself, came out of Kashizudoto as all of them dispersed, Kashizudoto switching places with a Katon clone. Soon, their paths diverged, and the criminals - not being very perceptive - chased the clone that Kashizudoto left in his place. Great, now he could head back to the Blacksmith's abode without being followed.

Kashizudoto Chakra:

WC: 1026


C-rank Mission: 1000/1000

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