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1Morning exercises [Invite only] Empty Morning exercises [Invite only] Thu Aug 18, 2016 2:36 am

Takashi Nekomata

Takashi Nekomata

It was obligatory for Nekomatas to work out once in a while. Everyone needed to be in shape, even though some (especially Ninnekos) argued that round is also a shape. But it rarely happened that someone fulfilled these requirements. Clan's head didn't do much exercise himself, and what can you teach the youth if their idol is a lazy man either? Some Nekomatas practiced jutsus with their loyal companions, others took a peerless approach and did many different strength or endurance exercises. No one in Nekomata clan liked swimming though.

It just so happened that this morning Takashi had decided to work out. He wasn't keen on lifting weighs, doing push-ups or doing sparring. He would rather run. He couldn't get tired fast for his inheritance of cat's legs kept him able to run for a long time. Whenever he did go running, he always took the same route: he run through the marketplace first (it was empty early in the morning. Only some vendors were there, already setting up their stalls. Some would greet Takashi, but really Takashi just wanted to smell if there was anything of his interest), then he run to the village's main gate (on the way, he would still meet vendors that were just making their way to marketplace), then Takashi would keep his pace and make his way through few living districts till he gets to the Hokage Mountain (some say that it was dangerous place for Takashi to visit, since he could easily miss a step and fall. But wasn't it dangerous for a blind boy to run anyway? He has been doing just fine so far, since there are no crowds in the morning), and after making his way down from the mountain, he would make his way through construction site and some other living districts, before making it back to his own apartment.
This morning the sun was shining bright and Takashi had just gotten up. Obviously, he first made himself a cup of tea. This morning it was sugary black tea. It had very concentrated caffeine to keep him awake for the whole morning. If this kind of tea was drunk on daily basis, it would affect one's body in less than a week. But if you did plan to get rid of all those calories from sugar, and actually sweat out that excess caffeine - it was okay. But Takashi wasn't known to serve healthy tea for himself all the time. When he would present tea to others, however, he always first made sure that his tea was appropriate for this occasion.
Another rarity today was Takashi's appearance. People sometimes didn't even recognize him, because he didn't have his colorful robe on. When exercising, he wore a plain white shirt, black shorts and pair of dirty threadbare running shoes. Yes, he didn't have any tea ingredients with himself when running - he didn't want to get any sweat on fine tea leaves.

Soon after his morning tea he got out of his house and started running through his route. He started running later than usual, so the streets might be more crowded, and men could already be working in construction site. Hopefully Takashi doesn't bumps in anyone, or maybe he hopefully bumps into a new friend or someone interesting.

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