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Mission Taken - Bounty Hunt Aki Sato (B Rank):

Well, this was going to be interesting. She was currently down to one student, Ryoka, her newest. She had gone through one 'squad' meeting with him in which he had proved himself valuable and intelligent even without having been trained properly at a shinobi. She had followed that day by doing his transplant the next. She had given him a few days to get used to his arms and too get things worked out, and now she felt it was time for him to get a taste of some real ninja work. This would not only be a method of teaching him valuable things he might not have picked up elsewhere, but also a way for him to get some money in his pocket, and for Amaya to get a taste of what he was capable of. She also had her own personal motives; positions she wished to step into that she wanted to prove she had earned so no one could call favoritism later on - but that was besides the point right now.

Amaya had sent Ryoka a small message indicating that she wished to take him on a mission - though she gave no ranking to it, or additional details. Secracy was needed, or so she figured in this situation given the work they were about to do. She'd much rather brief him in person then risk the message getting into the wrong hands and anyone getting tipped off. So, the message had been simple and to the point:


Meet me at the east gate at noon, I have a mission for us. Bring all of your weapons, and equipment as ths is a bit higher up than the average Genin's work.
~Amaya Sensei

The letter had been sent via a Chuunin, and would have arrived roughly two hours prior at least to give him plenty of time to get ready. For now Amaya simply waited, leaning against the gate as she did so. Her long white hair was back in a ponytail and her trademark neon yellow sunglasses were in place. She was dressed today in more casual attire; a white tank top whose straps crossed in the back, and which showed off the majority of her belly. A pair of capri length black pants with her weapons pouch tied around her right leg. In her hand was a Twizzlers which she was biting and chewing on slowly; slowly decreasing in size as she ate it.

Wordcount: 411 / 1,500




Meet me at the east gate at noon, I have a mission for us. Bring all of your weapons, and equipment as this is a bit higher up than the average Genin's work.
~Amaya Sensei

A mission? That was going to be interesting. The young man had acquired work outside of being on Amaya's 'squad'; a job with a black smith fashioning weapons. He'd been busy at work, contacting the few people from his time that he had come across and got to know and acquiring parts from them to begin fashioning weapons for himself. While he was sure that his fists were good weapons for him, he needed others so that he was not always reliant on them every time he needed to handle a situation. And so, there were several weapons in the works for him; a hammer, several very interesting swords and two sets of nunchuku.

For the purpose of this mission, he would take both of the 'swords' with him; Amaya would not mind it, he was sure, and he needed to field test them in order to properly ensure their usage. He was quite proud of himself; the weapon had been sent to him half completed, and had spent several hours working on it to bring it to completion. It was a uniquely designed weapon, based upon a sword from this era, though nowhere near as powerful;  The basic appearance of this weapon is essentially a straight hilt of one foot [30 cm] in length with no cross guard. The weapon is crafted from a strange non-magnetic metal that seems to warm at the user's touch. Housed inside of the hilt is the mechanisms that power and operate the blade. When activated, this weapon is capable of inflicting 2.0-inch cuts and piercing. Due to the extreme heat associated with the blade, all wounds caused by this weapon are immediately cauterized, sealing them. The blade emitted from this weapon is four feet [1.2 meters] in length and is crimson in color. this blade is powered by a small piece of crystallized chakra housed within  a special chamber inside the hilt that acts as a battery. This crystal holds enough power to manifest the blade of this sword for an indefinite amount of time, and cannot be used for any other purpose. The blade produced by this is a mass-less form that neither radiates heat nor expends energy, other than that emitted as visible light, until it comes into contact with something solid. Upon contact with anything, it begins to generate intense heat as the molecules of both the blade and object interact with each other [i.e, friction].

He hoped that they would be enough for this mission.

He still had plenty of time between now, and the time he was supposed to meet Amaya at the east gate for this mission, so he decided to stop in town and grab a cup of coffee. As he went, he could feel the people staring at him. He knew why, though; his arms had been drawing a lot of attention, no matter where he went the past few days. It did not help that he was not bothering to hide them. He was wearing simple clothing; sleeveless shirt and hoodie so that he could utilize his arms without hassle over faded and worn blue jeans from his time period. His feet are usually clothed in tan or black boots. Not the standard 'shinobi' attire, he was sure, but he did not care. He preferred comfort over style, any day of the week.

With his coffee in hand, and one for Amaya should she want it, he would head to the East Gate, his prototype weapons hanging at his right and left sides.




Amaya didn't have to wait long for Ryoka to show up; she spotted him quite easily in the distance moving toward her. He carried what she could smell was coffee, and considering he carried two cups she assumed that one was for her. Were he to hand it to her she would take it with a grin and a nod of thanks. "Thanks. Just what I needed."

Amaya would then glance about while taking a sip of her coffee; noticing as she did so that there were quite a few people around. She didn't want to risk anyone overhearing so instead she jerked her head to the side, turned, and figured Ryoka would follow her. If he did she would lead him out the village gates and down the road a small ways before stopping again - taking yet some more time to enjoy her coffee.

"So, here's the deal Ryoka... This mission is considered B rank, and worth a heaping two hundred and fifty ryo upon completion. Basically, a situation came around a little while ago that caused Aki Soto to go rouge. She has a lot of valuable information so she needs to be stopped and brought back before any of that is leaked. Dead or alive they don't really seem to care, though alive is preferred so that she can be questioned. I figured it would be a good chance for you and I to get to know each others skills a little bit better, as well as a chance for you to really give your arms a work out... that is, if you're interested. It is going to be a bit more dangerous than the average Genin mission, so I'll understand if you don't want to go, and I won't hold it against you..."

Amaya fell silent then, giving Ryoka a chance to take in the information she had just given him, process it, and then think about whether or not he really wanted to tag along or not. She wouldn't force him of course, nor would she hold it against him were he to say he didn't want to go. B ranks were hard, and considering that their target was likely going to fight back when she realized what was going on, that was going to make it doubly so. Thus, she was leaving it up to him.

Wordcount: 395 | 806



It wouldnt take him long to reach the gates; Amaya was easy to spot leaning against the massive structure. Her long white hair was back in a ponytail and her trademark neon yellow sunglasses were in place. She was dressed today in more casual attire; a white tank top whose straps crossed in the back, and which showed off the majority of her belly. A pair of capri length black pants with her weapons pouch tied around her right leg. In her hand was was something that seemed to be eating. No matter; as Ryoka drew closer to his new teacher, he would offer her the second cup of coffee.

"Thanks. Just what I needed."

Ryoka nodded silenty, taking another sip from his own cup. He was in no rush to get this mission underway, and figured that Amaya would not Amaya would not keep him in the dark in reguards to the nature of the mission. He would allow her the time she needed to get ready, but kept in the back of that this was a higher ranked mission, much more complex in nature than the few sample ones that he did while waiting for Amaya sensei to get into contact with him.

As Amaya sipped at her coffee, he noticed her glance around for a moment before jerking her head in a certain direction; the universal sign of 'follow me'. Nodding silently, he followed his new teacher in stride, following her out the village gates and down the road some distance before she stopped again.

"So, here's the deal Ryoka... This mission is considered B rank, and worth a heaping two hundred and fifty ryo upon completion. Basically, a situation came around a little while ago that caused Aki Soto to go rouge. She has a lot of valuable information so she needs to be stopped and brought back before any of that is leaked. Dead or alive they don't really seem to care, though alive is preferred so that she can be questioned. I figured it would be a good chance for you and I to get to know each others skills a little bit better, as well as a chance for you to really give your arms a work out... that is, if you're interested. It is going to be a bit more dangerous than the average Genin mission, so I'll understand if you don't want to go, and I won't hold it against you..."

A B rank mission? From what Ryoka gathered over the past few days, B rank missions were usually reserved for ninja that were of Toku Jo, or special jounin, rank and higher due to thier increased demands; such missions were normally much more dangerous, often having a very high chance of death. In response, Ryoka merely shrugged. He was not afraid to die; he had nothing to lose in this life, and barely had any possession to worry about. Besides, this mission was simply apprehending a rouge ninja who contained valuable information. She could not be too dangerous.

"I'm in. It should not be too hard to catch a single ninja. Do you know anything of her skills and abilities? Perhaps a last known location, or any idea of where she may be heading?" Straight to business; he was trained to get the essentials and make up the rest as he went. By any means necessary, the mission would be accomplished.

571 | 1196



Ryoka agreed to go just like that. More so he got straight to business with asking questions that most Genin didn't know to ask. It caused Amaya to grin a bit, and this time around she didn't bother hiding it. She nodded her head to answer his question before diving right in to offering up the information Ryoka was seeking. "Her name is Aki Soto. Her last known location was a town near here; she's been spotted quite frequeantly in a bar there, more so than any other place within the little town itself.

She's a fairly young woman with tan skin, and shoulder length auburn colored hair. Her eyes are hazel in color, and she has freckles all over her cheeks and nose. She stands at five foot, seven inches, and weighs approximately one hundred and seventeen pounds. Chances are she'll be in something a bit.. revealing.. as that has always been her style.

She utilizes Kenjutsu primarily, and has a sword of decent quality last was known. She also uses Ninjutsu; able to further utilize not only wind but lightning as well. She'll play dirty, she always has, and will use any trick in the book to try and get you off your guard; don't let her fool you. She'll likely kill you the moment she gets the chance to."
It was all of the information that Amaya herself knew, freely passed on to what was not only her student, but now her equal in a way for the purpose of this mission. Ryoka would play just as good a roll as Amaya herself. Which, of course meant phase two of things: coming up with a plan. "I'm kind of throwing you to the wolves here, but you're an unknown factor given how new you are to the village. Given how long Aki Soto has been gone she won't have any idea who you are if you just waltz right into the bar like any other patron trolling for a drink. You can scope the place out, go sit down, order something... and give me some kind of signal of your choosing to allow me to know she's there if you happen to spot her - I'll position myself so I can see you this way I can prepare for what is to come later. Try and lure her outside if you're able - I'd rather not get into a fight in the bar itself; she'll use anything she can to escape, including the lives of others as hostages and bargaining chips. If you can get her outside for me I can take over from there. If we have to handle it inside... we'll we're going to have to improvise." It was as good a plan as any she could think up, though she was more than open to suggestions if he had any better ideas - she also waited to hear what kind of signal he wanted to use to tell Amaya that Aki Sota was there or not.

Wordcount: 504 | 1,310



Amaya grinned at his question as the young male took another sip from his coffee. It would seem that he had pleased her in some fashion, or met some metric that he did not anticipate. An eyebrow was raised as the elder female nodded to him and began to speak again.

"Her name is Aki Soto. Her last known location was a town near here; she's been spotted quite frequeantly in a bar there, more so than any other place within the little town itself.

She's a fairly young woman with tan skin, and shoulder length auburn colored hair. Her eyes are hazel in color, and she has freckles all over her cheeks and nose. She stands at five foot, seven inches, and weighs approximately one hundred and seventeen pounds. Chances are she'll be in something a bit.. revealing.. as that has always been her style.

She utilizes Kenjutsu primarily, and has a sword of decent quality last was known. She also uses Ninjutsu; able to further utilize not only wind but lightning as well. She'll play dirty, she always has, and will use any trick in the book to try and get you off your guard; don't let her fool you. She'll likely kill you the moment she gets the chance to."

Ryoka nodded to this; it was information, more than welcome and much needed to accomplish this mission. Another sip was taking from his coffee, draining the last of it away. He was sure that Amaya would share all the information that she possessed about the mission with him; although he would not be suprised if she only gave him what was deemed necessary. She was, after all, his 'superior officer' in this aspect of thier relationship. Those in command usuually only shared the bare bones of a task with the soldier carrying out the work; less information out in the open with a potential loose thread, should the soldier be captured. He was about to ask Amaya if she had a plan of some sorts for capturing this woman, when she began to speak again.

"I'm kind of throwing you to the wolves here, but you're an unknown factor given how new you are to the village. Given how long Aki Soto has been gone she won't have any idea who you are if you just waltz right into the bar like any other patron trolling for a drink. You can scope the place out, go sit down, order something... and give me some kind of signal of your choosing to allow me to know she's there if you happen to spot her - I'll position myself so I can see you this way I can prepare for what is to come later. Try and lure her outside if you're able - I'd rather not get into a fight in the bar itself; she'll use anything she can to escape, including the lives of others as hostages and bargaining chips. If you can get her outside for me I can take over from there. If we have to handle it inside... we'll we're going to have to improvise."

So... her plan was to use him as bait? That... was sound. As Amaya explained it, he was indeed the best choice. He was unknown to this woman, and as such, able to get closer to her than Amaya would be able to to. He would hopefully be able to manipulate her into a vulnerable position in order for Amaya to be able to apprehend her. When she finished speaking, he nodded again, crumpling the cup he held. "Alright, that plan seems sound. I'll get in, and attempt to get get close her, and get her outside for you, if possible. If not... we can slip something into her drink if we can, and pull her outside to arrest." With a nod to confirm that he understoond, he would slip his hands into his pockets, offering her a small smile.

"I am ready when you are, Amaya sensei."

668 | 1864



Ryoka said that he was ready when she was. Amaya nodded her head once and then downed the last little bit of coffee she had remaining in her cup. She tossed the cup into the nearest trash bin with expert skills that came from years of doing such a thing, and then took off running - though not at full speed since she wanted to make sure Ryoka could keep up with her.

Even at slower speeds she was able to traverse the distance between the main village and the minor one they were heading to fairly easily and quickly, slowing down only when they were close enough that Amaya didn't want to risk being spotted. Before reaching the village properly she would stop all together to give Ryoka a last set of further instructions - it was time for them to split up now, rather than risk being seen together within the village itself. "Alright, we need to part ways here so we're not spotted together: I don't want to take that risk. If you follow the main path there straight into the village you'll need to go only a block and a half before you see the bar - it'll be called Screamers. There are windows in the front that I'll be able to watch you through without having to properly go inside. Given how the sun is setting I'll be able to find a nice and dark spot to hide in so I can keep an eye on you and wait to see if you can lure her outside. Once you do that either find a way to put some distance between yourselves, or tell her you forgot something inside and ask her to wait out there. Whatever works: I don't want to risk hitting you with what I'm going to get her with."

Amaya would wait to see if he had any issues with this plan, or anything else to say, before she would head her own way into the village - taking one of the smaller paths that would lead to another entrance. It would take her less than a minute to get herself positioned due to the speeds with which she moved. Finding a shadowy spot on the roof across the street and crouching down there gave her perfect sight into the bar while ensuring she kept well hidden - allowing her to watch and wait to see if this plan of theirs would properly play out.

It was all up to Ryoka now: if he could carry out this plan well enough then they'd be free to go home fairly soon. For now all Amaya had to do was watch and wait.

Wordcount: 446 | 1,756



Amaya nodded her head once and then downed the last little bit of coffee she had remaining in her cup. She tossed the cup into the nearest trash bin -- move that Ryoka mirrored since he did not see the trac bin previously. With the cups out of the way, Amaya then took off running - though she seemed to move at something that clearly was not her speed since she seen like she wanted to make sure Ryoka could keep up with her. That was fine with him, either way. He liked a challenge, but if she was taking the time to ensure he could keep up, he would not mind.

As Ryoka followed Amaya, he could not help but wonder how this would work; he knew of the basic plan, but how well it would work? He supposed that it was really up to how well he could perform in his role; could he outplay a ninja at thier own game, despite not having any kind of formal training? He was confident in his ability to con and manipulate someone; but this was trained ninja. Perhaps the alcohol would help out more than he thought... While the young man was lost in his own thoughts, it would seem that they had arrived to the minor village in question; the rumored location of the mission ninja that they were apparently seeking. It was there they would halt thier progress, with Amaya speaking out to Ryoka with a bit more information.

"Alright, we need to part ways here so we're not spotted together: I don't want to take that risk. If you follow the main path there straight into the village you'll need to go only a block and a half before you see the bar - it'll be called Screamers. There are windows in the front that I'll be able to watch you through without having to properly go inside. Given how the sun is setting I'll be able to find a nice and dark spot to hide in so I can keep an eye on you and wait to see if you can lure her outside. Once you do that either find a way to put some distance between yourselves, or tell her you forgot something inside and ask her to wait out there. Whatever works: I don't want to risk hitting you with what I'm going to get her with."

Ryoka nodded to this; this would be fine with him. He would get thier target out into the open, and leave her hanging for Amaya to snatch up. As Amaya turned away to leave, Ryoka set off into the other direction. It would not take him long to reach the bar in question, and even less for him to get inside and spot his target. She was seated on a barstoop, wearing clothing that left her practicaly naked, fawning over the male seated next to her as he purchased her another drink.

Ryoka sat down on her other side, and ordered a drink for himself to begin the fun. It would not be a long wait for the male; between pacing his own drinks, he kept a quiet count on the number of drinks that Aki Soto, his target, and the male seated on her other side were. Aki and the male were damn near all over each other, petting and fawning in between thier drinks. The man tending behind the bar seemed a bit uncomfortable with thier quite obvious public displays of affection, but Ryoka noticed that everytime the duo ordered, they paid with cash. It seemed that so long as they continued to do so, he would not throw them out.


Soon enough, the male, slurring his words and swaying on his stool, announced loudly to the whole bar [with as loud as he was becoming, Ryoka that Amaya could hear him from across the street on the roof] he had to take a piss. As he staggered off the rest room, Ryoka began a silent ten count. He waited a bit, then got up and followed the drunken man to the bathroom. In Ryoka's mind, it would be better to remove the drunken man fm the equation; if things went south, there was the possibility that he would attempt to defend Aki Soto and not listen to reason when the situation was explained, or worse, he could become a hostage. Once in the rest room, Ryoka took a look around; thankfully, it was empty and with several stalls. Stepping up behind Aki Soto's drinking buddy, Ryoka put the man into a sleeper hold, dragging him down into the far stall. When he was satisfied that the man was knocked out, Ryoka pantsed the man, and left him on the porcelain throne. Hopefully, to anyone who came in later and found him, it would seem as if he passed out drunk on the toilet while taking a shit.

Win win for him.

Stepping back into bar properly after washing his hands, Ryoka resumed his position at the bar, ordering a fresh drink. As the bar tender went about fixing his order, Ryoka kept an eye on Aki Soto, watching as she continued ordering drinks for herself while waiting for her buddy. After ten minutes, Ryoka turned to her, and offered to purchase her a drink, citing that it seemed as if her 'friend' had abandoned her. The female accepted, and soon began flirting with him, attempting to flash him peaks at places he had no interest in exploring on her, but for the sake of the mission, he played along, acting just as drunken as she was. After a good thirty minutes, Ryoka winked at the female, and suggested that they leave to find a quieter place. The drunken Aki nodded, almost tripping over herself as she stood up. Ryoka placed a hand around her waist to steady her and lead her outside...

As they stepped into open air, the young man feigned remember, and leaned Aki Soto against a pillar, saying that he forgot to pay his tab. Stepping back into the bar, he walked over to the bar keep, ordered a fresh drink, and say back on his stool to watch the show that was no doubt about to begin...

1045 | 2909



Patience. Amaya had to have them. She knew that barging into the bar to see what was going on would only cause more issues, and she had to trust Ryoka to do his job properly. If she hadn't thought he could handle the task then she wouldn't have given it to him in the first place. No, she would remain in her spot on the roof across the way, still hidden within the shadows and remaining as still as a statue as she watched what she could through the window.

Just like she thought Aki Soto was knocking the drinks back with some guy who was hanging off of her like he wanted to be attached there. This went on for a bit before sure enough the guy with Aki Soto got up to - or so Amaya assumed anyway considering the amount of alcohol he had drank - go take a piss in the bathroom. Ryoka, slyly, disappeared from sight following the same path which caused Amaya to assume easily enough that Ryoka was likely going to go and take care of the man so he couldn't come back and spoil things later.

As Amaya made a mental note to ask Ryoka exactly what he had done with the man - handling things on the fly like that was again a skill worth admiring - she saw him come back and end up taking the guys place next to Aki Soto soon enough after a grace period that likely was to make things not look as suspicious. Amaya grinned a bit, watching, as Aki Soto continued to drink more and more alcohol. "Good going...", Amaya grumbled beneath her breath as she watched, figuring this would make it all that much more easier to handle Aki Soto when she was finally brought outside.

Shortly after all of the drinking had continued Ryoka was leading Aki Soto outside and then suddenly ducking back in. Amaya had no idea what excuse he had used to get himself out of the way, but whatever it was seemed to appease her enough for her not to be suspicious. The female kept leaning on a nearby post to keep her balance and Amaya figured now was the best time to make her move while the street was still fairly empty.

Amaya shifted from where she was in the darkness and then took a leap into the air which had her easily crossing the distance between her side of the street and the other: what was better about this was that it also kept her out of sight until the very last second when she landed right next to Aki Soto. The drunk female didn't even have time to register that Amaya was there before Amaya cocked back her fist and punched her right on the side of the head. Knowing as much medical knowledge as she did, and having the strength to back it up, Amaya knew the single punch would be enough to knock the female unconscious easily enough. Sure enough Aki Soto's body crumpled into Amaya's waiting arms and she caught her before she could hit the ground. Amaya knew Aki Soto wouldn't wake up for a while, but she also knew that when she did come to it was going to be a fight, so it was best to get her locked up before such things could occur.

"Sleep tight...", Amaya said as she shifted the woman so that she could easily sling her over her shoulder, making it easier to carry her. Amaya then glanced toward the bar door, waiting for Ryoka to make his way back out.

Wordcount: 606 | 2,362 / 1,500



And right on time.

Ryoka could not help but grin as he watched the scene unfold. Amaya shifted from where she was in the darkness and then took a leap into the air which had her easily crossing the distance between her side of the street and the other: what was better about this was that it also kept her out of sight until the very last second when she landed right next to Aki Soto. The drunk female probably did not even have time to register that Amaya was there before Amaya cocked back her fist and punched her right on the side of the head. Ryoka could only assume that this blow would knock out the drunken female; Sure enough Aki Soto's body crumpled into Amaya's waiting arms and she caught her before she could hit the ground.

The male figure that either way, this female would be out like a light for a while, but it would be best to get her back into the village and into custody as soon as possible. Leaving the bar after paying his tab, the male nodded to Amaya. He would turn into the direction of Konoha, and head out, wanting to turn in this mission for the reward.

~Thread Exit~

210 | 3119

3119/1500 = Mission Completed = B rank Jutsu Freebie

1619/850 = REA D-1 to D-3

769/400 = STR D-1 to D-2



Amaya followed the same direction that Ryoka moved, the woman still slung over her shoulder and entirely unconscious. Amaya didn't beat around the bush with getting home, she had no intentions of dealing with Aki Soto while she was awake and able to fight back - not that she couldn't take her on of course, it just seemed like a waste of time. This way was so much easier, and so less hectic. Plus, it meant they could move on to working on other things, and doing other things in general.

Yup, much better to hand her off to the proper authorities while she was still unconscious. Which, was precisely what Amaya did as they reached the gates of Konoha; the team which intended on taking her off of Amaya's hands already there and waiting. The still unconscious Aki Soto was passed off to them with Amaya recieving a slip of paper in return. She then followed Ryoka back to the mission board, fully intending on seeking her payment for this mission complete.

Wordcount: 172 | 2,534 / 1,500
-Mission Completed | Thread exited-
Taking a B rank jutsu as Payment for this completed Mission

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