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1Sakkaku, Kaiya [Plot Tracker] Empty Sakkaku, Kaiya [Plot Tracker] Tue Jul 26, 2016 9:44 am




Sakkaku, Kaiya

Alias: Kai
Age: 18
Sex: Hermaphrodite / Intersexed
Gender: Gender Fluid
Sexuality: Pansexual


Lover: Yonokaze, Li

Friends: Sabaku, Ren
Acquaintances: Wind, Lyralei, Myugan, Ryu

Thread List: (In-character chronological order)


  • Lonely (Social) -Incomplete-
  • What have I done?!?!? (Mission, C) -Complete-
  • In Need of a Distraction (Social) -Complete-
  • A Friendly Lunch (Social) -Complete-
  • A Little Treat (Social) -Complete-
  • Hanging Out in the Slums (Social) -Incomplete-
  • Prepared for Trouble (Social) -Incomplete-

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