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1Interweave [Yasuo] Empty Interweave [Yasuo] Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:13 pm



Nozomi stood at the wall, feeling out the different fabrics. She moved through them pretty quickly, knowing the feel of what she was going for rather than the actual name or fiber content. She got through most of the fabrics before she found one that she thought felt about right. She was planning on making an outfit of her own, rather than just having the standardized shinobi outfit of Kirigakure, deciding that personalization for some of her outfits wasn't too bad of a thing. Unfortunately, Nozomi didn't actually know what sort of material the uniforms were made out of. They breathed really well, and yet were still good at heat retention. She wasn't overly hot even in a full uniform, except on the hottest of days, and she was able to wear it well in the cool days without freezing. There looked to be enough material left to make a full outfit, with some scraps left over, so she took it all. Okay, that dealt with one color, but she couldn't just have a one colour outfit, now could she?

One of the store attendants came up, seeing the confusion on Nozomi's face as she was contemplating what colors to make the outfit. "Can I help you miss?" the man asked, as Nozomi eagerly nodded, shoving the fabric at the man.

"Yeah, fabric. Any more of this in all of your selections please! I need to have things match up with this black for my outfit." She said, her eagerness to buy it and get started on her work was apparent. She wasn't a master seamstress, but she did know how to sew, and in theory could make an outfit rather easily. "I don't want any other types of fabric, I've got lots of that at home, I just want this type." she said, knowing how these people were. They'd recommend fabrics all day, and she'd be here much longer than she needed to be.

The man nodded, looking kinda taken aback by her brashness. "Um, sure. I'll have to go in the back to see what I can find." he said, scurrying off, leaving Nozomi to wait for his return.

WC: 365
TWC: 365

2Interweave [Yasuo] Empty Re: Interweave [Yasuo] Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:03 pm



"Love is troubling thing I tell you Mama. The future is bleak yet my heart still yearns for him. Want do you recommend?" Yasuo sighed as they put a forkful of liver into their mouth, eating slowly as they watched the sauce swirl around on the plate as their body felt tired, the ache of a sorrowful heart teasing their body making it sore. They cheek rested on the palm of their hand as the giant wolf spider beast devoured the rest of their meal. They looked up at the specimen when it finished and asked for the rest of Yasuo's food if they weren't going to finish, to which they conceded, feeling none to hungry themselves despite the high quality and explosive flavoring of the dish, making the spider squeal in happiness scourging down every last morsel. But even so it look up at the genin, feeling it lost some of its spunk to which it lowered down a bit and told Yasuo, that humans made things far too complicated. All they had to do was decide a partner and mate like other creatures. But instead they fretted over useless things like matters of the heart to which Yasuo reputed "Yes but the love I desire is more than that. Marriage, partnership, vows, dates, none of which I care for because in time, that bond withers and fades into something worthless. No I desire the conquest, the taste of the ripened forbidden fruit. I know the war shall be long and hard but it were something easily won there would be no sense of accomplishment. So I shall bid my time and await for the sense of opportunity" After those final words, Yasuo pushed back from the table and arose from their seat heading to the elevator "I have some errands to run today so I'll be on my way. I'll make sure to pick up something for you as well" And then they descended...

A few hours and a quick shower later, Yasuo was in the midst of the marketplace in Kiri. Trying to look more pleasant to the beholder, they wore long pure black hair extensions making the length reached their behind and a deep scarlet red kimono with a black water lily print. Their eyes were hidden behind a pair of sunglasses to save them some trouble, at least less than it took to get here. Despite recently acquiring their citizenship, the village citizens still looked to them with discomfort, whether it was suspicion of being an outsider or their ghastly aura was not hard to tell as it was most likely a combination of both. Perhaps the fact someone had seen them depart from Sero's island was a fact to take into account as well. No matter, by the weight of the bag they held on one arm, they already finished grabbing a few groceries; all they needed now was to head to the fabric store. All the shops that lined the streets were nice yes, but not the quality they were looking for and some were too exotic for sero's tastes. Thankfully one neon sign caught their eye, a small fabric store tucked away into a corner. Feeling like it wouldn't hurt to inspect their wares, the kurohebi glided across the ground and headed inside.

The chiming of a pair of bells made its occupants aware of their arrival, hyper aware in fact as a feeling a dread filled the air. Anyone who unfortunately had gotten too close to them felt a sudden sense of unholy fear and were being crippled by the monstrous aura making them run in fear and one woman scream. The sudden scream made them sigh in annoyance, they managed to get by alright but the close quarters this shop had reinforced their aura making a scene start up. A person ran by them, bumping into Yauso and out the door. The sudden collision could've been avoided had Yasuo not been distracted and thus it made their sunglasses fall off their face exposing their eyes, blood red irises and black scelera in place of the white. Suddenly more folk started to panic making Yasuo on edge, see this is why they didn't frequent the market very often because these things happened!


3Interweave [Yasuo] Empty Re: Interweave [Yasuo] Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:46 pm



While she was waiting for a certain somebody to return with more fabric, Nozomi thought about different designs for her outfit, planning them all out in her head. She could think up an outfit done in vivid pink, dark brown, copper, and gray. It would be of a sleeveless tunic, using a cord tied around the waist, as some sort of sash or belt, a corset covering up her midsection, rather than her usual Flak Jacket. But she wasn't sure about that color scheme. Maybe different ones? No, she wasn't a fan of the outfit planned out in her head. Perhaps a simple mesh top, the fabric cut up into a surcoat, cinched up with a belt of some sort, so it didn't fly openly in the wind. The sleeves would be draped a little farther down than normal, to allow for hidden weaponry to remain unseen. It was certainly useful for that, but in doing so, she might limit her taijutsu ability, risking getting all wrapped up in herself.

Ooo, maybe a completely different route, with something else. If she wore a slightly altered version of her normal uniform, more bunched up at one of the sleeves to allow for quicker movement without tearing seams, while on the forearm, it would be tight to the skin, to allow for her to equip something to it, be it a gauntlet, some senbon launchers, or even the weights she was planning on acquiring. The other side of her would be mostly uncovered by the first layer, to allow her easy access to inside pockets which would hide some smaller weapons or items. In addition, it would allow for greater airflow, which would let her fight a little longer before the heat got to her. Interlacing some of her different fabric colors to half a plain blue kimono to cover up her exposed side, the other half draped down over her leg a bit, Nozomi would use a belt to keep the thing closed. She could sew on a strip of fabric to the neckline of the Kimono, and fashion it into a scarf to keep the main bodice of it up, as well as allowing for quick disrobing of just the Kimono by unwrapping the crossover. That way she could use the sleeve to hide weapons from sight, but also remove the Taijutsu inhibitor quickly if necessary. Her pants would be like the sleeve, with some seam allowance down to her calves, where it would once again go on tightly, to allow for Greaves to be attached, or any weights she might employee on them. Yes, that would do just fine, but she needed some more colour scheme.

As she was thinking about it, the bells chimed, signalling a new person entering the shop. Nozomi noticed a shift in the atmosphere not uncommon to the ones that Hachiko and Sero had about them, an aura of deadliness and perversion of the human nature. She peered around a corner just as a woman let out a shriek, and people started to dart for the exit, pushing past the man who stood in the door, seeming to be the source of the discomfort. Inwardly, the Special Jounin sighed, as most civilians just weren't accustomed to this sorta thing. She supposed it unnerved even some shinobi, but such feelings weren't uncommon to her, nor did they always mean evil. She noted that his eyes were quite different at a glance as his sunglasses fell off, intrigued by the unusualness. Her own eyes were quite different from most as well, offering a slight glow when she was full on Chakra, turning dull when she was low on it. 5 dots ringed the blue of her eyes, and the inner part of her iris was a pure ring of green. She knew what it was like to have people stare at her eyes, so she looked away.

The attendant still hadn't returned with her fabric yet, so she figured she'd go and do some damage control over the situation while she waited. Stepping away from the corner of the shelf, she approached Yasuo and smiled. "Are you doing that on purpose, or can't you control your aura?" she asked, a smile on her face. She wasn't particularly upset by him, and she'd certainly felt worse, so there wasn't much cause for alarm to her, but perhaps remaining civilians would see he isn't an issue if they saw someone talking to him.

WC: 746
TWC: 1111

4Interweave [Yasuo] Empty Re: Interweave [Yasuo] Mon Jul 04, 2016 4:00 pm



Yasuo could feel the headache coming, their temples began to throb as their heart rate rose. They were having a particularly awful day and it only had gotten worse by the minute. In hindsight, this was completely their fault, they shouldn't have made the trek to the village and should've hired a handy man instead like Sero had been doing in the past few weeks. While they enjoy a good scream everyone once it awhile, it was a troublesome burden on them if it happened when they did not desire it so. So keeping these events in mind, they made it a point to come by when it was later in the day and less folk were wandering around in the streets lest there would be more civilians running around like chicken with their heads cut off and brainless shinobi going to arrest them for something they can't really control. Thankfully not everyone was brainless. One particular girl had come up to them and asked about their condition "It may be surprising but no, I hadn't intended this at all. I suppose I know a way to suppress it but it wouldn't last very long so I don't see the point. But if I'm going to get this reception every time I need to run errands, the sacrifice may be worth it if it will keep the peace"

They sighed, heavy in heart with regret with coming out today and thought it best to rectify this situation so with a quick swipe of their thumb, blood drip from the appendage until the limb illuminated in a green glow, healing the wound all the same only a moment after. The jutsu was basic recovering method, a standard healing jutsu but it would do the trick. As the healing aura made contact with the kurohebi's chakra, the oppressive aura dissipated away into nothingness, leaving a calm empty aura about the formerly bloodthirsty genin to which seemed to ease the worries of the store's occupants who looked towards the blonde woman and Yasuo in confusion; some hurried away regardless but others instead strayed away from the pairing but still kept a wary eye on them yet feeling better, believing they would be safe in the former himitsu's care. Yasuo then breathed a sigh of relief and smiled to down at the blonde shrugged their shoulder and bowing the head a bit as they gave a tired smile, thinking this should last just for a bit at least."My apologies for that commotion. This should hold it off, at least for a few minutes at least but should be enough to do my business"

Looking around the shop then towards the blonde, they gave her fabrics a critical eye before approving, to which they grinned and gestured to her prizes"Are you fashioning something for yourself as well? It doesn't take the keenest eye to see you're looking into more durable wear. Would you happen to be a shinobi then? I know those of that particular occupation are more accepting of my nature" However as soon those words parted from them the kurohebi blinked and covered their mouth hiding a slightly sheepish smile "Ah that was quite rude of me. Allow me to properly introduce myself. My name is Masa, Yasuo. May I have the pleasure of learning the name of the madame's as well?"



KKG: Death's Aura down for next 3 posts


5Interweave [Yasuo] Empty Re: Interweave [Yasuo] Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:24 pm



Very quickly, Nozomi came to the conclusion that this person was not malicious, at least not in his current state. It was the response that was given that gave Nozomi that conclusion. He had no means of continually shutting down the tainted aura that surrounded him, and because of that, the means that might alleviate it momentarily wasn't one that was worth pursuit. However, there was a quick settlance on trying to avoid receiving such a reception, and that made Nozomi happy, that he was at the very least willing to spare the others the feeling. She herself was hardly bothered by it, having been around those who were even worse. Perhaps through the smallest amount of familiarity, Nozomi was pleased that she could stomach the feeling that was emanating from Yasuo.

She was going to inquire as to his momentary alleviation, but it appeared he was already getting working on it. A quick wound was inflicted on themselves, and then a healing jutsu was used. Nozomi shouldn't have been surprised that the person was a Chakra wielder of any sort, considering the way they felt, but yet she couldn't help but feel caught off guard. Perhaps it was that Yasuo was a medical user. "That's interesting. Medical Jutsu?" she asked, thinking out loud. Almost immediately, the feeling seemed to dim down, lessening until it was completely gone. Nozomi found that her body became more responsive to its movements, not having realized that his chakra was so oppressive that it had made her a little more sluggish. Something to keep in mind, in all actuality, Yasuo's chakra had more of an effect on her than did Sero's. Whereas Sero's was purely dark, Yasuo's was like a venom. Sapping strength. Yasuo then bowed, and asked pardon for the commotion, the aura would only be gone for a few minutes, but would be enough so that he could complete his tasks.

Nozomi smiled as he appraised her fabrics, in seeming approval. "Well, firstly, no need to apologize. My old squadmate Sero has asked me to go shopping for him on occasion due in large part to his aura. But his isn't one that can be turned off at all, from what it would seem. As for these? Yeah, I have a lot of uniforms, as I'm a Special Jounin of Kirigakure, and one of the most battle ready ones. The unfortunate thing is that those weren't specifically tailored for me, so I can't do as much customization as I'd like. So I'm going to fashion my own wardrobe, using the same type of durable materials, so I have more personalized combat gear. It's a pleasure to meet you Masa Yasuo. I'm Himitsu, Nozomi." she said, offering a bow. She was usually polite to people when she wasn't beating a lesson into them or sparring. And even then she'd try to be as polite as possible.

WC: 485
TWC: 1596

6Interweave [Yasuo] Empty Re: Interweave [Yasuo] Mon Jul 04, 2016 6:00 pm



With their ghastly aura now gone, the somber feel dissipated and return to its former stature hopefully alleviating some of the worries. Of course with their application of chakra they perhaps gave up too much information away but, Yasuo's more venomous technique, would keep anyone at bay if should chose to live longer haha. Feeling rather amused by the vibrancy in the young woman, the kurohebi chuckled nodding and readjusted the grip they had on their groceries "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Miss Himitsu. May I call you by your first name? And yes, you are right, indeed it is. Despite my unfortunate circumstance, there is remedy for it. What you saw was a simple application. Are you by any chance versed in the arts?"

As dull as they seemed Yasuo suddenly perked up at the mention of the godly Osada, making their heart skip a beat in anticipation. Unlike before where they seemed polite yet reserved, they were full of life like they glowed in the sun but quickly calmed themselves and make it seemed like they only twitched, just a bit though the widening of their eyes gave it a way, that and they payed much closer attention to the woman, more than before surveying her and seeing in a new life, interested in what the blossoming blonde had to say for certainly they had known Sero longer than Yasuo "My my, I had not figured you were an friend of Sero-sama. How delightful. Tell me by any chance were you teammates with my master? I'm rather curious" It seemed a bit cheeky, well more than cheeky actually as they leaned in a bit wanting to hear every detail but as much as Yasuo loved to hear about Sero and all his glory they had to keep their wits about them although truthfully, they would find having that man as their master absolutely divine. The very thought sent pleasure cold shivers down their spine and their dignity had been saved by the fact they were in public or else they would act in a manor most unbecoming. So as to not cause any confusion and save face, Yasuo flicked their wrist and took out a black lace fan, fanning themselves and covering their face to hide their sheepish grin."Oh excuse me, please do not take that the wrong way. I am not odd fellow, rather I actually am one of the newly hired staff members in his manor. It was actually on his recommendation that I acquired citizenship here in the village. Lovely place by the way. Perfect for the summer."

As a designer themselves, Yasuo's kimonos were quite sought after of course they did dabble in avaunt garde every once in awhile but much prefer traditional sewing as their mother did so it was no surprised Yasuo was interested in what the young woman had in mind, and if they could, offer their own input as well "It is rather nice to meet a fellow seamstress. Do you have any particular destines in mind? I rather do enjoy the art. In fact I'm actually here to shop for some materials for the manor"


Chakra: 115/130

KKG: Death's Aura down for next 2 posts

7Interweave [Yasuo] Empty Re: Interweave [Yasuo] Mon Jul 04, 2016 6:59 pm



Nozomi nodded vigorously. "Oh, please by all means call me Nozomi. I technically shouldn't still introduce myself as a Himitsu anyhow." she said, thinking in the back of her mind 'At least not until I restake my claim as the Heiress of Clan Himitsu from a certain someone. But no, that's all in due time. Soon enough, I'm not quite ready yet to face my father.' Without skipping a beat, Nozomi elaborated more on Yasuo's questions. "No, I'm not a medical user myself, but for a time I had wanted to be. Instead I learned the arts of weaponry, and I'm currently seeking to master them to the same degree as my Taijutsu. It's still a potential that I'll learn Medical Jutsu, but it won't be until I've truly mastered as much as I can my other skills. And even then, I'm not sure if Medical Jutsu's what I want to do." she replied, blabbering on as she was wont to do. It was the truth though. A while ago, she'd told Gin how after meeting Chisaki, she'd wanted to study under her and learn the arts of Medical Jutsu, so she didn't have to worry about anyone she cared about getting hurt, or having to protect her, but in the end, that hadn't quite worked out. She'd had too much on her plate, and one thing led to another, Nozomi had furthered her combat abilities immensely, choosing a flawless offensive spread to defend herself and others rather than Medical Jutsu.

What even was there for her to do? There were a few options available to her, but none that really called out to her. In fact, for the most part she was content with what she had. She didn't even bother learning what her aptitude for other elements were. Perhaps she'd take a page out of Sero's books and go the route of Fuuinjutsu. It would allow her the ability to store her many items, and she'd always be able to travel lighter. Not only that, but in combining her Taijutsu, ninjutsu, and bukijutsu with Fuuinjutsu, she'd be able to optimize her attacks. Place a seal on someone containing a potent Petal Explosion, unseal it, and watch them have to deal with something like that. Or place seals on a weapon that could help negate certain jutsu from breaking them, allowing her more effective use of her weapons. Fuuinjutsu was a strong candidate for her own personal arsenal. Besides, sealing away an opponent's movement, strength, sight, and other such abilities, whilst increasing your own would be an increasingly powerful thing. There were certain people around that sealing in such a manner would bring them down to a level where they would no longer seem quite so godly.

Of course, nobody could deny the merits of being a Medical Ninja. Even one with mediocre skills could sustain a fight all the much longer. The main issue was that she herself was more resistant to healing than a normal person, and so her own healing would be less effective on herself than it should be, and she was more often than not a solo fighter. In a situation where she would need healing, she'd be better off using her chakra to fight to her fullest rather than soak it up trying to stay in the fight by healing her wounds, when she'd just receive new ones soon enough anyhow. The main argument towards the usefullness of Medical Jutsu was her ability to support someone else. Kaekio was a god about not getting hit, but if she did, Nozomi would be there to heal her if necessary, and that was all the reason she needed for it to be worth it. Then again, Nozomi as an offensive fighter would be able to protect Kaekio from harm as well, without need for any of them to even get hit. Nozomi rarely got pushed that far in a fight that she ever truly feared for her own or someone else's safety.

Those were the two main ones she was considering, with Senjutsu not far behind, but Nozomi felt she'd never truly master it. While it could help enhance some of her abilities, and she'd be better for it, it just didn't seem like she was a viable candidate for it. Besides, everyone who achieved Sage Mode made a name for themselves because of it, and Nozomi wanted to prove she was just as capable as anyone else, without it.

At the mention of Sero, Yasuo's attention had been bought, oddly enough. Nozomi shouldn't have been surprised, as birds of a feather flocked together. Fitting, perhaps, that the two of them stuck around each other. "Yeah, Sero and I were teammates on Squad Gin. There had been a third member, but he couldn't keep up with out pace, and so it was just Sero and myself. I think he despised me for a while, but hopefully I've grown on him. I like to think we're friends." she said, thinking on it. Giggling slightly as the attendant finally arrived with an armful of different coloured fabric, Nozomi went over to deal with that, still in conversation with Yasuo. "Thanks, I'll buy all of these. Spare fabric's useful." she said, exchanging Ryo with fabric, of which she paid more than they were worth, not having counted out her Ryo. She was bad about that sort of thing. "Sero's mansion was in shambles last I saw of it, so you're either being sarcastic, or it's been cleaned up. I hope it's the second one, especially if Mitsu's going to be around there." the words muttered out of her mouth. More and more Nozomi found herself rambling, but she had never been good about socializing.

Her eyes lit up, even more so than the soft glow already had them at, and she grinned excitedly. "Welcome to the ranks of Kirigakure, by the way. As far as my projects, well...." Nozomi went on to explain what she was currently planning on using the fabric for, in lengthy detail as well, sparing very little information. Yasuo was a Kiri ninja, so it wasn't like she'd have to fight him, and the smartest of ninja would carry hidden weapons, anyone knew that. She wasn't trying to keep that a secret more so than what her hidden weapons would be. ".... and the main problem is that I'm not like a master seamstress, and I only have rudimentary skills in that sort of thing. I think I can do it, but it won't be perfect on the first go, which is why I bought all this fabric. Well, that, and I'm small, and can make mannny different outfits with it. I may not completely know what I'm doing, but that doesn't mean quantity isn't a good thing." she finished out, having blabbered on for several minutes without pause.

WC: 1153
TWC: 2749

8Interweave [Yasuo] Empty Re: Interweave [Yasuo] Mon Jul 04, 2016 8:24 pm



"Very well Nozomi-chan" Yasuo actually liked her name, finding it very fitting, hopeful, wishful, beauty, a very becoming name that they can only imagine fit the young himitsu well however those last few words leaves little to imagination making them curious if the woman had intended for Yasuo to hear that. Why in her case was she not a himitsu anymore? Surely her supposed 'crime' was not grievous enough at all if she was still in the line of duty. Kirigakure was no place for nonsense otherwise she would've been ran out of town and grouped up with one of the various hostile factions in the country which for this current time, they could not see her doing any time soon. Perhaps some internal problems? Yasuo was well versed in political power struggles and family discord as their past had been most...unwelcoming but perhaps normal in the regard of this blood soaked world. Still it was a curiosity they would leave sated. Perhaps if the young woman ever should desire, they could visit the manor and dine with them although they would need to do some grocery shopping beforehand because it was very likely the woman would not be a fan of their more 'exotic' dishes however it might be funny, to see the reaction, like when one certain man fed another some jerky, unknowingly realizing it had once been another living, breathing human like themselves. Ah the irony in the whole situation was very much enjoyable.

Hearing the girl's explanation, they saved that bit of information for later as it could be important. Perhaps on a later date the two of them could exchange chakra manipulation theories and even play a game of shogi together. Shrugging their shoulders slightly the genin only wished the girl the best since it so far seem she didn't have a need for the arts yet"I see, very well however should you ever wish a lesson or two on the arts please do seek me out. There is much more to the arts than merely healing haha. I should know that better than most after all" Yasuo chuckled albeit accidentally it came out sounding dark and haunted to which only lasted a moment still the afterthought remain about the individual's viewpoint on the medical ninjutsu arts, seeing that while healing is indeed beneficial, Yasuo didn't need it as much as most if it came at the cost of losing their aura. Besides everyone enjoys dabbling in the dark arts every once in a while, some more than others.

Intriguing, Yasuo heard a bit about the seven swordsman, one known to have a thing for powerful men and but being just as deadly or even more so herself. It might explain the abrasiveness in their mannerisms though it was less noticeable in Nozomi than Sero though from her story it seemed he had always been that way. Ha it actually seemed funny, thinking of a younger, feistier Sero turned out to be very cute and so appealing. Maybe if they snooped around carefully enough in the manor without disturbing Sero, they could find some old photo albums and keep a few, for safe keeping of course"Oh please I doubt anyone could despise you. I haven't known Sero-sama very long but I can tell he has a tendency to get a bit childish. He is trying to overcome the long shadow his late father cast over him. Besides, I believe that every bond is important because for every meeting, our strings of fate are cast, interwoven in order to shape the tell of our stories"

When an attendant came rounding the corner, bundles of fabric in hand, Yasuo gave him an appraising glance finding nothing noteworthy. After the former himitsu exchanged her dues for her wares Yasuo lowered their fan to expose their face and called out to him before he could disappear elsewhere "Sir, one moment please. Would you by any chance have any bolts of fabric for sale. I require about six bolts of fabric, around ten yards each by sixty inches of the same fabric as the young ladies only with a satin or silk finish in the shades royal blue, deep red, black, a light grey and white. Oh and I also need matching threads, a couple bobbins, a seam ripper, and. They paused for a moment fanning themselves before reaching into the wide sleeve of their kimono and taking out a long list, handing it to the attendant "You know actually to make this easier for you here is a list I had written up prior. Please find everything on this list; I will be waiting here. And I do expect all to go accordingly and to be delivered only that of what I require. Yasuo fanned themselves some more, a bit irked by the exasperated expression on the attendant's face so they shamelessly added "Sero-sama is not one to be kept waiting" The attendant's face suddenly turned white before they flew away to get the supplies

Yasuo stopped fanning themselves for a moment to shake their head to ease the girl's worries and side step out of the way, going to the girl's side so another person could pass by into the store, seeing their eyes but otherwise unperturbed by their presence and continued walking by"Trust in when I say I do agree, the manor is in quite disrepair but it will be remedied. I make no joke when I say I am indeed staff; chef and tailor. And I can understand it is a bit odd, seeing the state it is in, it has been left to rot for many years no doubt because of grief. Thankfully Sero-sama has decided to bring life back to the manor, and I am one of the many in the future to ensure that vision sees through."

Once more, Yasuo heard something they probably weren't supposed to but they could help but grin, hiding the lower half of their face with the hand and their voice turned light heart and teasing, leaning in a bit " this Mitsu by any chance your lover? Are you worried about your darling? Kshi-kshi-kshi, don't worry although I haven't had the pleasure of meeting here I'm sure she is alright"

"Thank you very much for the warm welcome. And these projects entail?" Yasuo listened to Nozomi describe her various projects with rapt attention, carefully thinking about what she had envisioned and whether it can be done or not, the time that needed to be taken into account and other variables. "What you desire would only take a day or two per outfit depending on the pace you're going; it's not too complicated but that depends it want quantity over quality however would take less time but not be the best. You don't need to be a master seamstress as the art of sewing, just the basic skills, patience, and the willingness to learn. If you'd like I could help you a bit where you need it whenever either of us has the time"


Chakra: 115/130

KKG: Death's Aura disabled for one more post

9Interweave [Yasuo] Empty Re: Interweave [Yasuo] Fri Jul 08, 2016 7:42 pm



Nozomi was kind of interested in the amount of respect this person seemed to have about Sero. It was actually kind of intriguing, as she was one of the few people that didn't mind being around Sero, even among the more blood thirsty of Shinobi. It was actually kind of nice, and elicited a small smile from her. And Yasuo seemed to know a little bit about Sero more than even she really knew. She had really no involvement in his personal life, despite them being what she considered friends.
"A bit childish? I mean, he doesn't have much social skills, but I wouldn't say childish, necessarily. But I suppose his dad's shadow is a big one, right?" she said, recalling the vague information she remembered about the former Mizukage, Sero Osada Senior. She'd of course never personally met him, nor could she remember too too much.

As she waited for Yasuo to complete his own order, Nozomi couldn't help but snicker slightly at the way he addressed and ticked off the attendant. He seemed to have a much better handle on what he wanted than Nozomi did, perhaps because Yasuo was much more of a seamster than she was, and actually did this sort of thing more frequently. Maybe she should get his help on some of these sort of things? It was a rather extensive list, and this person seemed to overload the attendant with a list of information, before pulling out a written list and handing it to them, invoking the name of Sero. It was strange how a simple name could change so much in a person's demeanor. Despite him not being there, Sero held such a presence that few wanted to cross him. The young blonde said nothing.

Nozomi grinned from ear to ear, a small blush appearing acrossed her face as he spoke. She giggled a bit nervously, slightly embarassed. "I.. well, I mean, I like her. Mitsu's very cute, and she's amazing. I just.. you know, wanna make sure she's in a good environment." she said, brushing her hair behind her ear. "I mean, I'll certainly help with the renovations, if you guys need any help with it." she offered up her help, knowing that if Sero needed any help at all, she'd get a messenger crow or raven much like she did before when he needed her to collect the bricks and building supplies a while back.

After the discussion of what it was she wanted to do, Nozomi bowed. "I'll certainly have to take you up on your offer. I would love some advice and would appreciate any help you could give me. It may seem simple to you, but I'm not very good at this sort of thing. Ideally, I want quality, but I also want to have a lot of things too, so I can replace them after missions that might hurt them, you know? My outfits don't usually end up trashed, but if they ever do, I don't want to have to replace them over and over again, so having backups is nice." she said. After receiving his response, Nozomi would bow again, and dismiss herself, saying that if ever Yasuo wished to contact her, just ask Sero about her, and he'd be able to point them in the right direction.

WC: 557
TWC: 3306

Exit Thread

Training: Dragon Dance [3000/3000]

10Interweave [Yasuo] Empty Re: Interweave [Yasuo] Sun Jul 24, 2016 3:04 pm



Yasuo was rather enjoying the himitsu's reactions quite a bit finding them very cute indeed. Whomever this Mitsu character was, is very lucky to have such a beauty in her grasp. Their fan snapped into full length fanning their face and hiding its lower half hiding the rather snarky grin that adorned the owner's porcelain features, a fang showing through biting their lip as they wondered what other reactions they could pry from her in the future."Kshi-kshi-kshi-kshi, you need not worry. While not five star accommodations, it is practically safe as safe could be if you are one of the residents. Besides, it only needs a bit of elbow grease to fix it up but any help would be dutifully appreciated dear"

"Very well then, please do come by the manor whenever you wish and I will aide you to the best of my abilities. Perhaps you could stay over for dinner one night. I'm sure your Mitsu would be more than happy to have her dearly beloved flower over for supper. Is there anything in particular you are allergic to that I should be aware of? I would prefer to avoid such situations"

"Tis a pity but so be it. I shall see you next time for dinner. However there has been some rather...alarming situations popping up lately on the island that you might be interested in a guide perhaps? I shall tell you more later in the letter. Have a good day" Yasuo bowed their head just a bit before waving the young lady good bye. As the did so the clerk returned with a cart full of supplies, bundles and bundles of them that made the rather large cart seemily dwarf in comparison. The kurohebi smiled at them handing them the wares, or at least intending to when a sudden cold breeze filled the room much more than before when a familiar aura appeared. It's owner placed the dues onto the counter before turning to Yasuo who only chuckled in response. A silent conversation passed through their eyes as if reminiscent of a telepathic connection before the young black hair lady grabbed all the bags and followed Yasuo out the store.


Chakra: 115/130

Death's Aura Re-activated

STR D - D3 (1175/1175)
REA D - D3 (1175/1175)
PER D - D1 (325/325)
END D - D1 (325/325)
SPD D - D1 (325/325)

85 wc discarded


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