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1A Genuine Tavern Brawl [Open] Empty A Genuine Tavern Brawl [Open] Mon Jul 04, 2016 4:56 pm



There were two things that occured to Saisei as he approached and entered the Shushaya pub in Konoha, well actually there were a lot more than two, but two of them stood out from the rest. First of all, he understood why he had never been here before. Even a deaf man such as himself could notice from walking in that this place was loud. Extremely loud, and full of both unsavory people and well respected shinobi alike, all mingling and talking. Deafness came with its perks, for one it was really easy to hear your own thoughts, because it was probably the only thing you would ever hear, and even then you wouldn't know how to sound when you thought, they were just words that he read without a voice, understood without emotion, but obviously it also had its negatives, the obvious one being that you were deaf. But, if Saisei were to be honest, right now his deafness was a godsend. If he had been able to hear all these conversations, he may very well have left the moment he had entered, but with his unique condition he was able to watch people and tune in specifically to one conversation at a time, judging the value of continuing to eavesdrop before moving on to the next conversation. Of course, itwas difficult lip reading if only one person was facing you, since you only had half of the conversation, but it was usually enough to gleam how interesting the conversation was and decide whether or not it was worth his time to stop and tune in, which in all cases it very much wasn't.

The second, and most powerful of all, thing to hit Saisei was the smell. One of the most typical after effects of having one of your senses completely null and void was that it usually helped make your other senses stronger. Now, obviously Saisei was already blessed with the Byakugan, allowing him to have sight greater than the average man, but something that he had always been proud of was his sense of smell, as it was stronger than an average man. Not to the extent where he was half man, half bloodhound, but enough that the stench of urine and alcohol which all of the other patrons were able to ignore in their hyperactive states was all but clear to the young Hyuga, as it entered his nose and shocked his entire body, resulting in him gagging and almost throwing up in the entrance way. Luckily he managed to avoid it, and he was immensely grateful for it, he didn't want to be known as the guy who threw up from the smell of alcohol, especially since he had never found a problem with actually drinking any of it. He made it to the bar itself, being able to partially cope with the smell, even though it was still very much there, and very much pungent and unpleasant, but he looked at the bartender, trying his very best not to wrinkle his nose as he ordered a bottle of sake. He really didn't want to appear rude in front of the bartender regarding the smell of his own pub, no doubt that would only start some kind of crazy brawl, something the young shinobi was really not wanting to happen, even if he was something of an expert in hand to hand combat and knew he could easily take out all of the patrons currently in the pub. Looking at them, he couldn't see anyone that looked intimidating or impressive enough to take him on. He received his bottle and a cup with which to drink from, but instead Saisei just started drinking straight from the bottle, ignoring the cup as it was taken away by the bartender. He was an arrogant man, and he knew it wouldn't matter what happened to him, as no one in the pub would be able to take him on, no matter who it was.


2A Genuine Tavern Brawl [Open] Empty Re: A Genuine Tavern Brawl [Open] Mon Jul 11, 2016 4:53 pm



Ryuujin had noticed the man a while back. It wasn't hard to miss him. He had such pale skin and (to Ryuu) very pretty hair so he had followed him to this pub. Now Ryuujin was very bored and very curious but, as he stood at the door of the pub, he doubted his level of boredom and curiosity was enough to withstand this place. It was so noisy and it had Ryuu wincing and his hands twitching as if to cover his ears. How could The-Pale-Man stand it? How could the other people stand it?

What also hit him hard, though not as hard as the noise, was the smell. It was the scent of alcohol, urine and other unmentionables. The scent had Ryuu, for a second, sending a small prayer of thanks that he had gotten good hearing and not smell because the pub stank. He considered turning back and heading home but there was nothing to do at home. That was the reason he was following The-Pale-Man in the first place. Kai, his Ninneko partner, would rather sleep and eat than to play with him and nobody else was home to play either. So Ryuujin gave a tiny sigh, firmed his resolve and stepped into the pub. And did a complete u-turn out. So loud. So, so loud.

He tried to give himself a bit of a pep-talk. 'Think about The-Pale-Man. Remember your ninja goals. If you can't even stand this you ain't nothing.' He rubbed his ears a bit and took a deep breathe. He immediately regretted it because he was still facing the pub and it still stank to high heaven. Surprisingly, it also gave him the strength he needed to enter. Ryuujin made his way to where the man sat and sat next to him. It was after he had taken a seat that Ryuu realized he really didn't have a plan beyond this. And was he even old enough to drink?

"What's the differene between a tavern, a pub and a bar anyway?" Ryuu mused aloud.

3A Genuine Tavern Brawl [Open] Empty Re: A Genuine Tavern Brawl [Open] Fri Jul 22, 2016 2:12 pm



(Sorry for the delay)

The more Saisei drank, the more he understood how the other patrons were able to cope: the alcohol drowned out the smell, probably because it made your nose, along with the rest of your body, numb and strange which drunk. There was also the factor that, now that Saisei was contributing to the smell of the bar, it didn't affect him nearly as much as someone walking in, as he watched the door, wanting someone strong looking, or even just interesting to walk in, but instead he was greeted by a male who didn't look at all like he was old enough to enter the pub, and even then the boy turned around and left the moment he entered, something Saisei had partially wanted to do when he had done the exact same just minutes ago, but the difference was that the young Hyuga was old enough to be here, or at the very least looked old enough, so much so that he couldn't lose face by walking out. Besides, most of the people around in the tavern were drunk enough that they didn't even notice the boy who re-entered moments after departing, having gained his resolve. He was a strange looking person, with hair a strangely different colour from the blacks, browns and whites that seemed to encompass most of the people of Konoha. This man had an almost lilac hair colour, a very calming, but noticeable colour to all who beheld it. This wasn't a man that Saisei would be forgetting anytime soon, especially when he came and sat next to the fuschia haired man and then spoke aloud, asking the difference between a tavern, a pub and a bar, something Saisei only managed to gleam from his lips as he spoke.

The two sitting at the bar knew that the question was mostly directed at Saisei, as the younger looking man was sitting next to the Hyuga for a reason, which made it difficult for the deaf and mute man to give a reply. He sort of knew the answer to the man's question, as there were distinct differences between the three items mentioned. For one, the bar was what they were sitting at, the bar was simply where the drinks were purchased and where they were kept, sometimes with stools for many to sit at. Beyond that, it seemed like the biggest differences between the tavern and the pub were that the former was usually accompanied by lodging, much like an inn, while a pub was simply where people gathered for drinks. And then the difference between an inn and a tavern was simply that an inn seemed like a more respectable establishment, almost as if people gathered at a tavern to drink, but an inn to have food. Unfortunately, despite being able to think through the very complex answers, Saisei was unable to speak to convey his answers and feelings, something that was becoming much more of an issue with the people of Konoha seemingly becoming much more friendly, maybe Saisei just looked too approachable, it was starting to cause some issues, but his response to the man's question was simply a shrug of not being sure. Taking another drink of sake, the Hyuga realised that he was far too sobre, and needed to drink a lot more, so he ordered another bottle of sake, having finished his first and still being able to answer questions such as the one he had been given, even if he hadn't been able to say his answer. He needed to drink more so that those kinds of questions were too far beyond his capability, that was his plan now that he was here. With his second bottle of sake came two cups, obviously the bartender thinking that the two men at the bar were friends. Not really caring either way Saisei, more out of courtesy than anything else, poured some sake into the two cups, offering one to the man sitting next to him. Maybe they could get drunk together, maybe this would be an interesting day after all.


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