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1Daiko's Plot Tracker Empty Daiko's Plot Tracker Fri Jun 24, 2016 10:32 pm



Story of Daiko

- D-Rank
1. Training, Training, Training...
2. Sinful Pleasures
3. Kirigakure -- The Village Hidden in Mist
4. Walking on Water... Off to Hi no Kuni
5. So this is Konohagakure?
6. Training in the Leaves
7. A Study in Family 
8. Clashing Waves
- C-Rank
9. A Meeting in the Woods

People Known IC

1. Yasuo Masa [Name not known, Face is recognizable]
2. Genbu Yuurei [Friend]
3. Ginza Kaigara [Name Known]
4. Nishi Asano [Name not known, Face somewhat recognizable]
5. Nayoko Nozara [Good Friend]


1. _D_ Patrol
2. _C_ A Call for Help
3. _C_ Recovering the stolen Jewels

Road to Special Jounin:

Jutsu already used for Rank Up:

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