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1Azayaka Clan Empty Azayaka Clan Wed May 18, 2016 4:10 pm


Symbol: Azayaka Clan Dishonored_hand_symbol_vector_by_marekmaurizio-d5hss5w

Clan: Azayaka

Kekkei Genkai: Yami No Hikaru(Light in Darkness)

Elements: N/A

Specialization: Ninjutsu

Location: Kumogakure

Clan History: Beginning as a peaceful and nomadic clan that traveled the area where Kumogakure is located today, the Azayaka were an intelligent and proud tribe, many of its members exhibiting control over light particles with ease. It was these abilities that led to the Clan being contacted. Meeting with a group who had claimed themselves the Raiu, they were met with an offer, to join that clan and create a Hidden Shinobi Village. Given that they owned the lands where the Daimyo had ordered the village to be built, and becoming part of said village would not only make them stronger, but give them a stable homeland. The Azayaka were no fools, and so they had accepted. Coming together with the Raiu and the other founding Clans of Kumogakure they would help form the foundation for Kumogakure to grow and thrive on.
As Kumogakure grew as a village the Azayaka itself, overjoyed with how everything had been going would start to branch out. Refusing to claim land for a compound the Azayaka would instead live side by side with the villagers, passing their knowledge and teachings to their neighbors. However after a horrible injustice during the 2nd shinobi war, during which hundreds of Kumo shinobi were killed by a power crazed Azayaka. The Azayaka were shunned by all except the Raiu. Now known as a clan of savages because of the actions of a single member. The clan fights for redemption proving that they as a group, are just as loyal to the village as the day they helped create it.

Kekkei Genkai Description: The Azayaka clan are masters of light. And as such they can manipulate light particles using their chakra. Able to draw light particles to a certain area, or expel it out of an area. They are able to manipulate and control the battlefield. Aside from being able to  bend light, the Azayaka clan poses a Dojutsu called The Yami no Hikaru. The Yami no Hikaru gives their eyes an odd pale blue coloring with small black pupils, and allows the clan members to see even in the most extreme of darkness and light. This is allowed by dispelling light from their eyes whilst in extreme light. Or attracting light to their eyes whilst in darkness. This secret Dojutsu is a passive technique and is active from the time an Azayaka is born.

Due to having the Yami no Hikaru, Azayaka members automatically start with D rank perception. And it takes members of the Azayaka clan 100 less words to rank up perception.

Due to having the Yami no Hikaru, Azayaka members are immune to techniques that rely on bright light such as a flash bang or certain raiton jutsu.

Drawbacks: Due to having an always active Dojutsu in passive form the Azayaka will have a -15 chakra pool.



Name: Enshrouding Nightmare
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: Scaling(D-S)
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Specialty: Ninjutsu
Cooldown: Double the maintained duration
Description: After making a tiger hand sign the user expels light particles out of the area with their chakra, thus surrounding the user in darkness hindering the sight of all peoples within the techniques radius. For an additional 5 chakra per turn the user can draw light particles to a number of people. Allowing them full vision whilst inside Enshrouding Nightmare's radius. Shadow based techniques are rendered useless while in this techniques radius. Due to needed light to have a shadow.
D Rank:
C Rank:
B Rank:
A Rank:
S Rank:

Radiant Detonation Burst:

Last edited by Trueno on Sun May 22, 2016 3:33 pm; edited 12 times in total (Reason for editing : Changed the entire thing.)

2Azayaka Clan Empty Re: Azayaka Clan Thu May 19, 2016 7:59 am



I'm going to tell you right now, combining raiton and fuuton to create sound, or simply using raiton for thunder-claps is not considered an advance element or release, it's something pretty much everyone can do with those elements. Feel free to re-organize your clan to make it moreso that this clan specializes in that specific function, and maybe has bonuses to it, but clan locking it to an advanced nature kkg is not going to go through.


3Azayaka Clan Empty Re: Azayaka Clan Fri May 20, 2016 4:09 pm


Ayakashi wrote:I'm going to tell you right now, combining raiton and fuuton to create sound, or simply using raiton for thunder-claps is not considered an advance element or release, it's something pretty much everyone can do with those elements. Feel free to re-organize your clan to make it moreso that this clan specializes in that specific function, and maybe has bonuses to it, but clan locking it to an advanced nature kkg is not going to go through.


Updated the clan 100% different

4Azayaka Clan Empty Re: Azayaka Clan Sat May 21, 2016 5:23 pm




If anything you would be good against shadow, as shadow takes an extra rank of damage from light based techniques and is weakened by flashbombs. being able to use light is fine. Normally, using like like that would use raiton.

With that doujutsu, it allows you to see through all extreme light and shadow by calling light to your eyes or dispersing it, i want you to specify that this rends shadow techniques or bright flash based techniques useless.


I would like at least a -15 chakra pool drawback for passive doujutsu.


1/ all sensory techniques? No. Limit this it needs a big reword, WAY too strong. Eliminating an entire sense perfectly would be a B rank effect, so i suggest you make it a debuff at lower ranks to perception, then at B rank eliminates sight, at A rank, counters sight based sensory techniques of equal and lower rank, and at S rank counters sensory techniques of equal or lower rank. Be gradual. also, expansion speed please.

2/ broken bold coding. What do you mean by dazing? Stuns require B rank for a 1 turn stun, paralysis, that is restricting movement OR preventing jutsu use is C rank. More detail is needed. Also, I'd like at least a second or two of ambient time, cos it can't just be an instant flash. I'd also be careful with wording jutsu to do intricate things with the brain or body, people might want you to have medical.

5Azayaka Clan Empty Re: Azayaka Clan Sun May 22, 2016 3:34 pm


Updated to incorporate your suggestions.

6Azayaka Clan Empty Re: Azayaka Clan Mon May 30, 2016 5:22 pm



I want another 2 drawbacks at least

i'd like you to specify blinding effects or effects that work through blinding for that light thing, i'd just like it to be a bit more specific. Or give examples of effects you are immune to.

As for Enshrouding Nightmare, please keep these to the buff guidelines.

Same for the flash-bomb.

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