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1Belladonna, Blake { Stats } Empty Belladonna, Blake { Stats } Thu Jul 28, 2016 4:23 am

Blake Belladonna

Blake Belladonna

Defection? Perish the thought!

Strength: E-0 → E-3 { 450 words | 0 ryo }
Speed: E-0 → D-0 { 750 words | 0 ryo }
Endurance: E-0 → D-0 { 750 words | 0 ryo }
Perception: E-0 → D-0 { 750 words | 0 ryo }
Reaction Time: E-0 → D-0 { 750 words | 0 ryo }

2Belladonna, Blake { Stats } Empty Re: Belladonna, Blake { Stats } Sun Aug 07, 2016 1:50 pm



Blake Belladonna wrote:Defection? Perish the thought!

Strength: E-0 → E-3 { 450 words | 0 ryo }
Speed: E-0 → D-0 { 750 words | 0 ryo }
Endurance: E-0 → D-0 { 750 words | 0 ryo }
Perception: E-0 → D-0 { 750 words | 0 ryo }
Reaction Time: E-0 → D-0 { 750 words | 0 ryo }


3Belladonna, Blake { Stats } Empty Re: Belladonna, Blake { Stats } Sun Aug 14, 2016 7:00 am

Blake Belladonna

Blake Belladonna

Yet Another Spar

Strength: E-3 → D-0 { 300 words | 0 ryo }
Reaction Time: D-0 → D-3 { 1175 words | 150 ryo }
Perception: D-0 → D-1 { 325 words | 25 ryo }

4Belladonna, Blake { Stats } Empty Re: Belladonna, Blake { Stats } Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:11 pm



Blake Belladonna wrote:Yet Another Spar

Strength: E-3 → D-0 { 300 words | 0 ryo }
Reaction Time: D-0 → D-3 { 1175 words | 150 ryo }
Perception: D-0 → D-1 { 325 words | 25 ryo }


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