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Maigo sat in the lobby of the hotel he met her at, sitting on a soft chair to the side of the lobby with a small bouquet of flowers, what a cliche act. A few other empty chairs and some magazines on the table in front of him, but Maigo didn't bother with any of that. He nervously rubbed his hands against his pants, cold sweats are the worst and he didn't get this nervous often. He was even a bit dressed up for the occasion, wearing a nice pair of jeans that gave a slightly faded look and a nice pair of black shoes. He also wore a long sleeve black shirt, a nicer material but nothing fancier, he honestly wasn't sure why he was dressed up other than a potential chance to impress Aizou. And that was really all the justification he would need to go all out, if she would even hear him out at all.

His exit from their previous encounter the other day was less than abrupt, and hopefully, she didn't take it too poorly. So Maigo anxiously waited in the hotel lobby, shiny floors and his own chest sunk all the way through his body, through the chair, and onto that floor. He wondered about how she was, if she would even show up, and what would happen. He was already nervous just from the idea of getting together again, he did really hold something for her, whatever that may be, he wanted to explore that. But his escalation didn't help at all, so he sat there with his flowers wondering how much longer he had until she arrived. He rolled back his sleeve to reveal a small silver watch, one that his step father let him borrow for the night, it was a cheap watch but it held some sentimental value.

5:55 it read. He exhaled while he sat there and kept to his own, wondering if time could slow down a little bit more. Just a few more minutes he supposed, there was always a chance that she could be late because that's almost exactly what Maigo would do. He couldn't fault her for anything wrong though, with him leaving quickly he would be a little surprised if she even showed up.

To be completely honest though, he wasn't worried about her showing up or anything, he wanted her to, very badly! His thoughts were running wild, he honestly just hoped that she wouldn't catch onto the lull in his temperment. Or notice that his eyes would be a little colder than they were two days ago or that his voice was still shaky from what he had done. So much had happened, finding out he had a sister and mauling those three bandits until there was almost nothing but pulp and bone. It was a very dark and raged filled side of himself he didn't know existed, and looking at the aftermath of it, he wanted to bury it.

To be even more honest, he wasn't sure that the cold sweat his palms and feet were going through were entirely Aizou's fault, ever since that afternoon it hadn't really left him. To think about it in another manner, he was anxious to see her and distract  himself in something good after so much happening, but truly, he hoped that the distraction would be greater than the storm brewing in his mind. Ideas of discarding bodies and an estranged father out there hunting his sister because of a hatred for her, he was so happy and so full of anger and disappointment at the same time.

So he sat there, his breathing in a bit of a flurry and his eyes apathetically looking at the flowers that sat there with him, waiting for her to arrive. He was in such a tussle that he hadn't even thought about what he would say, or to keep an eye out for her arrival. For all the good he wanted to do and to come out of the night, he was really starting it off on the wrong foot, and after leaving poorly on the other foot too. Oh well, just wait and hope for the best, keep moving forward, it's all he could tell himself to keep his mind together.

[732 words]



Foundation. Mascara. Lip gloss. Eyeliner. Everything that normally went with her outfit whenever she went out for whatever purpose, whether it was to simply shop till she dropped, or to impress any passer-by unfortunate enough to have caught her eye. She looked at her reflection in the mirror in her home. It was marvelous. Just as she always was. Something was… missing, though. She knew what it was, but she still had difficulty believing it was so. She had a lot of difficulty believing it was so. Surely a smile and the small crease in her eyes wouldn’t make that much of a difference, would it?

But of course it would. She knew this instinctively. It was for all intents and purposes beaten into her skull from her days as a stripper down at… she couldn’t even remember anymore. She’d worked at so many places. She’d been the pole dancer at Siren’s Den, she’d been the waitress at the Gentleman’s Club, she’d been a prostitute at Guilty Pleasures… She’d worked so much in the adult industry and had so much training beaten into her whether by her employers or her clients that she knew exactly what made people tick. She knew exactly what made men and women swoon, and she knew how to do that from appearances alone. It was her specialty. Toying with the mind, toying with the heart, and then toying with the body, before getting to the spirit.

That was her. She benefitted the employers regardless of whether it was raking in money, state secrets, or just people into traps that they never lived to tell the tale of. That was her dark secret. And it was also the same secret that let her escape such a life when her previous, and last, employer had fell to the last ploy, thinking he could have gotten lucky, but instead having his life and money stolen away from him. That was all there was to Aizou Kitsuchi, the girl who was outcasted by her family, the girl who was sidelined by society for her weird looks, the girl who was taken advantage of by a group of bikers simply because she was looking for her next meal, the girl who was thrown into prostitution because she was looking for shelter.

The girl who never grew up as one.

So, maybe that was why she didn’t know what to feel right now. The large analog clock hung on her wall ticked and ticked, the second hand going about its one thousand and seventy-fifth lap of the day as the minute hand ticked ever closer to the large ‘12’ that marked the top of her clock. Five more minutes until she was supposed to meet Maigo, in her hotel in Muraoka Road, and here she was still at home, at least ten minutes walk to Muraoka Road and her supposed meeting place. But… did she really want to go? Could she go? Could she let herself be a girl again for just a day, even if pretending to be one a few days ago had seen him high-tailing out of her apartment at the first opportunity he could?

She’d asked for her friends’ counsel. Both Hyouga and Shouji had been surprisingly helpful. Even Shouji, the eternal pervert who’d been trying to get into her pants without getting into her pants had sobered up for the occasion and spoke to her seriously over lunch. She should do it. But could she do it? Did she want to open up again to the same man who’d really, if you asked anyone else, left without really giving her a good reason? Who’d just scheduled another meeting just like that without asking if she herself was up for it?

‘You have to admit, it was a pretty good tactic,’ she thought. ‘That way the girl can’t really refuse.’

She sighed and got up. Like it or not, she’d plucked him up from the mission reception, and this was one story that she wanted to see through. The contents of the story were nightmarish to behold, even as she now took the steps from her apartment building’s door to Muraoka Road. Every word was written with the intent of keeping her in suspense, and every word had been carefully chosen to reflect the confusion she’d felt, and with each page she flipped past, the contents only got the more confusing, and the words more suspenseful. All she could hope for was for the suspense to end, either with the new chapter, or with the closing of her book, and it was all up to the author himself, Maigo Mugetsu.

The walk to Muraoka Road was… calming. It was familiar. It was something she was used to doing, not waltzing around emotions trying to get into a dance that she didn’t even know the rhythms and beats of. She relished in the stares that men shot her way, believing themselves to be discrete when she could sense – not tell, but sense – that their eyes were on her. She relished in the whispers that women threw in hushed whispers, what with the usual black jacket she wore that covered her entire figure now only worn up to her elbows, with the rest of it going around her back, revealing the black minidress that she always wore in its regality, the slight shine from the cotton material catching light from the overhead lampposts, enough to accentuate her curves that, combined with the tail trailing her and the three-inch heels matching her dress, was enough to leave enough of a presence to fill her confidence past the brim.

Maybe it was a bit too over the top, though. While her makeup was what it always was wherever it went, and her attire hadn’t changed much, she could tell that, this time, she was trying. Trying to do what, that she hadn’t figured out yet, but she wasn’t just strutting around the village and half-heartedly acknowledging that she did get stares from men and women alike for whatever reason. Now, she was taking in each one, drawing her confidence the way only she knew how to, as she closed in the distance between her and Maigo, being a fashionable fifteen minutes late when she walked through the front doors of Muraoka Road.

The lobby was as empty as she’d expected it to be, except for the staff manning the counter or sweeping up from a busy day. In the bottom right corner of the room, as she turned her head in the direction, she saw a familiar face, that of the man who’d caused her so much grief in the last few days. But… even as her eyes roamed him, a part of her argued that it was grief in a good way. How in a good way was beyond her comprehension, but it was a good way… well, she thought, at least. Feeling some of that sexual desire just evaporate at the sight of him sitting there, flowers in hand and staring off into space, she pulled her coat up so it covered her body again, particularly her arms, now feeling the chill of the night hit her. Or maybe it was the air-conditioning.

Her hard facade falling aside, she would walk up slowly to him, before tapping him on the shoulder. Something about his posture… was off. It didn’t seem… okay. And suddenly, all thoughts of how he had left her two days ago just vanished, worry in its place and guilt blaming herself for having been late, if it were what had brought him to this state. Maybe Hyouga was right. If she wanted to experience something different, she’d also have to be ready to never be the same.

Word count: 1323/1323



Time. It was an interesting fascination for Maigo, for short periods of time he would become increasingly aware of it. Perhaps a factor of his anxiety and nervousness or perhaps it was just because he wasn't the one who was late. But he felt it drag on, tearing at his very person as he awaited her arrival. The first minute after 6:00 was the worst, he sat there with his anxiety exponentially increasing, thinking she could arrive at any moment. It was when the pressure was most on in his mind, he would ruffle the flowers and run his fingers along the outside wrapping. The next four minutes would be a slow increase in his worry. He would stand up briefly and look around, his eyes lazily running over the empty lobby. A sigh falling from him as he fell back into the chair with a slouch.

What if she wasn't coming... he thought. What if she was busy after all, or maybe she didn't even see the note? his mind would play through the scenarios as he began to build this world of possibility. The next ten minutes would be filled with self consideration, the consequences of leaving and going to do whatever, or even leaving the area. Had he given her sufficient time to arrive and enough detail? He hadn't even explained what they would be doing. Hell, even Maigo wasn't sure of where to go once she arrived, he'd had so little time for thought. Sitting down, he let the time crawl by, he wasn't ready to leave yet, he didn't want to leave. He sat up, leaning forward and his elbows on his knees, the bundle of flowers in his right hand as he watched the color of the tile, taking in each detail and remembering none of it as he was lost in thought.

He continued his breathing as he was zoned out, a sudden interruption as he felt a light tap on his shoulder. Maigo's eyes widened, he shot up and turned to find the figure of a woman behind him. He stood up rapidly, almost not thinking at this point, he turned to the familiar face in all of its beauty. He was almost speechless for a second as they stood a couple feet apart, his mind raced, Quick! Think or do a thing! He smiled slightly and looked towards her, scratching the back of his head with the flowers in his other arm at his side, "Oh, Hey there! For a second I thought you weren't coming..." he said with a bit of hesitation in his voice. The quick wit of Maigo knew no ends, and for sure after an awkward pause he would stop rubbing his head and glance up to her with a bit of a surprised look on his face.

"Here, I got these for you..." he extended the flowers out towards her, "It's a bit cliche, but it's the best I could think to do. Sorry about that." he would hold them out until Aizou would take them or reject them. His tone was a little monotonous, he was trying his hardest to cover up the distraction on his mind and the loss of life to his eyes. Whatever happened though, he would pause and either let her take the flowers or to toss them onto the table if she rejected them as he cracked his neck and exhaled a bit heavily.

His eyes rolled around for a second, he had to think, if she hadn't commented or anything in the time of the pause, he would chime in, "Hey, I really am sorry about leaving so abruptly yesterday. And I have a reason, but I don't want to make excuses or anything. I guess the best I can say is sorry..." he said with a bit of a smile on his face. This was where he was going to put it all out on the line, finding out at the beginning whether she held a grudge over it or not. He didn't want to get on with their evening only to find out in a few hours that she was mad at him, and with the mood he was in and the way he was feeling, he just wanted a happy evening. So here he was, laying it all out there so that he can potentially move on, or address the situation, or even to get yelled at about how much of a jerk he was. All plausible situations, and no matter what, he would have to accept the outcome.

[779 words, 1511 words total]



When she had tapped his shoulder, he had stood up abruptly, with only a distance of two feet  between the two of them. She regarded his outfit. Casual. Black shirt, faded jeans, black shoes… It almost made her feel somewhat overdressed for the occasion, what with the amount of effort she’d put into her makeup, as well as putting on her best dress and even having sent her cloak for dry cleaning. If anything, it at least filled her with confidence for the night, and the cloak felt warm against her skin, though anyone looking at the two of them could hardly tell that they were dressed to meet each other. Maigo looked like he was going to a bar, while she seemed like she was going to dinner.

It was the same thing, she supposed. A small part of her told her she’d overdressed for the occasion, while another part of her argued for her to ignore the first voice, claiming that Maigo deserved to feel outclassed with how he’d simply tossed her aside. She listened to neither.

“Oh! Hey there!” he’d greeted her. “For a second, I thought you weren’t coming…”

‘For a second, I thought I wasn’t either…’ she thought, though she couldn’t bring herself to say those words when she glanced at his face. If he was trying to hide it, he was doing a very poor job of concealing his surprise. He felt genuine, and unlike all the other people Aizou came across, there was a certain charm to him that simply begged her to heed this authenticity, this honesty to his approach… or he was planning to sucker punch her in the back again, just like he had before. The sting throbbed in her heart at the thought, and it magnified when she looked into the black abyss that were his eyes, threatening to swallow her whole, and not in the manner she preferred. It was scary, taking this step. It was scary, letting go of being in control, because she knew she couldn’t be in control if she wanted to experience something more than just solitude and fun.

“I wouldn’t not show, now would I?” she asked, trying to fake some enthusiasm with a small smile, though she could tell it wasn’t as effective as she’d hoped. Not when she was currently so conflicted about why she was even here. “After all, you did leave abruptly,” she spoke uncharacteristically, the playful, flirtatious tone she adopted with him from before now gone, replaced by the voice of a woman who sought to maintain her social standing.

In short, Aizou didn’t appear as receptive to Maigo as she did before. But… she didn’t know how else to carry herself. This was a guy she’d slept with – hell, this was a guy she’d sleep with over and over again – but the idea of wanting to keep him? This… possessive feeling that grew within her, the questions of why he’d simply leave, of who he’d simply leave her for, and whether this meeting, even with the flowers and everything, was really him taking her out rather than just another fling… Hyouga had called it ‘liking’ someone, but she couldn’t see why anyone would want to feel this confused and lost. Then again, she wanted to keep experiencing this emotion, especially if Maigo was at the center of it all.

Love was stupid. And so was she, apparently, for having fallen for his trick, if it was one, and for having fallen for him, if it wasn’t.

She would receive the flowers in one hand, looking at them curiously. She didn’t really dabble in them, and she wasn’t really a flower type of girl, so she couldn’t recognise the kinds that he’d bought her, but regardless of whatever hidden, subtle meaning that society had gathered for the flora that he’d picked out, she appreciated the act. Unless, of course, they had some sort of a connotation with breaking up with her, to which end she was being played for a fool again, and Maigo was simply trying to wait for her reaction, to test if she could even pick up on such a subtle hint as this one, or if he could push further and see just how far he could make Aizou make a fool of-

Aizou was broken out of her musings when Maigo spoke again. And there it was. There it was. The leaving. The apology. The so-called apology. The so-called leaving. ‘All I can do is say sorry’. It was such a typical response to use. She wanted to yell at him right there. To leave him standing in the lobby, embarrassed by the hotel staff whom she could gossip with whenever simply because she practically lived here in this hotel on occasion. The humiliation, regardless of if he even had face if he had dared leave her like that, would be enough put a smirk on Aizou’s lips and give her that small hop in her walk as she watched him either stand there dumbfounded, or if he would walk away with his tail between his legs, either tasting his own medicine or finding out exactly how it felt for someone to just suddenly tear themselves away when you were trying to be genuine, which was exactly what he had done to her. She would be happy. She would be smug. She would win.

… But for how long? How long would that last? How long would it take for the skip in her step to fade away, replaced not by guilt but by regret at having thrown away the opportunity for something greater than just herself?

Not long at all. Hell, if he walked out the door, her tail would already start drooping… F*ck it, f*ck it all. Love was stupid. Love was idiotic and it didn’t make any fucking sense! Yet here she was using that word. Not ‘like’, not ‘crush’... Not even going to take small little steps or tip-toes before jumping to the big L. She really was a sucker. It had happened overnight, but she’d become such a gooey romantic that she wanted to slap herself in the face and tell her to wake up… But why would she want to wake up from a nightmare of confusion when it felt so much like a dream come true? When the man who could play her like a puppet on strings was standing just two feet away from her, looking as nervous as she felt?

“Maigo…” she began, but found that she had no words to express. She… didn’t know what to say. What did you say to someone you liked? What did you say to someone you liked, who ran off after having sex with you? “Can we… can we talk? You know, while we walk? I… I want us to be something, but... I just want to know why you did it. You say you have a reason, and if you’re standing here right now, then it should be good enough of a reason that you don’t have to hide it from me. I want the truth.”

If he relented, she would begin walking, prompting him to take her to a place of his choosing, considering he had been the one to ask her out on this particular evening, while she listened intently to his story, waiting until he was done before she would poke questions at what could have been fabricated, but could also very well be the truth, waiting so as to not interrupt, but more so as to wrestle with her own heart.

Word count: 1303/2626



Aizou took the flowers from him, seemingly a bit apathetic about them, perhaps lost in thought for the moment, her attention shot back towards him as he went on with his quip of an apology. As Maigo finished his weight would shift around, not wanting to stand still, would fidgeting be the right word? His eyes wouldn't make direct contact with hers out of embarrassment for the situation, his breathe would be more dense and his chest a little heavier as he awaited her response. “Maigo…” his eyes would roll up towards hers as he swallowed his throat in a gulp, he wanted to respond, a simple acknowledgment of some kind but he couldn't bring himself to it just yet. He wasn't going to interrupt, just listen.

She began, her sentences as broken as Maigo's thoughts about it all, each word went in and stuck in his brain, bouncing off the walls and turning his thoughts along with the tornado. Wanting to talk was obvious, he should have known that it was coming and prepared for it, but his attention diverted with ever phrase, "I want us to be something," the phrase stuck out. He absolutely wanted the same, but he messed up in some regard, and he wondered if any explanation he could provide would really provide any solace. But his mind would have little time to ponder on it, she wanted the truth.

The truth. Such an easy idea for one to request, but what hidden truth doesn't come without pain? She wanted the truth, should he tell her about his sister and family he didn't know he had until yesterday? Or perhaps the dead bodies that had been turned to mangled flesh and hardly of their former appearance? Or that his eyes had grown into a new form, where she didn't even know that he was an Uchiha? Or did she? There really wasn't much to their relationship at this point and as much as he might want to go along with it, where should the line be drawn? What information is too much and would she even care to know the details? Or should he provide just enough to explain why he left and what he was doing?

Then the idea came, trying to build the foundation to whatever they might have, withholding the truth and details could be detrimental. He was stuck at a crossroads from his mistake, left wondering what he should say and how far to take it. He gulped again, his eyes would wander down to her feet for a moment, a small exhale as his arm would scratch the back of his head and run to his chin, rubbing it while he gathered his thoughts. The minor existential crisis of his wait would be nothing compared to this, but he wanted to keep Aizou around, right? He wanted some future where he could rely on and have someone to share in the adventure of life, so why restrict himself? A bit of resolve was all it would take, going to that limb and just telling her, but even of the death?

He sighed a bit and looked towards her, "Of course we can talk, right here or on the way, up to you...." he would pause briefly, "If it's the truth you want then it's the truth you'll have. Because I also want us to be a thing, and anything less means we'd be starting off on a lie, and I owe you at least a little more than that." Giving her a moment to respond, recreating his smile and trying to be genuine about it, having no idea where to start or how to explain, any potential structure to his thoughts were already gone so who knows how he would even begin to explain. If they would stay, Maigo would offer her a seat at the chair he was sitting in and take the one next to her, if she would accept and then begin his tale.

Should they choose to start walking, then he would lead her out of the hotel into the street and then down through the markets. No particular place in mind, he hadn't prepared that far ahead and his mind wouldn't even be thinking about where they would be going, instead he would find a nice circular path through the shopping district that would keep them busy for a moment and not take them too far off the beaten path. With a sigh and stuffing both his hands into his pockets he would begin, "Well... I uh, after I left the hotel I went and met my sister. Who I also found out was my sister, I thought I was just meeting them for some emergency mission or something stupid. But that wasn't the case."

"A bit of background, my real name isn't Maigo Mugetsu. Well, it is. But I'm adopted, I've no idea what my real name is or should be. My adopted parents gave it to me, I think. And they raised me as one of their own, but when I started training under Dameon-sensei, the sannin. I discovered I had a weird power that my family didn't have. A unique Kekkai Genkai shared by a very powerful clan not of this village and not seen here for a long time, with lots of negative connotations behind it." he thought for a brief moment about activating his sharingan but he decided not to just yet, instead he should continue on with his story, his eyes occasionally glancing towards Aizou to check her reaction or see if she would buy any piece of it.

"I talked to my sister for a while, found out about myself and where I came from, my family." his eyes would drop for a moment. "How my mother died not long after I was born in a fire caused by my father. How he took my brother with him to some far off place, leaving my sister and I for dead. The motivations of which escape us both, but it had to do with hatred of my mother, perhaps my father losing his mind as well. Who knows... But my sister saved me and went to live her life in solitude, keeping track of my brother and such, until she was discovered and then my father began hunting her down. Then he learned I was still alive so now I'll be allegedly hunted down too, we even had a run in with a few of my fathers thugs." he gulped his eyes would be blank as he thought back to them.

"Their deaths were brutal, there isn't much left to them but I and Uchiu are both alive, and that's all that matters I suppose." he turned his head down and closed his eyes for a second, letting the chakra flow to them, he would activate his sharingan if possible. The two tomoes flickering to life and spinning around as he looked back towards Aizou with his eyes, "It's these eyes that are beginning to become the focus of my problems." he would pause for a brief moment to let them focus in and let her see them in their normal detail, then with a flicker he would deactivate his eyes. The red fading away and his eyes returning to their normal yellow color.

"I'm not sure what to think of it all myself, and I'm not proud of what I've done. But I have a real family alive out there somewhere, at war with one another for whatever God forsaken reason! And here I am, now being brought into by the hate of my father, the same one who took my mothers life and stole my brother away to brainwash him in the same ideology. He also took away a life I could have had with a real family, in a different land where I might have been a bit happier. My life until now has been a lie and for the past two years, it's all I've really had going on. My hatred for a man I've never met is growing exponentially and I took it out on those three thugs in the worst way..." he glanced down at his hands.

"But that is the truth, about me and where I am, and about yesterday. I didn't think it would end up like that, I left you the note hoping to see you on good terms, even a thought that I might go find you later. But my mind has been so turmoiled that I couldn't and decided to wait, and I'm sorry about that, maybe I should have just stayed with you. I know that in all the chaos, seeing you is extremely calming at the very least..." he would speak with his head turned down and laughing to himself a bit. What a cheesy bit, she should probably make fun of him for it, but he meant every bit. His story unfolded, if Aizou had any questions she could interrupt him at any time, but he would keep his rant going until the very end as long as she allowed it, leading the two of them aimlessly through the market while he would do so.

[1573 words, 3084 words total]

[240/250 Chakra]



Aizou walked beside Maigo as the two of them exited the hotel lobby, before trailing just a ways behind him, far enough that she could let him lead while hiding her own expressions and conflicting thoughts from the man as he narrated his tale, but close enough to cling to every single word that he spoke. The two of them took a left turn, but Aizou registered little more than that as her feet trailed behind Maigo’s, echoing noisily amidst the sea of tourists they found themselves in.

She saw him stuff both hands into his pockets. Nervousness, maybe? Aizou’s eyes flitted across his body, drinking in not so much his physique as much as his body language. Many underestimated her keen mind, simply shrugging her off as another pretty face, or in the rare occurrence, a wannabe kunoichi, though she wouldn’t have been able to slip past the gangs of Kirigakure if she’d simply had her looks to go on. A small side of her, often hidden and kept away specifically for missions, reared its head, and Aizou drew a parallel between herself and a predator stalking its prey, what with her eyes and ears open for whatever Maigo would have to say.

“Well... I uh, after I left the hotel I went and met my sister. Who I also found out was my sister, I thought I was just meeting them for some emergency mission or something stupid. But that wasn't the case. A bit of background, my real name isn't Maigo Mugetsu. Well, it is. But I'm adopted, I've no idea what my real name is or should be. My adopted parents gave it to me, I think. And they raised me as one of their own, but when I started training under Dameon-sensei, the sannin. I discovered I had a weird power that my family didn't have. A unique Kekkai Genkai shared by a very powerful clan not of this village and not seen here for a long time, with lots of negative connotations behind it."

A unique Kekkei Genkai? Shared by a powerful clan? Not of Kirigakure? His phrasing was… vague. There were many clans with negative connotations behind them. In fact, Aizou could hardly name one clan without any negativity attached to it, though most prestigious clans often had so much status that any small shortcoming they sported was immediately overlooked. Then again, Aizou wasn’t too knowledgeable on the types of clans that ran outside of Kirigakure; even clans within the village’s borders she could barely keep track of beyond the five that had the most standing within the village, not that she could particularly see why they received the attention they did.

She caught him looking at her, and she held her passive face, neither smiling as encouragement nor frowning for the reverse effect. She wanted him to continue, yes. She wanted him to feel comfortable sharing this, yes. But she also couldn’t bring herself to act fully on it. What her heart wanted, what her brain desired… her heart also feared, and her brain also detested. It was difficult to remove any feelings of hurt from his simple action, one that she’d never had happen to her before. In fact, standing here now, getting past the desire to just flee as the devil’s suspicion and doubts made themselves known, was enough of a chore for her that she didn’t feel like compromising with Maigo.

… But she wouldn’t deter him from continuing, either. On the off chance that he would look at her, she would occasionally nod her head for him to continue, though only if his gaze fell upon hers for longer than a simple glance to check if she was following him and his story.

"I talked to my sister for a while, found out about myself and where I came from, my family. How my mother died not long after I was born in a fire caused by my father. How he took my brother with him to some far off place, leaving my sister and I for dead. The motivations of which escape us both, but it had to do with hatred of my mother, perhaps my father losing his mind as well. Who knows... But my sister saved me and went to live her life in solitude, keeping track of my brother and such, until she was discovered and then my father began hunting her down. Then he learned I was still alive so now I'll be allegedly hunted down too, we even had a run in with a few of my father’s thugs. Their deaths were brutal, there isn't much left to them but I and Uchiu are both alive, and that's all that matters I suppose."

Aizou continued listening, now realising that Maigo was leading her on a roundabout path surrounding one of Muraoka Road’s less popular stalls. Tourists didn’t swarm the area hoping to get the latest fashion trends, only walking up to get a quick bite or perhaps peruse – but never buying – the near-latest in fashion trends, stopping just short of what was actually portrayed on Muraoka’s main streets. As her eyes left one such stall, whose owner seemed hard-pressed for money, she saw Maigo staring at her, before closing his eyes and reopening them to reveal irises of crimson red. Two tomoe spun in his eyes around his pupils, catching her off guard with the revelation of his blood as an Uchiha.

"It's these eyes that are beginning to become the focus of my problems."

Dramatically, they faded back into the predatory yellow as he continued with his words, no longer continuing with their walk as he stared down at his hands. "I'm not sure what to think of it all myself, and I'm not proud of what I've done. But I have a real family alive out there somewhere, at war with one another for whatever God forsaken reason! And here I am, now being brought into by the hate of my father, the same one who took my mothers life and stole my brother away to brainwash him in the same ideology. He also took away a life I could have had with a real family, in a different land where I might have been a bit happier. My life until now has been a lie and for the past two years, it's all I've really had going on. My hatred for a man I've never met is growing exponentially and I took it out on those three thugs in the worst way..."

"But that is the truth, about me and where I am, and about yesterday. I didn't think it would end up like that, I left you the note hoping to see you on good terms, even a thought that I might go find you later. But my mind has been so turmoiled that I couldn't and decided to wait, and I'm sorry about that, maybe I should have just stayed with you. I know that in all the chaos, seeing you is extremely calming at the very least..."

The two of them stood in silence, as seconds ticked by. Aizou’s golden eyes stared straight into Maigo’s, yellow meeting yellow, as if expecting his Sharingan to flare back to life, as if daring his Sharingan to flare back to life with the tense silence growing between them. She’d heard many stories about the Uchiha and the Curse of Hatred and the jinxed Sharingan, of how they were always tethered to hate and death and hate and killing and hate hate hate. She wondered if, after his story, she would even be able to stand next to him, if only for her own safety, given what the Uchiha were prone to bring about to those around them, or what Maigo’s father was capable of given what she was asking.

Then again… could she not? She didn’t see the point of his entire monologue. His backstory, laid out before her, concerned her no more than her own, which she’d already moved past. So what if he was an Uchiha? So what if he was adoped? So what if he had a psycho relative hunting for his blood? Did it change anything?

… Yes it did. This wasn’t a fairy tale, as much as Aizou wanted her life to be – damn the gods – but sadly such wishes for a fairy tale life only occurred in those wishy-washy settings. Maybe suggesting that his father would target her to get to him was a bit far-fetched, but she was surely not getting thrown into just nothing, like Hyouga had suggested.

… What did she want? Well, it was obvious, she wanted him, but… what did she want? She swallowed, wondering what to make of it, and wondering even more why she didn’t really have an opinion on it all. She wondered why she’d felt almost no connection with what he’d said the entire walk, wondered why she didn’t particularly care if he was blacklisted by the man who sired him, and wondered why the only racing of her heart came at the end of it all, when he’d snuck in a cheesy line.

“You know,” she began, stepping in close to him, bodies almost – almost – touching, “For a man getting drawn into the hate of his father, you sure know how to love almost as much.” Her tail swished from left, then to the right, before staying there. “I… don’t really know what to make of it. You being an Uchiha was a surprise and all, and having your dad try to kill you is quite big but…”

But… but… but…? She wanted to say something... but she found herself hypnotised by his eyes. Sharingan or not, Genjutsu or not, she found herself moving closer to him, pressing her body against his. Her hands would reach behind his neck as she pulled herself in for a kiss – was this what they meant when they said no words could replace the moment? Her right hand would rise to his head to press him deeper into the kiss, her eyes closing to savour the lips she’d been denied when he’d left. Assuming he didn’t object, she’d remain liplocked with him for a quarter of a minute or so, before drawing back, hoping that that little act was enough to convey what even she couldn’t put into words.

She still wanted him.

“So… dinner?” she’d ask. If he complied, she’d say, “Well then, lead the way. And try not to fool me into a roundabout this time.” Along the way, she’d entertain his small talk, even bringing up the matter of his involvement in the Chuunin Exams and poking fun at him getting kicked out in the first round, but never even tiptoeing about the issue he’d brought up. It’d been a leap of confidence to confide in her something she’d definitely not have shared with anyone in his shoes, and she’d entertain the small opportunity that fate had thrown her way. Perhaps, somewhere down the road, she'd be able to prod more at the curiosity that was his mystery, but she wanted it to be consensual, not something he felt like he owed her as an explanation. 

As long as this would last, as long as he would have it last, she would play it with him. Even if she was getting ahead of herself, she supposed she’d already long crossed that line when she’d gotten head over heels ahead of herself over him, and she couldn’t deny that the allure of Maigo didn’t suffer any.

Dangerous, or otherwise.

Word count: 1999/4625



Maigo made his narrative with an uncompromising worry about him, each glance met with apathy, giving him no indication of where he stood and what she thought. When all was said and done, he had felt that he wasn't any closer to his own understanding and worried Aizou would.. call him out for lying or resent him or something along those lines? However probable any of that was didn't matter in the slightest. The quiet moment as Maigo paused in the street to listen in, hoping for the best, Maigo's eyes running over Aizou looking for the slightest clue in her body language to give him a hint.

The silence would be broken by her voice, Maigo's eyes going to meet hers, she stepped in closer, almost against him, teasing his want of her. His eyes would look down to her, becoming a bit fidgety at it all, hanging onto every word she spoke. “For a man getting drawn into the hate of his father, you sure know how to love almost as much.” he thought on the words. Almost, huh? he mused to himself as he wondered what she really meant by it. “I… don’t really know what to make of it. You being an Uchiha was a surprise and all, and having your dad try to kill you is quite big but…” he listened in, his eyes flickered around.

But what? He wanted to know, had to know. Was he off the proverbial hook or was she going to resent him for all the foreseeable future? Maybe even casting him aside in the same irony of which he had left her that morning. She didn't answer though, instead wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning in, his heart beginning to speed up, the background faded away. Maigo leaned down and met her lips with his own, letting her hand push his head further downward. Maigo's hand left his pockets, holding on to her hips, pulling her in towards him tightly, savoring every moment of it. Everything would fade away for the moment they were intertwined, standing there against each other, all of his worries and concerns would fade away. His addiction being even further developed and satisfied, and that's what she was becoming, an addiction.

Beyond that though, he had his answer, where he made no sense of his own situation and she didn't know what to think either, he hoped that this meant that he was at least moving in the right direction of earning her trust. It might take time, but he would do what it takes, whatever that may be and whatever it'll cost him. For now though, he just enjoyed the kiss as it came along, savoring every moment and closing his eyes along with hers. When she drew back, he would loosely hold his hands to her side, letting them slide back and potentially to his side at the end, he was a bit dumbstruck in the moment. His eyes would hold to her, part of him wanting to stay there and another part wanting to go even further.

Regardless, he would control himself, his gaze being broken by her comment about dinner, he briefly shook his eyes and snapped back to reality. "Oh, right. That..." he would say, still not having a clue as to where they would go. Quick thinking, maybe somewhere nice, but what was nearby, this whole place was still a bit of a mystery to him. Quick thinking had him take a right turn, leading Aizou with him to a random place, as soon as something caught his eye he would turn for it. Small talk along the way, apparently Maigo's exploits at the Chuunin exams had garnered him more fame than he'd care for. Mostly infamy, and it was always the kids that would bring it up when he introduced himself, it seemed that no one knew his face but lots of people knew that Maigo lost in the first round. Maybe he should change his name or something...

No, that probably wasn't an option, but Aizou would certainly get him riled up when approaching the subject. Shortly up the road Maigo caught view of a sign, a sushi house that he'd heard the name of before, something like Fukuzushi? Hopefully they wouldn't require a reservation, that could be embarrassing he smiled. Once they approached Maigo would speak up, "How do you feel about sushi or seafood?" he would ask looking at the restaurant. It was nice, mostly made of wood with a server at the door, the interior was fairly dimly lit and there were a few people within scattered at tables about. Black tables and chairs on bamboo floors, with each table having a small candle lamp at each to further light the area without the excessive brightness of something like fluorescent lights.

If Aizou were against the idea, they would continue on in search of something else, whatever that may be and wherever it might be located. Otherwise, Maigo would lead the way in, asking for a table for two if possible. The waitress would agree, looking down at the paper in front of her and making a notation, then grabbing two menus she would lead them into the restaurant. Maigo would motion for Aizou to go first, letting her take her choice of chair, doing his best to be chivalrous and pulling out for her and such. Then taking the chair across from her, and taking the menu up in his hand, the server would ask for their drink order before the table, Maigo would chime in. "I'll take a water and a bottle of red wine as well..." then looking towards Aizou to see if she would add on. Once that would be done, Maigo would add in, "Seems like a nice place..." he would trail off looking around the room.

[996 words, 4080 words total]



She felt his hands close around her hips, as their lips met. This was right. There were so many things wrong with her world at the moment, but this moment wasn’t one of them. She felt his ragged lips against hers, his rough neck against her hands as she tightened her hold on him, leaning into his body and feeling the small flutter of her heart – even if it was already a raging storm of emotions – when she felt him welcome her gesture, and she felt herself just melting into his arms.

He had been willing to share all that with her, but she’d far from shared her life with him. An Uchiha taken away from his family at birth, raised by an adoptive family who’d been there when his own parents had failed to perform their tasks, a father out to get him… Aizou felt as if some deity from above was smiting her desire for a regular, inactive life following the amount of insanity she’d persevered through during her teen years. But, if it was what it took to be with Maigo, then perhaps it was just another thing she would have to chalk up to bad luck; she never did have any chance whenever it came to that one fluctuating variable in her life that always sought to ruin it for the worse at any possible opportunity, though she did give it a silent thanks for even introducing her to the prospect of an emotion so strong and the man who could incite within her such.

When the two of them parted, mostly because of air than actual desire to, Aizou would let her golden eyes open to stare into Maigo’s similarly shaded orbs, feeling time slow to a stop and feeling like everything was just right with the world. She fought down the strong urge to reclaim his lips as she felt his hands slide down to her sides, ending at her legs and she almost whimpered when his touch left her. However, logic and restraint won out and she let her hands uncurl around his neck, wondering if he would have noticed the small hitch in her breathing, and then wondering if it was better if he had.

The two of them walked in silence, just a couple out in the streets. Were they a couple though? Aizou didn’t know. They’d probably gone waaaay past that point by now but she couldn’t help but feel like there was something missing, or something she’d yet addressed. Or, maybe it was just the giddy feeling in her heart telling her that she shouldn’t have been standing one foot away from Maigo, for it was one foot too far from where she belonged. A novice in almost everything she was experiencing, the impromptu kiss she’d sprung on him was the only natural thing she’d felt all evening, with everything else having been heavily scrutinised before she had performed it, and in reflection of what she’d just done. The kiss was the only thing she felt her body move to do as if on instinct, and it was the only thing in the night that she wanted to return to. Not the confusion from before she met him, not the arrogance she displayed when she was walking towards her hotel, not the nervousness and anxiety and uncertainty around the two of them when they’d tiptoed around Maigo’s leaving, before Maigo bulldozed through that with his story… No, she only wanted to return to the kiss just moments ago, but even as she thought this, she knew that anything she wanted to do right now would’ve felt forced, unnatural, and hence, not as magical as she may have made it out to be.

He would invite her to sushi, and looking in the direction he was facing, she’d note it as Fukuzushi’s, a rather high class sushi restaurant that had recently received a blow to its five-star rating due to a critic slamming down on the poor quality of wasabi he’d tasted that night. Well, she said ‘high class’, but it was really just another restaurant in Muraoka Road, where most of the establishments were the top of the top in both service and pricing, being that it was the number one tourist gathering in the village, allowing anyone to just inflate the prices without a care in the world and still get services from tourists who were none the wiser about standards of living in the city. Granted, it wasn’t done to the point of being illegal, but she understood that businesses here made ludicrous profits.

The two of them would sit at a table to the edge of the room, not close to any corners but also far from the main hustle and bustle of the crowd walking up to get their own custom sushi plates instead of having the waiters and waitresses serve them. She took the menu and flipped through several pages before realising it was little more than a carbon copy of any menu that sushi stands in the area packed. It made sense. All of them needed to be as competitive as possible, and unless it was a chef’s special niche, they sold practically everything in the business. Closing her menu, she’d wait for Maigo to be done with his order before ordering a salmon dinner set, ignoring whatever price it may have been and just going for the meal.

“It is,” she would say in response to him. “Not the best, but it’s classy enough.”

Word count: 946/5571



A silent walk only further drove his confusion, wondering where they truly were and where they were headed. In a more metaphorical sense and outside the obvious answer, to dinner. The two of them made their way in, Maigo ordered some wine and a water and a sampler sushi platter while Aizou opted for salmon. Maigo would smile and thank the waiter as he took off, taking both menus with him. Maigo's mind still running a bit as he looked back towards Aizou and leaned back in his chair a bit as he slide it forward. He briefly looked down to the napkin in his lap as he commented on the restaurant. His eyes would glance around the room and to all the other people conversing and eating and whatever else they would do. “It is, Not the best, but it’s classy enough.” he would chuckle a bit and smile at the notion.

For him, it was beyond well enough, but perhaps he was never one much for luxury or style. His attitude was comfort and value before anything, and these places were never much his type, besides, he did still kinda live with his parents at the end of the day. Not exactly the image of the bachelor living the life...

"Classy enough, huh?" he would respond with his usual smile, a bit of an idea on his mind to tease at Aizou some. "I can't tell if that's a good or a bad thing. I mean it seems great to me, but then again I'm not the one living in fancy hotels or anything." he would say with a chuckle and a fairly genuine smile. Hoping that she would catch the hint of sarcasm in his tone and that he was just poking a little fun at the subject.

After a brief moment the waiter would return with their drinks, two glasses of water for each of them, setting them in place at the table on each side. Then two more empty glasses on the opposite side from the water. Then he quickly poured two glasses of the wine for them, then leaving the bottle at the center of the table. He would thank him again as he made sure that everything was fine, and then taking his leave again. Maigo would take the glass in his hand and take a sip of the wine, testing out its potency and seeing how good it was. To his surprise, it was one of the best he had ever tasted, which meant he could feel the each sip making his wallet a bit lighter. But that wasn't going to truly haunt him until their check would arrive and even then, he would be fine with it at the end given that he could share the meal with Aizou. And she was someone who he would feel more than comfortable spending his money on, just so long as she would share in his company.

Which brought his inner musings back to his original struggle, he needed to figure out where the both of them stood and where they were going or even wanted to go. Oh well, he would have an entire evening for that, might as well try to enjoy as much of it as he could and let it all flow a bit naturally. At least, he hoped naturally.

[566 words, 4646 words total]



Maigo chuckled at her dismissal of the normalcy she found in the restaurant he’d taken her to. She supposed he of all people would find it amusing. Most others, she assumed, would have taken it as simple arrogance, though even if it had been interpreted in that way Aizou wouldn’t say that it was completely uncalled for. She did tend to lean more towards the lavish, having been denied even her basic necessities when she was young and suddenly being dumped more money than she could hope to spend in the course of one or two lifetimes. It was just a base instinct; having been denied so much, it was natural to want to get as much of it as possibly taking it all in greedily and hungrily and avariciously and she really couldn’t help it if it leaked over to her persona, boosting her standards of everything around her – hell, she had a hotel for a holiday getaway, for god’s sakes!

“Classy enough, huh?” Maigo asked, and she could sense where he was going with this. The smile he put on only further emboldened her suspicions that he was going to poke fun at her. “I can’t tell if that’s a good or bad thing. I mean, it seems great to me, but then again I’m not the one living in fancy hotels or anything.”

She totally caught the hitch in his voice, the sarcasm that was weaved within his words and laced on his lips as he spoke those words and she almost groaned as another one of her ‘dates’ tried to poke fun at her for her now rich background. Many a guy had tried to establish rapport that way, though she had to say that Maigo was the first that incited a small bubbly feeling within her chest threatening to burst out when he did so. All the others she managed to shrug off and get them to pay for dinner (she may have had money but it was the screwing around with people, both literally and mentally, that she found interesting) before she left them with a small parting gift, hardly anything close to what they had intended for the night but also more than what they were probably going to get, if them being okay with it was any indication. Maigo, however, caught her eye in a different light, and it was this that propelled her to play his game.

“I don’t know. Play your cards right and maybe we’ll go back to that fancy hotel before you know it,” she teased right back, before nodding her head politely at the waiter who arrived with a platter, upon which was balanced four glasses – two wine glasses and two ordinary, cylindrical ones – as well as a bottle of wine. All four were placed on their table before the waiter excused himself and Maigo took it upon himself to pour out a generous amount of wine for the two of them. She picked up hers in her palm, resting it between her middle and ring fingers, and watched him take the first sip, before she too joined him in savouring the translucent red liquid sloshing around in her glass. It tasted sweet, though it did leave a small dryness at the back of her throat. It wasn’t particularly the quality of the wine she found a bit lacking, but rather just the type of wine it was. All in all, it was likely one of the more exquisite ones the restaurant had to offer, and she could already feel Maigo’s wallet getting lighter- Oh come on, of course she was making him pay for their evening!

“The wine’s a little dry,” she said, resting the half-finished glass on the clothed tabletop and licking some residual taste off of her lips. “It suits the atmosphere though,” she noted as she saw how the dull wine matched the dark brown of the floor and wooden walls, given a faint orange or reddish glow by the dim lighting overhead.

Word count: 683/6254



“I don’t know. Play your cards right and maybe we’ll go back to that fancy hotel before you know it,” he would give a bit of a smile in return as their waiter pulled their drinks and set them up. "Damn..." Maigo would add with a bit of an exhale and leaning back in his chair briefly, "It's a shame that I was never any good at poker." he offered with another smile, hoping the inflection would give way to his continued sarcasm. The waiter poured their drinks and Maigo went to take a sip of his, savoring the taste of it. Wine was never his choice of drink, much less alcohol in general but that was a different point altogether.

Maigo set his glass down rather quickly, using the napkin to wipe away at his lips. “The wine’s a little dry,” Maigo looked up towards her as she licked her lips, “It suits the atmosphere though,” Maigo kept his gaze on her, a slight chuckle as he watched her muse on it. "I suppose it does match a little bit, regarding the rustic red refreshment..." he mused to himself. He certainly thought himself a bit clever for his own use of alliteration, taking a short pause to look down at the wine.

Everything seemed a bit off put, he wondered what it was, she didn't seem overly... talkative? But then again he hadn't pegged Aizou to be overly extroverted or anything. But the truth was is that it still seemed different, and for a good reason given Maigo's actions. It just kept eating away at him for the moment, wanting to have the serious conversation but not mentally ready for the potential answer and not thinking clearly enough to think ahead. Did he have a choice though?

If he left things as they were would a slow descent into this awkwardness continue on? Maybe he could make some effort for conversation but everything had seemed a bit different, even in the silences of it all. Maigo would wake up from his musings to bring up the conversation, better to just start the conversation and see where it ends up, right?

"You don't seem to be the biggest fan of this place..." Maigo would let on, the tone in his voice would have shifted from his sarcastic joking to a far more serious tone, like his thoughts were distracting him from projecting his voice properly. He would pause long enough to at least get her attention, Aizou could interrupt him there if she chose so but Maigo would attempt to continue on. "I don't want to talk about the little things.... I mean I do, but not at the moment." he had very little idea of what he was trying to say and where he was going with it all for the moment.

He knew where he wanted his choice of conversation to end up, but would Aizou be okay with it? His worries about responses from the subject too, but he couldn't accept a scenario where the morning after they were together that Aizou couldn't directly answer him and he would have the audacity to leave without a word. "I feel like there's more... well, that there should be more. Between the two of us to talk about, I mean, how much do we really even know about each other? It seemed easier when we met and all." he would pause musing over his thoughts, for the moment while he would be figuring out what to say, he would find his gaze at his hands and the table instead of directly to her.

Correcting that posture, he would look up to Aizou, trying to get his gaze to meet hers, "Talking I mean... that was easier. And there's only two things that could have really changed it, I think. One, would be the... promiscuity of the entire night or Two, my leaving. Maybe it's just guilt for leaving you there after all that..." he would muse on for a moment before getting lost in thought. He wondered what had he left her to? Who knew what vague connections and thoughts Aizou would have been left to make after someone had left the morning after, and would he ever be able to truly repent for something like that? Or would he be victim to time either healing the divide or let that divide grow and fracture them? Of course, this was assuming that it was actually the issue at hand and not some other off comment he made or just the general feel of the evening. It was almost purely guilt for Maigo, even if she had foregone his apology with a kiss, he still felt terrible and with each moment that passed where things weren't as they were the day before he worried a bit further. Where she was originally flirtatious and fun, almost every word filled with suggestion or innuendo, it was truly a lot of fun for him, even without the incredible night after. He was being met a bit off handed, maybe they were just both apathetic about it? He certainly hasn't and wasn't helping, things had started off far more serious than before and he was just constantly pressing the issue, and perhaps without reason but that was all he could really think about.

"I don't know where I was going with this..." Maigo would lean back a bit and sigh while scratching his head. He may have had good intentions before he got started but they were all but lost in his confusion to translate, and here he didn't have the timing of a good joke or weird scenario to break the ice. Serious matters were always such a struggle with him, and this time it was Maigo who was trying to initiate it. "I guess I'm trying to figure out where we're going and I want to know what you expect from this.... us. I was never one for subtlety..." he would add with a bit of a smile at the end. From the outside it may look like he was just trying to be genuine with the gesture, but it was more than that. A bit of reassurance, mostly for himself, that he wasn't totally lost here and still had some control of his thoughts and where they were headed. Wherever they were headed.

[1084 words, 5730 words total]



As Maigo would continue stating the obvious problems that still lingered in the air between them despite her having tried to get them out of the way with a simple show of affection that lingered more on how she felt rather than what their bodies wanted, Hearing each one, Aizou would let her thoughts wander on the subject, but would ultimately keep her lips shut as she listened intently and donned a more serious face, rather than one of a girl just looking for a night out for fun, or a connoisseur of the wine they were yet tasting.

“You don’t seem to be the biggest fan of this place…” he had began. “I don’t want to talk about the little things… I mean I do, but not at the moment. I feel like there’s’ more… well, that there should be more. Between the two of us to talk about, I mean, how much do we really even know about each other? It seemed easier when we met and all.”

So, was he having second thoughts? Surprisingly, Aizou had suspected that as he voiced out his worries that they would influence her thoughts into feeling… well, feeling like she too didn’t think that she should proceed with this. But, surprisingly, and yes, she knew she’d already used that word, but surprisingly, she felt none of it. None of the anxiety that had consumed her during the morning that he’d left her, none of the worry or arrogance that she’d felt just moments ago when she was preparing to come to meet Maigo for the dinner that was supposedly going to explain everything about why he had left, and she was left wondering as well why it was so. It wasn’t that she didn’t welcome this, but… Why wasn’t she worried? If Maigo was having second thoughts, wouldn’t that mean that she too would be left out of the loop if it ever came to pass that line?

… Or maybe it was exactly because of that that her subconscious had realised something important: she couldn’t let it come to that. She didn’t want to feel that way again. In what was a rare show of certainty, even more so than the certainty that she normally carried herself with whenever she strutted down the streets of Kirigakure, be it for the simple walks she took or the missions that she ran from time to time, she realised that she couldn’t let it come to that. And she wouldn’t let it come to that.

“Talking I mean… that was easier. And there’s only two things that could have really changed it, I think. One, would be the… promiscuity of the entire night or two, my leaving. Maybe it’s just guilt for leaving you there after all that…”

Talking? Did he mean talking about the small stuff- No, he’d already said he didn’t want to talk about the small things. The following words cleared up that what he wanted to talk about was likely the rift between them that she’d tried to close with a kiss, the question of whether they were ‘good’ or not somehow still up in the air despite her trying to get rid of it with an action rather than words. Actions may have spoken louder than words for some people, but in the end words were what finalised everything, she supposed. It did leave it rather unsure whether she wanted to be more than just friends, or whether this ‘more’ was simply something that granted them both the benefits that their bodies craved.

“I don’t know where I was going with this…” he said, leaning back in his chair while scratching his head. If the issue he was bringing up wasn’t so serious, at least to her or the two of them, she would have noted aloud that it was a cute gesture, seeing him display his confusion like that, in an almost childlike manner. “I guess I’m trying to figure out where we’re going and I want to know what you expect from this… us. I was never one for subtlety…” he said, finally adding a smile that made her feel at least slightly better, knowing he wasn’t too far gone.

Taking a deep breath herself, noticeable only by the rise and fall of her chest, she composed herself and structured what she wanted to say. It wasn’t… Frankly, it wasn’t really even that much that she wanted to say. She hoped it wouldn’t be a load on him but what was on her mind, and really just what she wanted to convey, was a simple notion of her wanting this, to be with him regardless of the confusion that might sprout, such as the one that was sprouting tonight due to the small misunderstanding (albeit due entirely to him) that had arisen. She couldn’t really say anything to ensure that something like this wouldn’t come up again, nor would there be any further bumps between them, but she could only hope that what she could say could only ease his thoughts for the night so they may enjoy it together.

“Maigo, we may not know each other that well yet, but… I think we’re getting there,” she would start. “I know you grew up an orphan. I know your family is… complicated. I know you’re an Uchiha. I know your father is after you and your sister. That’s not much, but I think it’s enough to say that you’re not exactly the type of joker you try to pass yourself off as, at least not when the time counts, if you were able to live through all that. And if there’s really anything you want to know about me, I… I guess I don’t mind sharing. You know some of it already, about my less-than-optimal childhood, I suppose.”

“But… if you really do want something concrete, then... “ At this, she took in another breath. If anyone had told her she’d be asking someone to be her boyfriend she’d have slapped them, but right now, she wanted nothing less than to clear the air and ease the situation for him, not finding the fidgeting that he’d displayed earlier to be anything short of making even her uncomfortable as well, if only because of the possible implications it could have. “Well… I’m not sure if you really feel this way, but… I do like you a lot. There’s not really a reason for it,” she said, her tail flitting behind her, all but hidden to the man she was speaking to. “But I really do like you. And, maybe the word we’re both looking for… is… dating?” she asked, that last word coming out a bit unsure, given that she had never ventured into this territory before. It had always been meet, greet, bang, bye, never actually retaining any strong emotion for the person she would come across. “I mean, I’m just as sure as you are how this is all going to turn out, but even if your father comes looking for you, I don’t think I’ll be walking out of your life any time soon,” she finished. “Besides, where else am I going to get such a good lay?” she winked playfully, before taking a sip of the red wine he’d ordered.

Word count: 1264/7518



Maigo sat there waiting with bated breathe for whatever she would say in response if anything at all. Perhaps calling him paranoid or worrisome would be appropriate or leading into other territories where Maigo would worry about the uncertainty of it all. And not of the future explicitly, well partially of the future and the unknown, but the mentality around it and between the two of them. “Maigo, we may not know each other that well yet, but… I think we’re getting there,” she started off, his eyes focused in, not moving a muscle as he started to listen.

There was no way he would be arguing that, they had in a somewhat literal sense, just met each other. No, his worry didn't lie there, he knew that it would come together at some point but that wasn't his issue. It was truly around the shifted air between them, he continued to listen in though, too nervous to interrupt just yet. “I know you grew up an orphan. I know your family is… complicated. I know you’re an Uchiha. I know your father is after you and your sister. That’s not much, but I think it’s enough to say that you’re not exactly the type of joker you try to pass yourself off as, at least not when the time counts, if you were able to live through all that. And if there’s really anything you want to know about me, I… I guess I don’t mind sharing. You know some of it already, about my less-than-optimal childhood, I suppose.” she continued on, Maigo listening in intently. His head would fall slightly as she would recant what she knew, thinking on the issue and what he could even say in response. His head would return with a bit of a smile quickly retreating to his normal neutrality upon her offer to share, he wouldn't force anything like that, not yet at least. In due time, perhaps there would be a conversation worth having there but that time didn't have to be now.

“But… if you really do want something concrete, then... “ Aizou would continue on, he continued to listen in, his head might tilt a bit on her pause. His mind drew blank as he waited, no questions of what might be concrete or what to expect, his entire focus was entirely on her words. “Well… I’m not sure if you really feel this way, but… I do like you a lot. There’s not really a reason for it, But I really do like you. And, maybe the word we’re both looking for… is… dating?” A sharp sensation would shoot through him to a degree as he thought about it, he assumed that outcome would be inevitable but to actually admit to the words, out loud and unencumbered with his own joking. A short pause as he thought it through, a smile would grow on his face as he let his eyes roll back to hers to try and meet her gaze.

He hadn't interrupted her yet or added anything, but she continued on, “I mean, I’m just as sure as you are how this is all going to turn out, but even if your father comes looking for you, I don’t think I’ll be walking out of your life any time soon, Besides, where else am I going to get such a good lay?" Maigo would chuckle for a moment at the comment, as true as it might be, it was a nice deflection back to humor. Part of him wanted to whisper under his breathe, "Or to go after him..." but he kept his mouth shut for the time. That journey and adventure wouldn't be coming for a little while, at least not that he anticipated it to. That could change very quickly though.

Maigo held his smile as he began to speak, he'd all but forgotten about their meal and their location in the moment that he began to talk. "I... feel the same way, or at least, mostly the same about all of it..." he led on, he did like her as well but couldn't say that there was no reason for it. He'd had fun, he desired, there was some reason there even underneath the surface. It wasn't like they'd known each other for years and were best friends or anything, even still, there was a reason enough for Maigo at least.

He would continue to think on, about what else to add and say, whatever else he should add or say. The only thing that would pop into his mind, "So dating it is. I think I can get behind that." he smiled with a bit of a chuckle. To put it plainly, he was a bit relieved that they were on the same page as far as this goes, even if it takes some time to get over the obstacles already in place. In truth, Maigo was just happy he hadn't completely messed up his chances here.

He continued on though, with his same stupid smile, "But besides that. Come on now, Aizou. Wanting to meet my estranged parents on the second date? ...Might be pushing things along too quickly, don't you think?" he gave with a bit of a snicker. Down on the other side of the room, Maigo could see their food approaching as he made his joke.

[925 words, 6655 words total]



If the smile that Maigo gave her after her words were over, just like the one that had been present throughout her explanation, wasn’t indication enough, then the words that flowed out of his lips definitely were. A small part of her wondered which part of it he didn’t feel the same way about, considering he had used the word ‘most’, but the odd calm that had settled over her – no, she wasn’t calm, not with her heart still semi-racing in her chest, but she was definitely far from the anxious wreck she was when he’d first left her in her hotel room – told her to ignore it or save it for the future. For now, the two of them would quickly work aside their differences and enjoy what they came here to enjoy: fine sushi dining and each other’s company.

“So dating it is. I think I can get behind that,” he would say, his trademark grin appearing on his face. “But besides that, come on now, Aizou. Wanting to meet my estranged parents on the second date? ...Might be pushing things along too quickly, don’t you think?” he asked with a snicker added at the end.

Aizou’s eyes rolled. Figures he would shoot back at her attempt at humour with a joke as well, even if it was painfully… cliche. Nevertheless, she would forgive him this once for defaulting to something so blatantly overused in hopes that the air between them, while not cleared, was at least not as foggy as it was before. She could tell there was still something on his mind, especially since he was fairly un-talkative even after she had finished, but she again opted to ignore in favour of what they could be if she kept on this path. Aizou and Maigo? Who ever would have thought that the person she bumped into no more than forty hours ago would string her along so well that she couldn’t untangle herself from the conundrum that made no sense yet all the sense in the world at the same time.

The waiter arrived, balancing with expertise a single, gray plastic tray on his right hand. Upon lowering it onto their table, she saw that it was the food they’d ordered – duh, what else would it have been – and she waited for all her seven dishes to be placed on the table, before the same was done with Maigo’s. Her idleness wasn’t in part to the waiting as much as it was another thought that had come into her head. Maigo’s life was dangerous. That much was clear. No, it wasn’t that she didn’t realise it before. In fact, she’d already realised it when he told her exactly why he had left, and while she cursed the timing of the situation she still accepted the danger that was in his life, and by being with him, in hers. No, the danger wasn’t what she was afraid of; she was fine with it.

No, the thought that struck her mind was that he would be in danger. The constant danger surrounding the two of them… now that was something that she’d be worried about, but it was also something she was… excited? Was she excited by it? She couldn’t really tell. All notions of boredom or excitement were thrown out the window whenever she stared straight into Maigo’s eyes, black as they were, and she reminded herself that in the blink of an eye they could be blood red, like the stories of the Sharingan had always told her and like the pair that she’d seen as a demonstration of what he could do.

Her tail twitched, both at the smell of her sushi wafting into her nose, as well as the thought of her really needing to change her lifestyle. Although, apart from putting more effort into her career as a kunoichi – goddamnit – she would almost certainly have to stop sleeping around the way she did. Hmm… perhaps a new dress to go with it… It wasn’t exactly something that would help her or Maigo out, but you never could argue with a new dress. That was it. She’d get a new dress as well.

“So, how worried should I be of your big bad daddy coming after you?” she would ask before placing a sushi roll into her mouth, purposely curling her tongue along its circumference before taking it in, knowing Maigo would see the entire spectacle, but playing innocent nonetheless.



She rolled her eyes at his joke, Maigo held his smile, admiring her features and demeanor. He found the gesture itself rather cute, as if his joke wasn't any good or something. Well, if it wasn't (probably wasn't) he wouldn't spare the time to hear about it! He did have to think about his joking around and flirting and all, save that for Aizou and all, even his she did hate the jokes there would be no easy way out of it.

Maigo diverted his attention as he watched their waiter bring their food to the table, expertly carrying the dishes and such upon the tray. He watched as the plates were set down in front of him, all of the food looked quite delicious for what it was worth. Maigo motioned for a refill on the water while he was there, nodding politely and turning away once everything was set. Turning his attention to his food and taking a roll in his chopsticks and taking a bite of it, savoring the flavor of it. “So, how worried should I be of your big bad daddy coming after you?” Aizou asked, Maigo turning his attention in time to see her take her own sushi roll with her tongue.

He would exhale a bit sharply, quietly as he watched the scene unfold, a part of him reminiscing about her and taking in the sight. A hundred thoughts ran through his mind truly as he smiled a bit, winded up a bit now, could he find an excuse to skip dinner now? He waited a moment as the waiter returned to refill his water glass, offering the same to Aizou if she would accept it. Maigo would take a sip from it, clearing his mind for a second and getting back on point as the waiter made his departure.

"Well, that depends..." Maigo spoke up for a moment, a bit of a grin grew on his face. "On whether you decide to come with me or not." he spoke with the same stupid grin on his face. Honestly, he probably wouldn't include her as much as he planned to, his problems were his and his alone to deal with. His pride would see to that, there was no way he'd let his friends, much less girlfriend step in to a fight. Especially not his own fights, but the adventure and journey itself could be fun, like a little vacation in all the parts that weren't hunting down estranged family members or being hunted down. Still, Hi no Kuni had some nice areas right? Beautiful forests and things of that nature... mostly nature actually.

"I think my plan is gonna be to go after him first... while i have the element of surprise and all, before him and his organization catch on at least..." he would take another sushi roll and dip it in soy sauce before downing it. Konoha's nice though, so there's that much to look forward to... he added just after swallowing the roll, not making eye contact and passing over the blatant sarcasm in his statement. Part of him wondered if he was making the right decision, going on the offensive and all.

In terms of strategy, if his past did start to haunt him, pre-emptively striking against it and catching them off guard was perfect. But what are the chances that it would come back against him, after all, Uchiu was in Kirigakure no Sato now. And did he even truly know that Maigo was alive, had survived? If not, his offensive would certainly bring much more attention to that, but it would be better than sitting and waiting for the worst to happen? At least that's what Maigo had convinced himself was true.

Beyond that though, beyond the base risk, he questioned himself for even offering to get Aizou involved in any fashion. He convinced himself that if any potential feelings he had for her mattered in any fashion then he should have just left her in the dark and deal with the fallout, like he was trying to do now. The other half of him, the one that had taken over had decided that he should be open about it and let her decide. A comforting ally couldn't be a bad thing, right? Besides, either way it wasn't like he was going to voluntarily let her join in on his hunt, or perhaps that seemed to barbaric to describe the situation. But hunt was the best way of describing it. Still, it didn't defeat the mini-struggle going on inside his mind on whether to include her and to what degree. Ignoring entirely the fact that she could come to the conclusion that he wasn't worth the trouble.

That his history would be a problem, all the negativity surrounding his eyes and their history. Blood soaked and intertwined in fate, killing his family seemed destiny almost! A destiny he wasn't even aware a few years ago. A destiny that had become cliched in its depiction in history, everyone always killing for more power and supremacy over one another. Maigo felt his only saving grace is that his hunt wasn't based entirely on revenge or gaining power. It actually was not at all about gaining power, a portion of it would be revenge against a father that took a life away from him that he would never know, but beyond that, he aimed to protect himself and the family he did have. It was that bit that he could convince himself that his cause was righteous and worth undertaking, that he could stain his blade crimson and walk away without guilt. Unaware of what it might truly cost him, his pride served as the light guiding him through it all, unbeknownst to him that he was only stumbling around in the dark.

[992 words, 7647 words total]



If she’d expected Maigo to turn a blind eye to her ministrations, Aizou definitely didn’t show disappointment when he’d suddenly popped another question into her head. Aizou wouldn’t lie if she were asked, she had been trying to get Maigo worked up, part of just how she often interacted not just with men in general but actually with people of either sex. It wasn’t entirely on purpose, nor was it entirely unintentional; it had just become something that she was used to doing, whenever she tried to interact with other people. Perhaps the rumours that went around town regarding her, or for those who even remembered who she was, weren’t as unfounded as she’d been intending on believing.

Of course, when Maigo had said, “Well, that depends…” she’d thought he’d had another witty quip up his sleeves he was just dying to throw out, similar to the joke that had led to her rolling her eyes in dismay at the prospect of her boyfriend – oh god that was going to get some getting used to, not just a one-night stand but a boyfriend – but it appears that he had something else in mind, especially since his next words, “On whether you decide to come with me or not,” didn’t seem to have been spoken in the form of a joke or with humour in it, even if he definitely meant well by the question, given the stupid grin that she saw on his face, the same grin she would want to wipe off anyone else’s face but on Maigo’s, it just looked so…

“I think my plan is gonn be to go after him first… while I have the element of surprise and all, before him and his organisation catch on at least…”

Somehow, some part of Aizou had already known that Maigo’s leading question would have tied into his entire revenge thing. There was really no A to B, hence C in this. Aizou just felt like the question would have led to it eventually. After all, this was a man who was hellbent on ruining his life, and considering she had just recently (scarily several minutes ago, now that she thought about it) hooked up with him, for lack of a better word, the question on what they would do regarding his father would have come up eventually. Sooner, in this case, rather than later because of her constant poking and prodding around the problem, though with such issues in her life already well taken care of and her identity protected from the only people who wanted to get back at her for the trouble she caused them, she didn’t really have to worry about such things in her life any further.

She watched him down his sushi, before continuing on with his statement. “Konoha’s nice though, so there’s that much to look forward to…”

The naughtier part of her wondered if the list of things on their tour would involve more intimacy with Maigo, and she mentally berated herself for such inappropriate thoughts that had made themselves known. Of course there would be more saucy times, but that was beside the point, as the more mature part of her, and also the part she understood as the one that had kept her alive and sane throughout her time growing up, took in his words. They were going to go after his father, a man whose psychotic nature (she assumed, given he wanted to kill his son) was enough to fear alone. Was she up to the task? She reevaluated her situation before she needlessly jumped into danger she couldn’t handle.

She was just a Genin. Now that she thought about it, Maigo’s rank was something else that she wasn’t aware of, but considering he had the Sharingan, and coupled with the reputation of being an Uchiha, he was likely more adept than she was at her career, not to mention she was just a ninja for kicks. She had only a small sense of patriotism, and even that was borne out of a desire to repay the village’s administration for helping her hide, while she didn’t exactly toil herself on missions because she needed the money as much as it was a chance to stretch her legs. To head to another village would be an interesting endeavour for her, but she had to ask herself, was this really what she wanted? Or, more accurately, could she handle this? She only had several genjutsu that were even combat ready, not to mention she’d failed to meet actual combat for a very, very long time, and definitely nothing of this magnitude.

“Give me some time,” she finally answered. Throwing herself into danger, she was ready to do, but she at least wanted to get herself ready beforehand. She wasn’t going back on what she felt before; no, she was ready to say yes, but the time she asked for to evaluate her decision hinged more on whether she could improve herself and fashion more potent Genjutsu to help both her and Maigo, and whoever else he had in mind for this.

… Who else did he have in mind for this? She didn’t think he would go at it alone, but the two of them seemed a small force to be reckoned with, considering they were going after an entire organisation, if she’d heard Maigo right.

“Who else is coming along?” she would ask. And, building on her need to improve, she also made the connection that there was few others who could help her improve than the person she was planning to accompany, considering she suspected he was already able to hold his own in a fight better than she could. “Also, do you want to help me polish my skills in preparation for that? I’m sure we can find some time to unwind after,” she would finish, imitating his earlier action and taking a second bite out of her assortment of sushi rolls, before downing it with her refilled glass of water.

Word count: 1031/9319



Maigo continued eating between the pauses, slowly and carefully, following all of his manners but it was far more absent minded than he probably should have allowed. “Give me some time,” she spoke up after a brief pause. It was certainly no small task to ask of someone, or to even offer, aside from the sense of adventure and the partial escape from the village, the means of his travel would not be something to take lightly and the inherent danger could only get worse from there. Forbid he lose the element of surprise and thrust them into danger, or the enemy he would be facing be stronger than he anticipated. So many variables and so very little information in the grand scheme of things.

"Of course, of course, I don't plan on leaving after dinner..." he spoke, a few more things to get done in the village before he could think of leaving. A few more missions he was scheduled to take, and a bit more training would necessary for him as well, just a precaution. But he had a lot to learn and handle, and he was no where near ready or at least prepared enough in his mind, and he wouldn't be for a little while. Even with training, he felt he had such a mountain to climb to truly capitalize on his prowess. It would certainly put off more than that though, his plan to join the ANBU black ops or the Hunter ninja would have to be put on hold, as well as his goal of becoming a seven swordsmen of the village, all of that delayed to deal with his own problems.

He wondered how the village would feel, he didn't imagine that Lady Mizukage would reject his claim, but to take so much time to deal with his own affairs was no small thing to ask. And all the same, what had he done to truly deserve it in the grand scheme of things? “Who else is coming along?” her words broke his short concentration, blinking in response. He hadn't really planned to bring anyone, so beyond Aizou it was just her for the time? Unless the Mizukage demanded it, he would probably keep it that way too. Continuing on though, she made a short request as he quickly swallowed his food a bit exaggeratedly in a heavy gulp, “Also, do you want to help me polish my skills in preparation for that? I’m sure we can find some time to unwind after,”

The thought of unwinding certainly caught his attention, the suggestive nature behind it, he would chuckle slightly and take a sip of water to clear his throat before speaking up. "Really, I didn't plan on bringing anyone, I haven't even told the village yet, so you're it for now..." he would pause slightly waiting to see how she would react if at all, "If that's alright with you? I figured large parties of ninja roaming into Hi no Kuni will attract more attention that I'd care for." he led on. It was a bit true, sure there would be comfort in having a full squad to accompany him and keep guard of his back. But if he were to strike quickly and with precision, coordinating an entire team would only hinder it. In truth, he would bring Aizou along, but he still didn't plan on involving her at all in any part of it. He knew that he could handle the both of them should some bandits or similar ground troops show up again, they'd be easy to pick off like rats in a sewer. But if there were stronger enemies... no, he wouldn't risk that in any way.

"As for training, of course!" he spoke a bit excitedly, "You don't have to ask, besides, I am the village's foremost genjutsu expert!" he led on with his same stupid chuckle and smile. His grand standing was gonna get him in a lot of trouble one of these days, but his pride in his own skills didn't give him a reason to care about any of it. "But on a serious note, there will be plenty of time for training if you want to join in, no shortage of things to cover in the meantime. And if you come along, formations, strategies, etc... I want to cover everything..." his stare became a bit blank as he lost himself in thought, staring towards the table as he spoke. Still gradually eating away as he finished, the occasional drink here, he continued on with the same stance and demeanor he carried through it all.

[787 words, 8434 words total]



“Really, I didn’t plan on bringing anyone. I haven’t even told the village yet, so you’re it for now…” he’d say.

Aizou would just give a slight, soft ‘Hmm’ of acknowledgement, continuing to eat the sushi laid out in front of her, quickly working on her meal as she thought about the offer that he’d given. She was almost probably going to answer yes, since she didn’t really have anything to do in Kiri anyway beside living out her life the way she did the past few years, and while she did feel like it was a little scary walking out of Kirigakure’s safe borders, a part of her did admit that it was very interesting to be able to visit another village, and she felt a small amount of adrenaline at being on an actual mission, not just one she did as an errand for the village.

That made her left fox ear twitch out of how childish that thought was. If anyone heard it out of context it almost sounded like a newly-minted Genin wanting to be taken out of the village for their first C-rank mission… Actually, no that was exactly what it sounded like. Going back to Maigo’s words, she realised that it was likely only going to be the two of them on the mission, on the long trek to Konoha… and while the little girl in her tried to be excited about the idea she also had to entertain the more important and more dangerous aspect of the mission, that she would be hunting down an Uchiha outside of Kirigakure with skills amounting to little more than a Genin.

“If that’s alright with you? I figured large parties of ninja roaming into Hi no Kuni attract more attention than I’d care for.”

She guessed she couldn’t really blame the logic in his argument. They were hunting after all, and a full team of ninja were more likely to get recognised than just one or two people travelling together, especially since the world was so adapted to having ninja already by now, if it wasn’t already since the advent of chakra. It would definitely be safer for them at the start, and it would definitely help them keep their cover and find their targets, but Aizou wondered if two people, one with barely any combat experience, would be able to take on a full organisation as Maigo had suggested they try to do. Sure, he was an Uchiha and the stories always said they tended to pull deus ex machinas out of their asses, but she wondered if it was truly okay – not safe since it was definitely going to be dangerous – since they were just two people going up against an entire group.

Yeah, an entire group, unless the definition of organisation had vastly changed.

“I don’t really have a problem with it,” she replied after swallowing her roll. “But I don’t have much combat experience, and we’re going after an organisation. I’m just saying you should take someone else with us; three people isn’t too hard to spot anyway.”

“As for training, of course!” he replied excitedly. A part of her suspected that was because he already suspected what kind of Genjutsu she liked to use on her targets, but even those probably wouldn’t work as much as she’d hoped if her own suspicions of him were correct. “You don’t have to ask, besides I am the village’s foremost genjutsu expert! “

“Oh, really?” she asked. “I use genjutsu too. I think you know what kind,” she said with a wink, before taking another piece of sushi normally. “Most of mine aren’t up to an actual combat standard though, so I’ll have to work on those before we actually leave the village. Is there a time frame?”

When he would mention that there would be plenty of things for them to cover in the meantime, it only made the entire thing sound so much more serious, and while Aizou wasn’t pessimistic, she could also see how just the mention of formations, strategies, and the like, likely covering expenses, routes, emergency backup plans, and etc would make it seem like less of a holiday out of the village and more of a life-or-death mission that he had proposed it as. Throughout all this, she would finish up her meal and wash down the satisfying dinner with the wine still leftover.

“Definitely,” Aizou said, giving her approval, not that she suspected Maigo was asking for it so much as informing her. “When do you want to hold that spar? Some time in the next two weeks should be good, since I need to brush up on what I can do on the field. And walk a lady back, will you?” she asked.

Word count: 824/10143

OOC: I think this thread lasted long enough. We should try to end it and cash in on the WC then I need to figure out where I want to go with my jutsu xD



Didn't have a problem with it? There was more to that phrase than she'd probably care to let on... nervousness maybe? At the thought of fighting and being in foreign territory? Honestly it was something that Maigo worried about as well, he couldn't blame her in the slightest but her mind went to combat experience. He saved the comment and lecture about how he didn't want to involve her inherently, whether that was for her safety or his own pride he'd never admit to the later. But she was right, even with all the training he could endure and push them through, two was a light company to make anything out of it, maybe another person would be a good idea after all. Still though, if she was worried about her combat experience as well, he'd need to work on that, whether that meant sparring or whatever she felt comfortable with, then he would oblige the request.

“I use genjutsu too. I think you know what kind,” a playful wink accompanied it, he smiled a bit at the joke. Continuing on she went on to explain her genjutsu not being up to par and wondering if there was a time frame. Maigo shook his head and exhaled a bit as he swallowed another sushi roll, "No, no. I've got a few things planned out in the meantime, missions and things I am committed to. So there's a bit of time to practice and train and all that..." he paused with a rather sly look in his eye, "That's if you're fine with training with the best and all." he added on with a playful smile. Making light of the scenario they were in and ignoring the seriousness of the situation as a whole, some would probably get upset at that but he didn't peg Aizou for that type.

“Definitely, When do you want to hold that spar? Some time in the next two weeks should be good, since I need to brush up on what I can do on the field. And walk a lady back, will you?” Maigo nodded, swallowing his last sushi roll, going through it much quicker than he thought he was. Perhaps he was a bit distracted... at the thought of her genjutsu, but he took another sip of the wine and cleared his throat, "If I'm not on missions, or... eating at fancy sushi restaurants then I'll be training! So any time, all the time, whatever is cool with me..." he held his same dumb smile. Of course he was gonna walk her back though, that much didn't need saying, he was at her mercy for the night.

Once they were done with their meal, Maigo would gather up his ryo, a small laugh at the check, probably the first time he had ever spent that much on a meal before. He left enough ryo for their food, wine, and a decent enough tip, thankfully though, he had a few missions lined up to cover that cost though. Standing up, he would approach the side of the table and hold his hand out for her to take it if she wanted, "Of course I'll walk you home though. I am at your mercy for the entire evening, so it's the very least I can do..." he added a wink to his smile as he awaited her to join them. He was serious though, not that he thought she would do anything he wasn't already hoping to do, and if nothing came about of their walk home, then at the very least he knew he would get to see her again. Not like last time, where he disappeared off into the day, this time he had a bit more certainty about it all.

[644 words, 9078 words total]
[Exit Thread]

[OOC: Hopefully that works? But I agree xD We can move onto whatever other threads and stuff afterwards, if you want to get your training and all approved first that's cool. Just let me know~]


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