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1Kessho, Kazui {Stat Training} Empty Kessho, Kazui {Stat Training} Tue Feb 24, 2015 1:57 pm



Lost and Alone

I have 4,554 words and I wish to use them for stat training.


Training all 5 stats from E to D costs 750 words and 0 ryo.

I Will further spend 325 wc And 25 ryo (×2) to increase Speed and Reaction Time from D to D1

I should now have:

Strength: D
Speed: D1
Reaction Time: D1
Perception: D
Endurance: D

Is this acceptable?

2Kessho, Kazui {Stat Training} Empty Re: Kessho, Kazui {Stat Training} Wed Feb 25, 2015 3:55 pm



Just a couple of things. First of all I need you to show what your training in the thread. Preferably just deducted from the last post.

Secondly on the topic of last post I have a rule to only turn in training for threads that you are done training in.

3Kessho, Kazui {Stat Training} Empty Re: Kessho, Kazui {Stat Training} Fri Mar 20, 2015 12:06 pm



Speed: D1 to D2
Strength: Do to D1

725 wc and 75 ryo.

Topic is closed now. ^~^

That's all in addition to the stat changes listed in my first post, which are not approved yet either. All from that 1 topic.

4Kessho, Kazui {Stat Training} Empty Re: Kessho, Kazui {Stat Training} Mon Mar 30, 2015 5:23 am



All training APPROVED

Please post in admin requests for ryo deduction and stat changes

5Kessho, Kazui {Stat Training} Empty Re: Kessho, Kazui {Stat Training} Thu May 19, 2016 11:40 am




Strength : D-1
Speed : D-2
Endurance : D-Rank
Perception : D-Rank
Reaction Time : D-1

Training Stats -
E ~> E-1, 75 words and 0 Ryo.
E-1 ~> E-2, 150 words and 0 Ryo
E-2 ~> E-3, 225 words and 0 Ryo.
E-3 ~> D, 300 words and 0 Ryo.

D ~> D-1, 325 words and 25 Ryo.
D-1 ~> D-2, 400 words and 50 Ryo.
D-2 ~> D-3, 450 words and 75 Ryo.
D-3 ~> C, 525 words and 100 Ryo.

Word Count: [466]
Total Word Count: [6,163+466+6,629]

Strength: D1-D3: 850 wc 125 ryo
Speed: D2-D3: 450 wc 75 ryo
Endurance: D-D3 1,175 wc 150 ryo
Perception: D-D3 1,175 wc 150 ryo
Reaction Time: D1-D3 850 wc 125 duo

Total: 4,500 WC 625 Ryo

WC: 6,629−4,500=2,129
Ryo: 3,281-625=2,656

An Awkward Situation

6Kessho, Kazui {Stat Training} Empty Re: Kessho, Kazui {Stat Training} Fri May 20, 2016 2:08 pm



Post an exit thread please.

7Kessho, Kazui {Stat Training} Empty Re: Kessho, Kazui {Stat Training} Fri May 20, 2016 2:19 pm



Done, sorry, the thread was so ancient i didn't think it was needed.

8Kessho, Kazui {Stat Training} Empty Re: Kessho, Kazui {Stat Training} Wed May 25, 2016 1:14 am



Kazui wrote:
Strength : D-1
Speed : D-2
Endurance : D-Rank
Perception : D-Rank
Reaction Time : D-1

Training Stats -
E ~> E-1, 75 words and 0 Ryo.
E-1 ~> E-2, 150 words and 0 Ryo
E-2 ~> E-3, 225 words and 0 Ryo.
E-3 ~> D, 300 words and 0 Ryo.

D ~> D-1, 325 words and 25 Ryo.
D-1 ~> D-2, 400 words and 50 Ryo.
D-2 ~> D-3, 450 words and 75 Ryo.
D-3 ~> C, 525 words and 100 Ryo.

Word Count: [466]
Total Word Count: [6,163+466+6,629]

Strength: D1-D3: 850 wc 125 ryo
Speed: D2-D3: 450 wc 75 ryo
Endurance: D-D3 1,175 wc 150 ryo
Perception: D-D3 1,175 wc 150 ryo
Reaction Time: D1-D3 850 wc 125 duo

Total: 4,500 WC 625 Ryo

WC: 6,629−4,500=2,129
Ryo: 3,281-625=2,656

An Awkward Situation


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