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So... there was yet another high rank shinobi in Konohagakure. It seemed as if it was a jounin, but the chakra was stronger then that. There has been word of another Kage in Konohagakure, but what Jurou didn't know if it was the Kazekage, Tsuchikage, or Raikage. Could be any one of the three. Kenta was tending to his business as the Hokage, and Jurou, as the new Mizukage, was given no instructions but to roam around Konohagakure. He also held the papyrus scroll that sealed the Seven Mist Blades all together in his Kirigakure ANBU pouch. He only wanted Soshin, but figured as the other 6 blades were going to be of good use to Kirigakure, he might hang on to them for the time being. Walking to the dense forest, there was nothing but wildlife; and a bunch of obnoxious noises. He wanted quiet, but couldn't get it. Taking out the scroll, he opened a little bit, seeing the symbol for the first sword, Sourukattā, which means Soul Cutter. He wondered of the ability of the sword.

Not having Fuuinjutsu has a specialization was a huge bummer for the Mizukage. Guess he would have to wait until someone can show him to unseal the blades for him. "The blades... Soshin... they're all in my possession..." He spoke softly. Not being power-hungry like his father, Jurou kept the scroll in his hand and clenched his hand to tighten the grip. Family bonding would have to wait.

Last edited by Jurou on Fri Feb 01, 2013 3:30 pm; edited 1 time in total



Small rays of light illuminated the forest, seeping in through the trees and allowing Gin to see where she was going. She lit a cigarette and placed it in her mouth, inhaling the smoke that it produced. The young Kazekage hardly ever smoked. She only did so either when she was terribly bored or terribly anxious. In the case, it was the latter of the two. She had received word from an old... friend, calling her to the forest for a meeting with the highest ranking representatives from each village. If that was the case, the meeting was bound to be about something important. Of course, they could have been summoned there to discuss rebuilding Kirigakure and the death of the Mizukage. If that was the case, the young Kazekage would just sit quietly and pretend to listen while her thoughts wandered elsewhere. The subject of Kirigakure was something that she had had enough of already.

Nevertheless, something told her that that wasn't the case. She breathed in the cigarette smoke on last time before putting it out and throwing it on the ground. She readjusted the empty scabbard that she always carried on her back so that the strap it didn't graze her bare skin. Soon enough, she approached the clearing where she was called to. She saw a man with silver hair, looking at a large scroll. Looking at his face brought up a number of memories, though Gin couldn't quite decide whether they were good ones or not. All she knew was that it was because of him that she now had two children. "Jurou Osada," She began, leaning against a tree on the far end of the clearing. "You haven't grown an inch sine I last saw you. Tell me, how are Chie and Reiko doing?" It was her typical way of greeting him; teasing him and then cutting right to the chase. She hadn't been worried about the two when she heard that Kirigakure had burnt down. She knew that as long as they were with Jurou, nothing would happen to them. The two of them might not have been on the best of terms, but she trusted Jurou.



He wasn't exactly sure why he was there; but he couldn't be assed to care much, either. He was the highest ranked member of Kumo in the area, after all; and he was supposed to be the one dealing with diplomacy. Or maybe he should just shove it off on mister pushyface Iki. Che, whatever. There was no real stealth for him; not with all the greens and browns; his clothes where bright blues and reds; neon practically, in a forest like this. Whatever; if he died, he died. Nothing doing, worrying about it, yeah. The light breeze carried words; rhythms of words, anyway. People nearby. Awesome. He wasn't super familiar with the area; he'd done a few walks and such, but he wasn't the greatest tracker and Konoha's forests where very different then anything that existed in Kumo.

Announcing himself was pointless; if they didn't see or feel him yet, then it was their problem. He wasn't even trying to hide himself. He was... invited? so it wasn't in his best interest. Or maybe his psychosis was getting the better of him that day. Eh. He could see colors that didn't match now, silvers and others that where more at home in mountains then lowland forests. There we go. He released one of his signature cackles by way of greeting, entering into the little clearing with nothing more then a "Yo. Sup?" to the two Kages.

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Hnn... you'd think anyone invited to such an important meeting (really, three Kages and a high ranking ninja from a 4th village?) would think to either meet somewhere safer, or at least attempt at stealth. The forests might not be densely inhabited, nor popular for hiking and outdoor activities; but that doesn't mean squat really. Always be wary, always plot for being found. He didn't stick out here; this was his land, this was his home. He fit, he was normal. He was Inuzuka; and Inuzuka owned these forests like no one else could. These people; they where announcing themselves to any and everything for miles like this. No color dampening, no distractions or traps. Idiots.

He'd known they where there for a while; working his way around the outer edge of a proper perimeter setting up just that; traps, barriers, pitfalls, alerts. He'd leave Yuki to pace the paths when he finished; she'd be the first and best alert, and a highly effective deterrent. Good enough... time to make himself known.

He watched as that dick Raijin work his way into the clearing area; his usual abrasive idiocy already showing. Great. Just what he needed, headaches. Even his own bright coloration; the honey blonde of his eyes and hair, white shirt and khaki shorts; bright red on his face... those fit right in, no problem. He was Inuzuka, these where his lands. Anything he did here was right. The lands changed for him, not the other way around.

It was easy enough to fade into the light from the deep shadows; a sharp edge in his eyes and a blank expression overall. "So. Mizukage. You called." He came only out of respect for the new leader of the village; he had no real reason to, nor the fondness for the Osada that he'd had for his predecessor. He prefered to keep the village relations strong; because they had help both village thrive for so long, and he felt he owed Kiri something for that. It was why he'd offered so much help to rebuild the fallen village. The world needed Kiri to function, maintain the balances; same as Konoha. Suna. Kumo. Iwa he gave little care for; so long as that jacktard Dengen was in charge. If he even truly was. Kenta would never believe that claim without proper evidence. His attention turned to the woman, obviously the new Kazekage.

His eyes where cold when he looked upon her; but it was not a personal coldness. He bore her no ill will; only the title she held. Again, a leftover from the previous holder. Yui... that worthless mutt. "You are... Gin, correct? I do apologize if I have you name wrong; you can imagine how little time I have for foreign policy and information gathering."

His only reaction to Raijin was to flip him the bird and not even bother acknowledging him otherwise. Extremely unfair; given the entirety of the problems with their previous dysfunctional meeting was Kenta's own fault. No worries, no cares. If Raijin couldn't take it; he was in the wrong line of work.



Of course... the mother of all nightmares had come to him; Gin. If Jurou remembered correctly, she was the new Kazekage of Sunagakure, and apparently, the mother of Chie and Reiko Osada, Jurou and Gin's twin daughters. The little ones were safe in Sunagakure with mommy, but mommy decided to leave them. So it was up to Jurou to go retrieve the little bundles of joy, or wait until this "meeting" is over. She was an old "friend"; acquaintance however who stumbled upon Jurou's life while he was in Sunagakure and happened to get her pregnant and pop two little girls out. Wonderful; just wonderful. It wasn't long enough until he heard the repulsiveness voice of the mother of his daughters, especially when she teased him of his size in height, but it's always the bad things that comes out the best in life. "...They're here in Konoha as we speak. They've been ranting about mommy since we got here. But they've learned to calm down with exhaustion from running around and such. Have them go back to Sunagakure. When Kirigakure is done with rebuilding, they can stay with me for a while." Jurou spoke.

It's been a while now since Chie and Reiko Osada had seen their mom. Sharing the same children with the Mizukage as surely gotten the Kazekage all worked up; he could see it in her face. But, when Kirigakure burned down, Jurou made sure their protection was first in his priorities; a father's intuition. Now, he'll send them back to Sunagakure with Gin for the time being. The two hadn't come to very good terms the first time they saw each other; but he trusted Gin Kuroka nonetheless. Onto more pressing matters; the new fellow that came. Kenta said he was a representative of Kumogakure, nonetheless Raikage but one of the top ranks there. He was real good at Fuuinjutsu Kenta also said. Maybe this might be the person to help Jurou with the scroll. "You're good at Sealing techniques, correct?" He spoke. Gin got her attitude from Jurou; getting right straight to the point.

Jurou recognized that voice anywhere in this village; it was Kenta, the hokage. Jurou was calm that Kenta had shown his face at this meeting. If anything went wrong, it was on Kenta because this was his home. Just kidding. Anyway, Jurou saw what Kenta did to Raijin, apparently the two don't have a good history or something. "On an important manner; yes. He answered Kenta's question. It was good to have a mutual friend in Konoha, especially the highest rank of all of them at the same time. Plus the alliance between Konoha and Kiri because of the previous Mizukage, Hikou. Now it was on to more important matters. But something, or someone, was missing. Who was the Tsuchikage again? That didn't matter right now. "I thank Kenta for giving me the Seven Blades, though I don't have much use in all of them. The Seven Swordsman of the Mist from generations are dismantled, and I have no intention of bringing about another "Bloody Mist" title to even succumb to that matter." He spoke in a clear tone. It was true, all of the blades he did not have use for, but he shall see how this process is going to work out. The Seven Swordsman were a band of mischiefs in Kirigakure, full of the strongest and best swordsman ever that Kirigakure can produce. If that was to happen, Jurou would make sure that it would be for a good cause, not a band to where they try to kill the Mizukage or defect Kirigakure.



Gin smiled. So both of the girls were here in Konoha, huh? She would go visit them after this was over. Maybe she would even introduce them to Sake, though she didn't quite know how he would react to the fact that she had had children while he was gone. Well, she would deal with that later. There were other matters to tend to at the moment. She missed Chie and Reiko, however. She wouldn't admit it to anyone other than the kids themselves, though. She was too much of a prideful woman. "Good to know that you've managed to keep my kids alive," She said. If there was something she enjoyed, it was getting on Jurou's nerves. "And I'm sure they'll be glad to go back to their real home for a while." She added.

The young woman stayed in her place as the other two shinobi arrived on the scene. She nodded politely at the representative from Kumogakure as he greeted her and Jurou. She was glad to finally have company. If left alone, she and Jurou were likely to rip each other's throats out. She only spoke again when the Hokage addressed her directly. "Yes, my name's Gin," She said, sounding slightly uninterested. She didn't really hold it against him that he wouldn't bother to conduct research on her. After all, the sudden death of the Mizukage had put a particular amount of pressure on the Hokage, more so than on anyone else. "I'm guessing you're Kenta," She added. The young Kazekage soon turned her attention towards Jurou once again, now detailing the scroll that he held in his hands. Her eyes narrowed. That couldn't be... could it? She shook her head, not allowing herself to believe that Jurou had such powerful weapons with him.

However, her assumptions were proven to be correct as Jurou kept speaking. She did her best to keep her composure. She didn't want the leaders of Konoha and Kumo to believe that she had no control over her emotions. Sure, Gin was an impulsive woman, but she knew when to hols her tongue. Nevertheless, she was jealous, to put it lightly. Jurou now had possibly the most powerful swords in the world in his possession. Gin had always wanted to possess one of the fabled swords of the Hidden Mist. She let out a quiet growl as she stared at the new Mizukage. She couldn't just ask for him to give her one. No, knowing Jurou, he would probably want something from her in return and she wasn't about to start kissing up to him to get the weapon that she wanted. "This is bullshit," She murmured under her breath.



Weeeeeell. Seems the Hokage was holding a grudge. Or something. Meh; he wasn't much worried. He'd done nothing to outright start a war between them, and the Iki had said he'd smoothed it over. Yeah. Right. The Iki's idea of smoothing over was silence. Meeeeeeeeeh. Oh well. "Well, guess if we are gunna do intro's; 'm Raijin. Tsukino, if any of you didn't know by now." Not much else to say; he wasn't really needed here; might as well listen and learn. Or laugh. Or shock someone for the giggles. Can't blame him; Tsukino passively release electricity; so a shock is inevitable. As a Special Jounin, a passive shock from him was good enough to knock you on your ass and burn. So much fuuuun.~~~

He found a log and planted it; leaning back on air like he was want to and just watching now. He knew nothing of the Mizukage, and even less of the Kazekage; so he was relying on old habits of silence in unfamiliar situations. No social skills, weeeeeeeeee.~

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

"There's your answer, Osada." Kenta was hissing a bit, still staring at the Tsukino with a look that screamed 'Get the FUCK away from me, bitch.' He shook it off however; returning to the matters at hand with a dismissive wave of his hand. "They rightfully belong to you, anyway. You are the rightful Mizukage; and I have no use for them. I must however profess to some relief that you intend to not allow the old ways of blood and anarchy to return to your village once the blades are given owners once more. It makes all our lives easier."

His lack of tact and ability to pick up on personal cues meant the exchanges between Jurou and Gin where going right over his head; leaving him poised to shove his foot in his mouth eventually. This was gunna be interesting, all things told. "So; before we get distracted by, well; anything... shall we get to the point. Lord knows I am a tad too busy to linger long; with the exams in full swing."

Last edited by Kenta Inuzuka on Tue Nov 13, 2012 5:14 pm; edited 1 time in total



Gin still does not want to acknowledge that she ever found Jurou attractive; and it was because of his height. Oh sure, nothing else but his height. Did Jurou care? Not one bit. But there's more important matters to attend to. Hearing her voice made his ears cringe with distraught, but that was his twin's mother and he respected her for bringing them into his life. Even though she did blame him for ruining her life. All personal business was to be put aside, but he spoke, saying, "Your kids huh..? Never knew it took one person to make twins..." Teasing Gin was somewhat amusing to Jurou, and vice versa. He ended the conversation by saying, "If the home wasn't full of liquor and panties on the floor, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind staying for a while." That's the way to shut Gin up for a little longer.

Jurou heard the little murmur that Gin said but decided not to endure upon it. Instead, he smiled a small smile; feels good making Chie and Reiko's mother angry. But this was irritating him even more, he can't unseal the blades. Hearing Raijin do his little introductions meant nothing to Jurou, but this was his ticket to unsealing the blades somehow. "Someone feels shy of saying a few words instead of an introduction..." That was all the Mizukage said to Raijin at the time. Onto more pressing matters; the Hokage, Kenta.

Hearing Kenta's little speech spread in Jurou's ears. The Bloody Mist; He remembered his grandfather telling him of that history when the Osada was going through that time. Jurou remembered his grandfather telling him of Yagura, the 4th Mizukage, who was being controlled by the one named 'Tobi.' Jurou would never bring about a Bloody Mist. Hikou's gone, so Jurou has to step to the plate. Taking care of Kirigakure, taking care of Chie and Reiko, receiving messages from Gin, and being the Mizukage. He looked at the scroll in his hand and said, "The Bloody Mist was brought about and over with. That will never happen again." All was said and done. Now, for the Seven Swordsman Blades.

"Raijin is it? ...Are you good at Sealing Techniques? If so, unseal this." Jurou said to Raijin, tossing him the seal. Judging from the Kumogakure shinobi's actions, Jurou thinks he can trust him. If not, Katon Bushin no Jutsu and Infinity Slice should do the trick. "If you unseal that, you can leave. With Kiba, the twin lightning swords." Jurou had no need for Kiba, so trusting it to Raijin for his efforts was the least he can do. Besides, looking at the two blades Raijin currently hold in his possession, he probably didn't need Kiba. If he didn't, More practice for Jurou. Which is a really good thing.



Gin simply scoffed at Jurou's comment. She wasn't about to start bickering with her ex, especially not in front of the Hokage and Kumo's representative. She had a reputation to maintain, or so she kept telling herself as she kept her arms crossed over her chest and squeezed her fists tightly. She would try her best to keep herself calm and not give Jurou the satisfaction of seeing her sink in to a bad mood because of him. "Well too late for that," She thought. However, she did try her best to keep her expression calm and composed. She listened quietly to Jurou's brief exchange with Kenta about the Bloody Mist. She had never really cared much for history, but she knew the basics. She knew enough about Kirigakure to vaguely know what they were talking about. But that mattered little to her; not because she didn't care for foreign affairs, but because she knew Jurou well enough to tell that he wouldn't do such a thing. The man was as cold as they came, but he had at least some shred of sympathy towards other human beings.

Gin still kept quietly standing a short distance away from the group. Ah. So he needed the scroll unsealed before he could do anything. Part of her wanted Raijin to give him a hard time and refuse to free the swords from the scroll. The other just wanted to get this over with so that she could get her hands on one of the blades and get as far away from Jurou as she could. He brought up too many bad memories. After that, she would simply pick up her two little girls, watch the remainder of the Chuunin and be on her merry way back to Sunagakure. She was calming down now. As long as Jurou didn't do something terribly idiotic, she would be fine. Wait - had he just offered Raijin one of the blades?

Gin's eye twitched. "Must not... Cannot..." She thought, trying to hold herself back, but to no avail. She felt insulted, honestly, especially since she knew that he would give her hell before handing over Soul Cutter to her. And he went off and gave Kiba to a random stranger?! Gin's blood boiled. She was the mother of his children, didn't that deem her trustworthy enough to wield one of the blades? "What the hell?!" She yelled, trowing away most of her self control. "You little piece of shit!" She continued, glaring at him. "I know you have dozens of personal issues against me, but could you at least try to be professional about it instead of giving me this bull crap?" She said, motioning towards the situation in front of her. The other two would likely be confused about what she said, but she was quite confident that Jurou understood what she was talking about. However, she partially expected him to act as if he didn't just to make her look like a crazy bitch.



The catch was almost a fumble; he'd been expecting just about anything but having shit tossed at him. Wait... what did...Oh crap; this was the sealed blades?! What... wow. "You... what? Ya ain't got a Nobu 'er somethin' tha' can do it?" Oh, he was plenty honored by just the chance to take a peek at the seal; it was widely considered fact that the seal of the Seven Swordsman Blades had been placed by a master of the highest caliber. And why not; given the importance of the weapons; who would let some rank amateur do it? Really; it could be his first and only chance to study Fuuinjutsu of that level; a level that only the masters of the great clans could produce.

"Eh, why not. Migh' as well take a crack a' it." The lure of the Kiba Blades didn't hurt either. They wheren't really his style; but that didn't mean he couldn't just take them and hand them to his Kage as a gift. Hell; he might even get a promotion and some time off for it. Shit, that sounded good. A nice bonus and a few months off to travel and explore. Yeah... he could get into that idea. Even if the blades where useless as weapons to Kumo; and given the insanity that was the remaining the upper echelon of the village, even blades as strong as Kiba where weak. They didn't need insane blades... they had skill.

Shifting a tad on the log, he spread the sealed sheet over his lap; eyes closed for a moment as he allowed himself to drop into a meditative state. It was how all of his clan worked; they would meditate while studying seals. It was better, easier. They could absorb more of the information contained; few distractions could get through. "Hmmm..."


What... what the.... what the hell is this crap!?

This wasn't the work of a master... this was... beginner at best!

"Dude... what?" He placed a hand over the... it looked like a focus point seal... but with how shitty and... wow, how many different bits of seals was that... it could have been anything. Good as place as any to start. His hand was placed upon it, and a spark of chakra passed into the paper. It would be enough to connect his mind, if he'd found a proper focus point. That would let him begin the unraveling process; to see if he even could fix this. When only parts of the seal glowed in response, he knew this was gunna take a while. "Huh boy. Back up, guys and gal. This is gunna be a whiiiiiiiile. Gotta under this mess before I can even tell you if there IS something sealed here."

The Tsukino wasn't even joking; either. The extent of the seal hadn't even been fully revealed until he'd forced his chakra into it; which pulled more and more of the mass of lines to the surface. This wasn't even a layered seal; someone had just shoved... he didn't even know how many different bits of crap together and called it a finished seal. Left arm raised to the grip of Caladbolg over his right shoulder; he never draw the blade with his right hand, that was for brotherhood only, if he carried said blade; and he removed it with little fanfare or effort. The action was obviously not malicious, nor in any way an attack towards the assembled Kages. He merely needed to clear from ground, and the easiest way would be to fry it with his Raiton; burn it away to clean dirt he could use for notes of a sort. Or even to expand the seal outward and unravel it piece by piece. “Off the ground... gunna see if I can make thi' shit bigger so I can see it better. It's a right mess, Mizukage sir.” Well,m a tad of civility was in him, sometimes.

He gave them a few moments before pressing the blade of his sword to the ground and sending a burst of Raiton through the soil. This sent all grass and moss ablaze; but it was a quick burn, leaving nothing but the scent of ash after just a few seconds. He blade was quickly returned to it's harness; safely out of harms way. Water users touching Caladbolg would not end well at all, yep. The page was placed in the center of the cleared area before he knelt beside it. This time his hands hovered above the page as his lips began moving; sound like a softly sung song flitting on the light breeze. The song of the Sages, of his clan; the knowledge of his people and of the master Fuuinjutsu ninja of old. It was.. almost a spell of sorts; a way for him to concentrate on the task of enlarging the seal without triggering any defenses built into it. Or worse; triggering any counter effects that could have raised from the poorly designed seal. Half the techniques and seals used did NOT work well together; how the seal was even stabilized was a bloody mystery.

The song continued for several long minutes before the seal began to react finally; glowing and seeming to grow off the page in all directions. Fuck... it wasn't even close to geometrical, nor even symmetric. Just a wild mass of over concentration in some areas, and near neglect in others. Holy. Mother. Fucker. “I can't even... this... what.” The entire think ended up looking like someone tossed paint at a wall and then drew squiggles through the drips; it was that poorly done. It made no sense, any of it. Raijin just stared; mouth agape and shaking his head slowly, occasionally mouthing something that looked like a prayer. “I see... Uzumaki... nobu... Tsukino bits and pieces... shit... there's ancient Jun Chi in this... and they gave up on Fuuinjutsu before Iwa was even founded. How the fuck... I've never even seen some of these markers.... there's no focus network to speak of... no locks anywhere.... this... clusterfuck. That's the best I've got. This is a clusterfuck of... words cannot even begin to describe the level of clusterfuckery this is. If there's even a proper seal under all of this... I can't even begin to see it. I don't... I don't even think anyone BUT a Tsukino could under this mess. Uzumaki might be more famous... but fuckers don't even begin to study Fuuinjutsu outside of their own clan's style. We Tsukino learn any and all we can find. S'why you send a Tsukino in to do the real work.”

This time it was his right hand that was lifted; Brotherhood would do, he didn't need to channel chakra, nor even jutsu. So long as he stood on the seal it would respond to him; he just needed Brotherhood to break the useless bits and move what needed to stay to where it should have been. “Settle in, this is gunna take me a whiiiile.”

It started simple enough, all he had to do was tap the offending bits and they would dissolve away into nothing; revealing more of the mess underneath. Lovely. This went on for... nearly an hour really; with seemingly no headway made. However, to a trained eye; the seal itself was becoming clear; and the frown was growing on Raijin's face. Shit; this was not gunna be easy. The gunk was removed easy enough; but the sorry excuse for a seal was beyond stupid. No one trained in Fuuinjutsu would create a seal like this; not even a small child. NOTHING MADE SENSE. It was bits and pieces of different styles; parts of seals that didn't even DO what was needed. Shit; half the filler was basically one giant firebomb waiting to happen. However, he was able to isolate a proper focus network; finally. Looked like part of an Uzumaki odd spiral seal. Joy. “I think... I might have something. Maybe.”

Uzumaki thought they where the only one's capable of using a tunable seal; but oh where they wrong. Very, very wrong. They'd gotten the idea from the Tsukino in the first place, seen how the Tsukino would orient their seals based on what they needed the seal to do; how strong it needed to be. Uzumaki might have hyper refined it; but the idea was still Tsukino in origin. Easy as pie. He placed Brotherhood at the tip of the spiral, pressing down to lock them together and slowly turning clockwise. Odd spirals usually locked counterclockwise, so it was a good guess.

The spark told him otherwise. Joy. So... then reversed an odd spiral then? Lovely. He reversed the blade and it moved easy enough. The problem was; it triggered another network in the seal. Fuck, Nobu triple arc. Complicated bastards. Caladbolg was removed and used now; placing the counter-torq to keep the Nobu seal in place while he worked the combination for the Uzumaki seal out. Counter 4 points... clock 5... press and hold until... ah; there we go. The seal shattered and released; which took the pressure of the Nobu seal and let him work on it. Given the reactions of the Nobu seal; he knew how to work it; moving not like a clock; but up and down over the cardinal directions. The true cardinal directions; the seal was locked to magnetic north and true west; joy. Someone was trying to use an expulsion seal as a binder. Goddamn; what the fuck was the sealer thinking. It broke easy enough; releasing the first of what was likely a dozen traps built in. Too bad it was Raiton based; and just went right into his sword without even a fight. Caladbolg was hungry, nice. It'd keep his blade happy for a while longer; before it started draining off his own natural charge. Ooooh... now for the old Jun Chi seal. Awesome; this would be easy. Unless it belched fire; then painful. Still fun, and easy as sin. Just smack the little dot of the fire dragon moving through the lines of the seal... almost the same as a Tsukino seal. Wait for it... wait for it... SMACK and buuuurn. Yep; flame seal. But this one just burned the seal itself away, no damage to anything but the ground. Good, good.

“Well, that was easy enough. Looks like... almost there.”

He picked at another line; one that seemed fairly pointless where it was. The spirals of a wave seal; simplistic as hell, but useful for some applications. Not this though. Looked like it was a bridge seal here... and he was right. Once it broke; three separate seals exploded with a flash of light and smoke. “HAH!” Flash bomb seals; fucking called it. No damage to anything, so nothing to worry about. Yummy. Hmmm... another bridging seal... earth bomb maybe... no. Just the earth bomb base. The hell...? He poked and shifted the line until it came loose entirely, shriveling and fading with no effect at all. However, the removal did have an effect; as half the seal responded and realigned into something that actually LOOKED like a proper seal. Ah; that made sense now. The bridges where stabilizing and forcing the seal to be broken yet closed at the same time. It was starting to come together now.... whoever made the true seal knew what to do... but someone came behind them and slapped a crapton of junk over top. Wonderful. Make it look useless and impossible, when it really just too a trained eye and some patience.

“I should have it now... just have to remove the last of the bridges and defuse any more traps built into the crap overlay. From what I can see now; the true seal is nothing special; but at least properly done.

Twenty more minutes passed of him removing useless seals and resetting the underlying gold; as it where. When he finally finished and the last of the true seal snapped back into place, it had shrunk by nearly 75%. Now it was a proper square storage seal; although far more complex then one would see day to day. The power of so many blades would of course require insane amounts of protections built in; if only to keep them from harming each other. The seal resembled nothing more then an Uzumaki's even spiral seal; but with aspects of several different clans worked in. This time however, it was done right; the seals working in harmony instead of against each other. This was a master's hand. This was beauty in action. This... this was the work of someone that cared about his work. He couldn't find the Sealer's sign worked in anywhere; but that didn't surprise him. The truly great left no name behind; they let their work speak for itself. “I have it. The true seal; finally. You see the 7 circles, yes? They would normally be the focuses; where the sealer's would sit as they worked. However... this is the work of one master... not seven. The focuses....” He moved to the nearest, just a foot to his left; tapping it with Brotherhood's point and focing chakra through his feet and into the seal to release it. “These are where the blades are stored.”

And he was right; as a blade began right rise from the opened storage compartment. It was the blade made famous by Zabuza Momochi; Kubikiri Bōchō.

“So. All you need now is for me to break the seals on the storage spaces; and they're yours.” He backed away from the space, which caused the blade to sink back into it's slot before the seal returned to its original size. Now the paper that contained it looked like what it was; a sealing scroll. A clean seal, ready to be opened. “Unless a Sealer opens the seal, the blades are bound to that paper; they cannot be properly removed.”



Seeing Gin spazzing out at Jurou made him chuckle a little bit. Hot-tempered and hot-headed all together. Now he sees why she was the mother of Chie and Reiko; her personality and her attitude. The appearance he didn't care too much on; majority of all of her suitors can beat him to her appearance in a heartbeat. Hearing her voice again was painful, even more painful then Chie and Reiko crying when mommy wasn't around. Jurou could remember the day as those two were crying when mommy was over and she yelled at Jurou for not doing anything as she was holding the twins. Jurou sighed and looked at Gin, seeing how much of a horrible mother she was to the twins. "...." No talking at all. Silence was given to Jurou as he looked Gin while holding the twins. He got up from his chair at his home, gently took the twins in each arm and sat back down on his chair. He crossed his left leg over his right and closed his eyes, kissing both Reiko and Chie's forehead as the twins were crying no more, but sound asleep with a little smile on their face and their tiny arms holding onto their father as Jurou held both twins by their baby butts with one arm and held them with his other arm as he kept a blank expression on his face at the time. He sighed right now, thinking of that moment, wishing it could happen once again.

Anyway, aside from Gin's constant bickering about him being professional and blah blah blah, Jurou tended to more important matters then his ex for 3 years now, the blades. Seeing as the blades were really difficult at first "The seal is broken. Good. Now it's just a simple touch from a master sealer. You have my gratitude and my sincere thanks." That was all Jurou could offer since the blades were resealed once again back in the scroll. He thought Raijin would want to take up the offer of Kiba, but seeing his facial expression and the two swords he was already equipped with; Kiba probably provided him little use. Maybe the Raikage wanted the blades. Jurou did not know, or care to know.



Being ignored pissed Gin off to no end. However, she managed to calm herself down enough to stop herself from starting an all out sparring match against Jurou. God knows what they would end up doing to Konoha - they'd probably level the entire forest if they let out all of the pent up rage they had for one another. No matter, Gin simply sighed and decided to just glare at Jurou for the time being. She returned to her previous place, leaning against a tree as she watched the representative from Kumo - what was his name again? - try to unlock the seal.

She waited. And waited. And waited.

To keep herself distracted, Gin kept throwing small rocks that she found on the ground at Jurou an pretending it hadn't been her. She knew it was childish, but she was trying to gauge a reaction from him for her own entertainment. That soon grew boring, however. She decide to light up a cigarette, to keep herself busy. Once she smoked half of the pack, she decide she's had enough nicotine in her system for a good while and threw out what was left. She soon grew bored once again. The young Kazekage slumped against the tree and sat down on the ground. There was really no use in standing. From what the fuuinjutsu master was muttering, she could tell that it would be a while before the scroll was opened. She knew very little of fuuinjutsu - it required too much concentration and Gin was much too hyper to sit down and study seals. However, she knew enough to tell that the seal binding the seven swords was complicated. Hell, anyone with a little sense of rationality could tell that much.

As she was slumped against the tree, Gin began to feel drowsy. With nothing else to do and without anything to keep her busy, the young Kazekage fell asleep in a matter of minutes. As per usual, her sleep wasn't plagued with either dreams or nightmares. It was a deep sleep, the kind that would probably require someone to shake her for her to wake up. She didn't hear the voices around her, no matter how loud they became. Therefore, Gin was still asleep when Raijin finished apparently deciphering how the seal worked.



"Yeeeeah, well, ya got one tiiiiny little issue there. Pretty friggin' sure ya ain't got a Sealer with half the experience I got. Anywhere. Yanno, the whole village being razed and shit. Unless ya wanna waltz inta my clan's temple and start ragin' at the high master's; 'm all ya got."

The urge to be a dick was rising steadily; damn the things he could do now that he knew the mechanics of the seal. Shit, whoever made it was smart enough to leave a chakra binder worked into the seal... but either didn't have the time or the brains to lock it. He was voting for the former, as the rest of the seal was perfection in action. So... very... tempting... just activate that binder seal and lock it to his chakra. No one would EVER get the blades that way; 'cept for the Raikage. Oh man; the rewards. If Raijin had been a selfish man... yeah. Oooooh yeah. Goddamn. He'd likely be killed for it; but fuuuck. Nothing doing, the blades would be lost forever.

But, he wasn't; and he was a man of his word. He'd done the work; and they didn't belong to him. His Sage teachings where stronger then his vain want to impress someone. And he lacked any want or need for fame.

It was quick enough to check each container; a tap until the Kanji flashed to tell him what was where. "Right then, the top of the star is the blade you want, Mizukage. That's your clan blade. Kiba blades are.... here." He yanked them right out of their storage, a second tap to the seal breaking it and releasing them from their prison forever. "I will be taking them; as you so graciously offered. Fuck if I need them, but hey; I know a nice spot on the main temple wall where they'd look nice."

Just to show he was a nice guy; he reached over to Soshin and pulled it free, handing it right to Jurou without even attempting to take it; breaking the binding seal to show he meant business. "What ya do from here? I dun give a flyin' fuckle. Anyone can remove the blades for a quick spell; but they'd poof right back into the seal without breakin' it. Juss be sure ya got someone good when ya break 'um; if ya do it wron', ya'll lose tha' blades. Have fuuuuuun.~~~"

He was gone in a flash of a cackle and light. He'd released a small discharge of Raiton when he'd started sprinting; just as a joke, a blinding light and nothing else. If they left him leave, awesome. He was gunna go hunker down in his hotel room for a while; play with his new blades a bit before he gathered his crew up for check in.

-attempted exit-

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka

Not gunna lie; he'd passed out waiting for the flamboyant male to finish boring them stupid. He actually managed to snore himself awake; sadly, roughly when the Kumo nin was done cleaning the seal. Oh, awesome. Maybe no more waiting. Well then, now he should probably start paying attention again. Some mumbo jumbo about seals... insulting the Kiri ability to work seals... yep. Sounds about like Raijin. Stuck up man whore.

And then Blades where appearing and his interest was pulled. Oooh... those looked nasty. Kiba blades... he was gunna take them? Damn, smarter then he sounded. Didn't he say something about not wanting them? Or wait, Raikage was a swordsman and another lightning whore. Joy. Prolly gunna go brown nose himself into a promotion. Joy. "Bitch please. Put those back before you hurt yourself."

And then he'd yanked another blade free and was handing it to Jurou. Oh, that was his clan blade? Hot damn, that thing looked lethal as fuck. The fuck was Kenta thinking, not bringing his hammer with him. Stupid move; he was likely the least armed of all of them. Damn Sage-bitch was armed to the teeth, Jurou had 6 more blades and knew how to use them; no idea about the Kazekage, but it'd be stupid if she didn't have something. Hnnn... Where was Yuki when he needed her. And Aki for that matter. And Akai wouldn't hurt either. Yeah... three dogs would be wonderful right then and there.

Aaaand cue the light. What? Oh, he was running like a little boy. Hahaha. "So... we gunna let him run off, or what? I could use a good hunt. But Don't really care if ya'll don't either. Too much other crap to handle, and all that." Tooth pick, unapologetic yawn.



Ah finally, the blades were back in Jurou's possession. And fancy that, he took Soshin out and gave it to him. How lovely. Seeing as Raijin took Kiba and attempted to run off, Kenta's voice was heard along with it. Something to do with a good hunting or something. Jurou didn't care, or didn't mind. Seeing the look upon Raijin's facial expression when he knew how to pluck the swords out gave Jurou a hint of deception in the process. Seeing as Raijin ran off and Kenta wanting a good hunt, Jurou offered Kenta the option of doing so, " two have a history... He's yours for the hunting." Jurou finally got his father's blade in his possession. Listening to Raijin's words about doing the seal wrong and he will lose the blades, Jurou caught on to something; learning Fuuinjutsu. It was going to be real tough, but he found the perfect sensei; Raijin. "Kenta... can you bring our guest back over here please?" Jurou spoke in his calm voice. Time to learn Sealing Techniques from Raijin himself.

Kenta Inuzuka

Kenta Inuzuka


Hnnn? Oh, a request. Right. Stay awake, Kenta. Given he'd had no real intention of hunting him down... "Meeeeh. I wasn't looking to hunt him. Just asked for the giggles. You got what you want, might as well leave him be. He did do what you asked; and all that crap." Kenta really couldn't be bothered to care anymore. The headache was gone, and he was relaxing back to sleep because of it. "Who knows; he's nuts. He could be talking out of his ass and the seal is perfectly safe to be opened."



Kenta had Jurou in a state of mind as to whether Raijin was talking all that about needing a master sealer or was bluffing so that he can get the blades for himself, considering he is a master sealer and was able to decipher the Seven Blades seal. All and all, the blades are in his possession as he held one in his hand right now; Soshin; the Lochness Teeth. He pondered to what Kenta said, but decided not to touch the seal. He looked at Gin and in her direction. She was sound asleep. Time to go then. "You can leave if you want. We're done here." Jurou said bluntly. It was time to learn Fuuinjutsu and standing around wasn't going to solve anything. Jurou went to Gin and grabbed her by her shoulders. While grabbing her, he gave her a light shake to wake her up. Up until that point, he let his hands go and walked back to where he was. He looked at Soshin; the sword had no sheath. Great. He got some bandage wraps from his pouch and decided to wrap the blade of the sword in bandages, leaving only the tip of the blade uncovered. He looked at Kenta and said, "Thank you for your hospitality here in Konohagakure. Can we discuss on where my Kiri nin will be staying for the time being?" Jurou humbly asked the Hokage.



Gin woke up with a loud yawn. She had a smile on her face until she saw Jurou's face. That wasn't the first thing she wanted to see after such a pleasant nap. Her face instantly contorted into a scowl. It was almost a reflex by now. Seeing the Mizukage's face like that only brought on bad memories. She looked around for a moment. She saw that Jurou was now holding a new weapon - one of the swords that had been sealed in the scroll, she assumed. Additionally, the representative from Kumo was nowhere to be seen. It didn't take a genius to tell that the swords had been unsealed. Gin got up slowly, grunting as she did so. She wiped the dirt off of her clothes and turned to stare at Jurou. "You already know that I want one of the swords," She said, straight to the point as she always was. "And I already know you won't just hand it over. Tell me, Osada, what do I need to do for it?" She asked. She anticipated something degrading. It was either that, or a fight. Hell, it he might even ask her to stop drinking for the twins' sake or even to give him the twins for an entire year.

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