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1Kemono, Sukoshi [Plot Mover] Empty Kemono, Sukoshi [Plot Mover] Mon May 09, 2016 3:53 am

Sukoshi Kemono

Sukoshi Kemono

Kemono, Sukoshi [Plot Mover] Izaya_orihara_x_reader__irritable__by_attackonfanfiction-d8iqhzj


Osada, Sero Jr
Fear in it's purest form, Sukoshi was sent on border patrol with Sero.

Kemono, Sukoshi [Plot Mover] 200_s

Friends & Comrades

Osada, Shirayuri
The quiet, religeous girl, the first shinobi Sukoshi encountered.

Kemono, Sukoshi [Plot Mover] Hi0oKVPY


None yet.

Kemono, Sukoshi [Plot Mover] Latest?cb=20160115120352


None yet.

Kemono, Sukoshi [Plot Mover] Profile_picture_by_ask_izaya__orihara-d5i7yjm

Romantic Interests

None yet.

Kemono, Sukoshi [Plot Mover] Izaya_orihara_render_by_jacky_samax3-d5n0j29

Sensai and Squadmates

None yet.

If you want to join me in any RP feel free to leave a reply or PM me whichever suits you. :)

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