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1City Brawl // No kill // Invite Only // Empty City Brawl // No kill // Invite Only // Wed May 18, 2016 11:14 am




A mission got appointed to Finori in the morning. Apparently, they was a fight going on between some people and she had to get the peace back in their lives by stopping them. Not that she cared about their safety really. They were the idiot fighting after all. If they would get hurt, it would be what they deserve for starting to fight after all. However, as a shinobi she was ordered to get in between. She sighed in her mind and rolled her eyes. How stupid must those rude be to start a fight in Kumogakure. There were a lot of shinobi that could easily stop the fight, but she figured they were given missions that were quite a bit more important than a damn brawl somewhere.

It was more likely they would already step back just with her dark aura. The Kekkei Genkai did keep all the creeps and troublemakers away from her. Hell, even the people wanting to help charity by asking for a subscription on the streets. They wouldn’t get close to her. It kind of amused her and it was to her favour. She just doesn’t care much about people that would bother her on her way to somewhere. Especially if she were on her way to get food, and let’s not even mention pizza or pasta. It’s something Fin would do a crime for. In her favourite restaurant she even gets specials because the girl comes by so often. It was getting that far that they even wanted her name for a new pizza. That would be an honour for Fin, but it didn’t happen  eventually. Something about still keeping customers.

On her way to the alley way where the fight was held, her tummy began to rumble. “Crap. Why now tummy? Why not a half hour later? Seriously, I don’t have time to eat now. I need to take care of this mission. Don’t worry though. I bet it won’t take long with my Kekkei Genkai at hand.” She made a small evil grin appear on her face. Some people noticed her smiling by herself and probably declared her crazy and a bit psycho. Not for the Kurohebi to care about. It even made her smile and laugh more when she made people think she was up to no good. After a few more minutes of walking she finally reached the battleground. It was quite a pitiful fight to see. A few idiots trying to hit each other because they want to be manly. Fin will show them manly, in a very feminine way of course. Since her higher ups would rather have this done peacefully, the Kurohebi went for the talking way. "Okay, I assume you five are the ones making a hassle?". With a few steps she walked closer to the men fast fighting each other. "Hello? Did you hear me?" Apparently the few were too busy thinking with testosterone than logical reasoning. Her head hung low with an irritated facial expression on her light complexion. Did she seriously had to shout for this? No use in waiting for them to end their fighting spree. At the top of her longs she shouted toward the group. "Stop that fighting! Immediately!" As finally their heads turned toward her, she continued in a moderate voice. "So now that I have your attention. Can you stop fighting or I'll have to come in between and to be honest I don't really care about your safety but this is a mission given to me. So you all better listen up and stop this foolishness and just go home or something. I'm not in the mood for this." Obviously the en just shrugged her threats off and continued they battle. This made Fin her eye twitch furiously and her cheeks became red. This wasn't going to be their best day. Especially since her aura would give them a good disadvantage. With a big breath she continued her way toward the battle. The faces of the first man realising the feeling he suddenly got and he didn't even know why. Fin pulled this guy out of the group by his collar and due to his reaction speed being even smaller than it previously was, he reacted a bit slow. Fin could dodge him as she realised that his strength was more powerful than hers. Due to the effect her presence gave, she could easily tackle him. The other four men where now all in the 3 metre radius that made them cripple in her presence. This was taking too long to the Kurohebi's liking so she'd just scare them away with a jutsu. Two snakes would be enough to stop their fighting and just made them go back to their usual lives and hopefully not do that again. However, if the yowl be foolish enough to attack her at that stage she could hurt them pretty bad which would then result in her mission actually failing. Why did this had to be so frustrating? Usually she would just knock them out and then it would be over but she actually had to be careful to not hurt them.

"This is so freaking irritating... Why did you guys had to start a fight and ruin my almost perfect day of pizza and biking? You seriously met me at the worse moment. I'm hungry, irritated and just want to get out here and sleep." Fin had no choice but so get the snakes going. It was quite a useful jutsu to be honest. It made the little fry run away faster than normal. "Oh well... I'm sorry if I hurt you." At that moment she did the hand signs and two snakes came from behind her. The men jumped back a little as the snakes rattled and slithered around Fin. "Do you really don't want to just get out of here and lead your happy lives?" Two of the remaining four scrambled away as quick as they could. The other two kind of looked like the just shat their pants in public and froze to the spot. Fin made one of the snakes laugh out at them, not intending to hurt them but to scare them even more so they would finally run away and so they did. Fin made the snakes disappear again and she now walked back home as her mission was over. Along the way, she took out some pizza to eat as a prize for herself.

WC 1099/1000

Jutsu used:

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