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Mission Taken - Explore the Mountain City:

"Tomoe, did you ever get the chance to finish that report for me?" Tomoe, who had been about to put a forkful of food in her mouth paused and lowered it back to her plate. She was eating breakfast with her mother and father, something that was a rare occasion given her father's busy work schedule and all, plus her mother's own tendency to volunteer at random events and locations.

Tomoe brought her napkin up to her mouth and cleaned it from food. Placing the napkin back down on the table she nodded. "Yes, sir. I have it written, and I added in the graphs too so that it didn't have to be done later on. I can get it if you need it now?" Her father held up his hand and shook his head no before motioning to her plate: his own way of saying he wanted her to eat first while he himself couldn't speak due to having a mouthful of food. Tomoe smiled, picked her fork back up, and continued eating.

"No, I can wait until after dinner. I don't actually need it until this afternoon. You said you added the graphs in? That'll save me the trouble later, I appreciate it."

Tomoe finished her bite of food and nodded. "No problem, dad. Anything I can do to make life easier for you." Both of her parents smiled proudly at her and Tomoe simply ducked her head down and returned to eating to hide the fact that her cheeks were now a crimson red. She might have been eighteen but she had always decided to live at home because she was of better help to her family that way - they had spent the first eighteen years of her life taking care of her so she figured it was now time for her to give it back in any way she could. If writing reports and making colorful graphs made her father's life easier? Then she was all for doing it for him.

Tomoe was bringing the next bite to eat to her mouth when she heard a knock on the door. About to rise automatically so that her parents could keep eating she was surprised when her father waved her back down and stood up himself. "I'm finished. You eat, I'll get the door." Tomoe sat back down automatically, hurrying to finish off her next few bites of food: something told her the door was for her. Sure enough it wasn't long before she heard her father return and a scroll was placed down next to her plate.

Her mother simply chuckled and shook her head. "Another mission? Boy, you're keeping busy. You remind me of myself when I was your age. I took every mission I could get my hands on..." Tomoe chewed and swallowed her last bite before picking up the scroll and unrolling it: this mission was going to be a bit more interesting than any of the previous ones she had been on. Apparently there were some maps that needed updated and she was being asked to go and explore Iwa's older districts and map out the old routes, including which ones were blocked off and no longer able to be used for travel. "Anything good?", her mother inquired, curiosity getting the better of the woman.

"It's another D ranked mission. I'm being asked to map out the old district; figure out what all routes are able to be used for travel and which ones are blocked off." Her mother nodded, curiosity sated as she returned to her food. Tomoe with her food finished, her plate empty, took it to the sink and rinsed it clean. She then went into her room and grabbed her father's report off of her desk before handing it to him. Both parents were kissed on the cheek before she headed out the door with a [color=violet]"See you when I'm done." thrown over her shoulder.

Tomoe made quick work through the village and to the location she was to start in. Once there she found a high ranked shinobi handing out route assignments and supplies to mark them. Tomoe waited her turn before accepting her assignment and the map she would need to make notes on and then she set up to get her job done. The old district was an interesting place: then again, Tomoe liked anything considered 'old'. Antics and the like were some of her favorite pieces of furniture in her parents homes, and her love for old things didn't stop there.

So, as she arrived at her starting point she moved slowly, giving herself a chance to really get a good look around while she went. She followed the routes on the map, noting several more as she went - little branched off areas not marked but equally as useful. A few of the routes she started on ended up being dead ends, and one looked like it wasn't safe at all - she wasn't going to fully explore that one in case a cave in occured, and made sure to mark the issues down on the map for further investigation and perhaps so that some support beams could be added on that would make the passage through the mountain safe.

Barring that though Tomoe ended up finding several more passageways that had been opened through time and likely a few earthquakes. A few were dead ends, a few weren't safe looking, but yet a few others would definitely prove useful and even provide a shortcut compared to some of the other routes that could and were often taken. All in all the traveling and mapping ended up taking nearly the whole day. The sun was beginning to set as Tomoe went and turned in her map, making sure that the locations she had marked as dangerous were pointed out. She was thanked for her work, and then paid, before being allowed to leave. With her stomach growling and her legs feeling a bit sore and tired Tomoe left and made her way home, hoping she wasn't late to dinner.


Wordcount: 1,022 / 600

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