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1Evening Wares || Invite Only Empty Evening Wares || Invite Only Tue Sep 13, 2016 3:58 am



Pain was all he knew. His whole life had been surrounded by it and he had absolutely no one to count on, no one to look up to, no one who would confirm that they were able to make it with him. His whole life, he had been an orphan, and the only friend and family he ever knew came in the form of Cerise, a girl so brilliant with chakra strings that he could never hope to match her regardless of how many times she tried. Curiously enough, she was unable to use those puppet strings for regular puppets, though she certainly did know how to improvise with the ninja tools that she had.

Unlike her though, Azure hadn’t opted to remain in Sunagakure as part of their active service. No, he’d decided instead that he would travel, acting as the outside source of information for the duo, while she remained in Sunagakure in case something happened. He was aware that they’d gotten a new Kazekage recently, both through the letter she had secretly sent him, encrypted in a manner that only the two who grew up together would understand, with references pointing to various memories they had throughout their lives, as well as news sources from outside. The latter was available to everyone, while the former was very, very, very clearly a code to anyone who intercepted it, even if they were Academy Students. However, what would make it impossible for even Kage to decipher was that there was no method to the madness in their writing, no way for them to decode any of them unless they shared the experiences, the emotions, the highs and the embarrassments that Azure and Cerise did.

He was fairly certain no Kage would understand what ‘sunflowers on my back’ would imply. He was fairly certain that had such an embarrassing experience not passed that even he wouldn’t be able to take a guess. As it was though, the memory was etched permanently into his head.

Currently, he made his way slowly over to Cerise’s apartment, his own having been sold off to save up on money he used on his travels. Cerise’s was the only real place he could go to at the moment, though neither had problem with it. Although, with as long as he was gone, it would be quite a while before he found the apartment again, though there was no worry in his heart even as the sun fell beyond the horizon.

|| 421 words ||

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