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This most people.
So many had entered and left, come and gone....yet he had not proverbially budged an inch. Literally? He was all over the freaking place. This still-young one was not pre-disposed to staying still for long periods of time. He, of course, knew better than to break springs etiquette, so he didn't disrupt anyone's soaking time. It was when he was alone in the steamy room that he began doing laps, underwater handstands in the shallow end, wall climbs. Yet when the door creaked open, all they saw was a young lad soaking waist-deep in the water, calm as can be.
He knew that soaking so long probably wasn’t good for him, but this Jagi simply could not help himself. He was to travel the world for awhile….he had no idea where he might encounter a spring again. His feet were pruny and he was probably even sweating a bit from the extensive heat exposure, but he wanted to stay in for as long as he possibly could. From time to time he would squeeze his shoulder-length hair out, the condensation from the generous amount of steam collecting very readily in the forest of locks that grew from his head.
He had fidgeted before, but he was just trying to sit down….and enjoy it. This was difficult for him, as he had already possessed ample time to do so….but he just twiddled his thumbs and breathed deeply, hoping for the best, here. For the best what? He couldn’t be sure. Things usually just worked themselves out, thankfully. He repositioned his now-damp cloth in its position on his head….gah, it was useless for anything now. Might as well have had none at all. It was his fault, of course, for staying so long….even connected with nature and living in the wilderness….Jagi supposed he was a bit spoiled, yet.
He was getting a bit…woozy from the extensive soak, this past one lasting over three hours. He got up from his spot, and tossed the cloth on his head on the ground, if only for a moment….he hoisted himself up onto the edge of the spring’s pool, and stood up. He shook his hair out, and let the water drip off of him….he really shouldn’t have stayed here this long. Looking down, however, he realized the skin on his arms and chest were almost aglow. This is what they must have meant by the rejuvenating springs of Konoha….




The day begun no different from any other days as Rean was walking around the village of Konoha, however people begun to get excited about a Ronin ninja that had come to the village. Ronin ninja's often came to Konoha for whatever reason they had, but mostly for supplies and the villages famous hotsprings. Upon hearing about this Ronin that had come to the village was intriguing to say the least. Many Ronin ninjas that had come to the village have always been fairly famous, where as this one was  not, there was not even a crowd around the place they were at, in that given moment of time. Not how it usually is with ronin ninja's. Regardless of this who this person was, Rean was going to find them but first he wanted to go to the hot springs.

Rean did not go to the hot springs often mainly due to his discomfort when he got close to the place, his clothes would begin to cling to his skin, which is extremely uncomfortable for him. Regardless of this since he was going to be getting in the hot spring this time it did not particularly matter that his clothes would begin to clam to his skin since he would be taking them off soon anyway. Upon entering the hot spring reception which was a decent size area that was quite populated with people. The walls of the room looked as if they had been redecorated and Rean sightly approved to the owners style while he quickly looking around for where the towels was kept and where the receptionists attention was, so that he could steal a towel and sneak into the bath house. Whilst it was sad that Rean decided to not pay for his experience, but a ninja was successful through deceit and lies.

After getting his towel Rean went to the changing area and took off his clothes so he could enjoy a long soak in the hot springs. However compared to the main reception area, the hot spring itself was fairly empty, there was only a  few elderly people and someone who Rean has never seen before in his travels around the streets of Konoha. Unlike the rest of the people in the water, this person was emitting a faint glow,strangely enough everyone else in the hot springs didnt really care about this man glowing. Intrigued by this Rean went to the water and sat down opposite this glowing man, although needless to say the hot water instantly begun to work its wonders as Rean's muscles began to loose tension and started to relax. After a couple moment of relaxing he looked at this person and asked him the question that he was wondering the most.

"Excuse me, but how are you glowing like that?"




He really, truly hadn't noticed it yet. It might one say, under the radar? Perhaps it had started so long ago in his soak that he barely had noticed what was happening now. Or....maybe he was just an idiot. That was also a very ready possibility. But...maybe it had started just now and the misty area had gotten to his head a little?

Aw, what was the use in making up reasons why he was actively emitting a small amount of light from his body.... and that he didn't notice it! It was really a little odd, even for someone like Jagi that tried to take things in stride. What other way had he available, anyhow? It wasn't very easy to survive in the wilderness on whining and self-pity, after took a day or two for him to snap out of that funk.

It took a good while for the question to even register with the young redhead. He blinked slowly for a good five seconds, and took a breath before answering using his out-breath. "I....actually really don't know. I don't eat any glowing plants, and I haven't done anything really un-ordinary the past few weeks. Couldn't really tell-ya. I just live out in the woods, yeah?."

He was standing on the ledge, looking almost vertically down at the boy, and he could very easily tag him as a boy given his less built stature and rounded face-structure. It was....honestly a bit uncomfortable for him. Not because he had any qualms about looming above this kid, he was sure that just by approaching he was comfortable enough. No, it just made his neck hurt. Very promptly, Jagi, as they say, popped a squat, then resting his weight on his hands so he could get his legs into the water, at which point he let himself slip in....without too much of a splash. Common courtesy and whatever. The hiatus from the water did him well; he let out a small sigh as he partially submerged again.

It really was a mystery to him, well, all of these things were. Why he was glowing: he couldn't think of anything, seeing as how he was just the son of an ordinary merchant couple. He had no such talents to his name. But, what was in a name, anyhow? What was in a person? A Jagi, for that matter, since he really attracted looks from the others?

I'm actually kinda wondering how no one had noticed yet. Including me, ehehehe....What's your need for bein' here? Usually it's a tough day or something."


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