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1Debu [Free combat bear] Empty Debu [Free combat bear] Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:55 pm

Oki Kuma

Oki Kuma

Debu [Free combat bear] Kuma%2BMiko%2B-%2BNatsu%2BKumai

Name: Debu
Species: Brown bear (Ursus Arctos)
Rank: D [Seijutsu Combat pet] (+1 Strength)
Specializations: Taijutsu
Elements: Doton
Appearance: A rather chubby brown bear cub, as expected of a happy and well fed bear to the Kuma clan. Standing at 2ft tall and weighing a tremendous 180kg as a cub, Debu has without a doubt earned any reputation of chubbiness it may have. It has claws that are roughly half an inch long, and teeth that are clearly best designed for eating fish and plants, as such not being tremendously long. As it is a ninja bear, and a respected member of the Kuma clan, Debu has a forehead protector. It does not actually do anything, but for appearance sake, it displays the importance of Debu.
Personality: Debu is pretty much exactly like his owner: Likes to sleep, eat and brawl. Unlike Oki however, Debu is rarely ever angry, and is a lot harder to be provoked, likely having gotten used to Oki's over the top behaviour. Almost like a dog, Debu is loyal to Oki, following Oki around and being with him at almost all times. Debu only attacks when Oki wants them to attack, almost being like a shadow to him, or a second Oki.
Techniques: Debu is considered to do one rank less damage than his own, to a minimum of D-rank:

Last edited by Oki Kuma on Wed Sep 21, 2016 11:22 am; edited 7 times in total

2Debu [Free combat bear] Empty Re: Debu [Free combat bear] Sun Aug 28, 2016 10:35 am



I need you to specify whether standard combat pet, or a combat pet (really weird names for the classes and it makes it confusing i know) but this seems like a really odd mix of both, and i can't help you until i know which type you are apping.

Note: neither should have Seijutsu.

You should also keep in mind that this pet should be roughly equivalent to a Cub at this rank. Pets generally speaking age as your rank them app, and don't really reach adult size til about A-rank (when you can mount them)

3Debu [Free combat bear] Empty Re: Debu [Free combat bear] Sun Aug 28, 2016 12:08 pm



1) Please clarify whether Debu is a 'Standard Combat Pet' or a 'Seijutsu Combat Pet'. The differences are significant, and you may wish to read up on them. There are certain changes you may have to make depending on your choice which may buff or nerf your pet.

2) Please remove 'Seijutsu' from Specialisations. To my knowledge, Debu is able to perform collaborative attacks with you so long as you have Seijutsu. The Seijutsu specialisation is simply so your character is able to purchase Seijutsu pets rather than the Standard Combat Pet variant. 

3) Under Techniques, please add the following in addition to your lack of jutsu:
Debu is considered to do one rank less damage than his own, to a minimum of E-rank:
[spoiler]E-Rank: 3/4-inch cuts; very light bruises and scrapes.
D-Rank: Light bruises, scrapes, 1-inch cuts and piercing.
C-Rank: Moderate bruises, 1.5-inch cuts and piercing.
B-Rank: Can fracture bone, 2.25-inch cuts and piercing.
A-Rank: Broken bones, light internal bleeding, 3-inch cuts and piercing. Can cut partially through bone.
S-Rank: Shattered bones, damage to organ structures/moderate internal bleeding, straight-through cuts and piercing; blades at this rank can cut through bone With a correctly angled/aimed attack, limbs can be severed or ripped off.[/spoiler]

4) Should you still have queries, I'll be happy to answer them.

That should be all for now.

4Debu [Free combat bear] Empty Re: Debu [Free combat bear] Sun Aug 28, 2016 1:00 pm



This is my bad, but change Techniques to a minimum of D-rank, not E-rank. Really sorry about the mix-up, but Seijutsu Combat Pets have it to a minimum of D-rank instead.

5Debu [Free combat bear] Empty Re: Debu [Free combat bear] Sun Aug 28, 2016 1:06 pm



Oki Kuma wrote:Debu [Free combat bear] Kuma%2BMiko%2B-%2BNatsu%2BKumai

Name: Debu
Species: Brown bear (Ursus Arctos)
Rank: D [Seijutsu Combat pet]
Specializations: Taijutsu
Elements: Doton
Appearance: A rather chubby brown bear cub, as expected of a happy and well fed bear to the Kuma clan. Standing at 2ft tall and weighing a tremendous 180kg as a cub, Debu has without a doubt earned any reputation of chubbiness it may have. It has claws that are roughly half an inch long, and teeth that are clearly best designed for eating fish and plants, as such not being tremendously long. As it is a ninja bear, and a respected member of the Kuma clan, Debu has a forehead protector. It does not actually do anything, but for appearance sake, it displays the importance of Debu.
Personality: Debu is pretty much exactly like his owner: Likes to sleep, eat and brawl. Unlike Oki however, Debu is rarely ever angry, and is a lot harder to be provoked, likely having gotten used to Oki's over the top behaviour. Almost like a dog, Debu is loyal to Oki, following Oki around and being with him at almost all times. Debu only attacks when Oki wants them to attack, almost being like a shadow to him, or a second Oki.
Techniques: Debu is considered to do one rank less damage than his own, to a minimum of D-rank:
I don't see any further problems with this application.

Approved for 2000 ryo free.

6Debu [Free combat bear] Empty Re: Debu [Free combat bear] Sun Aug 28, 2016 7:00 pm



I want to point out I've edited that it shouldn't cost ryo an hour and a half before you made that post in the Item Modding Requests xD

7Debu [Free combat bear] Empty Re: Debu [Free combat bear] Sun Sep 18, 2016 3:36 am



Darn. I remember telling myself I need to remind you of the +1, but I suppose after the first round of modding it slipped my mind. My bad. I'll permit this as it's a fault on my part, not yours.
Oki Kuma wrote:Debu [Free combat bear] Kuma%2BMiko%2B-%2BNatsu%2BKumai

Name: Debu
Species: Brown bear (Ursus Arctos)
Rank: D [Seijutsu Combat pet] (+1 Endurance)
Specializations: Taijutsu
Elements: Doton
Appearance: A rather chubby brown bear cub, as expected of a happy and well fed bear to the Kuma clan. Standing at 2ft tall and weighing a tremendous 180kg as a cub, Debu has without a doubt earned any reputation of chubbiness it may have. It has claws that are roughly half an inch long, and teeth that are clearly best designed for eating fish and plants, as such not being tremendously long. As it is a ninja bear, and a respected member of the Kuma clan, Debu has a forehead protector. It does not actually do anything, but for appearance sake, it displays the importance of Debu.
Personality: Debu is pretty much exactly like his owner: Likes to sleep, eat and brawl. Unlike Oki however, Debu is rarely ever angry, and is a lot harder to be provoked, likely having gotten used to Oki's over the top behaviour. Almost like a dog, Debu is loyal to Oki, following Oki around and being with him at almost all times. Debu only attacks when Oki wants them to attack, almost being like a shadow to him, or a second Oki.
Techniques: Debu is considered to do one rank less damage than his own, to a minimum of D-rank:
Your amendment is Approved.

8Debu [Free combat bear] Empty Re: Debu [Free combat bear] Wed Sep 21, 2016 4:35 pm



Darn, it seems that missed me too. I thought your clan's bears were ordinary Seijutsu pets; this really threw me off track.
Oki Kuma wrote:Debu [Free combat bear] Kuma%2BMiko%2B-%2BNatsu%2BKumai

Name: Debu
Species: Brown bear (Ursus Arctos)
Rank: D [Seijutsu Combat pet] (+1 Strength)
Specializations: Taijutsu
Elements: Doton
Appearance: A rather chubby brown bear cub, as expected of a happy and well fed bear to the Kuma clan. Standing at 2ft tall and weighing a tremendous 180kg as a cub, Debu has without a doubt earned any reputation of chubbiness it may have. It has claws that are roughly half an inch long, and teeth that are clearly best designed for eating fish and plants, as such not being tremendously long. As it is a ninja bear, and a respected member of the Kuma clan, Debu has a forehead protector. It does not actually do anything, but for appearance sake, it displays the importance of Debu.
Personality: Debu is pretty much exactly like his owner: Likes to sleep, eat and brawl. Unlike Oki however, Debu is rarely ever angry, and is a lot harder to be provoked, likely having gotten used to Oki's over the top behaviour. Almost like a dog, Debu is loyal to Oki, following Oki around and being with him at almost all times. Debu only attacks when Oki wants them to attack, almost being like a shadow to him, or a second Oki.
Techniques: Debu is considered to do one rank less damage than his own, to a minimum of D-rank:
Amendment approved.

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