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Sensha walked in a circle, pacing while staring directly at his sensei, the slight man in front of him has been a sensei to Sensha for a full 3 months now the man was  a short man, compared to the hulking youth that was his student, but Sensha was completly outclassed in every single way, every single training session Sensha ended up on the ground saying mercy.
HIs sensei was wearing a Kiri vest with a mummy wrap around his face and hands, and he was wearing black boots and pants, his eyes were covered in jet black sunglasses put in place around his face wraps, and over top of his handwraps he wore studded gloves made with small little steel bumps, his sensei called out to him as he circled around and around,
''Are you ready Sen, you need to be able to fight me! i may be your friend but you must be able to hit me''
And then Sensha was on the defense, his sensei flew at him flying forwards with his left hand, Sensha brought his elbow up and went to block the hit, his eblow flared in pain as the steel studs smashed into his eblow, the leather padding of the glove resisted the shock of the elbow block, so the hit sent Senshas arm downwards, and another hit came at him right away, the right fist was already flying at him, his sensei had used a boxing stance, and even though it mainly limited him to his fists, His senseis speed made up for the limit of limbs, Sensha realized that the only way to get any further was to go on the attack.

Sensha spun on his heel and swiveled around the punch, he then swung his elbow out at his sensei aiming for his chest, the blow was block suddenly by his senseis left hand, parrying it off to the right, Sensha didnt stop yet though, he twisted around into a leg sweep, shooting his foot around going for the ankle of this experienced man, and once again his attack was foiled, his sensei somersaulted over the kick and landed behind him, though was that wasnt going to stop him yet, Sensha jumped backwards with his elbow outstretched, nailing his sensei in the collar bone with his eblow, he heard a gasp and he smiled, he turned and deliver a massive shin kick to the head, feeling his leg fly into the small frame, and suddenly as if out of nowhere Sensha was in mid kick with a substitution log, sending it flying off to the side of the training grounds, he landed soundly and looked around for his sensei, he was no where near to be seen,until the puddle at Senshas feet shimmered with light as his sensei morphed out of the puddle, not a drop of water on him, 
''There we go Sen, attack me!''  

 Sensha flew at his sensei but not before he made a handsign, and the whole area became filled with water, water poured from the ground and from the clouds, hitting Senshas bare chest and stinging his eyes, as he opened them his sensei was gone, replaced by what appeared to be roughly 1000 water men, no faces on them but they all were around the size of his sensei, he could even see somewhat of a sign of the studded gloves, all of the water men looked directly at him with clear watery faces, they then jumped at him all at once, the watery men flew at him with fists flying, swinging at him, though they were much slower then his sensei was so he was able to jump through the crowd of them and deliver some attacks, though there were so many of them and so few of him he was being nearly useless, his hits came in and exploded man after man into a puddle, though every single time he fell another one the water on the ground rose higher, they were all getting closer now, and they were all flailing and swinging wildly, as one came into contact with him he was nailed in the face, he flew to the left and felt the usual sting of the steel studs of his sensei studded gloves, that made something click in his mind, he now remembered that his sensei loved using genjutsus, and it made it more clear why he was able to make so many solid clones, it was because they were fake, so Sensha focused his chakra and focused it onto his knuckles, punching towards where he had just heard a sound, making the shockwave shoot from his hand and plow through multiple of the water people, exploding water everywhere, but the fist struck home, he heard a thud and saw one of the water men fly into the air following the fist, the watermen all suddenly melted into nothenness and even the water forming on the ground, which was now roughly to his waist, disapeered into thin air, the water man that was in the air then turned into a familliar figure, it had a mummy wrap cloth over his head and hands and had the vest he was saw every day, His sensei landed and patted himself off, groaning slightly as he jumped back into his boxing stance, jumping right at his apprentice, this caught Senshi off guard as the attacks now came in faster, Senshi barely had time to react as he brought his fists up and shot his eblow to each his, though these punches were faster then before , and his eblow blocks were gone around multiple times, and the fists were slamming into his ribcage as he flew back at each punch, trying to block any of them as they came in, he was being pushed back with each jab, he could tell that his sensei could pack more of a punch 
Sensha then noticed that his sensei stopped, and looked at him dead in the eyes, I think we need to find someone that is more your skill getting beat down isnt your best look bud, one sec im going to lookf ro someone more your area, that or look around for your own sparring partner, i just realized that i actually have something to do down at the jounin meeting area, so ill meet you later today have fun, my only order, fight someone here He suddenly disapeered into the air as he left, Sensha then walked over to the edge of the arena esk area, he then started scanning the area for someone that looked like they wanted to fight him.

Hachirou Himitsu

Hachirou Himitsu

Akuma wandered around Kirigakure for quite a lengthy amount of time. His search to find the one that had beat him continued in earnest. After having arrived there, he figured, the first place he'd check would be the training grounds. If someone was strong, they got so after heavy training, right? And even if she wasn't there, perhaps he could find somebody who knew where he could locate her. So the best place to start looking had been discovered.

As Akuma walked, he looked around for anyone who might look knowledgeable as a fighter or a shinobi. The boy Maigo had told him that Gin was someone important in the hierarchy of Kirigakure, so that was always a possibility. Although so far, nobody had known where to find her. They could verify that she was in the village, but exact whereabouts were unknown at the current point in time. It was a little bit frustrating, but Akuma was a patient person.

While he searched, Akuma came across an interesting encounter, or at least, the ending of what appeared to be some sort of spar, or brawl. It got his blood boiling hot, and some excitement leaked onto his face, as he headed over to the man who stayed put. The mummy man had disappeared, so there was only one logical person to head to. "Hey! Do you know where I can find a woman named Gin around here? You seem to be in the training scene, so maybe you've seen her around." he called out, getting to the point rather quickly.

"I wanted to thank her for kicking my face in, and one day I'll beat her myself. But I need to find her first, and get stronger to do so. Unfortunately, I'm still recovering my strength, and equally unfortunately, I can't even find her, so those are both somewhat on hold." he muttered, kicking the ground as he walked, kicking up some dust, which enveloped his black pant leg in a cloud of dirt, changing the color slightly.

Akuma grinned though, despite being disappointed by both of those facts. He was about as carefree as possible right now. He had a somewhat strange grin, considering his size and bulk. His headband sported a symbol that was not of Kirigakuran make, and quite obviously as well. He waited for some sort of reaction, as he stood about 5 meters away from him when he came to a stop.

WC: 410



Sensha turned as he heard a voice behind him, the area was growing calm, after the shortened spar with his sensei, and his new mission was afterall to look for a new sparring partner for the day, and the man that came forwards, though he was much lighter in weight then Sensha, he looked somwhere near 200 pounds, he was quite tall, nearly up to Senshas own height, the man who approached him had a shock of black hair, and what appeared to be two differant coloured eyes, Sensha smiled at him as he approached, then he stopped a safe distance away, and continued to speak,
Hey! Do you know where I can find a woman named Gin around here? You seem to be in the training scene, so maybe you've seen her around.I wanted to thank her for kicking my face in, and one day I'll beat her myself. But I need to find her first, and get stronger to do so. Unfortunately, I'm still recovering my strength, and equally unfortunately, I can't even find her, so those are both somewhat on hold"
Sensha titled his head slightly thinking on the name, he had heard it before, his sensei had mentioned the name, but he had never seen the woman, nor even really heard of her activites, so honestly sensha was of no use in that quest, but the second part of the new guys speech drew his attention, so sensha spoke out in a gravely deep voice, akin to rocks rolling together,
Honestly i dont know, i have heard the name prior, but i havent seen nor heard her, what did you do to her that she kicked your face in? and on that recovery, do you think i could help with that, i was always looking for someone who matched me in size, my name in Momochi, Sensha, what is yours friend?
Sensha smiled at the man and cracked his knuckles, and then his huge meaty neck, sensha knew that he was a big man, currently clocking in at 330 pounds, he was no small boy, even if this ninja matched him in height, Sensha knew that his weight would come in handy.

Hachirou Himitsu

Hachirou Himitsu

"I fought her, simple as that. Fighting is my joy after all. Wasn't prepared for her being quite as strong as she was. Deceptively so." he replied. "As for my name, well, I'm Akuma Seisho. Fighter by trade, although leagues weaker than I'd like to be... So yes, I could say that you could help me recover my older strength, same as I could help you build up some more of your own." he grinned slightly. "Momochi Sensha. Interesting name. Large man. Should prove to be a tough opponent."

Akuma shadow boxed a few strikes, pantamining a fighting stance, as if he was eager to start some sort of a spar, although he wasn't overtly over eager to make the first move or anything. "If you can't help me find Gin, then at least we can make some productive utility of time, eh?" he asked, half joking, half serious.

WC: 153

OOC: Sorry, short post is short, but at the moment, it's difficult for me to rp Akuma when he's not fighting ughhh.



Sensha smiled when the man in front of him, it seemed that he had suffered a beatdown from a much stronger ninja, the name was starting to click in more, he remembered a very powerful ninja by that name, and the man seemed eager to fight, that was good, since his sensei wanted sensha to find and fight someone roughly his own strength.  the Skinner guy then started a shadow box routine for a few seconds, he noticed similarities to his senseis techniques, though he assumed that there were some differences, In preperation Sensha dropped into his fighting stance, holding his hands half closed in front of his face, holding his elbows forwards slightly and bending his knees, he kept his eyes on his new opponent, making sure he wasnt going to be caught unawares,
You ready to rock and roll Seisho? Are you a boxer?
Sensha then decided that he was going to take the first attack since this guy seemed to want to be on the defensive, so Sensha jumped forwards and ran at the guy, swinging his elbow, aiming it at the mans temple, then shooting his knee up and aiming to knee him directly in the chest, followed by several punches, kicks and swings at his torso, all the time making sure to be ready for a counterattack. 

Hachirou Himitsu

Hachirou Himitsu

Akuma's initial instinct was always to attack first, but as he didn't feel the need to currently, he simply let the other man attack him. This man, Sensho, looked strong enough that he deserved that honor. And he took full advantage of that it seemed, as he attacked first. It seemed, by the casual question he asked that he wasn't looking for an incredibly serious spar, more just one to pass the time, test his skills, and such.
"A boxer? Somewhat. I fight in an unorthodox style, and I wasn't trained." he replied rather quickly, whilst reacting to all of the strikes sent his way. He'd be on the defensive to start out with, so he'd let the exchange go through, and focus on his defending for the moment.

The first strike was an attempted elbow to the temple. As much as Akuma wouldn't mind getting hit, considering he had no nerve sensors that could indicate pain, he also knew that such a strike there would end the fight before it began. He matched the strike with one of his own, both their elbows colliding and absorbing the impact of the blow. Akuma couldn't feel it, but he knew well enough by the way his body jarred that they were somewhat evenly matched. With the speed Sensho could hit with, and the force behind it, it was obvious he was a strong man, and that his size wasn't purely something that had no measure in his power. But Akuma's extensive battles and former experiences had toned his body and reflexes to a higher standard than average, so it was possible that he'd have a slight edge in that regard. Not enough to make a one sided fight on either side. That was good, as it meant this would be rather enjoyable.

Akuma grinned, patterning his movements to any he could see. Neither of them were extremely quick, so it was simple enough to react and mimic small strikes. The knee to his stomach was intercepted by Akuma's own knee, once again sending a jolt through his body. As a defender, it was more difficult for him to get the power behind a full countering strike to cancel out or overpower his opponent, so in all technicality, his body was receiving a slightly higher force into it, although neither would be able to do enough to actually harm each other with simply basic strikes.

Then came the flurry of punches and kicks. It seemed that he was focusing on body blows rather than anything else, so Akuma simply worried about that, keeping a guard up and doing his best to defend against them. After a few strikes, Akuma started his counter assault, taking a punch to his sternum in the process as he went on the offensive, although nothing registered on his face in the way of pain, as he didn't feel a thing.

Much like his opponent, Akuma was a taijutsu user, and tended towards the basic strikes. As he took the strike to his sternum, Akuma had already been going for a left hook, looking to connect with the other man's jaw. His own flurry of punches and kicks would follow, although most of his kicks were aimed lower on his opponent, looking to weaken his shins and cause enough pain that it would begin to slow him down a little bit. Akuma's numbness was both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, he couldn't feel pain, so as long as his body could sustain something, he could operate at peak capacity. But therein lay the same problem on his double-edged gift. He wouldn't know when his limit was reached until the point that it was reached and his body refused to cooperate with him. In smaller fights such as these, it was more of a gift, as none of the strikes were hard enough that his body could stop working quickly.

WC: 656

Hachirou Himitsu

Hachirou Himitsu

OOC: >_> So... this going to continue?

Hachirou Himitsu

Hachirou Himitsu

OOC: 16 days is plenty of time for me to wait. I'm claiming auto win. Sorry. I even asked and waited for 8 more days after the 8 day mark. No response makes me assume that you don't wish to continue.

Akuma ended up being rather disappointed. While the guy was on his offense, it appeared he was a strong enough opponent, but as it was right now, when it came to defense, he just didn't hold up. His kicks had knocked Sensho's guard off, his strike to the other man's jaw connected, and then the flurry of punches landed quite solidly, knocking the man onto his ass. It was obvious that he was rather dazed, and Akuma waited for a few moments. Walking over to the man, he looked down at him, and was relatively surprised to notice that he was no longer conscious. "Well damn. I hadn't expected to knock you out. This sucks, I was looking forward to a fun fight!" he raged, complaining slightly. Growling in frustration, Akuma kicked his opponent once in the stomach before walking away. "Freaking useless! Didn't know where Gin was, couldn't stand to fight very well, is there anything he CAN do?!"

After a few moments, Akuma's face softened up a bit. Perhaps one day this fighter would get stronger, and they'd have a rematch that would give him some more fun. Despite his anger at how quickly it had ended, while he had been on the offensive, Akuma was being pushed slightly. It was an interesting fight, and once he became a better fighter, Akuma had no doubt that Sensho would be a tough opponent to face. So he looked forward to that day, as it was something that he could count on happening. Just like his rematch with Gin one day would be inevitable. He was coming for her, and when he did, he would give her the fight of her life.

WC: 266
TWC: 1503

Hachirou Himitsu

Hachirou Himitsu

Speed: E to D 750/750
Perception: E-3 to D 300/300

Remaining wc: 453

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