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Katara sat up on top of her bed after a good night’s worth of rest.  Looking at her alarm clock, she decided that it was time to get out of bed, although five minutes earlier than what she had originally planned.  Standing up really quickly gave her a rush of dizziness, and as she quickly fell right back down.  Five more minutes, she thought to herself.  There’s nothing I need to do today anyways….  Oh wait, conditioning practice!  After realizing today was the day that she was appointed to meet with a fellow Senju clan member by the name of Taichi, she quickly got up again and sprinted straight towards the bathroom.  I need to brush my teet-, no!  Do push ups!  I have to be ready!, she thought.  Stressing out completely, Katara ran back out of the bathroom and began to do push ups.  Okay, just a quick workout before I get the day started, I need to let out some stress anyways.  She kneeled down to the foot of the floor, and got in the natural push up position.  2, 4, 6, she began counting in her head, trying not to think about the pain she was enduring, as she was a weak individual strength wise.  26, 28, 30, cmon girl, we’re going to get to fifty by the time that this is over!  Her body was weak; she’s never done more than 25 push ups in one sitting before, but didn’t want to look inferior to her clanmate.  44, 46, 48, 50!  Pushing herself a little too hard, she was able to pump out fifty push ups before collapsing straight to the ground.  

Knowing that was too much, her arms felt weak to the point where it was almost impossible to do another one.  After a short break, she stood up, and proceeded to the bathroom where she finally brushed her teeth, took a shower, and got dressed.  All ready to go, Katara then began to head to the training spot where her and Taichi were supposed to meet; The Rolling Hills.  Making her way just outside of the village towards her destination, Katara decided to put in a light jog to start building her endurance and speed before her meeting with Taichi.  Remember to pace yourself, you don’t want to get winded before you get there.  Jogging at a light speed, Katara kept her mind on how her legs were shifting back and forth, moving the way that they are.  Her bones moving forwards and backwards, she kept thinking about all of the training that she's looking forward to doing in the future; this was just the start of it all.  Twenty minutes passed as Katara finally reached her designated training spot, quickly sitting down on a tall grassy green hill.  With a satchel to her side, she patiently waited for her training partner, Taichi, to arrive.  I have a feeling today’s going to be the start of something new, she thought to herself, gazing her eyes upon the soft, windy clouds.

WC: 532

Last edited by Katara on Tue Mar 01, 2016 6:07 am; edited 1 time in total

Taichi Senju

Taichi Senju

Taichi’s eyes opened, as he pushed himself up from his bed. Without saying a word, he walked to his closet where he changed from his pajamas to his training attire. Light pants, and that was pretty much it. He didn’t wear anything on top, mostly due to the fact he enjoyed seeing his muscles as he worked out. Taichi was pretty narcissistic sometimes, but he never thought about it that way. He walked out to the garden in his house, as he approached a small gate-like figure. He jumped atop it, placed his legs around the top of it and, as his legs held him up, he placed his head backwards in the air. As his everything above his waist was upside down, his legs held him in place, normal sit up position.

He smiled, and started to do his sit ups. 1,2,3,4...98,99,100, he thought to himself. As he finished his morning workout he jumped off the gate, only to land straight on his feet. Nothing really hurt, except his abdomens. Taichi was pretty sweaty as he walked into his bathroom. His house was so silent, after all nobody was ever there. He took off his clothes, climbed in the shower, and started to cleanse himself. Once his shower was over, he checked his clock to see that the time was 5 am. He was still pretty early for his training session with a Senju girl named Katara. He didn’t know much about her, but he wanted to train and so did she; so he let her train with him. Taichi wasn’t the one for romantic interests or anything like that. He only really cared about his training, and increasing his strength to become the Hokage. He smiled as he walked over to his kitchen, prepared a bowl of cereal. He picked up the bowl and moved it to his table. As he sat down, he picked up the spoon and plunged it into the cereal.

After his bowl of the cereal, his alarm finally went off.God he always woke up early. It was currently 6 am, the time he originally set his alarm to go off. Taichi always woke up fairly earlier than he expects, and he enjoys it since he is never really late. He wore his training clothes again, picked up the keys to the house, picked up an apple, and left the house. As he was leaving he slowly but surely started jogging to his training location. He really enjoyed eating apples. They were juicy, delicious, and not to mention just flat out crunchy. This builds endurance and speed, a great combination, he thought to himself. Once he finally reached the grassy hills of his new training spot he saw Katara. He grinned and threw a kunai right beside her. It barely grazed her but, it let her know that he was here.

WC: 477

Stats Trained:

Endurance: E ~> E3
Speed: E ~> E3
Strength: E ~> E3



Katara was sitting patiently on the grassy hill awaiting for her training partner, eyes towards the rising sun that shed a ray of light right upon her face.  She always loved the concept of the day and night; how the sun would rise and give light to the world, and then continue to fall, saving the light for the next day and so forth.  While in her state of peaceful thinking, a sharp metal kunai sped right past her, grazing her by just a hair.  Converting straight into combat mode, Katara leaped up, turning her head with a kunai in hand, ready for battle.  After taking a second to realize what was really going on, she noticed that it was a fellow Senju clan-mate.  After putting two and two together, she realized it must have been Taichi.

Hopping down back to the solid ground, Katara looked at Taichi with a look of fierce tenacity.  "So, that's how you decided you want to alert me.  No words, no warning, just an immediate sign of hostility".  You could hear the anger in her voice, not that she was furious with him in general, just the fact that he startled her turns a switch on in her brain.  The one thing Katara considers to be a pet peeve is when people try to scare her intentionally just because they can.  It's something that Katara has been force to deal with all of her life, especially when her father would surprise her on random occasions to attempt to sharpen her perception skills; unfortunately, it just triggered Katara's anger and made her yell at her father more.  After giving Taichi a good look, she began to analyze his character, and start to translate some of his unique personality.  He stood tall and looked strong, born as a true member bearing from the Senju bloodline.  A few seconds after her statement, she gave a small smirk; noticeable in the corner of her lips.

She noticed that the only thing he brought to wear to train today were a light shaded fabric of pants, with no shirt.  Who comes to meet someone else with no shirt?, she thought to herself.  Katara payed close attention to the body that Taichi supported; he was a very muscular individual for being how old he is.  She also noticed that he brought an apple with him to the rolling hills, half-eaten, most likely used to give him a quick boost of energy in preparation of the time he was going to spend here.  Hmph, she really didn't have a true first impression for this guy, and began get a little curious.  Throwing a kunai at someone you just met?  That's just asking for your ass to get kicked.  She looked Taichi right in the eyes, Senju on Senju.  "My name is Katara, you know what clan I originated from", she said, "If that means anything to you".

WC: 504
Total WC: 1,036

Last edited by Katara on Tue Mar 01, 2016 6:07 am; edited 1 time in total

Taichi Senju

Taichi Senju


Taichi quickly realized that this girl was one to snap quickly. ‘He grinned at her and said,

“My grandfather always use to tell me: Staying alert is the only thing a great Shinobi can do, never let your guard down. Or you’ll be the one on the ground.’ I like to follow the rules of great people, not only that but enjoy making my own along the way. Using this, I feel like my kunai technique was just a way to get your sensors moving and prepare you for training. If we continue training together, it would be best if you get use to it.”

He smiled as he walked towards his kunai, picked it up from the dirt and laughed at her final comment.

“It is nice to meet you Katara. I am Taichi, and no the last name means nothing to me. The last name is only an advantage in social gatherings, when it comes to skill any ninja can become anything. Which is why I, plan on becoming Hokage.”

Taichi slowly turned his back, looking at the great skyline around them. He grew a bit curious about this crew, she didn’t seem that normal but normal enough. He looked back, smiled at her, and said,

“Well it would be best if we could start this training as soon as possible? Time never waits for us.”

He wanted to ask her a bit about herself but he believed that it was too early in their “relationship” to be asking personal questions. After all, he was only here to train. Taichi walked towards the large circle, which he called his training grounds. He had almost everything here. Taijutsu striking logs, Ninjutsu dummies, other logs for bukinjutsu purposes, and a small running course. He looked back at Katara and smiled, as he walked towards his running area. He stretch his limbs, and prepared for a few laps around the circle. Taichi started in a bit of a jog, keeping his endurance up and improving both his speed and endurance. As he ran he didn’t mind about what Katara was doing, he was really just minding his own business. It was normal for him to mind himself, he didn’t like to be bothered by anyone. While he ran, Taichi cracked a smile; due to enjoyment.

WC: 384
Total: 861

Stats Training

Speed: E-3~> D-0
Endurance: E-3 ~> D-0



Tenacity - that was something that a shinobi truly needed to be successful in this world that we all live in today.  Continuing to look at Taichi, she listened to him speak words of inspiration.  She could tell by the look in his eyes that he believed whatever he was spouting out to her.  As Taichi began talking about future plans of becoming the Hokage, she payed close attention to what he was saying.  Hokage?  Tch.  There's no way that a man that looks like that - can become something of great importance such as the Hokage himself.  But she had absolutely no room to talk, it has been done before - like the Jinchuuriki of the Nine Tailed Fox; in the history books, everyone doubted him.  In the end, he came out to be one of the strongest shinobi to ever live, having abilities that could be classified as god-tier.  Because of this, while Taichi was spouting about, the way he spoke moved Katara, in a way that made her truly believe in him, nudging her head down and gives a slight smirk as he spoke.

It was Taichi who first initiated the day of training, by walking towards a small training circle that seemed to be the home of Taichi's training.  Tch, not bad, Katara thought as she followed behind Taichi, looking around at all the logs, dummies, and the strange running course that he had sitting there.  She noticed Taichi making his way to his running course, strecthing his limbs for what seemed to look like getting ready to train endurance.  A jog?  That's how you want to train together?  Katara wasn't interested in the idea of needing two people to do a simple run.  She noticed a few new things about Taichi's character and how he seems so independent.  It was almost like a mirror-image of herself, as she too was a very independent individual.  Without waiting for her first, Taichi had already started running past her, seeming like he wanted her to follow simply behind her.  "H-hey, where do you think you're going?  A jog was not necessary if you have two people, there are better ways to condition!".  It was no use - Taichi paid little to no attention to Katara as he continued to run further, or maybe he didn't hear her.  

This quickly infuriated Katara, but for some reason the anger quickly dissipated the further Taichi began to run.  He was something that calmed Katara down - and calmed her down fast.  It was strange for her as she took a moment to realize this, she's never met anyone who was able to do this to her.  The sun shined a ray of light across her face, as she had a idea of how she would try to reach Taichi and his independent self.  She wanted not only help herself, but help Taichi as well with his goal of becoming a Kage,  They would both need to work together if they wanted to achieve the goals they are pursuing at the fastest rate possible. Putting her emotions to the side, Katara decided it was time to act.  She sprinted up towards Taichi with a cool head and attempted to grab him by the shirt with both hands, locking her feet in place, and throw him the other way to try to get him to understand the way she was thinking.


WC: 574
Total WC: 1,610

Last edited by Katara on Tue Mar 01, 2016 6:07 am; edited 1 time in total

Taichi Senju

Taichi Senju

As Taichi had been running, Katara had walked up to him and held him up by the collar. She then threw him away, resulting in Taichi flying five feet away. Not only did he fly away, but he attempted to return the push with his legs. This was mostly because he always use to train his reaction time with his ossan so much. He had such good memories with the old man.

His grandfather and himself always use to train together. Despite his old age, the ossan was very agile and was a great shinobi. Taichi never really knew who his father was, nor did he meet him, so his grandfather was his father figure. Not only did his grandfather play a big role in his childhood, but he pretty much raised him. While Taichi's mother was being a whore, his grandfather raised Taichi with such great ideals as well as values that any Shinobi should live upon. Taichi thought so highly of his grandfather, mostly because he'd never heard anything bad from his mouth or anything bad about him. He loved the man, maybe sometimes the old man would force Taichi to some rigorous training but now Taichi knew that those kinds of training sessions were the only kind that helped a Shinobi grow. His heart warmed up just thinking about the ossan, and how he changed the course of Taichi's life.

Immediately after Katara threw him, he tried pushed her with his legs; hopefully resulting in them both falling ten feet away from each other. He landed perfectly on his feet, he had trained for this kind of thing. He grinned at Katara and said,

- "You have some kind of spice to you Katara... I like it... I've never seen someone throw me that easy from the same age group as me, or even a bit older. I'm impressed, you are deserving of being my training partner. Truthfully, if you would like to spar I would love to see what you might have hidden up your sleeves. You're one of a kind person Kat."

He laughed as he prepared himself in battle position. He was growing weary of her actions, yet he still wanted to fool around with her a bit. He didn't really know whether or not she hit him had a backstory behind it. All he knew was that she held him by the collar and threw him because he ignored her. If that is why she got offended, then she had to get use to Taichi. He loved being left alone, it was one of his favorite things after all. It allowed him to think, and to use the time to realize what he really wanted to do during this time period. He then finally looked at Katara, when he finally got his first good luck at her. She was wearing such normal clothes, but she looked so good in them. Her black hair shimmered as she looked at him. She was fairly pretty for a Senju girl, he thought. As he looked at Katara, he sent her a wink and got ready to spar with her. She might've been a very attractive girl, all Taichi could fully focus on now was training and growing. It is what Taichi has always wanted. To grow as a ninja, and to become the Hokage. Other than that, he had small goals like to study under the Hokage. While these small goals were obtainable, they didn't mean as much to him as the big goals. Taichi also always wondered who his father was, but he never ceased to know. Nor did his mother because she was with a different man every night.

WC: 610
Total: 1471

Stats Trained:

Reaction Time: E ~> D-0

Last edited by MexicanPonchos on Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:26 am; edited 1 time in total



Katara succesfully threw Taichi, but something strange happened while she was doing it.  Grabbing him by the collar; he seemed like he knew it was going to happen.  Katara let out a menacing tch as Taichi kicked her in stomach with a push from his legs.  This caused her to be flown ten feet away from where she was currently standing.  As she was pushed, she slid across the ground with her sandles taking little to no damage as she didn't fall nor stumble.  It was this rushing sense of combat that Katara loved, being one of the main reasons she signed up to be a shinobi.  Ever since she was younger, she felt the need to have intensive combat as that is what her father, Flux, had always taught her.  Katara has been constantly trained since she was the early age of five, and it was moments like these that made it all worthwhile.  

Looking around her surroundings she noticed that the world hadn't stopped just for these brief moments - it kept on going.  Birds chirped, clouds moved, it was this realization that allowed Katara to reach her zen mode to avoid bursting out her anger towards Taichi for pushing her away the way he just did.  Hmph, I hate him already, she thought to herself.  Maybe someone like this doesn't deserve the rank of Kage.  It was no matter to Katara, as she only needed Taichi to train in combat - no more, no less.  As he then proceeded to speak to her, she had no words to say to this man.  All she heard were compliments, as she took it as an attempt to try to butter her up.  It wasn't going to work, as at the same time she felt a tad bit insulted with his remark towards wanting to see what she could do.

As Taichi got in his battle ready position, Katara realized it was finally time to do what she had wanted to do in the first place - fight.  It was a shame that it had to happen this way although, there was a good chance that the two of them could've been great friends.  They were both Senju, being that they both had equal opportunities of doing great things on their path of achieving their goals.  Hmph, she thought to herself, as she sat on both of her knees for a brief second.  She was thinking of her next plan of attack, as it seemed that both her and Taichi were equal in every way possible.  Opening her eyes once more rapidly, she stood back up on both feet - having eyes of tenacity contained within them.  It seemed as if Katara and Taichi both were ready to fight, but who would initiate the attack?  Katara quietly got infuriated within her mind, thinking of Taichi's personality as he came off a bit cocky.  

Settling her emotions, she got ready for her plan of attack and began to charge towards Taichi.  She threw two shurikens on both sides of Taichi - one to the left of him, and one to the right of him, hopefully blocking off both paths of escape.  Katara then proceeded to take out her kunai as she continued sprinting towards Taichi, sliding into his general area and attempting to take a direct jab towards his stomatch.  Not being too cocky while so many thoughts ran through her head, she began to prepare a substitution jutsu for herself - looking over at one of Taichi's personal training dummies, just in case things didn't go her way.  Confidence is key to a fight - having the will to live and persevere is more important than any jutsu you could learn.  

Katara decided to officially name her own personal Ninja Way - No matter what the situation you're in, how far you're behind, or how badly you're beaten.  Find a way to win.  

WC: 656
Total WC: 2,266

Jutsu(s) Used:
Chakra Status:

Taichi Senju

Taichi Senju

Taichi knew that Katara seemed a bit angry at him. Yet, immediately after she heard his words she commenced a fight. He really didn't want to fight, especially not before stretching. As she threw two shurkinens at him; both beside him. Taichi reacted so swiftly, he raised his kunai and attempted to block anything that would come at him. He didn't smile or anything, he literally had no reaction at all. When Taichi was in battle mode, nothing could get him out of it. It seemed like confidence was key with this girl, which he admired. The more he learned about her, the more he actually started to like her. He then decided  that he would first trap her, and then when the battle was over he would invite her to another training session tomorrow. Truthfully, he was having the time of his life. It was just so much fun when he finally could fight an opponent that was capable of something. Katara was preparing her substitution jutsu, which he planned of, of course. He knew that his first attack could be blocked, but he knew that there was one way for her not to suspect anything. He decided that he would first imitate the hidden mist jutsu, to blind her of any incoming attacks that she may suspect; then he could use the Double Suicide Decapitation Technique. It was all coming to plan, yet he didn't smile or anything to not show any cockiness. He hated cocky people, they were just so ugh. He couldn't explain it but he was sure everyone felt the same about them. Before Taichi did anything drastic he activated the substitution jutsu with one of his taijutsu clones, just in case.

As Katara ran towards him --trying to stab him with her kunai-- , Taichi rapidly jumped in the air; resulting in him floating 10 ft over the ground. He quickly initiated the Hidden Mist Technique and said,

- "Water Release: Hidden Mist Technique"

As the words came out of his mouth, thick mist started coming out as well. This was a great way to blind Katara for the time being. As he kept his eye on her he landed 4 feet away from her, without making any sound of course. As he landed he initiated another jutsu and swiftly said,

- "Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique"

Once he finished his hand seals, he found himself underground, as he ran towards Katara. As he reached her spot, he caught her by the legs and hopefully dragged her inside with him. He wasn't sure whether or not she was dragged in but if she was, he could call victory. Yet, she was a great opponent. He really liked her to be honest, she was a nice yet confident girl. They were both fairly similar but she had something Taichi lacked, a loving family. Taichi wasn't jealous or anything but sometimes he thinks about how it could've been if he actually had a loving and supporting family. He was happy to have some family, but once his grandfather and grandmother died he was all alone. His mother left him for some prositution work, yet he hadn't seen her in three months and Taichi doubts that she would ever come back. He lived alone, and did everything alone for about 6 months now, which explains why he tries to be so individual at all times. Everyone he loved, left him. Whenever he trusts someone to help him, they leave him after a bit of time. He didn't want that to happen again, and the best way to stop that was to not trust anyone. Maybe Katara was different but with Taichi's experience he couldn't trust anyone if he didn't want to be let down.

WC: 602
Total: 2073

Jutsus Used:

Chakra Status:



As Katara attempted to pierce Taichi through the stomach, something strange happened.  He leaped up with immense speed, looking down at her.  It was at this moment that she closed her eyes - whatever was about to happen, was definitely going to happen.  She was scared, nervous for what was about to happen.  "Water Style: Hidden Mist Technique!".  Katara could hear those words come out of Taichi's mouth, as mist surrounded her in every direction possible.  Opening her eyes once more, she was greeted by mist.  It was all around everywhere, she could only see about a mere 5 meters ahead of her.  Putting her hand out, she began to grasp the mist that surrounded her.  It felt very moist and soft, to the point where she felt at home - but she was smarter than that.  She knew the enemy was around her, ready to strike at any moment that he desired.  

All of her senses were disorientated, she had no idea what was going on around her.  Looking around, she slowly began walking through the mist.  She felt little to no emotion at this point at time, as her heart just felt like one big black void.  Having no idea what to do, she just crawled up on the ground in a fetal position, awaiting for her opponent to strike.  All of a sudden, she heard Taichi say "Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique!".  That was when it was over for Katara in just a few seconds - she knew exactly what that technique was, as she too had learned it herself.  

Katara had the urge to do something about it, but she just wanted this whole thing to be over.  She knew she could easily escape with the substitution she had already pre-planned for this exact thing, or even just simply jumped as it was only a D Rank jutsu, but decided against it.  Deep down inside, Katara still cared for Taichi no matter how much she hated him, and still wanted him to achieve his dream of becoming the one of few Hokage.  Letting him have this one would boost his self confidence and send him on the positive path of becoming one of the most legendary shinobi who ever lived.  Staying in the fetal position, she awaited her dragging to occur.  Just a few seconds later, she heard a crackle in the ground - she knew exactly what it was.  Taichi pulled her by her two feet and dragged her through the ground, bruising her whole body.

She couldn't believe that Taichi would even do such a thing to a girl like her, especially knowing that she was completely defenseless.  It was no matter to her anyways, while she was being dragged, she decided that enough was enough.  Tch, I don't know why I allowed myself to be in this situation in the first place.  What a dumb move on my part.  I promise, this will never happen ever again.  Katara used her preplanned substitution jutsu and traded places with one of Taichi's dummies.  Appearing out of the ground and in the stack with the rest of the training dummies, Katara got up from the ground as she didn't land the substitution perfectly.  It was time to depart from the area, as she had a lot to think about over the next few days - everything has changed.  Looking back at all the mist in the area, Katara shed a slight tear that drizzled down the side of her left eye.  I hate you, Taichi.  Looking forward, she hopped onto the nearest tree, and began making her way back to Konoha, not taking a single glance back.

WC: 613
Final WC: 2,879

Stats Trained:

Speed: E ~> D (750 Words)
Strength: E ~> E3 (450 Words)
Perception: E ~> E3 (450 Words)
Reaction Time: E ~> D (750 Words)
Endurance: E ~> E3 (450 Words)

Left Over Words: 29

--------------------{Exit Thread}--------------------

Taichi Senju

Taichi Senju

Taichi knew that he won when he appeared on top of the ground, and saw the Katara's head was barely above. He didn't smile or anything, still in battle mode. He then heard a poof, as one of his taijutsu dummies replaced Katara. Taichi was looking around for a bit to check for her, as he moved keeping in mind that the mist was still all there. He wondered where she would've been now. Since she obviously wasn't in the training grounds anymore. He was so confused, as he looked for her.

- "Where could she have gone, after all we just started training. Well, I guess I better continue my training."

He began with push ups, as they were the best way to pump ones arms and blood around the whole body. Not only did he do one hundred push ups, but by the time he finished he was sweating like a pig. Sweat was a great indication that Taichi was doing it right, and continuing to grow as the training wasn't over yet.

After his push ups, Taichi swiftly moved to situps. He enjoyed crunching out as many different type of sit up positions as he could. He rapidly reached about 50 sit ups in each positions, while he did about 7-8 types of positions. Taichi loved to train, it was the thing that made great shinobis great shinobis. He smiled as his sweat dripped from his chin, as he rose up to end his day and go back to his house.

WC: 259
Total: 2,332

Stats Trained:

Speed: E ~> D (750 Words)
Strength: E ~> D (750 Words)
Perception: E ~> E1 (75 Words)
Reaction Time: E ~> E2 (450 Words)
Endurance: E ~> E3 (450 Words)
Total: 2,175 Words
Left Over Words: 157 Words.

[Exit Thread]

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