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1The hills of confidence [open/no kill] Empty The hills of confidence [open/no kill] Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:28 am



It was a bright day out and around noon so the hot sun was at its highest point in the blue sky. A few clouds hung over the hills casting different shaped shadows on the lush green grass. It was something to behold and something that Hira was not used to. As he walked towards the tall wooden gate of the hidden leaf village, he decided to find a place to relax before the second round of the chunin exams, what promising fighters lurk in the second round. If they were anything like Takao, his oppenent from the first round then Hira might have his hands full.

As he approached the hills he took deep breathes and was able to lose himself in thought. His conciousness trapped in a sort of flashback of his home village kiri. Because it was gone now there, was only memories left, memories that he would have to cling to. If he let them go then everything would be lost including himself. He reopened his eyes returning to reality, the harsh reality of life and the living. "..." He said nothing as he walked up the hills, he uttered not even a single sound or word, he even kept his breathing quieted down. When he got to the top of the hills he looked up at the sky and marveled in its beauty the sky like the water usually seemed so calm, and peaceful. Peaceful experiences were rare for Hira so whenever he could find them he would go all in.

He sat down on the grass with his legs croosed and he fidled with his thumbs. He removed his swords and also took off his shark skin armor, placing them all on the ground lightly. He layed back on the grass with his arms crossed supporting his head and keeping it from resting on the grass. He popped a small smile and muttered to himself "Peace... This peace, is something i wish would last forever." As he spoke his words, they were deep, deep, words and they were packed full of emotion.

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