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1Bring her home! [D-rank] Empty Bring her home! [D-rank] Thu Feb 11, 2016 10:41 am

Asuna Kuroka

Asuna Kuroka

Mission name: Bring her on home!
Mission rank: D
Objective: Find the the mans daughter
Location: Suna
Reward: 100 Ryo
Mission description: A wealthy man needs to find his daughter
Mission details: Yuko, the daughter of a wealthy Suna banker, did not come home at the time she was supposed, after leaving to go to the party. She was at a party with her boyfriend, Shinjuro, and is most definitely planning something with him. Shinjuro will try to stop you, tough he does not pose much of a threat. Just throw a punch and knock him out. You can either convince the girl to come home with you, or take her by force. Hurry up before she does something she regrets.

“Please! I beg you! Please bring her back!”

Those were the words that kept ringing in Asuna’s ear, as she raced across the village, trying to make good time from the banker’s mansion to his daughter’s club.

‘Stupid girl,’ she said in her head.

What girl would willingly go off with a random boy she knew against the wishes of her father? Didn’t she see how worried it would make her father? Didn’t she care?

‘Probably not,’ Asuna thought, ‘Or she wouldn’t have just disappeared without a trace like that.’

The girl’s curfew had been set strictly at ten o’clock at night, but the rebellious girl had yet to show up at half past eleven, with no messages to inform her father she would be late. Her father, a very wealthy banker who operated in Suna, and someone whose services Suna couldn’t afford to lose, believed that she was being tricked by her boyfriend into doing something she didn’t want to, and was very worried that said guy had forced her to do something against her will. In his panic, he had contacted the authorities, who had dispatched her to quickly ensure that the girl didn’t do anything she regretted.

Asuna didn’t think so, though. She didn’t think that the girl had been tricked. In fact, Asuna thought the girl had either been wooed into doing this a long time ago, or she was willingly giving up her virginity to her boyfriend, who according to the banker was a ‘sleazy, cheapass bastard who wanted only their money and his daughter’. It wasn’t her place to question, only to act out Suna’s will, and right now, Suna’s will was to carry out the banker’s will, and she would retrieve his daughter with any means necessary before they could do the deed.

Asuna stopped outside the club in the entertainment sector of the village, landing on a rooftop and panting slightly. She had pushed herself to the limit to go as quick as she could at the banker’s behest, and her eyes were rapidly scanning the streets and blocks for signs of the two people she was supposed to find as she regained her breath. She recited the images that she had been given, supplied by the banker’s two burly guards.

‘Scruffy hair, tan skin, tall body, all talk but no walk,’ Asuna recited mentally, the image of the boy flashing into her mind, based off the picture one of the guards had given her. As her eyes tried to locate him on the streets and in the alleyways, she began looking through the information she had been given about Yuko, the banker’s daughter. ‘Brown hair, curvy hourglass body, cute face… Well, they certainly know how to stroke a dad’s ego.’

Satisfied that they weren’t outside, Asuna determined that they were most likely still in the club, and she walked in there and almost instantly saw the two of them sitting at the counter to her right. Both of them were laughing, with Yuki noticeably drunk. That didn’t mean she wasn’t there of her own free will, though. Her boyfriend, Shunjuro, was sitting next to her, cracking jokes and running his hands down her arm, his thumb brushing past her breast inappropriately.

Asuna walked up to the two of them, easily getting their attention. Yuko didn’t seem at all threatening, being half-drunk, while Shunjuro at least managed the ‘back off’ face with some success, though if her information was right, she had nothing to fear.

“Yuko, I’m here to take you back to your father. He’s getting worried,” Asuna said.

“I’m not going back,” Yuko defiantly slurred, turning her head away. “Tell him I won’t be back for the night.”

“You hear her? Back off,” Shunjuro said. Then, as he was turning back, he muttered, “Invasive bitch.”

“Guess we’ll have to do this the hard way,” Asuna muttered under her breath, and Shunjuro only had the chance to shoot her a look of surprise before he was on the ground on all fours, sporting a bloody and broken nose, with a trail of red dripping down his nostrils, past his lips, and down his chin.

“What the hell?!” Shunjuro yelled, and from the corner of her eye, the guards began to move, only to stop when they realised that she was a ninja for the village they were currently operating in.

Asuna ignored the looks of the patrons, who had mostly turned away and gone back to partying like this was a common occurrence (or they were just that drunk and high), and slung Yuko over her shoulder. The girl was barely aware that she had been picked up, and Asuna sighed in relief that she had managed to get to her. In her state, Shunjuro might have managed to convince her to do something even more than what he promised, which could have spelled disaster for not only her but her father.

Satisfied, she took to the rooftops and returned to the large mansion she had come from, travelling at top speed once more.

Her father would be glad she was okay.

(Exit thread)

WC: 882

D-rank mission complete: 600/600
Training Speed, Perception, and Reaction Time, E-0 to E-1: 225/225

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