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1Hope for training (training) Empty Hope for training (training) Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:03 am

Ty Chikamatsu

Ty inhaled deeply, his body drenched in sweet. I need to keep pushing. "20!" He mustered out, while raising his arms above his head; on both of his wrist rested two one pound weights: the added weight to his body, held a crucial weight to his body. He dropped his arms to the floor, his knees followed him to the ground. "Is that all you got?" His father questioned, from underneath a shady tree. it's not easy lifting this, twenty times every five minutes.

He knew his father viewed his best in mind, but to attain what his father visioned for him was a bit: overdoing the whole thing. "Dad I'm going for a jog!" Each word was followed by a deep gasp for air. his showed it had reach its limit, but his mind seem un-phased by the extremely tiring workout. His dad nodded his head, stood up from the shady tree, then began to walk towards the house he owned. gotta to keep pushing... I need to be stronger, much faster; at least for their sake. Ty stood to his feet, the weights continued to clutch on his arms. He began to jog lightly, fighting the state his body was already in; it wouldn't be long until he realized he was lost. Stopping in the middle of the street, he examined the area around him: the area seemed heavily beaten, overpopulated, and worst of all the people seemed scrawny.

"Where am I?" The words came out of his mouth smoothly. he was quite amazed that in such a village, an area like this one sleep here. The kids around his age only stared, realizing the difference between the two of them. "Welcome to the sand dune slums, where the government places people who are not at par: such as murders, thiefs or shinobi who refuse to continue that line of work!" A soft innocent matter-of-fact tone, spoke from behind him. He turned around find young girl, who size wise would be considered younger; but her stern mature voice would instantly give away her age "Rebecca, my friends call me Becky." She announced, she stretched her hand in wait for his to clasp her hand, To Ty conversation with a stranger was strange. "I'm Ty chi-" he was interrupted by her hand covering his mouth "are you stupid, don't say your clan's name here!" She claimed as she removed her hand from his mouth. "Next month I'll be allowed to go to the academy, so stay alive until then!" She told him, while winking her eye at him. He wasn't quite sure why she'd wink at him or what exactly it meant, he nodded slightly and gripped her hand shaking it calmly.


2Hope for training (training) Empty Re: Hope for training (training) Fri Feb 05, 2016 9:00 am

Ty Chikamatsu

He couldn't help but feel a dark energy coming from this place: which was named the slums. He slowly released the Becky hand, the soft smooth texture only made letting her pale hand go, last so much longer. "You alright?" She asked him, finally getting her hand released from his; he simply nodded to her, he felt his heart jump every moment their hands was in contact, the softness of her hand, combined with the angel-like voice she had: it made it even hard for m him to properly release the words out of his mouth like he wanted to. Even now that he hand was at his side, he could still feel the warmth of her hand, or maybe it was the warmth of the sun; either or he hand seemed hot than usual. "H-h-how old are you Becky!" He asked soft, in his usual soft tone which macyhed the appear of his face.

"Like father, like son; you'll fall in love at a young age, and she'll be everything you'll  ever imagine!" he thought of a day his father explained about meeting his mother, but on the contrary his father didn't meet his mother until he was fifteen.

Could Ty had been fallen in love, nah. he was probably still exhausted from the workouts, he'd been doing through the entire day. At this time the sun seemed to finally finishing setting, and within the next couple of hours it would begin to fall back wherever it came from. "Did you hear me, I said I'm twelve." She repeated after finally catching his attention. She turned her pale face away from him, letting her brunette hair cover what was left of her face "it rude to ignore a girl whose offering you her time!" She claimed, but soon enough began to chuckle at her own comment. After not being able to see her face, due to her hair; he gently pushed it to the side make her pouting seem more serious.

Unknowingly to him she blushed, swinging her hand around trying to Accomplish a personal space. Ty only covered his mouth hiding a smile, which soon byear into laughter. "So how'd you end up reaching the slums?" She questioned, ignoring the fact he was laughing at her,moment latter she turned her face  back towards him waiting for her answer, Her curiosity would only cause her to keep bring the question up until she does get an answer. He simply sighed "I was doing a workout with my dad, I took an jog as a breather, but end up getting lost on the way." Ty explained his tone, caused him to avert her eyes.


3Hope for training (training) Empty Re: Hope for training (training) Sat Feb 06, 2016 2:15 am

Ty Chikamatsu

A man appeared who wasn't quite taller than Ty, seeing this man brought Becky to fear, causing her to tremble "Do you know this man?" He asked, watching her place her body behind his own. "Please... help!" She asked in a soft tone, while hiding behind him. The ninja in front of him didn't seem, as someone who had gotta very far; he was probably a few years older than him, due to his childish appear. Ty glared at him, and watched as him return the look to her "who are to her?" Ty asked him, but Becky quickly answered "that's the guy my family wants me to marry to increase our reputation, but I don't want to!" She answered, releasing all her feelings into every word "Becky, let's get back to our family!" He instructed while his eye began to twitch. Ty looked at him, he started to recognized the face of a clan; whose status was even passed his own. "Chikamatsu is my Clans name!" He knew it was a long shot, but it was a shot at a peaceful victory; he didn't want to fight since he wasn't that knowledgable in combat without his puppets.

"Chikamatsu!" The young unnamed clan's next head repeated "but aren't you guys located on the other side of sugakakure, why did you dare leave your families territory? Do you think so poorly of everyone, on this side of the village; or is it you came looking for your death?" He questioned loudly, soon enough two other genin came around him, now trapping Ty and Becky inside of a triangle. "Can you take care of the two behind me, I'll take care of mister hotshot!" He whispered, rush over to the unnamed clan's next leader.

Ty wildly swing his hand towards his head, but it was swiftly blocked. The young leader grabbed Ty's hand, then swept Ty off of his feet. Ty laid on his back, looking up to the young boy standing above him with a kunai: which was infused with chakra. He didn't want to admit, but he lost in a matter of second; or at least that's how he wanted it to seem like. Ty hand neither his weights on his arms, or his pouch with his Kunias in it. He used his chakra strings to hold his Kunias to both side of the next clan's head "I never expect you to sweep me, but I did expect to lose hand to hand!" He explained, he forced his way onto his feet. He looked over to Becky, who had dislocated an arm off of both of the genin "I didn't say break them!" He mumbled. The clan's next head went back in anger, stoping his feet as he thought of how he didn't realized what had happened. Within minutes, only Becky and Ty was left standing "I'll ask my dad, if he could do something about the arrangement; but you've to tell me your families name... trust me!" He stated looking into her eyes, he begged to find out; because he want to protect her from anything she didn't want. "Koboyama, Rebecca!" She stated, before running to catch up to the young leader; he only nodded in response, but waved to her hoping she saw him.

 he turned around and began to walk back towards his house. He took in various views: too ill to reframe. He stopped to examine every store sign, he wouldn't regularly see or where he live. After several hours of walking he finally arrived home, he walked into the door of his house. "Took you long enough!"his father yelled as Ty walked inside. Ty ignored him, made his way to his bed and fell asleep.

[Training complete]

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