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1The Taijutsu Clinic Empty The Taijutsu Clinic Tue Dec 22, 2015 11:16 pm



There he was again, the shinobi stood tall as a new group of Academy Student walked into his ‘Dojo’.  A young boy from the last session was here again, Shigo.  This actually brought a smile on his face as Shigo walked with a matching grin.  Seito was glad to see that his work was having some results. This group was much smaller than the last group with only two students, Shigo and another Academy Student who looked confident in his abilities.  Seito did mention to Shigo that perhaps, the duo could spar next time.  He got into his typical southpaw stance and eyed the two students.  The two students looked at each other with a grin, they were excited to actually spar someone.  A two-against-one opportunity against a genin did not occur very often, the experience should be very rewarding.  Apparently the other student’s name was Tono and one of the best students at the Academy.  Seito could easily fend off two Academy Students in a Taijutsu competition.  He was qualified to teach basic Taijutsu, which meant he had to have mastered it first.  His speed and strength were also much more adept than the students and even his ability to take damage was higher.  

The confident genin showed off a grin as the two students charged at him.  Their footwork obviously needed work and their movements could be telegraphed.  Shigo went for some awkwardly formed flying kick while the other student went for a sweep.  A seemingly good tactic but it simply would not be executed properly enough to have a lasting effect. Seito’s right leg checked the sweep as his hands blocked the attempted kick to the chest.  The two students jumped back and charged once more.  With proper footwork and a poise statue, Seito successfully defending his body from the attacking students.  It did not take long for the first bead of sweat to drop and the chest to pound.  Their hands were increasingly lowering and their body was easily fatigued.

Seito then went after Shigo with a light kick to the body.  It did not perfectly connect due to Shigo’s partial block but Tono also helped by throwing rocks at Seito.  The rocks did little damage but enough to notice.  The very fact that they were throwing rocks was heartbreaking enough.  Luckily, none hit his face or he could have been on trial for murder.  The genin then charged at the student who seemed to freeze and immediately block his face.  Seito did not want to hurt the student too much so he simply tripped him with a simple push as he landed on his butt.

“ You two have plenty to learn, but most importantly you two need to condition your body. “

The two students confusingly looked at each other, as they panted and attempted to regain their energy.  

“ Not only are you both out of breath but you both have obtained some damage. Come to me and I will show you what it means to have a conditioned body. “

The two students then charged at Seito with fists of fury and intent to do damage.  The students had little strength and could not inflict much damage with punches or kicks but they did have to work with what they had.  Seito easily absorbed the simple punches and kicks.  “ You see that…” He said with an array of confidence.  Shigo then delivered a sneaky punch to Seito’s balls…yup, his balls.  The boy’s poise was obviously broken but he was not going down.  His stomach tensed and his eyes watered.  He wanted to scream but his voice seemed to disappear into a high pitched squeal.  The two students were still beating him but Seito could not feel anything other than the throbbing pain in his pants.  The students seemed to be snickering at the event and Seito would have been also if he was not the target.  After performing some basic breathing techniques, he was able to gather himself and become the teacher once more.  Seito displayed a more than nessacsary punch to Shigo’s shoulder and knocked him back a little.  Tono seemed to have gotten scared.  “ The more damage you take during practice than the more damage you will be able to take in combat. “ These words seemed to make the punch seem reasonably but there was a bit of hesitation coming from Shigo.

“ So now that I have shown you that the body can endure attacks, you two will get to spar each other. “ The two looked at each other with a smile.  But, within the second turned into demons and charged at each other with no technique, no plan and little intention.  They just seemed like beasts who were trying to eat each other, you could make this determination by all the clawing, biting and pinching they were doing as they were rolling around on the ground to win a dominate position.  Seito shook his head with disappointment but could not stop himself from letting out a few chuckles.  

“ What are you two doing? How is that even close to any Taijutsu?! You two obviously need to work on your technique and composure. ”

The two students knew what Seito wanted.  They stood up next to each other and watched Seito perform simple punches with technique.  Seito was certain that the students hated this part of training but performing punches with proper techniques a million times is necessary to develop proper muscle memory.  Many taijutsu users think too often and too much while fighting, but when the user lets the body take control, then the fighter can unlock new horizons.  The three then went to simple kicks.  Seito had reviewed this many times before but apparently they needed another lesson.  Seito could see how Shigos shoulder was and Shigo was wincing in minimal pain as if it were bruised.  Hopefully, Shigo will toughen up by the time he finishes the Academy because the life of a shinobi is tough, rough, and short.

Seito then looked at the two bored shinobi and waved them over in a stance.  The two were seemed to be taking this session much more seriously as they punched and kicked with proper technique.  Seito was able to block and dodge effectively with proper footwork and technique, he was also able to telegraph many of the punches and perform trips and other forms of take downs. However, Seito was not able to block every punch.  Since the students were fighting with proper techniques, there punches caused maximum damage. One punch in particular went straight for the liver and almost dropped Seito.  The gasping pain was not caused by sheer force or speed but with proper connection and technique.  The teacher was proud that his student was capable of delivering such a good punch, but the pain was also clouding his mind.  Since there were two genin, this meant that Seito had to look for four different arms and four different legs, let along elbows and knees.  This meant that Seito was going to have to move a lot, he was going to have to get an much reaction time as he possibly could so he could evade or counter; and, he also had to make sure he was not easy to telegraph nor run into one of his students combos.

It was not easy for Seito. Not before long, the three begun to sweat and pant yet the intensity was still measurable.  However, the three maintained their momentum.  The students were learning and Seito was also becoming a stronger shinobi.  It seemed like the students were becoming faster even though they were getting more tired; with their increase in speed, Seito needed to increase his speed as well.  Bruises and red sore bumps were developing over the hands of the fighters and their legs and shins.  They had a strong flow and made good training partners.  It was incredible how much work they have put in.  This no longer seemed like an extra-credit assignment but more An intense sort of fun that involved a lot of sweat and a lot of pain, the fun was something that he could see himself doing much more often.  Was this the rush of fighting multiple opponents? The very thought of a simple mistake or error could lead to drastic and dramatic changes and shifts in the fight.  Over time, the student’s technique started to become lazy and Seito had more openings to provide counter attacks but he had to be tremendously quick to evade attacks while attacking.  The rush was real and so was the damage.  He was glad that these students had a strong will to succeed and defeat their teacher.

Seito would easily do this again because he felt like he was becoming stronger every second. Although, every second was becoming increasingly difficult.  There was a point in which his arms began to sink and he started to take some damage himself.  Luckily, he found an opening and was able to block further damage.  He could see punches and kicks coming and he felt like fighting was in slow motion, like he could see the enemy and react faster than in reality.  He read about this stuff with Uchiha, but he never knew what it felt like.  With this feeling, he knew that he could conquer the world but he would need to be the best and this was one step in the journey to become the best.  He never imagined how training with students could push him to his limit, how he could fight off two students with taijutsu and win so easily.  To be fair, these students were learning very quickly and often looked for openings and were unfair in their fighting style.  They would do small things that disrupted Seito’s movement like stepping on his feet or hold onto his clothing.  It might not have been a realistic fighting style but it sure was effective, probably much more effective than the students perceived.  However, the students speed simply was not enough to overtake Seito. Seito needed to work on his speed but for now, he felt like his ability to react to things were increasing.  His flitches turned into accurate reflexes that found openings in stances and body movements.  The two students seemed to stop fighting at the same time and simply dropped onto their backs to catch their breath.  Seito tried to stand as straight as he could and gathered himself. “ Woah Seito, you sure are strong. “ said Tono.

“ Same for both of you.”

Last edited by Seito on Fri Dec 25, 2015 12:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

2The Taijutsu Clinic Empty Re: The Taijutsu Clinic Fri Dec 25, 2015 4:32 am



The next day, Seito showed up again. However, he was not on a mission. He was not going to be getting paid for this. In fact, he was using one of his few days off to help train with the Academy Students. This was him going to the Academy Students so that not only can the students become better at Taijutsu but they also served as excellent training partners. The way they barraged Seito forced him to maintain his composure under pressure. It enabled him to become better at hand-to-hand and close quarter combat. Everyone knew how important it was for shinobi to excel in close range combat. Seito knew he had weak spots and getting up close and gritty was one of them. The sky was as clear as it was the day prior and the Tono and Shigo were both present. Not only were they both present but they were the only two there. These two young students are very dedicated to their training as shinobi and Seito commends them for their initiative and their ability to push their boundaries in pursuit of greatness. The two students were surprised to see Seito-sensei walking towards them. Today, the two took it upon themselves to meet there and practice together since there was no clinic set up for today, at least, not an official clinic. The three got into their stances after their brief greetings and introduction. The trio did many things but one thing they did not do was waste time. It must be noted that all three shinobi take their training very seriously, if they had not; then they quite clearly would not be there.
There quite obviously is a physical toll on such a grueling activity. Fighting is extremely difficult. Not only is it strenuous to fight and win but it also is draining to lose. Seito could remember times when he was fighting someone in taijutsu and got his butt whooped, it craziest part was that Seito was sometimes more tired than the person delivering the ass whopping. It was certainly very strange but it was reality. Not only did all three need to endure punching but they had to get used to being punched. The three were fairly aggressive and trained rather rough…and dirty. Shigo would attempt to throw sand from the beaches in Seito’s face while he was looking. Yet, Seito’s reflexes were quick enough and he had enough time to counter. Tono had to sit out for a few rounds due to sand being thrown in his face, the sand that Seito was able to dodge. This of course, only made things worse for Shigo since he had to face the consequences of using dirty tactics; the consequences were having to face an angry Seito, mano y mano, until Tono decided he wanted to come back in. Tono sat a bit too long but he was enjoying the entertainment of Shigo getting thrown around. If Seito were truly their sensei, then he would have made the two fight. It would not be fair because Tono would have lost his eyesight so Seito would have made it even by either blindfolding Shigo or tying his hands behind his back…or maybe both.

It would not take very long before the three would be covered in not only their own sweat but the sweat of others. There was also few traces of blood that could be found due to long fingernails and the like. The three seemed to be having fun together but they truly were at work. Seito easily had better form and technique than the other two training partners had. This made it more possible for Seito to face against them so reasonably. The three did not talk very much during their training so it would be distracting. Their focus was actually quite impressive though, it seemed that the student were so focused that they could not hear the tips that Seito was providing. In some instances, Seito was giving instructions on how to penetrate his lousily defense, yet the students continued to use their insane strategy until realizing that Seito was talking to them. Seito was much older and much more mature than these two, but Seito was actually learning a lot from the two. This also held with his ability to multitask, to face multiple opponents at one time. Seito often could guess the attack coming from Tono due to the attack that already came from Shigo. Seito was able to piece the two as fabric and read their moves based off of their ‘lack’ of teamwork.

3The Taijutsu Clinic Empty Re: The Taijutsu Clinic Fri Dec 25, 2015 12:45 pm



This training was certainly assisting Seito in his ability to fight in close combat, it even made him more confident in his abilities. Seito was more able to predict movements from his opponent, this enabled him to reaction much quicker. Reaction time is a critical skill that all shinobi need, but this ability is not sufficient. The shinobi needs to know what to do. His mind needs to be able to determine what the correct move is and how to continue and move forward with the fight. Seito could easily think of over ten applications of speed and reaction time. He was quite the natural at this ability, due to his lean nature; he is easily capable of moving out of the range. The duo of students begun to strike Seito much quicker, it appears that the students were getting faster as well. A smile appeared on his face as he realized that his work was truly working, though this was careless because a swift kick to the gut landed by Tono. A light grunt came out of his body and he knew he needed to regain control of this battle. With his quick speed and his ability to react properly to situations, he was able to duck underneath two punches thrown by Shigo and managed to leg sweep Tono onto his butt.

The two stopped to laugh at Tono who just got punked. Shigo and Seito looked at each other, they were drenched in sweat but full of energy. It was amazing to Seito how much energy little children had, he was wondering if he was going to be able to keep this up. They were quick and agile so landing hits was difficult but they are also fragile so Seito was limited in the amount of power that he could use. There really was nothing worse for the reputation than beating up Academy Students and making them cry. Most of their parents were top level shinobi and Seito did not want to deal with that. He spent a lot of time around higher level shinobi and knew their real strength, if it weren't for his genjutsu capabilities then Seito would easily get his ass whooped by even the most average chunin, let alone jonin. His mind jolted to remember the power of the Mizukage, truly one of the most powerful shinobi to have ever existed. His minded wondered around to the other strong Kage that owned land. I remember that the Raikage, Sanosuke was extraordinarily powerful. He was renowned for his bukijutsu and his sage ability. His mind turned more domestic as he remembered the legendary shinobi as 'Gin'. A Kiri shinobi who became the Kazekage, she appears to be immortal. Gin has been in countless battles in where the odds were completely stacked against her, yet she survives.

A swift roundhouse landed directly onto Seito's chin, rocking him. Of course it was Shigo that threw the dirty kick. Seito knew that this would cause him both victory and troubles in the future. The two students crowded the genin that could only see with a haze. Seito needed to prevent all and any combat damage, his head was bobbing and weaving at almost a natural state. His head was ducking under punches and he'd throw light body punches. Only because he could not focus enough force into one single quick punch. The students were like bloodthirsty sharks that spotted a weak prey, Seito was fairly surprised that they were not going after each other. There kicks and punches could all be easily read in a sound mind, however; Seito was not in a sound mind. His head was dizzy and his legs were beginning to give but he was slowly recovering. The students could see that Seito was slowly regaining his consciousness and they pushed harder. At this point, the students lost all their form and simply begun to throw wild punches in a nasty style. There style could have easily been poked but Seito only could focus on his recovery. He certainly was not about to let some students knock him out, especially if it was dirty. And, since it was from a dirty hit, Shigo was about to get an ass whooping of a life time. At least, one that Seito could deliver. Maybe a genjutsu?

Seito was able to survive the barrage by the students and he wanted to retaliate in wonderful fashion. The two students realized that their failure would be their downfall. Fighting hurts and Seito was about to prove that through this rigorous training. Of course, Tono would not be feeling the full force but Shigo would. Shigo fights dirty, which is fine IF he wins. If not, then it makes him look very bad and he grants authority for an ass whooping. The two students should just be glad that Seito is a genjutsu user and not a taijutsu user, if that were the case then these two students would have been crying a long time ago. Flurries of light punches and kicks bombarded the two students. His ability to react faster then they could move proved to be wonderful in this situation. Seito has the ability to fight two shinobi much easier than other people would. This allowed him to limit his power and control his strength against such young and such weak targets. Seito did not want to go too hard on them though, he wanted to make them know that they were doing the right thing. Training with students this young could actually be dangerous because they fight so dirty! Seito started to wonder what the students were beginning taught at the academy, perhaps, he’d consider becoming a substitute or working there full time.


4The Taijutsu Clinic Empty Re: The Taijutsu Clinic Sat Dec 26, 2015 11:03 pm



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