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1Bring her on home! [D-rank] Empty Bring her on home! [D-rank] Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:25 pm

Asuna Kuroka

Asuna Kuroka

Mission name: Bring her on home!
Mission rank: D
Objective: Find the the mans daughter
Location: Suna
Reward: 100 Ryo
Mission description: A wealthy man needs to find his daughter
Mission details: Yuko, the daughter of a wealthy Suna banker, did not come home at the time she was supposed, after leaving to go to the party. She was at a party with her boyfriend, Shinjuro, and is most definitely planning something with him. Shinjuro will try to stop you, tough he does not pose much of a threat. Just throw a punch and knock him out. You can either convince the girl to come home with you, or take her by force. Hurry up before she does something she regrets.

Asuna rushed past the rooftops, her feet bringing her quickly to Suna’s entertainment district, which was conveniently located next to the red light district if any patrons were anticipating more fun of the more adult nature.

‘Please bring her home, please!’

The businessman had been so distraught over the knowledge that his daughter, Yuko, had not listened to his words. He had given her a curfew of nine o’clock, just like he always did whenever she went out, regardless of who she went out with. This time, however, she had gone out with her boyfriend, Shinjiro, and her father had been adamant about her returning home by nine o’clock sharp, and she had waved it off with a nonchalant agreement that fooled no one; she was clearly not going home that night. However, her father had still given her the benefit of the doubt, even when his two burly bodyguards hadn’t, and had allowed her to go out with her boyfriend to enjoy their evening. The man was clearly not willing to strain his relationship with his daughter, preferring it over poor influence on her.

Of course, that had been before the clock had struck ten and there was still no sight or sound of the girl. The father had initially been worried that she had been kidnapped, but had once again ignored it since there was nothing he could do either way but wait for the ransom money. Instead, he had focused his attention onto the alternative, onto what he could do and which situations would lead to him being able to do something, and one of them had been if Shinjiro had tricked his daughter into doing something against her will. It was this ability to focus his attention onto what he could accomplish rather than what he couldn’t that had earned him his wealth, though upon listening to his explanation, even Asuna doubted that Shinjiro needed to trick Yuko into doing something she didn’t want; it sounded more like Yuko had been more than willing to let him take her virginity.

Nevertheless, the man was a very important business associate for Sunagakure, and while she was not a ninja of the village, she still felt somewhat indebted to the village for successfully, albeit unintentionally hiding her from her father for as long as they had. It had been at least three times as long as all the other minor villages had managed to, and if she knew that a major village would prove to be such a deterrent to her father, she would have long ago sought shelter in Konoha rather than remain on the run. Her journey through the Land of Noodles and the Land of Fire had been made even worse by the fact that the trees made it almost impossible to navigate out of the forests, and almost impossible to defend yourself from an enemy you couldn’t see because there was just so much foliage. Of course, where most people feared the animals, she feared her father.

She landed right outside of the bar, where she suspected they were at, and immediately she came face-to-face with the happy couple. Yuko was decidedly drunk and leaning only on her boyfriend, who noticed her right away and shot her a dark look, showing that he was decidedly not drunk.

“Yuko,” she said, turning to face the girl. “I’m here to escort you back to your father.”

“I don’t wanna!” she slurred.

“You heard-”

Shinjiro never got to finish his sentence, as Asuna’s fist met his nose and he crumpled onto the ground. The girl, now without her support, stumbled slightly until Asuna caught her, before repeating, “I’m here to escort you back to your father.”

Fortunately, no one stopped her.

(Exit thread)


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