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It was already late afternoon and, after spending the morning teaching the class with his fellow teachers, Anshin was ready to have a little bit of fun. However, all of his friends were out of town on missions or on dates with their significant others. As such, he decided that there was one person who he knew for a fact wouldn't be out of town or with someone else. After all, Sake wasn't stupid enough to hit on Anshin's sister and expect to have his crotch left in one piece. You never screw a swordsman's sister until they respect you. Even if the swordsman's sister happened to be the Kazekage, who could probably beat her brother within an inch of his life in less time than it took to blink. Kind of impressive that he had once been her teacher and now she was this much more powerful than him.

Walking into the office, he noticed that no-one was currently there. He giggled, and decided to play a prank on her. The officers around the administration building tended to carry shuriken as a secondary weapon no matter their fighting style, and thankfully one was standing right there on the table. He picked it up and gently put it down on her chair. Screw putting a pin on her chair like a kid might do for a teacher, they were grown ups and so the prank had to scale accordingly. After that, making sure she didn't get back yet, he ran up one of the walls and hid in the shadows on the ceiling, concealed in the darkness. If he was found, he might be mistaken for an assassin or something, but he wasn't GOING to be found now was he? He giggled slightly, and waited for her to come in.



Gin was annoyed. This wasn't like her usual persona - not at all. In fact, she was a very cheerful and laid back person. However, when she was surrounded by one of the things she hated most on the world, how could anyone expect her to be anything but moody? She was already on her tenth bathroom break in the past hour, just so that she could have an excuse to leave the room and get those stacks of paper out of her sight. She took a deep breath before entering the room and placed a hand on the doorknob. She felt something was amiss. It only took her a couple of seconds to figure out what it was: She could tell that chakra signal apart anywhere. Not to mention the fact that the Kazekage never closed her door. She groaned under her breath. "I don't need to deal with this right now," She thought.

Nevertheless, the young Kunoichi burst into the room. "I know you're in here, Anshin," She called. She didn't even bother to walk towards her seat. She stood in the middle of the room, waiting for her brother to show himself. If he didn't she would pin down exactly where he was in only a few seconds and drag him down herself if she had to.



The door was burst open and Anshin sighed inside himself. Did this mean he was discovered already? Well, she was the kage so he shouldn't underestimate her skills, but at the same time he'd been hoping for at least a little surprise when he paid a visit to her. It wasn't exactly common with the importance of both their jobs. However, as she called out, showing that she was aware of his presence, he called out from the shadows on the ceiling
"The views lovely from here, why not join me?" he asked, before pulling out his bottle that he'd left in the inside of his cloak, and opened the top, drinking it slightly, a few drops dribbling down due to the awkward position. It was like a hamster drinking from the water bottle in the cage. Except there was no cage, the hamster was a sword-enthusiast genin and the water bottle was filled with delicious, delicious vodka. Ceiling vodka to be precise

"Ooh, I think I just invented a game! Ceiling vodka, see how many shots you can drink before...." he fell off the ceiling, although it was intentional, and span in mid-air so he was standing infront of her with a grin on his face, proffering her the bottle.
"Want some? I bet you need some cool-down time." he said, his voice sincerely concerned and big-brotherly. There were very few times when he just said what came naturally, and that was mainly when he was talking to Gin. He was her big brother, that just... kind of came naturally, he didn't know why.



Gin looked up to her ceiling, only to see her brother hanging from it, drinking from a bottle of vodka. "Niisan," She addressed her older brother. A smirk graced her features as she did so. "Is that a challenge?" She asked. The young Kazekage was quite confident. If they started playing drinking games in her office, she knew which of the two would have to drag the other to the bathroom to throw up. "Let me remind you of two things," She said, putting two fingers up to count. "First off, I have more chakra than you do, not to mention more control. If I wanted to, I could still stay up there even after drinking three whole bottles of vodka, which brings me to my second point. Do I need to remind you who taught you how to drink?" She asked. "And while we're on that note, why does everyone think my office is some sort of bar?"

The young Kunoichi had already had a number of guests bring her assorted bottles of alcohol in hopes that they'd have a chance to drink with her. At first, it was entertaining. Now, it had just become ridiculous. Gin turned to look at the stack of papers on her desk and sighed in frustration. If only she could just will them to disappear... The next best thing was to take up her brother's offer, which seemed tempting enough all on its own. But she had a job to do; a duty to the village of Sunagakure. "And besides, gravity would both pull my skirt down and make my breasts pop out of my shirt," She added, though that was only an excuse that she was trying to make herself buy. She had a change of less revealing clothes in one of her drawers.



Anshin had to admit he was enjoying this covnersation and moved slightly, going to sit on her desk. It would be disrespectful for him to sit in her chair, not to mention the fact that he still had a booby-trap there waiting for her. He had no intention of giving the game away As she talked about gravity, he grinned teasingly
"I'm sure Sake wouldn't mind seeing you like that. By the way, how is Flower boy? still prettily prancing in pigtails whilst picking petunias?" he said, his alliteration skill nothing less than a miracle in his slightly tipsy state. He'd already started drinking earlier

"And let me remind you of something, little miss Kazekage. I'm the guy who taught you to fight like that, so don't start getting all prancy with me. You might be more powerful but I've been stuck teaching the kids that come through this village for the last seven years." he said, before lying down and looking up at the ceiling.
"you know, I was going to offer to take a case off of your hands.... you know which one I mean..." he said, before his voice got deathly serious, something that was hard whilst Anshin had been drinking
"The Kato case. Both of the kids involved were students of mine, I'd be able to take the news to them more respectfully"



Gin laughed at her older brother's comment. "Take it from me, he does enjoy seeing me like that," She said. "Writhing underneath him, moaning his name..." She continued, er voice trailing off near the end. Of course, nothing like that had happened between her and Sake just yet. Nevertheless, she enjoyed making people feel awkward and uncomfortable by stating too much information than was really necessary. "And he's doing quite well, thanks for asking." She followed her brother with her gaze as he sat down on her desk, not really minding that he was now on top of all of her paperwork. "You might have taught me a couple of things, Niisan, but most things I taught myself. If you ever want me to teach you a couple of things, we can find a way to fit that into my schedule." She said. The young Kazekage walked over to her desk and leaned against it, still not approaching her chair. She shook her head slowly at him as his town became more serious. "Actually, I don't know what you mean," She began. "The Mizukage's recent death has flipped everything over. I haven't had a chance to review things like that I've been mainly focused on strengthening the village's defenses," She explained, letting out a loud sigh. "In any case, I'll let you take it as long as you don't get yourself killed."



Anshin's face lit up in a bright red blush and looked away. Why was she talking so pervertedly to him? It was disturbing.... wait, this was just one of her tricks/ She loved to make people feel awkward didn't she? He smiled at her, and gently ruffled her hair
"Good girl, nice to see you're enjoying yourself. I have to admit a few of my ex-students have been.... well, rather hungry for a taste shall we say?" His voice was slightly perverted as he talked, licking up one of his fingers to show exactly what he was talking about. Of course, whilst this was indeed true, he'd not answered any of their pleas for a bedroom-based reunion. He was a teacher, and whilst they might be of age now it was still a little bit creepy the thought of sleeping with people that he knew as children. Almost like committing mental pedophilia

But the main thing that disturbed her in this conversation was that she didn't know. She didn't know the clan was.... the clan was...
"Well, good thing nobody but I know that you aren't aware of this. That would show you as being very behind the times and more interested in lover boy than your village. Gin....." he stopped and looked her dead in the eyes
"An entire clan has been killed. Well, exactly half a clan to be precise. The Kato clan, the one your precious mechanic Tomoya hails from. Turns out he's the only survivor out of his entire family. Someone assassinated them inside the Hoshigakure village meeting hall." he said, sighing at her
"How could you not know about that? Even I was told and I'm just a teacher."



Gin smirked as she saw her brother turn away. It didn't take a genius to tell that he was embarrassed. She snickered until he turned back around to comment on how most of the graduating Genin wanted a piece of him. "Good to know that at least somebody finds you handsome," She replied. "God knows somebody in the village had to have bad taste," She added. The young Kazekage usually found these arguments with her brother entertaining. "But all jokes aside, I know it's my duty to keep up with these things, but see that stack of papers? The mountain that your sitting on at the moment?" She said, motioning to her desk. "That report's probably lost somewhere in there. You'd be surprised how common these massacres are both in and out of the village. Half of those reports are always about death and carnage and I have to deal with each and every one of them," She explained. "And if we're dealing with assassins, it's best I send someone of a higher rank," She concluded. The stress that being Kazekage put on her was overwhelming. She was sure she had lost a ton of weight since she took the job. She hardly ever slept anymore and hardly ever had time to enjoy herself. Her life wasn't her own. It belonged to the village, now.



Pouting for a second, Anshin turned away jovially
"I'll have you know a lot of people find me handsome. And unlike you, I don't have to rely on these.." he pointed to her boobs with his outstuck thumb
".. to have someone want to sleep with me. It's all charm. You're like 5% charm, 95% boobs." he said, trying to make the situation more cheery. What he was about to tell her wasn't going to be easy to say.
"Look... the problem isn't so much that we're dealing with assassins. Firstly, it happened in the same attack so it would only be one person. Secondly.... the team recovered something. They asked if I recognized the handwriting, but I didn't. It was slightly charred from the attack but you can still make it out." he pulled a folded up piece of paper out of his pocket and passed it to her. It was a basic map of the Kazekage's offices, and a few target positions to show where would be best to aim from.

"Sis.... this isn't just assassins. Whether or not the assassin killed them because of this is suspect, but this clearly shows they were mapping out your room. This is likely a plan of assassination...." he sighed, and looked her straight in the eye
"The north side of the Kato clan was attempting a Coup D'etat. I don't know if your precious Tomoya is part of this or not, but... his family were going to try and kill you. Someone needs to talk to the head of the clan, see what he knows. I'm his master so he'd probably trust me more than anyone else." he said, sighing sadly
"you know what I'm saying makes sense, Gin."



Gin cocked an eyebrow. Did he just insult her breasts? "Well, I was born with good assets, what can I say?" She retorted. "It makes things that much easier. Unlike you, I don't have to overcompensate for lack of size," She said, shrugging to add an air of nonchalance. "The facts speak for themselves, I get more action than you can handle." She walked over to the other side of her desk, finally going for her chair. As she pulled it out, she saw a shuriken sticking out from it. She picked it up and placed it on her desk. "Nice try, Niisan," She said, already knowing that it had been his doing. She examined the map that he handed to her. Her eyes widened for a fraction of a second. These were plans for an assassination, there was no doubt about it. Her mind jumped from one conclusion to the other, picturing many versions of how the plan was put together. She closed her eyes and rubbed her face, trying - and failing - to clear some stress out of it. She let out groan. Dealing with an international conflict and an assassination attempt at the same time was nothing short of overwhelming. "I'm not feeling guilty if you get your ass killed," She said, though she was quite worried of letting him do this on his own. "You're bringing this on yourself and you know the risks."



Compensating for size? Oh darling, how wrong could she possibly get. He smiled slightly, and stuck his hand out, his Kiretsu blade being formed out of his chakra into his hand.
"Oh my dear sister, didn't you know? I do everything big, because I HAVE everything big. I thought your friends would let you know by now. Still, maybe they're a little shy." he said. He tutted slightly as she threw the shuriken away, catching it on the tip of his sword and pocketing it inside his uniform. With that in mind he crossed his legs and smiled at her
"Oh, I'm not getting myself killed. If they killed me whilst in their place, the village would know that they're the ones who killed me, giving you an excuse to raze their entire clan to the ground. Plus, don't worry about me, I'm more capable than you think I am." He stood up and said quite plainly

"I remember Ray. He's a tactical genius. Even if he is involved with the assassination plot, killing the man who came to investigate it would surely place even more suspicion on the clan, and he can't have that now can he? likely he'll wait a while and attack when I'm on my own... when I'll have Kiretsu to slice his throat open with." he looked at her for a second, before saying simply
"I might not like the mindless barbarism that your predecessor invoked with Suna, but I'd rip even the mighty Tsuchikage out of his seat if it meant I could protect you sis." He said simply, before picking up his bottle and taking another swig.



Gin scoffed, her nonchalant expression still displaying on her face. She wanted to drive her older brother to the point where he couldn't find a way to retort. "My friends have already let me know, which is why I can confidently say that that-" She pointed at his blade - "Is overcompensating," She said. She slumped into her chair, getting comfortable. She thought she might as well, seeing as she probably wouldn't get any sleep tonight. She'd spend her time probably thinking and sorting out every possible combination of assassination attempts that she could deduce from the map. This was something that the young woman was quite talented at. She was quick when coming up with clever ideas and interpreting her opponents' plans. "I trust that you'll survive. However, i don't want you to start a fight. Get the information and I'll deal with the rest." She said and paused briefly. Gin had never been good at expressing her feelings or the fact that she cared about the people around her - at least not with words. "And... Thank you," She said. The words came out almost with a struggle. She took the bottle of vodka from her brother's hand and took a long gulp from it. She let go of it with a sigh and wiped her mouth with the sleeve of her kimono. "So much for staying sober," She mumbled.



Laughing slightly, Anshin put his hand on her shoulder, as if he was telling her something akin to gossip
"Darling sister, if ten inches is something that needs compensating, I think I need to get larger knives." he said teasingly, knowing that it was his ability to laugh in even the darkest of nights that made his sister have so much affection for him. He nodded gently, his smile warm and considerate
"I'll not be starting a fight if I have to. If they start a fight with me, I'll be the one defending myself. Don't worry, I'm not going to start an issue that could make you look bad, sister of mine." Then his vodka got stolen and he pulled it back.

"Oi, bad girl! My vodka!" he said, before pulling a second, smaller bottle out from inside his cloak and tossing it to her. It was gin, a joke on her name. Of course, it was one that he was sure many, many people had already made but it wasn't one that he was going to stop making any time soon. After all, the best jokes were the classics.
"I thought you might prefer this. Unless you have some glasses around here and we could have some vodka-gin cocktail." He said kindly. This was actually the way that he offered her counsel, he knew she was happier when drunk. It was also the best way to get into her good books. She was named after an alcoholic drink and was an alcoholic, how was this not meant to be?



Gin scoffed, but there was a smile on her face. Conversations with her brother were always entertaining, especially since he hardly ever found what she was saying perverted or disturbing. "10 inches? More like 5 from what I've been told," She retorted. "And even if you were 10, Sake still beats you by an inch," She said, sticking her tongue out. She knew that her brother didn't particularly like Sake, they might have even been considered rivals. A comment like that would probably gouge an entertaining reaction. She whined when Anshin took the bottle back and gave her a bottle of gin instead. "Ha ha," She let out. "That joke got old after the first few times you said it." Nevertheless, Gin was glad to have the bottle. She pulled out a couple of tall shot glasses from her drawer and set them on the table, on top of her paperwork. She poured gin into each one until they were half full. "They're not cocktail glasses, but you can still mix, how about it?" She asked, though it was more of a challenge than anything else. A playful smirk appeared on Gin's face, goading he brother into it.



For some reason, the thought that even 5 inches would likely be larger than most guys in this village popped into Anshin's head, not mean but just talking about biology. He forced the mental image out of his head and looked at her when she talked about Sake's rod.
"Hmmm... well, at least my nephews will be easily conceived." he said simply, knowing that talk about children was one of the most disconcerting things he could talk about to her. He didn't know why, maybe it was because she was only 18, but then some people wanted to carry on their clan from the age of 16. He shrugged, it was probably just down to personal emotions. Emotions, like chakra,often made weird things happen. As she took the glasses out, he poured the vodka in the top, before trying something strange. Grabbing one of the unused papers from the top of her desk, he turned the glass upside down, keeping the contents inside with the paper, before turning it right way up five seconds later.
"Who needs mixing?" he tossed the first mouthful of drink and his face suddenly went bright red. Swalllowing it quickly he coughed badly, as if his throat had just been burnt.
"You might want to mix it..."



At the mention of children, Gin's eye twitched involuntarily. "Nephews?" She questioned, her voice going up an octave. The mere thought of having a child was almost excruciating for the young Kazekage. "No, no, no, no, no," She said, shaking her head fervently. "That's a huge no, right there. I'm not built for that housewife crap... Close your eyes with me and try to imagine how I child I raise will turn out and tell me if it's still a good idea to get myself knocked up by a guy who really isn't even my boyfriend," She said. She pictured her hypothetical kid drinking rum instead of milk, reading her perverted novels and doing the impossible to annoy both Sake and herself. She shuddered at the thought. No, having children was definitely not in her plans. "Plus, can you imagine how much I'll be PMSing? I mean, I'd have to stay sober for nine whole months!" She said as she took the bottle of gin and poured half a glass full. She filled the other half with vodka and didn't even bother to mix the two. It tasted as foul as medicine either way.



As Gin went into a rant about her hatred of having kids, Anshin just waited until she had finished, and then leaned in, smiling cruelly
"Sis.... you really are such a silly girl. You might be the kazekage, but you're really just a scared little girl aren't'cha?" he smiled and laid down on the desk looking up at the ceiling
"Tell ya what, I'll stop talking about your future children if you stop talking about flower boy. He's such a fool I don't even know why you like him." He sighed and he started talking seriously
"By the way.... what are you going to do about the Mizukage? He got his ass kicked recently didn't he?" he smiled at her, with the smile that always seemed to know secret information
"If you're going to tell the ANBU then you can bet I'll have heard about it within a day or two. Seriously, you'd be amazed at just how much I know about the village."



Despite Anshin's cruel smile, Gin was as nonchalant as ever. However, she rolled her eyes at his comment. "Scared of an unwanted pregnancy? Hell yes. You would be, too if you were a girl," She said, setting aside her shot glass for the moment. She sunk into her chair, getting comfortable. "I'll stop talking about Sake whenever I feel like it," She said, smiling at her older brother. "I don't make deals with Genin, regardless of the fact that you're my older brother. It's a personal policy." She closed her eyes until her older brother mentioned the Mizukage. "That," She began, with a hint of disdain. She pointed at a pile of paper across the room with a not on it that said "ready to burn". The stack of paper was almost as tall as the chair it was on. "See that? That's what I did - not to mention endless hours of training. A complete restructure of the entire village's defenses and whatnot. I tried to help, but it backfired miserably seeing as the village burnt down and the Mizukage died a horrible death," She said with a loud sigh.



Smiling, Anshin chimed in a simple few words about the concept of unwanted pregnancy.
"You know, most guys are scared of unwanted pregnancies too. Who wants to deal with an annoying bitch for 9 months when all they wanted was sex? Not to mention having to pay money for the little hellspawn's education for the next 18 years? It's just a huge nuisance." This was true, although not for Anshin. He was always careful about how he slept with people, so he never had to worry about unwanted pregnancies, unless condoms suddenly magically stopped working for some reason. However, keeping his mind off of sex for a moment, he had to think about the death of the Mizukage.
"I kept a few tabs on Kirigakure sis... his death wasn't a big tragedy. He seemed to be a thorn in his village's side more than anything, bringing trouble instead of making anything better. Frankly if Kirigakure would be to be rebuilt, which it surely is, there wouldn't be anything wrong. Apart from the fact that we have a missing-nin on our hands with the ability to kill a kage and destroy an entire village. Who the hell is that strong? I heard it was done by Ameterasu, so... does this mean we have Konoha to blame for this?"



Gin shook her head at her older brother's claim. Sure, unwanted pregnancies were bad for both of the parents, but it obviously affected women far more than men. "If you left a girl pregnant, all you'd have to do is sign a check once a month. That's it. You don't even have to see her or the kid if you don't want to. Us women on the other hand are left with all of the implications that come with raising a child," She shuddered at the last phrase, once again picturing the devil she would inevitably end up raising, kind of like a miniature version of herself, except without any sort of moral compass. "Actually, I think you've gotten two villages mixed up," She began. "It's Iwa that's dealing with a Kage that they all dislike. Hikou wasn't popular per se, but he wasn't hated as Dengen is. And Konoha has no real motive to destroy Kiri. In fact, Hikou was one of the few people hat Kenta actually respected." She explained.



Anshin, for a few moments, actually considered suggesting that a woman could just put the little brat in an orphanage, but even he wasn't that emotionally cold. He kept his mouth shut and allowed that conversation to drop, but he had to say something about Hikou
"From what I understand about Hikou, he was a bit of a self-important fool. That's not what you want as the head of a village. And no, I know that Dengen is despised by many of his villagers, but that doesn't mean he's the only one. It seems that Konoha is the only village other than Suna that has a popular Kage. Hell, even Kumo hasn't seen their Kage for the longest time. He's been locking himself away from the public or something. Besides, who actually cares what Kenta respects or doesn't respect? You like Alcohol, but that doesn't mean everyone in every village does. A kage's opinion is not all consuming. Remember that."



Gin looked at her older brother and smiled slightly. "You got me wrong," She began. The young Kazekage let out a loud yawn before speaking again. She stretched her arms over her head and cracked her back in the process. She was more tired than she had noticed. "What I mean was that Kenta didn't have a hand in this. He respected Hikou and he had no reason to attack Kirigakure. We're dealing with someone new. A missing nin, by the looks of it," She said with a loud sigh. The stress that came with being Kazekage was borderline unbearable, specially in these times. The young woman didn't know whether or not Sunagakure would be the next target. She couldn't afford to let her guard down, not for anything. And now with the news of a possible assassination attempt against her, she didn't know if she would be able to go back home for the entire week, not to mention the fact that she would be even more sleep deprived. "As for Hikou, he was foolhardy, but he did his job. He got himself into a fight that he couldn't handle and wound up destroying his entire village in the process. There's nothing I can do now except put all of my time and resources into defending Suna."



It was obvious, that if there was no tie between konoha and the destruction of Kirigakure, that they were looking at a highly skilled missing-nin. However, a missing-nin with enough power to burn down an entire city, kill a kage and still not get caught... that was worrying. There hadn't been one that strong since the days of Akatsuki, which made it all the worrying as where a strong man was there would often come followers and if he could do that much damage on his own, he didn't want to think about how much damage he'd do if there were people to aid him in his plight.
"Alright. Right now what we need to do is safeguard not only our village but our platoons of Hunter-nins. Don't let them go out alone or else they'll be easy targets. It was done by a Sharingan-user, so the village needs to start deploying people who can effectively fight against a Sharingan." He sighed and stood up stretching his back.

"Gin, whether you like it or not, the fact of the matter is they might not be out to attack Sunagakure. The fact of the matter is, Hikou died for a reason. Whether it's because he picked a fight he couldn't finish or because Hikou had done something that was unforgivable in this guy's eyes, I don't know. But I have the feeling there's more to this than "He was a kage" because I haven't heard any assassination attempts against any of the other four kages yet."

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