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Soichi Uchiha

Soichi Uchiha

Soichi cut her palm with a kunai before watching it flow out of her pale skin.She was in her kimono.Today she was feeling in the mood for exploring.So why not start in Konohagakure.She knew her brother was busy hitting on some girls or something and didn't want her around at the moment.She loved her brother and didn't want to fight with him so she just left.The night was still young.And she wanted to do as much as she could before her brother would get back and walk around with her.However, Soichi wasn't one to wait.She was feeling adventurous.Deadly.And just plain cruel.She put the kunai back into her pouch and stood on the ledge of the building.She focused her red eyes on everything in front of her.She had a game in mind.Talk to anyone she sees.If they seem boring then she'd fight them to liven the mood.And if they didn't want to fight back then too bad.Soichi wouldn't have a struggling victim to torture.But fight or no fight she wanted to do some socialization tonight.Yay.

"As you see this is one of my favorite paths to travel at night,"The young woman said with an awkward smile.Soichi was tired of this random woman's talking.She had gone to the forest outside of Konoha to occupy herself with another shinobi.But this woman was annoying.Too annoying.She was sick of the idiots will to speak even after she had lost interest.It was boring her."Favorite huh? Well, it'll be your last path you ignorant idiot!Soichi is disturbed by your attempts to continue speaking to her!" Soichi said without warning.She flung a kunai at the woman's face and smiled when it hit right between the center of her forehead.She let out a devilish scream of pain.She fell backwards and pulled the kunai out before freaking out and screaming more.She didn't care for the woman.She cared about satisfying her inner bloodlust.Soichi pulled out another kunai and roughly stabbed it into the screaming woman.'No one can even hear her...baka,'The woman kicked at her and Soichi realized she had to silence her in some way.She grabbed a sebon and opened the woman's mouth."Don't worry. . .Soichi will make sure it's extra painful," Soichi commented as she forced the sebon into the woman's throat.

Blood began drowning the woman and Soichi wasted no time in slicing her skin with her kunai knife.The dark red blood marked her kunai and Soichi brought it up to her face before licking the blood off.She teased the woman and gently dragged the ninja tool in her palm.She held the handle's grip tightly and forced it into the woman's right eye.Soichi wanted her to suffer.The muffled screams went up an octave and Soichi decided not to waste her time anymore.Soichi pulled something from her pouch and revealed it to the half blind woman.Another kunai.She knocked into the woman's jaw with the handle several times before growing bored and cracking her throat a bit.A psychotic smile grew on her face before she got up and started kicking the woman below her.Soichi's eyes closed and she found herself unable to see.Soichi started clawing at her eyes and screamed.

Soichi pulled herself up and panted for a few moments.A nightmare?Why would she have a stupid little nightmare?She was the one to be causing nightmares around here!She got up on her feet and looked around.She was alone and there was no sight of blood.She picked up her palm and saw the blood stain.What the heck?Quick mental recap.She had taken a walk and went to the forest for a nap.And everything was just blank after that.Soichi sighed and laid on the wet grass.She felt more energized but was not in the mood for a fight.What a disappointment.She was ready to torture someone and yet she didn't want to fight anyone.Soichi grumbled under her breath and jumped into an overhanging tree branch.She stretched and sat down.She was bored and wasn't in the mood to go chase somebody for a small chat."Where the hell is Len and his lazy intentions?Soichi is getting bored!"Soichi growled at herself.

Uchiha Susumu

Uchiha Susumu

Not too far away from the little girl, within the shadows on the branch of a tree, somewhere near the peak, Susumu was taking a break for himself. For whatever reason possible, he was still somehow drawn to this village although he almost had nothing left to do here. It was a quiet place, however, depending on the places you’d visit. His mind calmed itself upon hearing the chirping of multiple birds which covered the branches of the trees surrounding him. On the background there was the sound of a flowing river, clashing the waves on the edges of the solid land. The wind that caused the tree leaves to rustle even made it more relaxing, so much that he almost dozed off. He had not yet realized the girl that was beneath him, a little further down towards the river. But then, there was a sudden movement which allowed Susumu to quickly pull himself together and stand on his guard, only to witness the individual waking up from her slumber. Observing her body language, as well as the movement she makes with her heavy breathing, it was easy to determine that she was experiencing a nightmare, but in all cases, Susumu might be wrong on this one. This was yet another person that he had never seen before in his life and her appearance seemed familiar to him in some way. Figuring that he might be imagining things, his half-closed eyes kept fixating on her. Judging from her size, she shouldn’t have been much older than Susumu and this intrigued him.

He stood up on the branch, causing it to move up and down due to the weight put on it. On second thought and looking down at the branch, it wasn’t really that stable to actually be sleeping on. Guessing that it was because he was taking it easy on himself that he hadn’t noticed. Falling asleep on it might’ve caused him some injuries if he hadn’t noticed it earlier. Taking one look down at the girl, he noticed that she was looking at her surroundings and eventually making her way over to a tree branch and sit on it herself. Considering she took a good look at her surroundings before, it made him almost certain of his previous theory. Bending his knees in order to lower his body, Susumu launched himself off the tree, a loud crack heard through the area. The birds that were once chirping suddenly grew quiet and all you could hear were them flapping their wings in order to fly to safety from supposedly danger to them. Although the branch didn’t fall completely down, it was hanging by a thin layer. Even a gust of wind might be able to tear it right off. There was a thud the moment Susumu hit the ground and flattened the grass blades beneath his soles. He didn’t realize it before, because he was sitting there comfortable in the shadow, but the sun was shining brightly, making the river sparkle and showing how clear it was; even enough for someone to see the bottom of it. Being completely aware that the individual might’ve heard Susumu’s landing as well, he decided to just nonchalantly walking over to her location. He wasn’t afraid to start a conversation with anyone; no matter the person. He figured that’s the best way to get by in a world like this, should he make enemies in the progress, it’s fine. But they could turn out to be useful companions.

Right now, Susumu was standing right beneath the tree branch where the girl was seated. Upon getting a closer look, it was really a young girl, although Susumu was probably even younger than she was. This was part of the reason that he couldn’t really point that out to her. She had a kimono with her pure black hair hanging over the back. Susumu was wearing different clothing than before; it was a black cloak with a golden stripe to his right, leading down to his middle. The necklace shaped like a star, as a momento from his father was covered beneath the clothes in order to not make it catch people’s attention. Susumu stopped in his tracks just a little bit away from the stranger, looking from side to side before speaking up. A slight chuckle was let out, loud enough for her to possibly take note of it as well. “Bad dreams?” He almost stated it mockingly before pointing at the tree branch that almost cracked completely because of him. “Those tree branches aren’t exactly sturdy. You’re going to get hurt, little girl.” He really couldn’t help it. Although before he thought that he shouldn’t mention her height nor her age, his personality didn’t allow him to suppress it. It was highly possible that the girl didn’t like his attitude, either. But Susumu was prepared for it. After all, it was the best way of finding out someone’s personality, he’d think. He scanned her appearance once more, since it felt so familiar before, but he wouldn’t be able to tell it for certain. He’d just have to hear it straight from the person herself. “So, what’s a person like you doing out here all by herself? I’m interested.” From his tone and way of speaking, it seemed like he was continuously provoking her, but he did that unconsciously. He wasn’t aware of his actions most of the time, because he never really thinks of the consequences unless he really think it’s necessary. A grin appeared on his lips, which only were able to make the situation worse, his bright blue irises not averted its gaze from the girl’s crimson eyes. The sun was still shining brightly behind Susumu, but the birds had not yet returned and the wind had died. At this moment, nothing was heard. Not even the flowing of the river behind him or the rustling of the leaves from the forest in front of him. He stood strong and confident right in front of the unknown.

Word count: 1007

Soichi Uchiha

Soichi Uchiha

Bad dreams?” a voice shot in Soichi's brain.She felt it was slightly unexpected, and by slightly she meant very.She had heard the presence of another being but had ignored it in the end.It was reckless.But it was her personality, no one could change that.She looked down and saw the boy, as well as tree he seemed to be pointing at.It was noticeably cracked.What was a small kid doing here in the middle of the night exactly?“Those tree branches aren’t exactly sturdy. You’re going to get hurt, little girl.” the last words out of the boy's mouth made Soichi growl to herself.The boy looked easy to take on in her preference.His body build was neutral, with room to grow into a more feminine one or a more manly one.He had black spiky hair, though Soichi had long blunt hair that almost blended with her surroundings.She would have been willing to simply speak with him like a normal person for once, but he started with the trash talk.And she didn't appreciate that one bit.But her mind came back to one question.Why was he here?

So, what’s a person like you doing out here all by herself? I’m interested.” his voice pierced her mind again.It was the confidence in his voice that made her feel like shuddering.Why- no how was he so confident if he was likely no older than her own age?And why did he refuse to break eye contact with her?She was making this awkward so she spoke."Honestly, Soichi is surprised to see a little kid your age wandering around.Soichi is concerned you may get hurt, Toddler."Soichi hissed in revenge of the younger child's rude comment based on her age."Maybe Soichi had a nightmare, but is it your business arrogant little bastard?"She let her words run freely in her tiny comeback.She wasn't going to give victory to such a small child.Especially one who was like four years old.It would be a disgrace to not only herself but for everything she stood for.Soichi focused her chakra into her feet before she got up and walked to the trunk of the tree.She put her feet onto the trunk of the tree and started walking down very calmly.

She stopped mid-way and poked around her pouch.Sighing she sat on the tree trunk, using the every so common supernatural walking technique.This new kid probably had no idea what the Jutsu did or how it even worked.She underestimated his abilities.Because it was simply too easy to judge such a small child.Soichi bit her arm, not in fear but in a request for the pain to arrive at her body.She was a bit of a masochist.She loved pain in general.Whether it was her receiving it or her opponents suffering it.The pain was normal.It was nature and Soichi didn't care how much pain people could suffer in the end.Fate was tied by strings.

"Fate is tied by strings, Kid,"Len's voice echoed through her head.

"Can it be cut and sliced like skin?"Soichi's mind asked.

"The string of fate never breaks unless death is involved, any other time it only bends or stretches."

"So I'm destined to meet some people, and destined end the string of fate for some?"

Yes.Fate was tied by strings.And by the most unique string of fate, she had met this kid.What could she say to get something out of him?Ask for information, maybe ask for help around here?Soichi sighed before opening her eyes and letting their wine red pierce into his dark blue.She brushed away one of her blunt bangs and rested her elbow on her leg."Soichi is curious what your name is and why you decided to talk to her in such a demeaning way.So no time for patience, spit it out now little boy!"Soichi would growl from the back of her throat.Maybe he would notice the temper in her eyes and the raw anger in her voice.


Uchiha Susumu

Uchiha Susumu

The trash-talking was shot right back at him. Given the short fuse that he was definitely born with, his eye twitched attempting to keep himself to remain calm and not get pissed off in an instant. He was fully aware of his young age and his short length, but he wasn’t even fully grown yet. The girl calling him toddler, however, was something that Susumu couldn’t agree with. It appeared she assumed he was much younger than he appeared to be and tried mocking him. Perhaps she thought that Susumu was just a weak little boy that didn’t know anything about the world. But Susumu knew better. He observed the girl’s movements, keeping his guard up just in case. This meeting had a little different feeling to it. Other than the meetings he had before. This girl seemed a little.. twisted in his eyes. “It’s none of my business, but then again, are you obligated to answer my questions? You don’t have to answer, but I can ask it.” A grin crossed his lips and the vibe he emitted was that of someone that couldn’t be calmer. He didn’t let the girl get to him, knowing he had to keep his composure in order to hide his own weaknesses. His blue eyes fixated on the young girl, watching her stand up to her feet and randomly start walking down the tree trunk. Was this girl trying to impress Susumu? Trying to make him jealous of knowing a technique of that level? A slight chuckle was heard from Susumu’s direction, mocking the girl’s attempt to get to him as she sat down.

His previous thought about the feeling about this meeting being a little twisted were confirmed. After the girl had sat down, she bit into her arm. Susumu had never seen a person do something like that. It seemed as if she was enjoying either the taste or the pain. Either a cannibal or a masochist. Susumu wasn’t backing down because of what he saw, however. With the grin still wide on his lips, he slowly started to walk towards the bottom of the tree where the girl was sitting on the trunk. In the meantime, the girl showed a glimpse of curiosity; who wouldn’t be? Suddenly meeting a random kid in the middle of the village, who suddenly started trash-talking right off the bat. No hesitation, however. He wasn’t planning on hiding his name from anyone. He used it with pride. “My name?” He paused for a moment while his footsteps were heard crashing down on the leaves that fell from the trees and the grass blades beneath his sole. At this point, he was almost at the tree. “My name is Uchiha Susumu.” He continued, however before explaining why he was talking to her as if he was talking down to her, he focused his own chakra to his feet and upon placing them on the tree, they latched onto it as if they were stuck with glue. Just like the girl did before, he slowly commenced his walk up to the middle of the trunk where the girl was seated. Standing taller than her, he looked down. “The same reason why you’re biting your arm for the pain.” His deep blue eyes gazed into the girl’s, narrowing just slightly and widening as soon as he gave his response. “It’s fun, right?” It was basically the same reason, indeed. The girl enjoyed the pain, however, Susumu enjoyed messing with people, seeing how far they can be pushed and what their reactions would be. It’s perfect for trying to completely analyze one person.

He lowered himself through his knees, leaning both of his arms on them, his eyes still fixated on nothing but the girl in front of him. Although the sounds of his surroundings, such as the wind and the birds were still heard. Raising one of his arms and pointing out a finger towards her, it was obvious that it was his turn to ask a question this time. Although it wasn’t really a direct answer to his previous question if it was a nightmare, it was more than obvious that it actually was. “I didn’t mind telling my name, so in return, you’ll have to tell me yours. As well as your purpose in a place like this.” It were actually two questions that he asked in one go, figuring it would only be natural considering she did the same. She’s really a strange girl. Never having met an individual with the same traits as hers, this piqued his interest. This could drag on, folding out into a large conversation, but this would mean all the more information for Susumu to collect and store into his brain for future reference. He didn’t try to intimidate the girl, but if it should succeed, it’s always a nice extra.

Word count: 811 + 1007 = 1818

Soichi Uchiha

Soichi Uchiha

My name?” the youngs male voice swept into her head.He came closer and closer to the tree, trying to intimidate her or something?Soichi bit harder into her arm.She hadn't even scared him by biting herself.“My name is Uchiha Susumu.” This made Soichi bite her arm slightly harder.She was excited to meet another member of her clan.She hid her excitement behind her teeth.Her eyes darted to his feet as he began climbing up the tree towards her.She looked at the bite marks on her arm before looking at Susumu's eyes again.She wanted to see his limits.He looked flexible when it came to talking to people though some of her earlier words seemed to slightly affect him.Break his limits.Flex him to her bend.Convince him some lies to test how gullible.How rude he come make himself seem to be.“The same reason why you’re biting your arm for the pain.”Soichi knew he was right.She enjoyed pain.Not in a cannibalistic way, but in a largely masochistic way.“It’s fun, right?”Soichi nodded, but with a smile.She realized he was trying to get to know her just a bit better.“I didn’t mind telling my name, so in return, you’ll have to tell me yours. As well as your purpose in a place like this.” He finished.

Soichi stretched her body a bit and yawned with boredom.He was done playing, now was her turn for some fun.With a smirk, Soichi repeated Susumu, almost word by word."Soichi's name is Uchiha Susumu," Soichi mocked in a vain but bored attempt.Soichi suddenly chuckled to herself before standing up, making her taller than he had made himself a mere few seconds earlier."In all serious Soichi's name is Uchiha Soichi. . .nice to meet another Uchiha like Soichi, but Soichi doesn't think you're capable of really being Elite like her, little boy.Sharingan or not, Soichi thinks you look pretty weak in her opinion."Soichi teased.Soichi crossed her arms and shook her head to the left, moving her hair a bit."Soichi thinks it's impressive you even learned such a simple Jutsu at your size and age.Bet it took you months to get it right huh? Soichi hopes you cried every.Little.Time.You failed.Go run back to your parents. . .or did you kill your parents like Soichi did?

She stretched the truth on that part.She never hurt her parents, maybe her sister, but she couldn't kill her parents yet or it wouldn't satisfy her enough.She had killed enough for it not to be a large lie."Watching the life drain out of every little hope they had left, feeling the blood on Soichi's hands. . .It's power, and you're never getting that when your five or something," Soichi would pull a kunai out of her pouch before stabbing it into her bitten arm and cutting a small line in it.She would then lift it into her face and begin to suck on the wound.Tasting her blood for the first time in a long time.If this kid was really as brave as he thought he was, then he wouldn't be disgusted.Or too disgusted.


Uchiha Susumu

Uchiha Susumu

This girl clearly continued mocking him. He didn’t know whether it was that Susumu began with the messing around that triggered her, or if she was this type of person before Susumu even met her. Either way, he needed to not focus on the insults, but rather on the information she’s giving to him. From the first judgement that crossed his mind, he figured that this girl would be even more childish than Susumu, despite biting herself in her arm. She, on top of saying her own name, introduced herself as Uchiha Susumu. It was clearly said in order to push Susumu’s buttons, but he figured he’d let this one slide. He needed to figure out for himself if he was indeed looking for a fight, or if he wouldn’t want to go through the trouble of beating this girl to her knees. It was obvious for himself to realize that the mocking did get a little bit to him, considering his aggressive thinking, but he decided not to show it on the surface and keep it bottled down. It might show weakness, and that’s the last thing Susumu wants to reveal. Fortunately, after that childish trick, she introduced herself normally, even stating it’s nice to meet a fellow Uchiha, but even that sentence didn’t end without an insult. “No one ever told you not to judge a book by its cover? You might think that my appearance is that of a young, innocent little boy, however, inside might lurk an even greater entity. Both you and I are still too inexperienced to call ourselves elite. You thinking you’re an elite just proves you’re childish. I think, even though you’re not showing it, pretty insecure that a little boy like myself has this much confidence.” He just took a shot in the dark with that one. This girl thinks she’s an elite? Clearly, if she’s even fought at all, her opponents must’ve been pretty weak. This might’ve been underestimating the girl, but Susumu couldn’t help but think this way about her. Insult after insult, one thing was left hanging in Susumu’s head. “Did you kill your parents like Soichi did?”? This was the sentence that stood out the most to him. This girl killed her parents? He didn’t know whether he could call himself sane for following the path of revenge, but this girl might take the cake. It’s a pretty twisted idea to kill your own parents in cold blood, but then again, it’s not uncommon in a world like this. Still, the thought is the thing that scares most people. Susumu, however, isn’t like those people. And neither is the girl, apparently. He didn’t give it much thought but kept it in mind for future reference. “You’re right on that part, I don’t have any parents left in this world. They’re both deceased. But that’s in the past and right now, the dead don’t matter, do they?” He mentioned. The thought of killing Hao crossed his mind once. Could he kill his own father? His father taught him everything he knows about battle and gave him knowledge about the clan’s abilities to a certain extend to prepare him for what’s ahead. As for his mother, he couldn’t kill her either. When Hao passed, she was still there. Although she disappeared so suddenly. He didn’t know her whereabouts or if she was even still alive, but she just believed she was dead, until proven otherwise.

She gave a pretty accurate description of what it’s like to kill an individual. She called it power. Well, Susumu couldn’t really disagree on that part, because power is used to take another person’s life. The next thing that Susumu witnessed really was an odd thing to have seen. In the already bitten arm, she stuck in the tip of a kunai and sliced a small wound into it and sucked it. It was the sight of a vampire thirsting for blood. His blue eyes never left her. Was she still trying to intimidate him? Maybe instill him with fear? Although it was a strange thing happening in front of him, it didn’t disturb him. He has seen enough blood in his life, and sucking blood is the same as sucking poison out of your arm. It’s nothing to be disgusted about, it’s just an odd thing to do when you’re not in a life-threatening situation. “You’re right. With power, you’re able to take someone’s life. But given on the person’s level of strength, your power only gets you so far. That’s why you need to reach even greater heights, to be sure you won’t be toppled over by someone superior to you.” He stated. It was time for some insults of his own in order to bring the girl down mentally, as well. “Take you and I, for example. If we fought right now, I could topple you over without breaking a sweat. Therefore, the “power” you have, will be able to kill people weaker than me. This means that that power of yours will only take you so far. It won’t be able to pass me.” He pretty much called the girl weak. This should ignite some spark within her that shows more of her behavior and see if she can be pushed to the point of breaking, as well. So far, this was more of a mind battle to see who could get by the longest without getting pissed off and attacking the other person. His blue eyes looked directly into her eyes, not blinking but still having that smug smile on his face, radiating with confidence that he would indeed win in a battle should it come down to it. Susumu knows for sure that, just like himself, this girl has her guard up should things get started at any moment. It would come in useful the knowledge he possesses about the Uchiha clan, but that would count the same for her, so pretty much, unless Susumu knows more about the Uchiha clan than her, it would be a tie. But for now, this is just a session of messing around between two Uchiha.

Word count: 1024

Soichi Uchiha

Soichi Uchiha

You’re right. With power, you’re able to take someone’s life. But given on the person’s level of strength, your power only gets you so far. That’s why you need to reach even greater heights, to be sure you won’t be toppled over by someone superior to you.” Susumu seemed to shoot out with pure facts."No chunin or even sannin is greater than Uchiha Soichi!" Soichi shot with venom at the genin in front of her.Why did he think he was so much better than her? She was about ready to fight him at this point, but she held off for the sake of her still drowsy body.She had dozed off during his earlier comments until that moment but was now slightly regretting staying around him.No matter how chaotic she was, she was getting bad feelings from him.Maybe he wasn't as innocent and weak as she thought.She still stood confidently in front of the young boy.Soichi removed her arm from her mouth and looked the genin up and down once more.“Take you and I, for example. If we fought right now, I could topple you over without breaking a sweat. Therefore, the “power” you have, will be able to kill people weaker than me. This means that that power of yours will only take you so far. It won’t be able to pass me.”Soichi closed her eyes before speaking back."Soichi cares not much for fights, she prefers killing people slowly but surely."Soichi looked back into his eyes."Stop looking at Soichi's eyes, her's may look nice but yours are nicer. . ."

She didn't know why but her body suddenly more excited."So Susumu, what do you plan to do when you grow up? Be a mass murderer or something?. . . Soichi plans to just have fun and ruin other's lives."Soichi chuckled, jumping down off the trunk of the tree and landing into the slightly wet grass."You look like you live around here, so how about showing Soichi around a bit, Susumu-kun? Soichi is getting bored of insulting you."She turned back to the child's original location.She didn't only just want to be guided, she also wanted to know more about him.Like why she was feeling awkward around him, where was he from, and many other things.Maybe she'd get to know his weaknesses and strengths.Therefore, she could avoid them if they ever ended up fighting one day.But even without that knowledge, Soichi felt she could fight him with little to no difficulty.Whether it was her confidence in fighting him or her foolhardy personality.She knew a fight between the two of them would be extremely disastrous for everyone around them.They would end up destroying everything, killing all in their paths, and just causing complete mayhem in attempts to win against the other.But yet, Soichi didn't want a fight like that at the moment.She wanted to enjoy it better when she was stronger."Well hurry up Uchiha, Soichi is waiting."Soichi would tease as she would start walking off."Soichi would like to know you better instead of fighting, who knows what we'll learn.Maybe she'll even buy something to eat."


Uchiha Susumu

Uchiha Susumu

This girl sure was confident, much like Susumu himself. The only thing that he noticed, like before, was her childlike personality. Although younger, Susumu had never imagined himself with that kind of tone. However, at her level, it sure was foolish to compare herself to a Sannin, while on the other hand comparing herself to a Chuunin seemed more reasonable. This made Susumu think, as well. It’s been a very long time since he had gotten into a fight himself, wondering how far he’d get against someone a level higher than himself. It would come down to his strategy rather than his strength. Although he personally prefers a fight deciding the battle on strength, strategizing is still a part of the world he lives in. He kept showing the girl that he was not intimidated by her way of speaking, nor the degrading comments she’d make. Was this girl truly a psycho? She didn’t care for fights, but rather killing her targets. He’d guess ‘slowly but surely’ means just torturing them to their end. She mentioned that his eyes looked nicer than her own. He was a bit confused by this part. Although she was an Uchiha, her eyes hadn’t even crossed his mind before. Was it because this girl was after his eyes or was it just a compliment? He blinked once, sighing before replying with his usual calm tone. “If you don’t care much for fights, then how do you expect to kill a person? Let alone slowly and surely.” He began. Did this girl know what kind of individuals roam this earth? With a strength so much greater than the both of them, it’s like comparing a dragon to an mosquito. “In order to be able to kill a person in the life we live, you’ll have to have the mindset of someone who’s always ready to fight. Don’t expect an easy kill, because you’ll be mistaken and your head will come flying off.” He made a bold statement, but this is just his train of thought. He stood up from his crouching position, stretching out a little bit, his body having become stiff from sitting in one position all the time. Without Susumu expecting it, she suddenly showed interest in him. His future plans? When he grows up? Now that she mentions it, he had never really thought of it. He realizes that he has no future plans. He just goes wherever the road takes him, as he has always done up til now with only one thing in mind. Revenge on particular targets. This girl over here, however, was just around to ruin the lives of the people around her and enjoying it in the process. Would Susumu be capable of such a feat? Was Hao capable of such a feat? He had never really seen him in his daily life, only at training or the time of his death. He never got to witness the things he did in the open world, outside of battle. Susumu realizes that considering the path he thinks of taking, he’d be ruining lives as well, whether he wants to or not. All this to achieve that one goal. Pretty selfish, thinking about it but a man gets born with a purpose. Susumu won’t let anyone deny his.

I don’t really plan to be anything.” He began. It was the truth. Because the thing called revenge clouded his mind, he sees succeeding in his revenge as the end of his journey, while in fact it may just be the beginning of everything that he will bring with it. Susumu placed his hands on the back of his head, leaning backwards a bit and looking up at the sky, through the multiple tree branches and leaves above them. “There’s only one thing I have on my mind right now, as well as the steps I need to take in order to achieve that goal. After that, I’m just going to see what happens. Should it lead to my end or to my glory is something only time can tell.” With that, he fixated his eyes back on the girl, who jumped off the tree, onto the grass covering the ground beneath, as Susumu did the same. She thought that Susumu was around here, while in fact he had never been in this village before, only just inside the border of the Fire Country. He just decided to play along with her. “Isn’t insulting me boring you because those insults can’t get to me?” He told her with a chuckle and a grin across his lips, mocking her once more in return. She pretty much ordered him to hurry up, but he just decided to take it easy and slowly gain in on her and walk next to the girl. Food? That didn’t seem too bad to Susumu. “Well then, in trade for food, I’ll answer your questions.” He paused for a moment before opening his mouth and speaking again. “..To some degree.” He added in in the end. There might be some information that he just doesn’t want to be revealed just yet, so he wasn’t planning on giving this girl everything there is to know about him. He was curious to what she had to ask him, because judging from her questions, he can try to predict what she knows and doesn’t know about the Uchiha Clan.

Words: 898

Soichi Uchiha

Soichi Uchiha

Naka river.The original location of the great and elite Uchiha clan.The Uchiha clan was founded years ago.With some holding the well sought out sharingan.Then, everyone in Konohagakure no Sato's main Uchiha clan was murdered in cold blood.No one there was able to resist the death that was to pursue them from the killer's blade.Naturally making Bukijutsu the end of the Uchiha clan.But some Uchiha were not in Konohagakure at the time of the murder.Visits, missions, rouge ninja, or even abducted Uchiha managed to survive the Uchiha clan Massacre.Soichi's descendants were from Sunagakure, attempting to live as regular villagers and ninja.It worked for many years until Soichi and Len became Rouge Ninja permanently.They didn't want to live like their parents raised them.Soichi was different compared to most people.She had wicked goals.She had a violent dream.She was insane.But yet, when she looked at Susumu, she questioned if her father chose right.To keep her held up because she was not only a girl, but also because he didn't want her to attract unnecessary attention to their family all together.The attention.

Susumu probably never had to be quiet and only seen, not a decoration.He would be heard and seen.With his little temper.Soichi's parents would get mad if she made a single noise, but if Susumu broke anything in her house, they wouldn't do anything about it.Because they would expect him to be dependent and not as responsible for his actions.When it came to Soichi, they expected the exact opposite.It hurt Soichi's feelings when this happened.Len would never get in much trouble, but yet Soichi would be punished.Soichi wasn't trained like Len was.She wasn't trained like Susumu was either.That was one of the boundaries that permanently separated them and their similarities.But Soichi didn't want the boundary.She wanted to be understood.To have a friend like a normal person.Not have an endless bloodlust for the fun of it.Not be a brutal murderer.Not have her past tie into her personality.But yet, the boundary couldn't be broken so easily.It took many things to change a person route in life.The confidence that both children had, something so important, yet so weak.

 “Isn’t insulting me boring you because those insults can’t get to me?” Susumu joked.Soichi rolled her eyes at his comment."Susumu-kun, Soichi is tired because she wants to have fun." Soichi spoke. "But yet trash talking can only get you so far.Especially if you can't do it right." She rather hit Susumu than argue with him.Arguing was pointless if both people were angry, stubborn, and egotistical.Fighting was about the same.In the end, someone is going to get hurt some way.Be it physically or mentally.The wounds will dig deeper than a knife.And it will burn longer than any flame has the oil for.And hunger wasn't good for arguing anyway.Susumu seemed to ponder her idea for a while as she pointed her wine, red eyes at the wet forest floor.“Well then, in trade for food, I’ll answer your questions.” Was this meeting finally going somewhere? “..To some degree.” Soichi sighed and turned to the young boy. "Sounds good enough for Soichi," She would say.The conversation had hit a turning point.First they went from insults, then a few questions, and now they were 'bonding'?

Was that even the right word to use for they way the two spoke about each other and their concerns? No matter how many times Soichi ran it through her head, it just didn't sound right when it was used.Was it the tone? Was it the point she didn't like the feeling that was coming off of him? She wasn't any better, but yet.It was the point they couldn't possibly bond without becoming allies or friends.She wasn't exactly warm enough for friends or allies.So no wonder the word 'bonding' didn't exactly feel right to her.It wasn't something she used commonly.Or at all even. "Soichi thinks you'll want a bit of her information huh?" Soichi would sigh as she would continue walking. "Well first off, Soichi is from Sunagakure no Sato.The Hidden Village of Sand, and the only hidden village of Kaze no Kuni.Before you ask, it's really, really sandy over in Sunagakure.And pretty warm all the time.Not horribly warm, just slightly disturbing and awkward.But of course, Soichi has no affiliation with any village.Too bothersome to watch the younger genin."

Soichi didn't like having many ties to people.Sure, she just gave a stranger most of her information.But the shorter genin seemed like no threat to her.Besides she was supposed to be more 'mature' for other kids.The genin even.But yet.No one should listen to her.They would get hurt, they would be afraid of her.She was the cat and Susumu was a kitten.She was older, possibly smarter, and she avoided fights if she could.But yet he was seemingly faster, smart, and quick with his comebacks.Who would win a fight? The young kitten or the older cat? The experienced or the masochist? The fast or the insane? This was a question she wanted to be answered.Without a fight being involved.But still knowing the full extent of his abilities.Like if he possessed Sharingan, or maybe was a part of a group of older ninja.She wanted her questions answered, and she wanted them answered pretty quickly.Her interest in the new male wasn't going to disappear anytime soon.And with him being a part of her rare clan.That wasn't going to disappear in any old conversation.


Uchiha Susumu

Uchiha Susumu

The girl, Soichi, made one final mental stab towards Susumu by even ridiculing his trash-talking skills. This was one comment that Susumu could easily handle, however. Because in this world, trash-talking is not how you survive. It’s through battle. Words won’t win a fight for you, however they can bring some direction into it by mentally disturbing the opponent’s thought process. Apparently, it was very obvious that Susumu required information from her and to his biggest surprise, she started talking about her past. For once, his analysis wasn’t entirely dead on. He figured that given from the girl’s personality, she would be a little more withdrawn from the world and uneasy giving information to others, almost complete strangers even, if it wasn’t for them knowing each other’s names. Although this time, Susumu was relieved that he wasn’t right. It saves him a lot of trouble to get the information out of her. All he needed to do right now is shoot an equal amount of information at her in order to retrieve more in return. He figured that’s how this conversation would go and decided to go with that in mind. He patiently listened to what the girl had to tell him while walking next to her and moving himself around trees and bushes in their way. This was truly a first. An Uchiha that’s origin is Sunagakure. It appears that the Uchiha have completely scattered around the globe and located in each village. There’d probably be a lot more Uchiha running around not just in this country, but every other country as well. The information he received was just a little bit, not quite what he expected, but then again this is just the beginning of a conversation. Not to mention that he’d get to know this individual just a little bit better for future reference. She claimed she doesn’t have any affiliation with any village. Does this mean a girl this young is a rogue? Or just a wanderer? She simply described the village as sandy and that it’s rather warm all the time, but with this kind of information Susumu has no use, at least that’s what he figured.

Susumu nodded, still walking by her side. Not making eye contact, he figured that it would be fair for Susumu to tell her a little bit of his story, though the unnecessary parts she doesn’t have to know about will be left out. “I’m not affiliated with any village, either. In fact, I’m not from any village.” He began. It was true, this was in fact one of the first times he actually set foot inside of a village after spending so many time on the outside world. “I was born out in the wilderness, with my father who was barely around and my mother, who aided me in my travels. Both of them, however, came to an unfortunate end.” He paused for a moment, reaching into his clothing to pull out the star-shaped necklace covered beneath it. “The only thing I have left is this. But I don’t feel sadness, because if it wasn’t for his death, I feel like I would never had a purpose at all. For now, all I have to do is bring down the targets I have set in my mind and after that, we’ll see what happens.” It was a pretty brief story, but to Susumu’s liking had enough information in it to keep her satisfied for now. However, he didn’t reveal the names of both his father and mother, having the odds that this girl has learned about the name Hao and would figure out Susumu’s identity immediately. He didn’t want his cover to be blown so quickly, because if word spreads he might become a number one target for those who hunt. Susumu’s blood boiled remembering the scene of his father’s death, clenching his fists though while holding them in his sleeve as not to make her notice that action.

After a little more of walking, Susumu finally turned his head in order to face her. After all, Susumu was the one that offered her answers in return for some food. “If you have any specific questions, go right ahead and ask. All I did ask in return was food, after all. So get me the food and you’ll get the answers you’re searching for.” It was almost like drool already slipped through the corner of his mouth. Although still a kid, he could eat like a champion. There were already some questions wandering through his mind that he was almost positive the girl would ask of him, but he kept his mouth shut not to say anything, because there might be information in there that he wouldn’t want to reveal. Then again, he did tell her he would answer to some degree. Now lets just hope the food is good enough for the answers he’s about to give her. His stomach growled as he stopped in his tracks and leaned to the most nearby tree by placing his hand on the tree stump and placing his other hand upon his stomach. “Where’s that damn food.” He muttered, shifting his eyes over at the girl. It seemed like Susumu’s patience had run out and his stomach had given up. Looking at Susumu know, one would think that an empty stomach is Susumu’s worst enemy. In a way, this is the case, but should he ever get into a fight he’s aware that he needs to stuff himself full of food to have enough energy to last for days if necessary. While he caught his breath a little, he picked himself up and walked over to the girl, still with his hand placed on his stomach. It was like they had walked for ages that his stomach suddenly started to act up and cry out for hunger, or maybe it was because he hadn’t eaten before he arrived here. If he didn’t get any food soon, he felt like he was on the verge of passing out and landing face first into the grass.

Word count: 1014

Soichi Uchiha

Soichi Uchiha

I’m not affiliated with any village, either. In fact, I’m not from any village.” Susumu started.Soichi turned her head.A small kid who barely even looked genin level, a rogue ninja? She knew many people weren't exactly fond of Konoha's nature and/or people.Who even helped him get along through being a ronin? “I was born out in the wilderness, with my father who was barely around and my mother, who aided me in my travels. Both of them, however, came to an unfortunate end.” So that answered her question far enough.He was raised in this type of setting, so it didn't bother him nearly as much as it would for Soichi.She was more of the wanderer when compared to Susumu's independent personality.Susumu pulled out a small object from his shirt and showed it off to her.She stared at the star shape with her red eyes.It was a beautiful little necklace."Nice necklace Susumu, Soichi is pretty impressed." Soichi mumbled.“The only thing I have left is this. But I don’t feel sadness, because if it wasn’t for his death, I feel like I would never had a purpose at all. For now, all I have to do is bring down the targets I have set in my mind and after that, we’ll see what happens.” His voice seemed monotone to Soichi.He hadn't mentioned a lot in his quick explanation."Well, you got this far with no guardians.Soichi believes you can probably progress further if you keep trying to extend your powers." Soichi thought to herself. "But next time, tell her that you don't your way around this place before she jumps to very big conclusions, only two warnings kid."

Susumu turned to Soichi and followed with some words she wasn't expecting.“If you have any specific questions, go right ahead and ask. All I did ask in return was food, after all. So get me the food and you’ll get the answers you’re searching for.” The child said to her."No need for it, Susumu-kun." Soichi chirped, watching as he leaned on a tree and muttering something sounding like 'where's the food?' before coming walking towards her now still body."Finally decided to speak about food? Soichi was thinking you'd never speak until she actually asked you again." Soichi sighed. "Stay here and make a fire, Soichi will be back with fish or something.This is Naka River after all.Has to be fish somewhere or, at least, berries." Soichi smiled at Susumu and jumped towards a tree."And don't worry, Soichi is not about to leave you to die. . .unless she manages to forget where you are." If it were apparent, she would have a sweatdrop on the back of her head.She suddenly leaped away and began to head towards where she had seen part of the Naka river.She was in the mood for fish, she knew how to cook so it wouldn't be too difficult to prepare whatever she found edible.Be it berries or some kind of meat.Something would make a satisfying meal for the two.But in the meantime, as she would start leaving Susumu alone, she would think of what Susumu was hiding from her.He didn't seem very safe around her, a recluse perhaps? Shy? Maybe and a definite no.He wasn't shy, in fact, he was overly confident in his abilities and thought he could get away with simple things.She looked into the meaning of his name.Uchiha was similar to the name Uchiwa.Also known as a paper fan.Paper fans were used to make flames hotter.But Susumu meant to advance and proceed."So, his name means hot flames that advance.Soichi's means . . .something.All Soichi knows is that she failed to be born male and the name just stuck.Better hold you're own while Soichi is gone Susumu.Though Soichi wouldn't exactly care if you died, punk." Soichi would whisper, still having the target of food on her head.Hoping Susumu wouldn't follow her or leave.Or she'd be very pissed off by him.In a way, she already was.

OOC: I feel I missed something in this post.Please tell me if something seems off.

Uchiha Susumu

Uchiha Susumu

Soichi gave Susumu a compliment about the necklace. It was indeed an awesome necklace, something that he held precious to himself and wouldn’t lose it under any circumstance. He figured the best moment to get rid of the necklace would be when he has avenged his father’s death and therefore closing another chapter of his own life by reducing to ashes the one thing that keeps him attached to the past he’s trying to chase. Even after being impressed by the necklace and giving a few compliments, she still gave Susumu a warning. "I'm not going to tell every single person I meet what I'm going to do. I didn't know your own intentions at the beginning, so you can't blame me for being on my guard. Besides, you can't deny that you weren't keeping your guard up." He mentioned. He wasn’t bothered by the warning, however; rather he just shrugged it off as if she didn’t warn him at all. Susumu shouldn’t have to explain himself to everyone he crosses. In fact, he’s just being on his guard. His stomach continued growling, especially after she mentioned fish. Being near the river, there are plenty of fish in there that could easily still his hunger, the only problem would be catching them. The girl, however, seemed confident in her fishing abilities and told him that she’d get the fish, as long as he’d make the fire for them to cook it on. Susumu has been in the open world by himself for a long time, this shouldn’t be any problem for him as he’s done it a million times. Just before she ventured out deeper into the forest into the direction of the river, although she tried to ‘comfort’ Susumu that he wouldn’t be left here alone, that was the last thing on his mind. The only thing that he was worried about is whether she actually wouldn’t forget where he was, because he’d have to go out to the river to catch himself some food, instead, while now it’s being done for him. Susumu watched her back as she went further and further into the distance as she eventually vanished behind a couple of trees and bushes, not being seen anymore. “An Uchiha from Sunagakure is something I’ve never seen and actually never heard about, either. The Uchiha seem to have scattered and are no longer in Konoha.” He spoke to himself, looking back at the information that he had just been given. It wasn’t much information, but they merely had some sort of break to fill their stomachs in order to be able to handle the questions that are yet to come.

There’s still many information that Susumu’s keeping from her, but he’s almost a hundred percent certain that she’s doing the same. She’s being careful with the words that slip through her lips. Was she aware that Susumu had ulterior motives in some way or another? Or was she actually the one that has ulterior motives? This was yet unknown to him, but rather than pondering on it, he figured it would be best saved for later, when his energy has returned and his level of thinking is back to normal. Looking from left to right, he tried to find something in order to make a fire with. Wandering from side to side, he picked up multiple twigs that seemed useful enough to be made a fire out of. The rocks, however, were a little more difficult to find in between the high grass, but still managed to find six of them. Creating a circle with the rocks he gathered and dumping the many twigs he found in between of them, he didn’t want to go through much trouble in order to light them. Keeping it simple, he focused his lightning chakra to the tip of his finger and merely touched it. The lightning creates an impact on the twigs, combusting into flames, starting with tiny ones. Leaning in closer before inhaling and exhaling, his breath causes the flames to spread and expand to higher above the stones. It appears that the fire has been made, now all there’s left is for the girl to return with the fish that Susumu definitely thinks he deserves now, although he took the lazy way of creating a fire. But then again, why do it the difficult way when it can be done like this. The crackling of the flames were heard at least some distance away, so should Soichi near the place again she’d notice almost immediately that the fire is in place and she needs to hurry back. Susumu himself is getting a little impatient, letting himself fall back onto the tall grass in front of his own created flames, staring up at the sky through the multiple branches from the trees in his way. “If she doesn’t hurry back soon, I’m going to get her and my fish.” He muttered, before slowly letting his eyes close as if he’s almost beginning to faint from the hunger that overpowers his entire body and mind.

Word count: 797

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