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Kai Mishima

Kai Mishima

Great Surge Fist:

Step by step.

It was a day off, the chance to browse the markets of the big city, and find somethings he could use for his journey. He had an old sword of his father's, which had rusted over time. but was still usable. He did however, need a new quiver, and some arrows so that he could hunt when he needed to. After all, a rusty sword would just ruin the meat of any small animal, and anything larger worth killing would run off.

Dressed in a comfortable black tee shirt over pants of the same color, the male carefully picked his way through the weapon stalls, looking about and admiring the craftsmanship of the items. He was not looking for anythig in particular, but Lee was not about to just take the first thing he saw and buy it.

Hands were lifted, gathering up the mess of blue hair atop his head and pulling it backwards, away from his face. It was a warm day, and the breeze that began to pick up felt good on his face. He'd have to invest in some water bottles for this trip. Much of his stuff had been left at home; he didnt want his mother to worry too much about trying to come up wuth money for the needed basics.

As he moved amongst the stalls, the vendors called out to him with the hope that he'd take interested in thier wares, but the male's mind was elsewhere in a strange sort of way. The body was funtioning on autopilot, while the mid was imagining thing. If he was going to be out in the world, he'd need ways to defend himself. Knowing how to built a trap and hunt were fine, but if his target was another human that was out to kill him, he'd be hard pressed to respond.His prowess in Kenjutsu was fine, but he wasnt much for close-combat. What he needed was something that worked at a distance. His own clan jutsu were perfect, but were useless if someone happened to have a flashbomb.


Last edited by Lee Yagami on Fri Jan 17, 2014 1:01 am; edited 1 time in total



Of course the young Lee was not alone. Though the way Boris was falling behind it would certainly appear they where separate people. Boris took in a deep breath behind his bone mask as his towering frame followed behind. Keeping an eye on his companion. Ivanov, his bear, had gone off into the woods to hunt it's own meal. After all a bear in the middle of a village might bring up more then a couple of questions and raise an alarm. Still there was a reason Boris had fallen behind Lee by such a margin. After all Boris was a very noticeable person. Standing at seven feet tall and built like a fridge Boris moved through the crowds and a hush seemed to fall as he passed. His messy hair uncut and let loose to fall about shoulder length. The mask hid his unshaven face which was good because of the bear fangs he had for teeth. His black eyes peeked through the mask as he watched people. His massive muscles partially hidden from view by the burnt and stained furs he was wearing. But the muscles that did show through seemed to be enough to convince the more thugish people not to cross him. Still he didn't push or shove. Nor did he have to. Most people got out of his way naturally. Still he mumbled apologies in a thick accent as he tried to keep up with lee. Far enough back not to cost Lee a sale.

Still he didn't like appearing in villages. Especially not the large ones. People were unpredictable at best and some just plain unintelligent. He tried to avoid situations and now was not going to be different. But avoid them as he might they always seemed to find him. His black eyes left Lee as he noticed the street ahead between them clearing. He could feel eyes darting between him and what was there. His black eyes narrowed as he stopped in his tracks. His body stiffened as wondered what was about to happen. Not that he couldn't predict it. Between him and Lee was eight young men. All wearing green bandanna's. Likely academy drop outs. Still he could see the challenge in their eyes. They wanted to take on the biggest mother fucker they had ever seen and in return for beating him their names would gain infamy. Still Boris was hesitant. He could really hurt these boys. Still he raised his eyes to look to Lee for advise as the boys neared him. Approaching as a group. With the Kage gone with so many of the villages nin keeping the peace was a little rough Boris assumed. Still he didn't move other then to look down as the boys pulled out Kunai. An eye brow raised at that. It was almost amusing how these boys thought of those puny weapons as equalizers against him.

"Oy Freak. Empty yer pockets. And get on your knee's. Less you wanna bleed."

Boris tilted his head as his black eyes returned to look for Lee once more before looking down to the boy who had spoken. Quietly Boris shifted his massive shoulders with some resounding popping noises before he spoke in a thick accent. (Kind of Russian) "This is bad plan yes? I do not wish to break you. Please leave." His voice boomed out over the market as a deep sound. But yet still very calm. Kunai meant nothing to him after all. Still the boys hesitated a little surprised that some one would speak in such a way to all eight of them and while they had out blades. Still eyes met and it was clear that none of them wished to lose face. Not after putting up such a show. So the leader stepped forward and spun his Kunai into a different grip. "Da fuck you say old man" he said. Calmly in response the massive giant known as Boris reached out with one hand and gripped the fist holding the Kunai. And tight enough that the boy winced in pain. And then in a straight lift with one hand he raised the boy up by his one arm to about eye level with himself. Before speaking again. "I said. Don't make me break you."

Training taijutsu B-A 714/3000



It was a great day to lounge around and do absolutely nothing. The sun seemed to be shinning and there didn't look to be a single cloud in the sky. Nothing could be better than this and one kid agreed. Ken could be seen laying on top of the roofs of an empty house that was close to the market district. It was the perfect place to do absolutely nothing and soak up some sun. Plus it was close to the market, in case he wanted to go do some shopping to stock up. However, his impromptu day off would quickly be ruined because of something that he saw that didn’t quite look right to him.

He was watching a guy being followed by this huge man. He almost didn’t notice it, but he had decided to get up and move around a bit. However, it was the larger man that caught his view. He didn’t know what was going on, but it didn’t look good. He wouldn’t have even noticed at first because people happen to go the same way all the time. However, after watch for an extended period of time, he could tell that this was something not normal. The guy didn’t look like he was going to do something to harm the kid, but Ken couldn’t be sure because the guy did have on a mask to cover his face. That just didn’t look right at all to him.

However, Ken didn’t have time to figure out if he was a threat or not. It seemed that a group of guys had been following the kid. He couldn’t tell what their agenda was from this distance, but could tell that they were probably up to no good. This doesn’t look good at all. He thought as he watch a little bit closer. It seems as if they were trying to rob the two guys that he had been watching. He knew that the guys probably could handle themselves against them. However, it was about 8 of them and he knew that if you have numbers, you usually had a huge advantage. I guess this is the end of my day off then, huh. He thought as he got up from his spot and jumped down to where the action was. He had to jump across several a couple of roofs to get there but it would be worth it, if he could get there on time.

He matched to leap down right before any of the fighting could get start. When he landed, he was in a crouched position, but quickly rose up. "Well, I guess I made it in time" He said. He was in the middle of the group, but stepped back toward Lee. He didn’t know who was he should link up with, but he could tell that the right group probably was the big guy and the guy that he was following. He didn’t say anything, he only stared down the group that was threating the other two. He didn’t want to talk his eye off of them, just in case they tried something.

Kai Mishima

Kai Mishima

"Oy Freak. Empty yer pockets. And get on your knee's. Less you wanna bleed."
Voices, those clearly not that of a paying customer. Lee was completely prepared to keep moving with his shopping as if nothing was happening. That is, until he heard Boris speak.

"This is bad plan yes? I do not wish to break you. Please leave."

Shit. The young Nara almost facepalmed as he heard his companion speak. If the voice was targeting Boris, this market day was about to go to hell fast. The male turned, hands stuffed back into his pockets, black eyes catching sight of Boris lifting someone into the air by thier hand. Groaning, the male stepped backwards through the crowd, gently parting them so he could get closer to the giant of a man.

"Hmm..?" The hands lifted up once more, smoothing back his hair again out of habit. "Boris. Put him down, damnit. We don't need problems with the people here." It was true. People were gathering around, staring to point and stare. Lee was pretty sure that if they stayed like this for too long, a passing ninja patrol would--

"Well, I guess I made it in time."

-- show up.


Black eyes looked over, taking in the sight of the male whom jumped down into thick of the 'situation'. The persona didnt look like much to Lee - Genin maybe? Or perhaps a Chuunin? Either way, he didnt feel like finding out, nor fighting today. Those eyes shifted back to Boris, before the hands were stuck back into his pockets.
"Come on, big guy. We got things to do today. I'd rather not have my grandfather bail us out of jail."




Boris quietly stared at the man he was holding with black eyes through the holes in the mask. He watched as the boy struggled with out budging. The boy was obviously in pain. The boys other hand holding onto Boris's wrist as if to try and relieve the weight off the one arm. Boris could almost see the panic welling in the kids eyes. Even as the kid kicked and slammed his knee's against Boris's chest and stomach Boris didn't budge. After all he hardly felt it. Like a child throwing a fit. Still the others hesitated. Boris had obviously selected the leader of the group to speak with. Still he tilted his head. A low growl began in his throat so feral the boy in his hand froze. His eyes widening in fear as he realized that the freak they had selected to pick on was a bad choice. The growl was loud enough that everyone, The boys groupies and the crowd backed away. Still Boris had made his point. And yet his gaze snapped to the side as another young man came crashing into the scene. The youth in this village certainly were energetic. Still the boy moved to position himself on the other side of the group with lee and Boris felt like scoffing. Lee could handle himself. Still his gaze moved up as Lee spoke. Casually smoothing back his hair.

"Boris. Put him down, damnit. We don't need problems with the people here."

Without a seconds hesitation Boris let go letting the boy crumple to the floor and then in a rapid panic stagger to his feet. Before running as fast as he could through the crowd. The smell of urine following him. Poor kid had pee'd himself. With the leader gone the other seven individuals hesitated before splitting in every direction. Except for the new comer. Still Boris looked to Lee as the boy shoved his hands back into his pockets. Speaking again. To which Boris would reply in his ever thick accent. Still sounding apologetic. It was clear who was in charge between the two. One would not claim Boris to be a stupid man but his loyalty to Lee was something else entirely.

"Come on, big guy. We got things to do today. I'd rather not have my grandfather bail us out of jail." Lee said.

"I am sorry. Dese boyz Challenged me. I was simply warning them. I did not intend violence."

And with that he walked up to Lee as if to continue shopping. As if he wasn't worried about being attacked any more. After all no one was hurt. It was unlikely they had done more then draw attention to themselves. Still his towering form turned and black eyes looked over the newcomer that had arrived. The boy was small and agile. But he lacked something in his gaze. Something like the understanding of pain or the wariness of a warrior. Still green around the ears likely. Still the kid was young and probably on par with himself. Of course putting anyone on par with a farmer wasn't saying much.




Well, what Ken had thought was true, those guys could definitely handle themselves. Before he could even do anything, the big guy already had one of them in his grasp. The guy had even pee’d in his pants he was so afraid. Shoot, I got up for no reason then. He thought as he looked at the group run from the scene, and would could blame them. Both of those guys look like they could waste them without much of a problem. It was a good thing that they left too, seeing as a crowd had formed and it would be much too a problem to fight with those guys and trying to protect the crowd too. However, something didn’t sit right with Ken.

It was probably the fact that, the smaller guy seemed to be running the show. He didn’t know if it was because of skill or money that placed him in charge. However, seeing as how the big guy almost immediately followed the instructions by the other ninja. It seemed that the crowd had begun to leave seeing as there was nothing really going on anymore and Ken thought that he should too. However, he didn’t just want to leave seeing as those guys had peaked his interest. He wanted to know who they were and more importantly, why those guys picked them out of everyone to harass.

As they walked off, he followed them. Of course, he was a good distance away from them because he didn’t want to seem like he was following them. He just wanted to see if anything like that would happen again. His observation had been started and he wasn’t going to stop observing them until he had all the information he wanted. He really wanted to know what their skills were, especially the smaller one, since he was able to order the huge guy around so easily.

Kai Mishima

Kai Mishima

"Thank you, Boris." With a smile to the people around them, and a supressed chuckle for the kid that ran away, pissing himself in fear, the male turned away from his companion and made his way back to the merchants and vendors. While he still didnt quite understand why always chose to follow his orders, it was a relief nonetheless. While he himself was prone to very violent outbursts, he knew control. For Boris, it seemed that Lee was control.

"Hnn? What is this...?" The young male stopped, looking at a merchant stand that seemed to be holding long shafts of wood and metal. As Lee stepped over, the merchant, sensing an easy sale, began to spout off what Lee percieved to be gibberish. Something about a 'new age' technology that was supposedly  far superior to that of bows and crossbows. Lee looked on the weapon, semi-mesmerized as he reached out and picked up the strange contraption. It felt a bit light in his hands, but solid. Something he would possibly use.

"...flared with the intent not only to increase the spread of the shot, but also to funnel powder and shot into the weapon, making it easier to reload on horseback or on a moving carriage.." Lee held up a hand, cutting off the merchant as he looked up at the merchant, eyebrows raised in question. "Can... this be used for hunting?"

"Yes, of course. But with the spread of the shot, it is best used for self-defense. Maybe against a person or a large animal, like  a bear." The merchant smiled once more, rubbing his hands together as Lee continued to inspect the weapon. "But please, young sir, this weapon doesn't look like it would be a nice fit for you. Perhaps something with less 'kick' to it? I have another, something very similar but it costs just a bit more..."

Oh boy, here we go already. Upselling? No thank you. "I'm still not even sure about this one here, as I scarcely know what it is. What is this even called, if I may ask?" The young man was sure he wanted the weapon, depending on what it did; but he wasnt about to be upsold by this merchant.

"It is called a 'Gun', young sir. This particular design is called a "blunderbuss. It is a very powerful weapon."




Boris followed Lee silently. The kid was really something more of a control for him. He had fallen so far from society since the incident that with out Lee around he was likely to cause an issue. Still he was hardly bothered by obeying the young Lee. After all Lee had taught him most of the techniques he knew now. He grunted through his mask at the word of thanks but didn't push conversation further. Instead his heavy foot steps carried him through the vendors. A set of steel knuckles caught his eye but it was a decent amount out of his budget. He frowned as he looked over the design. The man behind the counter Looked at Boris and then at his hands. Before realizing the knuckles was more of a fist pack to the giant man. If Boris wanted to get metal knuckles then he would have to have them custom made. For the time being his massive hands did enough damage on their own. Boris set the knuckles down and nodded to the man before continuing on. Catching up to Lee who was playing around at some stand with carved sticks and metal. He raised a brow and crossed his arms. Even let out a gruff noise at the mention of bears as if he doubted it. But of course the bears he was accustomed to were a little bit stronger then most.

Still he watched quietly unaware of one of the members of the gang keeping tabs on him. Or the other that had arrived following some distance behind. Still he watched Lee as he negotiated. After all Lee was not usually one to be swindled into something he didn't need. The gang member raised from his perch and chucked a Kunai at the back of Boris's neck. And it flew true. Through the air it flew straight at the back of Boris's neck. However something strange happened. Upon slamming into the target the Kunai bounced with out so much as scratching the brute of a man. Still he felt it. Like getting poked in the neck with a finger. He growled low and turned to look. The stunned kid that had thrown the Kunai stood shocked a moment before he noticed Boris was looking right at him. With a gulp he turned and jumped off the roof. Probably running now. Still Boris turned back to what they where doing. One of his clawed fingers tapping his own arm.

"They are pushing at my patience comrade. Perhaps once you are done we should go to the local authorities before they find something that does more then tickle yes?"




It seems that Ken was doing a good job of pursuing these two shinobi. It seems as if neither one of them, actually knew that he was still following them, which was a good thing for Ken. He didn't know why he was following them, but he knew that he would find out something if he just kept the pursuit up. He knew that it was more than meet the eye with those two and Ken was just itching to find out what it was. However, it looked as if they were just regular shoppers in the market. Well, as regular as a seven foot giant could be, but still there was nothing suspicious going on with them.

He didn't noticed that one of the gang members was still following the same two that he was following, and he definitely didn't think that he would try to attack the larger fellow. However, something strange happened when the Kunai hit him. It just bounced off as if the kunai was sharp. The thing that had Ken still watching was the fact that both of them, acted as if nothing had happened. Yeah, it definitely something weird about these guys. He thought as he watched the guy run off. He would have chased after him to get some answers, but he figured that they would come best from the two that he was following.

Kai Mishima

Kai Mishima

A blunderbuss, eh? Well, it certainly was interesting weapon, to say the least.

"They are pushing at my patience comrade. Perhaps once you are done we should go to the local authorities before they find something that does more then tickle yes?"

If Boris was begining to lose patience, then it was best that they wrap this up quickly. If the big guy lost his cool, then Lee wouldnt be far behind him. Turning his attention back to the merchant, young man lifted the blunderbuss up to inspect it once more. "What does it fire?"

"Tiny bits of lead, young sir. They are literally little balls of lead. However, if you are so inclined -- and capable --  it can also fire small bursts of chakra for the same effect."

So, he chould use chakra to fire the gun too? Well then... "How much would you like for it?"

"Ah.. three thousand ryo, young sir."

" must be OUTSIDE your mind, my good man. I'm not paying you three thousand ryo for this. I wouldnt even pay you one thousand ryo for this. I bet you I can find this for alot less at another stall, man."

"Please, young sir, you must consider. Three thousand is a very generous offer. The time and labor that went into this weapon is worth every penny."

"Right, and my buddy here can turn your whole stall into scrap metal and toothpicks if he wants. I suggest you lower that price. Like, alot lower." While he wouldnt tell Boris to do destory this man's work, the young Nara did have a problem with being ripped off-- especially since he'd been browsing the stalls since early morning, and had seen the contraptions tagged  for a better price than what this guy was asking.

"Fine, young sir. Perhaps... fifteen hundred?" The merchant smiled nervously, glancing over at Boris whilst wringing his hands. Was he scared of what the giant of a man might do to his wares?




((OOC: Invited by Boris to join. Put a lot of fluff into this, as I'm training some new jutsus. Read the last 2-3 paragraphs for anything actually relevent))

It was already past midnight by the time the leaf shinobi and his charge where able to return to the hidden village. The little blind kid had completed the test with absolutely no problems. Underneath his own mask, the though brought a wide smile to the Chuunin’s face. Despite being at a huge sensory disadvantage, the Graeae had managed to get his first kill, and as such, unofficial recognition as a shinobi of the elemental nations. Even the fact that he had locked up afterwards only made the Chuunin feel prouder about his charge. Despite the fact that he would probably have no further contact with the Genin, Reag felt that same teachers pride most Jounin felt when their charges acted in a professional manner. The best part was, this kid was probably sane, unlike the last two psychopaths he had been forced to escort through this training exercise.
Those two had been one hell of a handful. Both had been Inuzuka’s, and both had taken after their families more bestial and violent traits. Hell, one of them had even tried to call out the leader, alerting the remainder of the camp to their presence. Only Reag’s decision to bring out the big guns had saved that little excursion and prevented him returning with two kids in body bags. The god damn idiots hadn’t even thanked him. No, this particular mission with the blind Graeae was far more pleasant. After sending his charge away, and filing his report, the young Chuunin made his way back to his apartment. Checking his watch, he noted the time: About an hour before dawn. It was his usual time to get some rest. During his academy days, he had somehow developed a nocturnal schedule, and the habit had stuck well into his life as a registered shinobi.
Light streamed in through a crack in the blinds, waking the sleeping kid. Reag almost felt like cursing, though by this point he had long since accepted the slightly painful awakening. For some reason, he always seemed to rise in this manner. Reaching over to the side of his bed, he turned his alarm to the side, as to get a better look at the glowing numbers. It was only three twenty three, far too early to be up and about. Still, he was awake now, and he would be damned if he didn’t make the best of it. Pulling himself out of bed, the young shinobi began to dress himself, quickly donning his usual gear. Armored under shirt, Armored pants, Armored Jacket, Hidden Dagger, Hidden Pepper spray, and Wire Gloves all found their way onto his person. Quickly deciding that he would be out in public today, the kid left behind his curved sword. It would be overkill, after all.
Checking himself in the mirror, the fifteen year old Chuunin picked up the final item to complete his outfit. On his bedside table, help in a makeshift stand, was his porcelain mask. Ever since the festival last year, he had taken to wearing it whenever on official business. The thing lent him an air of respectability, mystery, power, and prestige. He fucking loved the damn thing. Seeing as how he planned on heading to the market today, Reag slipped the mask into a specially made pocket that lined the inside of his jacket. Should he the need arise; he could easily affix the thing to his face in seconds. He already had plans to outfit the thing with all sorts of nifty gadgets, ranging from a flash suppressor to a comlink. The only thing stopping him was the rather substantial problem of funds. Advanced equipment wasn’t cheap, and a Chuunins salary barely covered gear renewal.
After reaching upwards and stretching, Reag exited his apartment, locking the door behind him. He had plenty of time to wander around on his free day, and had plans to head to the market for some breakfast. He knew several very nice café’s in the area, and several twenty four hour breakfast places. After all, the shinobi world never slept, and there where aids in the Hokage tower at all times. Of course, Mitsuhide-sensei would have to sleep eventually, but that didn’t mean that the never ending battle against paper work would sleep with him. The thought of his sensei brought a brief frown to the teenagers face. While he had done a great job training his team up, he felt abandoned by the Hokage. The White Star had gone to Water Country to fight a war, and hadn’t brought them along.
It didn’t take long before the teen shinobi had arrived at his eatery of choice. It was a nice place, open ‘Dusk till Dawn’, and it served a mean breakfast special. Within half an hour, the kid had finished his meal. After paying, he left, and proceeded from the administrative area to the market district of Konoha. As the buildings around him began to slowly change into stores, Reag thought about the only other market he had ever been too. Konoha’s market had nothing on Suna’s Grand Bazaar. It had been worth it to go just for the coffee alone. Still, his village’s shopping center was nothing to sneeze at. All around him, the young Chuunin could find various stores catering to just about all walks of life. He even passed a few ninja suppliers, leading him to make a mental note to return at some point.
After around ten minutes of aimlessly walking through the crowd, something unusual caught the eye of the wire user. A ridiculously tall man, wearing a white mask, passed him, raising eyebrows as he did so. It wasn’t every day you saw a 7’2 foot man stroll through the center of Konoha. However, that in itself wasn’t that out of the ordinary. This was a ninja village after all, and the unusual types rolled in constantly. Hell, compared to some of the other Jounin in the village, the giant seemed positively tame; as far as weirdness went. Not giving the man another look, he continued on through the market place, intent on finding a decent deal on Kunai. That was where he spotted the truly unusual thing. Attempting to stay hidden from the giant was a kid, probably no older than twelve. He wasn’t even doing that badly, truth be told.

Reag sized up the kid; trying to figure out what in Kami’s name he was doing stalking a dude three times his size. After a few moments of observation, the Chuunin concluded the kid was probably a Genin or academy student, due to the way he put his foot down lightly while walking. It was always a dead giveaway: Shinobi walked silently. Several seconds later, he was able to catch up with the kid, maintaining his cover in the crowds the entire time. Something was up here. Finally, Reag got within a few meters of the kid, and finally spoke. “Hey Kid, what the hell do you think you’re doing? Those two guys are three times your size. I really don’t think the interim Hokage assigned a newbie a watchdog’s mission.” Pausing for a second, he sighed, before continuing. “Ah well. Report.”

Word Count: 1222 (Multiple Bindings 1200/1200, -20% from Gifted Trait. Heaven/Hell 0022/1200, -20% from Gifted Trait)



Boris rose to his full height and cracked his neck. He could almost feel the eyes on him. He didn't despise them for staring but after seeing him pick up that kid by his hand and lifting him. None of them would appear to be looking when his black eyes swept over them. He frowned behind his mask at that. To make things even more frustrating the crowd around him was thinning quickly by the moment. If Lee really didn't want to draw attention it seemed Boris might ruin that plan entirely. He was like a magnet for attention. Especially hostile types. Leaning down his massive form scooped up the tiny Kunai in his massive hand. Before rising one more. Quietly he pressed his thumb to just under the tip of the blade and with a metallic wine the metal bent and then snapped. Taking the tip clean off. Before tossing the broken weapon into the trash. No need to leave weapons lying around where kids could get their hands on them and hurt themselves. By breaking off the tip he left a dull tipped kunai. Wouldn't do more then bruise some one if it was salvaged. That and breaking something did cool his temper a little.

Of course he wasn't oblivious to Lee's attempts at a bargain. The price did seem a little outrageous. That and he doubted it could do as advertised. No man with some little stick could kill him in one shot. Not even with tiny pieces of metal. Still the comment of shooting bears hung in his mind as his black eyes returned to the shop keeper. Of course the shop keeper had clearly seen Boris snap the Kunai with one finger press. Idly Boris tapped his claws against his fur clothing. Which of course drew the attention of the shop keeper as well. Still Boris paid it no mind until Lee spoke of him and threatened the man. That made Boris blink. For one Lee had said they wanted to keep a low profile....or had he just said not to start a fight? He was suddenly unclear on the memory. Still threatening a shop keeper was bound to end badly. And he didn't like threatening non combatants much. So he grunted in a disapproving growl at Lee. But with no facial expression thanks to the mask the growl took on a more menacing tone to the shop keeper. Boris felt his shoulder hunch at that look of fear. He hated seeing that look on an innocents face. Still he felt like he was being watched. Quickly he turned his head to look back the way they had came trying to catch some one in the act. Anyone really. But still no one met his gaze. He felt it though. Like a shudder down his spine. A deep growl could be heard from him as he looked around. Some one had their gaze on him. And he had been training himself to spot them. But no one was around. So he made the only assumption he knew.





It seemed as if Ken was doing a pretty good job of tailing his target without being caught. No one had said anything to him and it seemed as if his targets didn't even realized that he was watching them. However, nothing really showed why those guys were being targeted by those thugs. Maybe he was missing something, but nothing really stood out. Well that was until, the slightly smaller one started to throw a tantrum for some reason. Well, I wonder what got him all pissed off. He thought as he continued to watch. He couldn't hear because he was of how far off he was, but he could definitely tell that something upset the guy.

However, the big guy didn't move. He couldn't tell whether it was because he didn't get the order or what, but he didn't really move. However, the big guy started to look around, which meant one thing to Ken, he had been noticed. Now he couldn't tell if he had been seen or not, but he was definitely looking for him. Maybe he thought those other guys were still looking to fight him, but he knew that he couldn't get caught. He knew that he couldn't handle bout of those guys at the same time at his current level.

It would probably be best if I leave now, don't want to get caught up in fight that I know I couldn't win. He thought. However, his thoughts were interrupted by someone. Oh no! He thought as he turned around. He had been caught and by someone who he hadn't seen before. However, he could tell that his guy wasn't with the ones that he had been watching simply by the way he was talking. The guy actually didn't look like much. He was shorter than he was and couldn't be older than he was. However, with the way that he able to sneak up on him, he could tell that he had some skill.

He rubbed his head, and took a huge sigh. It was true, no one had ask him to observe those two but he felt as if it was something that he needed to do. "Well, you see. It's true, I wasn't sent on a mission for this, but I felt that I had to observe them. They were attacked by a group of thugs out of nowhere, but they were sent running." He said thinking back. "I wanted to know why they were picked out of everybody to be attack. However, nothing has yet to stand out about them." He said. Maybe this guy knew why they were picked out of everybody. It was a long shot but you never can tell.

Kai Mishima

Kai Mishima


Wonderful. Well, this day was going to shit rather fast. Between price gouging merchants and shitty children attempting to rob them, it was looking out to be a VERY productive day. Hands folded across his chest now, an annoyed sigh leaving him. Those eyes locked on the merchant, annoyance clear in them. "You know what? Keep the damn thing, old man. If you're going to price gouge, you're not gonna do it to me."

"Boris, I suppose we need to leave. If this guy is going to jack up his prices to cheat someone, its not gonna be us."

Stepping away from Merchant stall, the male walked off, grumbling under his breath about the merchant and his prices. Who did that guy think he was? As Lee walked, something caught his eye -- another blunderbuss, this one apparently better model than what the last merchant had. Upon glancing at the tag, the male's frown deepened. The model was being sold for 500 ryo,  damn sure alot better than what that old bastard was trying to sell him.

"Eh.. I need a drink, damnit. To hell with this market."  


Hado Kakusei:



"Well, you see. It's true, I wasn't sent on a mission for this, but I felt that I had to observe them. They were attacked by a group of thugs out of nowhere, but they were sent running." The dark skinned kid spoke before pausing. After spending a brief moment sorting through his memories, the Genin continued. "I wanted to know why they were picked out of everybody to be attack. However, nothing has yet to stand out about them." Reag sighed. The Chuunin could already tell that today was going to be a very long day. He could already tell that something was going to go wrong, and probably plunge him head first into a fight. Perhaps these two strangers in the market where actually agents of a secretive Bijuu hunting organization, bent on world domination. Perhaps they were assassins sent to kill the interim Hokage. His luck demanded that something go wrong with this day.
The Konoha wire user turned his attention back to the kid he had confronted. The poor little guy looked completely out of his element. At a guess, the Chuunin would say that the dark skinned Genin would be around twelve or thirteen. It was like looking into a mirror of himself, though the kid did seem a lot less prepared for the ninja world than he did at that age. It was a subject that amused the Chuunin greatly. Somehow, despite being almost dead last in his academy class, he was the first to be promoted, first to gain a team (With the Hokage no less), and the first to get an apprentice.  Overall, somehow, he seemed to have the devils luck, and possibly skills as well. Perhaps, in time, the Genin before him would be able to boast his own series of accomplishments.
The dreadlocked kid continued to look at the wire using Chuunin, as if expecting something. Reag himself realized he was awaiting a response, and possibly orders. Drawing himself up to his full height, the fifteen year old took charge of the situation. “Good report, kid.” The Chuunin refused to acknowledge the idea that he was a kid as well. “You’re showing initiative, which is vital for our world. However, when this is all said and done, I will still need to speak with your superior officer.” The leaf shinobi paused for a second, in order to let his words sink in. The dreadlocked Genin, while technically acting correctly, had taken a huge risk. These kind of surveillance ops where best handled by people of at least Chuunin rank. Still, it was within the village, so they were probably safe. Probably. Shoving the mental tangent aside, Reag continued his speech.
“Ok, so this is what we’re going to do.” At that moment, the masked giant picked his head, looking around cautiously. He then turned to the smaller of the duo. Reag raised an eyebrow. A warning, perhaps? “Judging by the movement of the big guy, I’d say that they might be on to us. I want you to back me up from a distance. Keep eyes on them at all times, but don’t let your presence be known. I’m going to go talk to them directly.” With a nod, he turned around to face his task. Calmly, he reached into his jacket pocket and put on his mask, before making his way towards the giant and his companion. He would have to handle this delicately, as there where civilians around. Therefore, the name of the game was recon. After several seconds of weaving through the crowd, he finally stood by the giant. “Can I help you, gentlemen?”

Word Count: 607/1200 (Heaven/Hell, -20% Gifted Trait)



Boris paused as Lee went into a stream of complaints. His black eyes returning to look down at the shop keeper with disapproval. He would tilt his head as Lee spoke of being cheated he smirked a little behind the mask. Something called a gun that could kill a bear. That had obviously been some sort of scam. Still he rolled his massive shoulders and turned heading after Lee. Of course lee was beside himself with some one trying to rip him off. Boris could only frown over the reaction. After all he trusted Lee enough to lead them about but the boy did have some temper himself. Still as they moved it was like trudging through a foul mood. Not that anyone stood in Boris's path other then Lee himself but still he had to wonder if Lee was going to go back and stab the guy. After all if some one ripped you off just go some where else instead. Still Boris noted a sales man selling the same thing for a minimal price. He frowned at the combination of wood and metal. Surely such a pathetic thing held no real power. Thinking on it his muscles tensed.

Power was something he knew. His own physical power far beyond that of so many people. As a farmer he had been able to do the more difficult work as nothing more then a daily chore. Bushels of hay hauled into a cart with ease. Holding up the cart with one hand while putting on a new wheel. Chores had always been simple back then. But that was a time far gone. Only pain remained to the past. It was the only emotion he felt from memories. Now his strength had other uses. Throwing a man through a tree or choking two full grown men at once until they blacked out. He was no longer a farmer. Instead he had become a warrior. And A warrior with power had no need to fear a metal and wooden stick. He grunted still as Lee pointed out needing a drink. He wanted one as well after all. Anything to wash away the memories. Still it wasn't long before as he had suspected a shinobi in a mask showed up. Asking if he could be of some use. Boris sighed at the man that had just popped up next to him and in a deep growling voice he spoke down to what appeared to be a child next to him.

"Point me to the liquor. That's all I need from any shinobi." He said with some spite. He didn't like Ninja. He felt all ninja were in it for their own gain. No ninja protected his home. No ninja stopped a known criminal in time. His village hadn't been the first to burn. But they had plenty of warning. He blamed Shinobi a great deal.


D-1 ~> D-2, 400 words and 50 Ryo.
D-2 ~> D-3, 450 words and 75 Ryo.

Reaction time
E-1 ~> E-2, 150 words and 0 Ryo
E-2 ~> E-3, 225 words and 0 Ryo.
E-3 ~> D, 300 words and 0 Ryo.

D ~> D-1, 325 words and 25 Ryo.
D-1 ~> D-2, 400 words and 50 Ryo.

E-1 ~> E-2, 150 words and 0 Ryo
E-2 ~> E-3, 225 words and 0 Ryo.

Last edited by Boris on Mon Nov 23, 2015 5:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

Kai Mishima

Kai Mishima

“Can I help you, gentlemen?”

Wonderful. More people to deal with today. While not quite as calm as he'd been when he first entered the market, the young man was still as sarcastic as ever. Black eyes turned to find a masked ninja staring at them.

What is it with people and masks? Its god damn early spring; Halloween was months away.

Those black eyes narrowed at the nin before them, hands being slowly removed from his pockets. a finger was lifted, pointed at the masked ninja as he pepared to speak to the persona. However, Boris beat him to the punch.

"Point me to the liquor. That's all I need from any shinobi."

Lee couldnt help but smirk. He knew of Boris' dislike for ninja, -- something they both had in common. While Lee had only lost his father to something that should have been taken care of by ninja, Boris has lost his entire family. A woman he gave half his life and heart to: children that he fathered, raised to cherish and love, so the male had a right to his hatred.

What Boris said might ruffle some feathers, but Lee was about to rip them out. "Ditto what the big guy said. Afterward, you can go kill yourself, save me the trouble." Black eyes stared at the masked persona. Given thier appearance, this one didnt seem like much, but the skin color was wrong -- he wasnt the same ninja as before. Was he a genin? Chuunin maybe? Either way, he was annoying Lee with his question; but if he provided them with directions, all might be forgiven. At least, on thier end. Maybe this person would have a chip on thier shoulder from the comment, maybe not.




Reag continued to hold himself tall, staring down the masked giant. At the back of his mind, he noted that the mask the figure before him wore was very nice. It was an automatic notion, catapulted to the front of his mind from the subconscious. Everyone the Chuunin talked too knew that he was more than a little obsessed with masks. The giant's mask was very simple, yet just as intimidating. After a moment of contemplation, he realized what it was made out of: Bone. He would have to make a note of that for when he redesigned his own one. While the festival mask had served him well, it was made of procaine, and liable to break at inopportune moments. With a bit of work, and finding the right creature, he could probably carve himself one equally intimidating and protective. Perhaps a bear would work well for a front cover.

The giant looked down at him, and finally spoke. "Point me to the liquor. That's all I need from any shinobi." The voice was anything but friendly. He was hoping that he would be able to diffuse the rapidly escalating situation. The civilians were already freaking out from the pair. While they hadn’t done anything illegal, they where causing a scene. Reag had to force himself from rubbing his temples. While dislike of shinobi was more than understandable, he had hoped that no one would be silly enough to express that sentiment to a ninja's face. After all, hidden villages were not democracies, but military dictatorships. While he was sure that the current Hokage wouldn't really care about something this minor, the same could not be said of the other four. Then again, he himself had no experience outside of Konoha, so it was a moot point.

Just as the leaf Chuunin was about to point the pair in the direction of the nearest bar, the shorter of the two decided to speak up. "Ditto what the big guy said. Afterward, you can go kill yourself, save me the trouble." Reag was lucky that the mask covered his face, as his mouth had dropped open. Those where fighting words, and a less level headed ninja would have flipped out over the major insult. He could only imagine what the results would be if his mentor was here. Oshiki was not the kind to take crap from people. Fortunately for all people involved, Reag was not his mentor, and considerably more level headed, though that didn’t stop him from sending a look towards the smaller one. Then, of course, there was the possibility that the two of them were actively looking for a fight. That would be a problem for him, as that could lead to major problems later on.

Reag recomposed himself. The last thing he wanted to do was start a fight in the middle of the market district, and involve the civilians around him. That was a court martial waiting to happen. So distract and diffuse. “Wow. Relax. I can understand not liking shinobi, but I know I haven’t done anything to you two personally. Even if I had, I wouldn’t recommend provoking random shinobi in the middle of a crowded market place. There are civilians here, after all.” He paused, and looked around. It seemed the civilians where beginning to give the three of them space. If he failed to pacify the two, at least there would be time for the civilians to exit the area. The property damage would still be far too high, but the risk of collateral would go down. Perhaps a gambit was in order. “If you really want a fight, we can change locations. Otherwise” he paused and pointed behind him. “There's a very nice bar a few blocks that way.”

Word Count: 639 (1200/1200 Heaven/Hell, -20% from Gifted Trait)



Ken only nodded as he walked off to a different spot to do some surveillance from a distance. He didn’t know what this guy was going to do, but he seems able to handle himself. He certainly didn’t need a fresh out of the academy genin messing anything up. It’s better this way. I can observe and be more help this way. He thought as he jump on top of one of the nearby roofs and laid as flat as he could to become unseen and also to erase his presence. He couldn’t mess this up because he didn’t want to become a burden and also he wanted to observe this guy a little bit more and see why people chose them to attack.

He was close enough to only see, and couldn’t really hear the entire conversation. He felt that he got closer, he would have been discovered and that was something that he didn’t want. He had to get information on these two, just in case they were trouble and something needed to be done. Besides, he was close enough to see movements and he could tell how the conversation between the three people, which didn’t seem to be going well right now.

What’s going on down there. He thought. Something just didn’t seems right to Ken. He could tell that something had pissed off the other two that he was following before, specifically the smaller one. It probably had something to do with the fact that guy walked up on them. I really need to watch to make sure that guy doesn’t get in any trouble. He thought. It was his fault that he was down there talking to them, so it was only right that he have his back and make sure that nothing happened to him.

Kai Mishima

Kai Mishima

(OOC U...Takehiko, you kinda posted outta turn. But its alright. Tis Boris's post now.)



Thread closed do to inactivity. Mostly my fault.

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