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1A prison Thread (Private) Empty A prison Thread (Private) Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:18 pm



Wolfgang sat in his seclusion, he had been placed in a cell with a few other prisoners, some ninjas and other just common criminals, a few he knew from the village. He sat with his head bowed, he had been taken uninjured but his honor was gone and he had given in for anothers life. Back in the day he wouldnt care if they killed him, it hadnt mattered to him he was a true ninja and now what was he. As the water dripped onto the stone floor he was being glared at by a few of the guards, they were chuunin but there was a few of them, there were four standing on the far wall.
He grimanced at he tried to gather chakra, though the metal around his wrist was sucking the ability to gather his chakra and instead hardening the metal with it. He was definitely in a tricky spot at the moment, he knew that he was strong enough to open the door, but the 4 chuunin with weapons and jutsu and him without the ability to gather chakra made it quite hard.

A few of the others in the cell with him began to argue, over where one of them would sit. The moment one of them bumped into Wolf he knew what he had to do.

He stood up and brought his heel up, slamming it into the mans ribs sending him hurdling into the bars, at least breaking a few ribs. After that the whole room started to fight, two of the guards walked over with batons and were about to yell before wolfgang did his play. He shot both of his legs through the bars and hooked each of the mens legs tripping them to the ground and jumping on the ankles of the men, smashing the ankles of the men, though only one each it was enough not to bring them up. He knew that he had a few seconds to act, he kicked the door open and sent the hinges ripping, and hurdling towards the other two, they brought their arms up but the door snapped their forearms and smashing their heads against the back wall, knocking them both unconcious. He kicked the other two men in the face and knocked them out before anyone could sound an alarm.
He brought himself around and slammed his wrist against the wall, shattering the manacle and bruising his wrist badly. He flexed his hand to make sure it was still working right.
He forced the other prisoners back in and slammed the door back in place, much to the anger of the others, though it was a weak door now, and could be taken off more easily now, and in time they would get it.

He approached one of the men who were knocked out and used the transformation jutsu, becoming an exact copy of the smaller man. He threw him into a closest with a gag, he had seen this man talk and was able and willing to pretend to act as him. Then he ran, he ran and ran, the moment a chuunin stopped him he said he had urgent buisness for the anbus, he was waved by as he ran out the exit of the village, rage seething in his blood, he was going to one day pay back this village.

He ran and ran, far into the outskirts, going as fast and far as he could run, going towards the land hidden in the rocks, he was done with this whole village, for now.

WC600/500 fo0r travel

2A prison Thread (Private) Empty Re: A prison Thread (Private) Fri Apr 22, 2016 7:23 am




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