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1Black Dragon Guild [nope, still a W.I.P] Empty Black Dragon Guild [nope, still a W.I.P] Thu Oct 29, 2015 9:54 am



"A shadow shifts through the Skies, whirls up the Oceans and tramples over the Earth. The sky trembles with it's thunderous roar, the oceans sway to the tempo of it's breath and the Earth shatters on it's command. The air of the beast is upon us all "

What comes to mind when you think of Dragons? Fire? Wings? Scales? Yes...

and POWER ~

enter the

~ Black Dragon Guild ~

Black Dragon Guild [nope, still a W.I.P] Black_Dragon_2

Guild Emblem:
- Black Dragon Guild [nope, still a W.I.P] Skyrim_dragon_with_texture_2_by_fullbashreturns-d4bm3q9 -

What is it?

The Black Dragon guild is an extensive network of specialised shinobi who are hand-picked strictly for their unique combat abilities and their keen desire to grab their fair share of the group's combined power and wealth. In short, it's an extensive network of highly skilled individuals, no-matter their skill, that help to manage a large part of the global black market forum. The group is involved in black market trades/deals, unorthodox contracting and other generically-private activities. It's overall business and involvement in contemporary society is kept at a need-to-know basis and is governed by the shared interests of it's core benefiters and sponsors - namely those that hold leadership roles within the guild and/or devote most of their personal worth towards the group's cause - which can mean anything from supplying food to a starving client to directing organized raids against a common enemy.

Originally founded by a mysterious 'nobleman' - who orientates himself as 'Ni the treacherous' - the guild is only openly advertised by it's true members, mainly to those chosen for recruitment or those that know of their presence and seek their assistance, but the guild is notoriously well-known inside the criminal world for it's promising rewards - rumoured by those that claim to be ex-members of the guild - their mysterious involvement in the black market trade and by their infrequent and inconsistent gatherings at exclusive locations (which any outsider has yet to actually prove they do). The guild's iconic symbol of a winged black dragon can be seen painted on the walls of abandoned buildings, sewn into cloaks and other pieces of clothing and even engraved in some mass-produced weapons made available to underground merchants at cheaper prices than those lacking the guild's brand.

- OOC -

Let's cut the storyline bullsh*t aside and clear some hazy images of the guild. Basically, it's an order/brotherhood/guild/call-it-what-you-will of people who all seek to be stronger/more knowledgeable and are keen to do what little part they can in order to gain the right to use the guild's numbers/memberbase to heir own advantage. Think of it as being a bank for power/knowledge: everyone does what little tasks they are capable of for the group and in return the group aids them in any way they can.

Your character/s can join (only once/if invited) under any identity they so-choose. Once you join you will automatically be given a rank partly based on your character's shinobi rank and their unique skill sets. You will also have access to the group's exclusive communication jutsu (which group members use to instantly communicate with each other with, regardless of their IC location) and be able to start representing the guild. 

Oh, also, my character Han (Binsu) doesn't run the guild IC. The made-up NPC Ni does. But OOCly I control Ni. Ni has the ability to be anywhere at any time, so I (Ni) can recruit characters that I (Binsu) haven't met IC, but in order for I (Binsu) to interact with them i have to have met them somehow IC.



- Grand Master - The title reserved for the mysterious founder of the guild, commonly refereed to as 'Ni' by the existing members. The letters sent as invitations into the guild are always signed off by 'Ni' himself. Apparently...


- Dragons - By far the strongest of the guild members. These members make up the inner circle of the guild - a select few individuals that have the right to give out direct orders to the lower ranks, recruit new members and arrange guild-wide meetings without having to require the permission of a higher ranked member - and are typically the first members to be considered for any bounties involving any/all target/s ranked S rank or above.

Current title holders (2):

- Oshobi (Itagaki Han)
- Daisu (Genko Shibirin)
- _____ (Anonymous)

- Wolves - These are the second-most skilled members of the group. This rank can never be given to members lower than B rank.

Current title holders (1):

- _____ (Anonymous member)

- Serpents - These are the underdogs of the guild. Members of B rank or below are typically considered for this rank before other considerations.

Current title holders (0):


- Apprentice - By far the weakest members of the group. Members ranked C ranked or below are typically considered for this rank first before other considerations. These members are the apprentices of the higher-ranked members of the guild, but can only be apprenticed by a member ranked Wolf or higher.

Current title holders (0):


Exclusive Guild Technique:

Guild code and conduct:

What can people hire a guild member to do?:

How to join? OOcly post in this thread expressing your interest to join or PM Han (most have). I will then PM you (on the account that you are joining with) the letter your character will receive a letter IC from Ni - via a messenger hawk - in any thread you so choose and you simply RP receiving the letter and/or reading it in said thread). After that, you're basically in the guild, but you'll need to attend a thread with Ni in which he teaches you the guild's unique jutsu and tells you a little more about the guild.

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