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Hyuga Reiko

Hyuga Reiko

10-year-old Reiko:

Sunlight shone through the windows of her bedroom, causing the young girl to squeeze her eyes shut, turning her head away from the piercing rays. Morning... she thought, laying for a moment, unmoving. Before she had even a chance to move, she heard the door to her room slide open. Slowly, Reiko opened her eyes, watching as her mother came in. "Time for a little morning walk, Reiko," she said, making her way to the young girl's closet, pulling out a jacket. "Make sure not to push yourself too much." Pushing back her coverlet, Reiko sat up slowly, pushing herself to her feet after a few moments. "Yes," she said, her voice soft. "How far can I go?" she  asked, making her way over and taking the jacket, pulling it on over her nightgown, hiding her spindly arms, thin from lack of use, just as her legs were.

"To the end of the street and back. Your father is going to take you, okay?" Reiko looked down and nodded, allowing her arm to be taken in her mother's grasp, and led to the door. "When you get back, I'll have breakfast ready, and then you can get some rest, so you don't overexert yourself." I've only been awake five minutes and she's already told me that twice, Reiko thought, walking quietly to the door, where her father stood quietly, holding a pair of boots for her to wear. "Morning, sweetheart," he said, smiling brightly at her. Lifting her gaze from it's previous position on the floor, Reiko let a smile come on her face. "Morning, Papa," she said, sitting down obediently on the step where her mother positioned her. She lifted a foot, watching as the boot was placed on her foot, the zipper on the side pulled up moments later. She was then pulled to her feet, and handed over to her father. Her parents exchanged a few words, and then she was led out of the door, her hand held tightly in her father's.

Even as the door closed, the boredom from being constantly babied for everything she did couldn't overshadow the excitement she felt. She only ever went outside every once in a while, and she'd managed to convince her father to take her on a walk the night before, in the morning, so that she would have less of a chance of 'overexerting herself', as her mother constantly liked to say. Even so, she preferred to walk with her father, who tended to simply talk to her, not worry over how far she could go, or worry if she could walk by herself. He simply held her hand, more for her mother's appeasement than anything else. As they made their way down the street, she gazed around excitedly, watching the people move about, in and out of the shops around the streets. Above her, a bird flew by, and she gazed up excitedly, her eyes wide. Walks had always been her favorite thing. They were freedom, to her. Complete freedom.

"Hey, Mako!" a voice called out, causing both Reiko and her father's heads to turn, curious at the sound of the name.  "Oh, hey!" her father replied, waving and quickly leading Reiko over to a bench, sitting her down and making his way over to his friend. Reiko smiled, used to this occurrence. She liked being alone, and was most used to sitting on benches. She liked watching the back and forth movements of people during the day.

~594/594 WC~

Hyuga Hiroyuki

Hyuga Hiroyuki

"How is it your the only student who gets weekend detention?And possibly the only Hyuga in history?"The teacher asked sighing."Cause i'm a bloody rebel and you can't do crap to stop it,"Hiro responded putting on a mischievous smirk."Fine...if I can't do anything to stop it how about I convince you to stop it?....lets see...your closet family member dies of a sickness...then would you stop it?"He asked. Hiro paused before growling."Don't say that about my cousin!She's healthy in every way!If anyone was sick in my family it'd be me ya idiot!I was one of the smallest babies born into the clan!"Hiro yelled pushing herself off the desk."And if you think otherwise then you'll be hearing from my fists!"

"Your a student...and sure I was talking about your cousin but these things happen everyday...and more than thousands of lives are changed every time yours can be included if a member of your family dies ya got that?"The teacher said looking directly at her."Now unless you want me getting personal in attempts to stop this behavior I suggest you stop,"He said looking towards the floor.Hiro growled and stood on her desk."Bite me ya bloody bloke!"Hiro yelled running out the window."I left that window open!?"The teacher yelled running outside the door.

Hiroyuki raced around the corner and took deep breaths and stopped when she heard footsteps."He found me already!?"Hiro thought pushing her back against the wall."Hey, Mako!"A voice said suddenly.That wasn't her teachers voice!Hiro sighed in relief before a voice answered back."Oh, hey!"Another familiar voice called."Uncle?!That means he might have Reiko with him!"Hiro thought looking around the corner and coming around near her."Cousin Reiko!"Hiro ylled rnning towards her with a happy smile."How's it going?"

Hyuga Reiko

Hyuga Reiko

As her father talked with his friend, Reiko leaned back in the bench seat silently, kicking her feet back and forth, her hands settled quietly on the bench beside her. Happily unaware she was being spoken about. She smiled lightly as she watched a woman argue with a shop owner about the price of her wares, the young girl's ivory gaze happily amused, and excited. She knew better than to get up, but she internally wanted to jump with joy that she was actually outside. At the same time though, she knew she probably wouldn't get far. She wasn't strong enough, not yet. Maybe one day, when she wasn't sick anymore, she would be, but for now she would just have to sit and watch, rather than run and do things. Hard footsteps then caught the young girl's ears, and she turned her gaze across the street, looking around for the source of the noise. She couldn't see the source, and for a moment, the footsteps seemed to stop. Leaning back, Reiko tipped her head to the side, wondering if they'd only been her imagination. Of course, then they started up again, and a smile appeared on her face as she recognized the person that came around the corner.

"Hiro!" she said, as loud as she dared without making herself cough or something. She didn't like to do that in public. It made people look at her like she was going to die. And then her father would see, and take her inside again. The girl smiled at her cousin's question, leaning forward slightly in her seat. "I'm outside!" she said happily, before leaning back again. "I feel like it's been ages since I was outside, though it was only last week or something." Pausing, Reiko tipped her head to the side, remembering something. "Isn't it time for classes at the Academy? Are you skipping or something?" Her voice was curious, and slightly raspy, leading Reiko to clear her throat slightly to clear it up, her gaze focused steadily on Hiro, excited to hear about whatever interesting was going on outside this time. At this point, she considered Hiro her connection to the outside world. Her mother and father told her things, but none of the interesting things, like what was going on at the Academy, or what the coolest mission to be sent out at the time was, or if some strange animal was found in the forest. Hiroyuki supplied all that information for her, leading Reiko to be excited at the mere sight of her cousin, wanting to know what was going on this time that was worth telling. Hopefully nothing bad, but all the same, she wanted to know. She didn't want to be in the dark forever.

~474/1068 WC~

Hyuga Hiroyuki

Hyuga Hiroyuki

Little Hiro:

"I'm outside!"Reiko cried as Hiro reached the bench."I know and it's awesome!"Hiro yelled pulling a fist up over her head."I feel like it's been ages since I was outside, though it was only last week or something."Reiko completed making Hiro put her fist down and smile."Isn't it time for classes at the Academy? Are you skipping or something?"Hiro paused before putting a hand behind her neck and sighing slightly."I may have...may have...punched a boy in my class during lunch...and then I may have skipped detention by running out one of the windows..."Hiro said blushing and smiling."But any way...i've been getting decent grades so far!And trust me my Taijutsu training is going amazing Reiko!"

Hiro hated being inside by herself.She hated everyone but Reiko and her parents,she just didn't work well with others outside her extended family.In matter of fact she was often confused for being Tsundere...those people didn't see what happened after that speaking she didn't stop punching until she saw blood and even then the teachers had to pry her off.Was she violent?Yes.Was she Yandere?She didn't know. Tsundere?Now your messing with fire.

Fighting was something she loved.Always mentioning her fights with other students to Reiko...including the detentions and long painful homework. Taijutsu may not been popular but that just gave Hiro the one up speaking some kids knew nothing about Taijutsu."Except this time the bugger got a lot of good punches in...I barely won that fight...for once i'm glad the teachers stepped in,"Hiro said pointing to a bruise on her cheek."...Reiko...I don't like being a girl...I want to be a boy!"Hiro said sitting next to Reiko."I may be small but i'm tougher than most girls in my class...what do you think?"

Hiro's most hated trait was being a girl.Or was she even a girl?Or just a boy stuck in a girls body?Her body didn't grow like a girl at all in matter of fact it always grew like a boys did.Her style was always more boyish and she hated anything normal females seemed to prefer.Swooning over boys,dressing to make boys like em,preventing fights by trying to convince them to stop.It all sickened the girl.Sure she liked boys...but...girls weren't that bad...'They're cute...shy...and make you just want to kiss em...wait what am I saying!'Hiro thought getting grossed out.'But its true...i'm both?...whatever long as nobody finds out except Reiko,'

468 words

Hyuga Reiko

Hyuga Reiko

As Hiro replied to her, Reiko moved to the site a bit, opening the seat just in case her cousin wished to sit down. At the admittance that she'd punched another student, Reiko's eyes widened slightly, and she leaned back against the bench seat. Even with the surprised look, however, she did smile, amused. "You shouldn't punch people, Hiro!" she giggled, somewhat making her words less serious than they were meant to be. She forced herself to stop laughing after a moment though, the force of the laugh making her lungs hurt. "But it's good that you're getting good grades! And Taijutsu is important for Juuken." She used her words to cover up the moment of pain she had, a smile joining the words in her disguise. Even if Hiro was violent, and a bit loud, Reiko still loved her. But at the same time, she didn't want Hiro to get in trouble all the time, and end up like her, out of school and stuck at home, even if it was for a different reason. Even as Hiro told her more of the fight, Reiko noticed the bruise on her cheek. "Oh, goodness," she said in reply, reaching up a hand and touching the bruise gently, checking that it wasn't swelling. "I think that you should put something on that."

Her name was said, and Reiko paused in her ministrations, dropping her hand and looking at Hiro curiously. Her head tipped to the side at the question and her eyes followed Hiro as she sat down. "I think you can do that if you want," she said, unsure. "I don't know though." She'd honestly never thought about the possibility, but it seems like something that would be possible... maybe. Reiko had never been taught anything like that. Just simple stuff, like art and literature and some clan history things. Wanting to be honest, Reiko simply shrugged. "I think, if you want to be something, you can be it. That's what I always hear parents telling their children. I don't think being a boy would be a problem. I'm not sure how you would go about it though." Suddenly cold, Reiko zipped up her jacket, glancing over at her father to find him still talking to his friends. "I'll help you in whatever way I can, though," she said as she stuffed her hands in her pockets. "I'll look at my mom's medical scrolls, and my dad's scrolls on sciencey stuff." She wasn't sure if she would find anything there, but it was worth a try. The least she could do while she was sick was try to help other people. She could be useful, even in the slightest.

~466/1534 WC~

Hyuga Hiroyuki

Hyuga Hiroyuki

"I think you can do that if you want," Reiko said making Hiro turn to her. Reiko was listening to her unlike teachers and adult would...that's why she was Hiro's favorite cousin.The academy student blinked her lavender eyes before listening to Reiko. "I don't know though...I think, if you want to be something, you can be it. That's what I always hear parents telling their children. I don't think being a boy would be a problem. I'm not sure how you would go about it though...I'll look at my mom's medical scrolls, and my dad's scrolls on sciencey stuff."Reiko completed making Hiro smile.Someone was on her side of being an actual boy instead of some lame girl....excluding Reiko of course."Hey Reiko...whats a Uchiha?Kids at school are always talking about my temper saying it's like a Uchiha's or even a Uzumaki...are they like Hyuga?...I think they sound awesome!Including their Sharigan thingy!"Hiro said.She lowered her head slightly."And...I saw a few pictures of them...they look terrifying...and that's coming from me,Reiko,"She was completely mortified after seeing pictures of several Uchiha's in the past.But her heart froze when they mention some guy named Tenzo was a pale but interestingly mysterious Uchiha and wouldn't hesitate to kill.But rumors of course...right?Without saying anything Hiro slightly whimpered before gently pulling Reiko into a hug,as to not hurt her.

Hyuga and Uchiha. She acted like what they said they did.But rumors are fake.They couldn't have met a Uchiha to just assume these simple tales are true right?"The world is a body is a traitor...people are a traitor...the only person who isn't a traitor is you Reiko...I trust you...I love you...don't die and make me think your a traitor as well Reiko...I would cry a river if that happened...You hear me?...and if you ever meet a Uchiha...please tell me all about them...ok?"Hiro asked slightly tightening her grip."I would be past that Tenzo guy...stronger and more powerful!"Hiro thought.

Word count: 385 words

Hyuga Reiko

Hyuga Reiko

Her reply made Hiro smile, and that, in a way, made Reiko’s day. People didn’t often smile at her, with the exception of her father, and so she treasured when people did more than most things. Her cousin then posed another question to her, and she leaned back on the bench once more, thinking a bit.  She didn’t have much of a moment, however, when she was pulled into a gentle hug, instead. Wrapping her arms around Hiro, Reiko returned the hug, setting her chin gently on Hiro’s shoulder. ”I love you too,” she said, leaning her head against hers-his for a moment. She had to remind herself to use that properly. If Hiro wanted to be a guy, then she would make sure to use ‘him’ for the rest of her life. ”And I won’t die. I’m going to stay alive, get better one day, and then go to the Academy, just like I always say. “ Even when Hiro’s grip tightened, she made sure to show no sign at all of discomfort. She loved hugs, but she knew that her ribs were often a bit fragile from coughing. Right now, she didn’t care, however.

Smiling lightly, she didn’t pull away, but continued talking. ”Uchihas are a clan like the Hyugas, with a doujutsu called Sharingan. Apparently it’s really powerful, and it helps them see, kind of like we do, but not with chakra lines, more with seeing movements much more easily than human eyes can catch them regularly. Uzumakis are a clan too, but they do sealing stuff, they don’t have a doujtsu. I don’t know anybody from either clan, but I learned about them when I read some stuff. But yeah, if I ever meet either of them, or a person named Tenzo, I’ll tell you, okay?” She’d make sure to find out all she could for Hiro, one day. Reiko wanted to travel the world, and tell her cousin, though, more of a sibling, everything she found and everything she saw. One day, she would. For now, she was content sitting, and getting better. If she sat enough, she’d heal, and if she healed enough, she’d be allowed to start physical rehabilitation, so that she could learn to walk and run all on her own, without somebody holding her hand or leading her, and without ever having to rest constantly. She’d be the greatest ever, and she’d never stop running and walking. That was her dream.

It seemed, however, that her dream would have to wait. Over by the shops, her father finished his conversation, this fact obvious by the way he turned around, looking around for her immediately. It was like she was some sort of lost puppyy...

He found her quickly, however, and waved his arm, motioning for her to come over. Back to go inside... She thought, gently unentangling herself from Hiroyuki. "I have to go," she said, putting a smile on her face to conceal the growing disappointment in the amount of time she'd been given outside today. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

With that, she turned, making her way through the crowds and over to her father. She made no attempt to complain as he took her hand, leading her slowly back towards her home and prison.

~566/2109 WC~

Training Raiton D-Rank ---> C-Rank with 1500 words

Learning Temporary Paralysis Technique with 750 words

651 words leftover

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