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Uchiha Susumu

Uchiha Susumu


There were birds chirping and the sound of the river flowing through Konohagakure, giving off a peaceful vibe throughout the village. A little bit too peaceful for Susumu’s tastes. Apparently, the village was doing well under Sousetsu Senju’s reign, at least, it appeared to do so. Susumu had found himself on the grounds of his own clan; the Uchiha. The moment he looked down from the edge of the river, he could perfectly see his own reflection in the water, as the water creating ripples to make his image blurry. There were no Uchiha to be spotted here yet. It’s as if they’d magically vanished into thin air. He was hoping to find some information here regarding his late father, but unfortunately it didn’t seem like that would be the case. Considering the Chuunin Exams had begun, pretty much everyone from the village went and participated in those events. Thinking about that, why didn’t he participate himself? Something from within told him that he wasn’t ready for it yet and that he should first continue his own training before advancing forward. He sighed once before turning his back towards the river and scanning the area for any possible individuals that he had missed before.

He still had to be on his guard. Although Sousetsu had allowed him to remain in the village, perhaps people that were aware of his identity might not be up for that idea so much. Given the possibility that someone would be able to take him down at any time, made his mood more intense than ever. The gaze within his eyes spoke for themselves that he didn’t want to be surprised by anyone at this moment. Anything could be able to ignite his short fuse, even the slightest little noise near him. His eyes shifted from left to right, even from up to down. Enough time to focus, he realized there were no presences near him yet, at least not that close. He loosened his muscles and sat down in the grass near the river, just gazing across the surface of the clear waters, towards the village that has been his target for a long time.

Words: 369

Kazuma Watanabe

Kazuma Watanabe

Kazuma yawned as he rested against a tree facing the river, having recently woken up from his nap and greeted by a pretty sight of the flowing river, as well as the quiet ambiance of nature. The Naka River really was a nice place to relax, and with everyone having left for the Exams in Kumo, it seemed even quieter, and far more peaceful. Konoha had seemed empty as of late- slightly boring, even. It made Kazuma wonder what exactly made the Exams so special. He wondered if it was because everyone so rarely was able to leave their village without permission, unlike Kazuma whom was free to roam wherever he wished. Kazuma began to wonder if he should start to leave Konoha, travel to a different place- there was only so much to see if one stayed in a ninja village, and although the land of fire was indeed large…it began to get boring after a while.

Kazuma shifted a bit, stretching as he pondered what to do. Originally, he had only planned to stay for a while, earning money and possibly make a few friends before he left; he’d ended up staying for far longer than that and was quickly running out of funds- he’d remembered staying out in the woods for a couple of nights so it’d be cheaper. A quiet laugh escaped his lips, and a soft smile grew. Konoha had a way of drawing someone in, Kazuma guessed. He watched the river run towards the village, and a couple of moments had passed before he heard the footfalls of another person coming from the forest behind him. Kazuma mentally shrugged, lazing back on the tree and shifting his arms for a more comfortable position. He guessed it was another person come to ponder life over by the river. He’d stay quiet for a while longer, and soon he began to sink into that comfortable position…drifting off into sleep…before all that could be heard from the wanderer was a soft snore.

Post Count: 335

Uchiha Susumu

Uchiha Susumu


Susumu’s ears twitched. Something wasn’t right. There was a sound other than the chirping birds and the running river in front of him. It was a sound that didn’t have quite its place within the nature, as well as a sound he was pretty familiar with. Although he was previously drifting away in his own thoughts, he quickly shrugged them off the moment he realized that perhaps another individual was around here. Standing up and turning around, he moved his head from left to right to pinpoint the location where the noise is coming from. Slowly but surely, step by step he moved into the direction where he thinks it’s coming from, keeping the sound of his steps to a minimum what he’s capable of. The only thing that’s heard is the grass that gets flattened by the sole of his sandals. Suddenly, Susumu’s eyes were locked on a strange figure of an individual he hadn’t met before. With a few more steps, he had better and clearer view of who the person was. Was this guy an Uchiha? If he was, then he wouldn’t be a pure-blooded one, given the color of his hair, unless it’s dyed. Susumu didn’t move his eyes away from the stranger, and without even saying anything, stood right in front of the sleeping man, just observing him for a few seconds. As the moment passed, he finally decided to speak up. “Yo. Wake up.” He spoke, patiently waiting for the man to wake up from his slumber.

Normally, Susumu wasn’t really the most patient type of person, but considering that the entire village has left to participate in the Chuunin Exams and this person pretty much was the only one that he had met in this entire time, he figured it wouldn’t be the best of ideas to shun him off like that. Being so bored that he was, he wanted to entertain himself a little, adding the fact that meeting new people always gives him new kinds of information that could prove useful to him in the future. He wondered how long the man had been sleeping here, as he had just noticed his snoring just recently. This made him realize that his senses aren’t sharp enough yet and made a note in his head to keep improving his focus. The birds that were once chirping could almost not be heard because of this man’s snoring, so after he spoke, he decided to give him a kick to his foot, though not hard at all. He’s just letting his presence be known to the individual. He didn’t seem like a shinobi from Konohagakure, if he was he’d probably have gone and attended the Chuunin Exams. It could be that this guy, just like Susumu himself, was a wanderer going by his own agenda. This conversation, in that case, could prove very interesting.

Words: 501

Kazuma Watanabe

Kazuma Watanabe

The feeling of a kick woke Kazuma with a start; his eyes snapping open and locking straight onto the source with a stare. Nothing went through the wanderers mind right then, mostly because he was still so submerged into the land of dreams that any cognitive thought was all but impossible. It was only a few moments later that his mind begun to catch up with him, that Kazuma actually began to see who had kicked him. It was a boy, far younger than him in age; it also occurred to Kazuma that he looked a bit more experienced than the wanderer as well. Not that came as any surprise- Kazuma himself believed he could be pushed over by a moderate wind, which was why he was thankful nobody ever had fought with him up `till now, either by simple blessing or otherwise. The boy had dark hair that splayed out in spikes all around his head, with light blue eyes that seemed rather wise for such a young child. The thing that stood out the most, however, was his purple cloak.

That certainly made one a target. Then again, the wanderer thought to himself, there was that one guy… finishing the thought while realizing he hadn’t actually spoken to the kid yet. “Uh…yeah.” He started stupidly; “Was I snoring too loud?” he spoke with a bit of apologetic tone, rubbing the back of his neck with a matching expression.

(Ehh, pretty short. 240 words.)

[Overall 575]

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