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1Hayate's Stat Trainings Empty Hayate's Stat Trainings Sun Aug 02, 2015 8:35 pm

Hayate Kimura

Hayate Kimura

*Beep* *beep* *beep*, the alarm went off on the cabinet next to Hayate's bed. It was already nine in the morning and he was still in bed, just when he thought about getting up early to train harder. Hayate made his bed, brushed his teeth, took a shower and put on his training clothes, a plain white cotton T-shirt and sweatpants. He got a bagel to eat and got out of his apartment. The Sun hit his face as soon as he stepped on the street, a good day to be ahead of him indeed.

'Good morning, Hayate-sama.', said a group of toddlers, still pre-Academy age, running around as they recognized Hayate. They lived in his neighbourhood and he often saw them playing around, sometimes joking with them. He just smiled back, flicking his chin up. Damn, if I only had as many worries as them. He chuckled to the thought he had, the fact that he considered himself old.

Hayate was headed to the playgrounds located next to the Academy. A sprint track was located there, perfect for speed training. Academy teachers and students could often be seen here, doing laps to train stamina. There was no one here today, luckily for Hayate, as he didn't want any spectators. He walked to the start mark and looked around to see where the 100 meter mark was. Eh, I can do this. He ducked down, placed his fingertips on the ground and lifted his knees of the ground, ready to start, if only there was somekind of a signal. Just then, he saw a leaf falling in the distance. When it touches the ground.

Three... Two... One., and he's made the first step, firing onto the track like a bullet. His heart was pumping hard, sweat running down his forehead to his cheek, his hair flying back in the air. One second. His steps were large, 4 feet long, yet so fast that you couldn't see them, merely hear them in the silence. Two seconds. His breath becoming harder and louder. Three seconds. His arms waving, as if he was in the race of his life. Four seconds. His eyes staying straight on the target, not even blinking.Five seconds. Six seconds. Seven seconds. He was almost at the goal, just the final push left, but could he make it? Eight seconds. Nine seconds. Ten seconds. Hayate was at the reach line and as soon as he crossed it he dropped his speed down drastically, continuing to skip-step another ten metres before fully stopping. Damnit, not fast enough. He took off his shirt, revealing a semi-built body, still in development, and wiped the sweat off himself, placing the shirt on his shoulder.

There should be a faucet somewhere around here., he looked around and saw an old pump near a water-well. He pumped it several times and simply laid underneath it, water streaming across his face. Hayate enjoyed the refreshing cold water, but after the water stopped coming, he seated up and rested against a wall while looking at the track. Not fast enough. Maybe if I improve my running technique. Hayate pondered, wanting to improve his speed. 10 seconds on 100 meters is nothing in the shinobi world. Maybe if I make smaller steps, but do them faster. Can't hurt to try.

He jumped up and walked to the start mark, eager to try again. Fingers on the ground, knees up, ready to go. Hayate waited for another sound, looking around. Conveniently, another leaf was falling. Three... Two... One, and he's off, running as vigorously as the last time, his blood rushing and sweat dripping. Hayate wasn't thinking about his technique, about the track, about speed, endurance or anything relevant to the sprint. He was thinking about the passing of life, about the decisions he made, the decisions that led him to this place. Oddly enough, the only time when he could really into that mindset is when he is pushing his body to the limits.
Nine seconds., his legs almost at the finish mark. T..-, finish. 9 seconds and close to ten, but still faster than the last time. He continued slowly running another 15 meters before fully stopping, far more tired than the last time. He placed his palms on the back of his head and started breathing deeply. It was better this time.

Hayate walked back to the water faucet and pumped it a few times while drinking from it and washing his face. A man walked up to him from the shadows, he had been observing Hayate train. 'Not bad, you probably owe that success to genetics.', the man chuckled. It was Hayate's father Shin, finally returning to the village after a long journey. Hayate reached out with his hand, offering a handshake. 'I'd hug you, but I'm sweaty.' They shook hands and laughed, walking back to the village.

Speed E -> D 832/750 Words

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