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1Who needs a babysitter? [Hiro/NK] Empty Who needs a babysitter? [Hiro/NK] Sun Nov 15, 2015 8:59 pm



"Mako your dinner is ready come downstairs."

Mako whipped around the corner cross legged sitting on the golden cloud he called Nube.  Ever since the boy created the cloud it became her mother's personal Mako fetcher.  Before being taken away by his contraption, the boy was watching an episode of his favorite cartoon.  Sometimes he wished there was some sort of way to destroy the cloud, but alas everything he tried ultimately failed.

"Now Mako I know you don't like vegetables, but how are you going to be strong like your Papa one day."

Looking down at his plate he saw green orbs and instanly recognized his mortal enemy.  Peas.  Of all the vegetables his mother prepared, he hated peas the most.  Not only for their taste but their appearance, and how they are grown.  Having pees on his dinner plate was enough to make him lose his appetite, but this usually made him stuck at the table for the rest of the night until he ate all of his dinner.

"But Mom I hate peas just look at them, and why peas and mashed potatoes I rather eat corn than this.  It's gross I can't even eat the steak because there is a pea on it.

The boy turned his nose up at the plate, and popped one eye open watching his mother with a saddened face.  Mako sometimes believed he made her feel bad because of the food, but for the most part he loved her cooking.  Not even the chef's at grandpamama's house could cook as well as her.

"Mako please eat your peas, and I promise I'll make you a very special dessert.  How about a chocolate cake?  Would you like that?"  The woman said with a very cheery face and Mako was hurt because she knew where his soft spot was.

"Fine...I'll eat the dumb peas"

Chewing the peas the boy nearly regurgitated as he downed it with apple juice.  He looked over to his mother who reentered the kitchen dressed in heels, and such.  She was a very beautiful woman but he still wondered how his supposed father could leave someone as pretty as her.  With his plate nearly clear aside from the green orbs that sat on his plate, that were now lukewarm.  He turned his attention to the chiming sound of their home, and looked as the nimbus cloud appeared carrying him to the door.

"Oh Mako that is your babysitter."

It was a shame that his mother believed that he need supervision.  Most of his babysitters were now afraid of him, and one went to the extreme of filing a restraining order against him.  As he approached the door he could sense a chakra reading, faint but it was there.  Right on the other side of the door which meant she hired a shinobi.  His mother must have spared no expense in making sure he was detained.  Mako sat crosslegged on the golden cloud and unlocked the door to let in his...Babysitter.


2Who needs a babysitter? [Hiro/NK] Empty Re: Who needs a babysitter? [Hiro/NK] Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:45 pm

Hyuga Hiroyuki

Hyuga Hiroyuki

Children.Hiro wasn't good at babysitting.Well, she learned a bit of responsibility from her older cousin.Ok by a bit she met almost none.As boring as it was Hiro wanted to help out with a woman who was having troubles with her son.She was begging for it to not be a stuck up brat.Or she'd have to stuff a kid into a closet.Or better yet.Hang a kid by his underwear outside in the freezing rain.Hiro chuckled at the thought and looked at the house she was going to be monitoring for a couple of hours.She knocked on the door and pulled her hoodie up a bit.

"Oh Mako that is your babysitter." a voice warmly said.Must have been the mother.Hiro readied to be let inside the small home.The door came to life as it opened somewhat slowly.She looked at the obviously bored kid.He was male with snow white hair.And with gold eyes. . .he was a bit unique.But nothing beat the word strange if you looked at the gold cloud he was sitting on.Hiro tilted her head to the side a bit.

"Hey.I'm Hyuga Hiro. . .I'm your babysitter this evening according to your mother," Hiro said with a smirk.She was feeling pretty confident.He didn't look bratty.In fact, he looked more excited to just have a nice calm dinner with his mom.Least she got a decent kid to babysit.She remembered all the trouble she caused as a little kid.Jumping out windows to have fun and be a rebel.To be free of responsibility.To train to be better and stronger.She just wasn't hoping too much for that kind of kid at the moment, however.She wasn't having the very best day.

She was prepared for if the kid was bad, though.Like making him go to bed early, having no- she was boring herself.She just wanted the kid to be good so she didn't have to actually do things like that.She hated being strict and bossy.Ok just strict.Least it wasn't going to be a girly girl right?Please, dear kami let him be a decently boyish male.She couldn't handle girls well.Much less girly boys.Let it please be fun.Let it please be fun.


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