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1Absolutism [Mission] Empty Absolutism [Mission] Sat Oct 27, 2012 4:35 pm



Sunagakure had been receiving threats from the Land of Water for a couple of weeks now. The young Kazekage had dismissed the letters as a joke or an empty threat at the beginning. They seemed like the angry rantings of a small child that hadn't gotten what he wanted and had therefore started bitching about it. However, the letters had gotten more constant, until the point where Gin had a very large pile of envelopes in her drawer. And with the recent death of the Mizukage, she had no other choice but to pay attention to the threats and take care of them herself. After all, Gin was a careful planner. She couldn't send a group of shinobi to the Land of Water to possibly face the Mizukage's assassin. Therefore, the young woman felt she had no choice but to take matters into her own hands for the moment. She would leave and be back in a few days, so she was sure that nothing would go too terribly bad within that range of time. She would leave one of her Jounin in charge of the paperwork and administrative duties once she had to leave. Now, though, she had to meet with the shinobi that she had put in charge of tracing the letters, hence the reason why Gin now found herself walking across the entire expanses of Sunagakure to get to the facilities were tracking ninjas worked. Truth be told, she had never actually gone to the place. During her time as a Jounin, information was handed to her directly through the Kage, which was why she had never really had to head towards there.

Gin was far too proud to bother asking for directions, which had gotten her lost over the past couple of hours. But no matter. She was sure she knew where she was going, now. She headed down the narrow streets and in between buildings. "I swear this village is like a maze sometimes," She mumbled under her breath. She took a turn to the right and headed straight towards the building with the symbol for Sunagakure's tracking-nins on it. She mentally pat herself on the back for having reached the building without directions, though it did take her a long while. The building looked unflattering from the outside. In fact, it looked a little rundown. Maybe this particular branch of Sunagakure was a little underfunded. She would have to readjust the budget when she got this particular business over with.

The young Kazekage stepped inside the building. It was cold, which made goosebumps crawl all over Gin's skin. A few shinobi passed by her and greeted her as she looked for the right door that would lead her to the particular shinobi that she was looking for. She examined each one quickly until she found the one with the right number on it. Without bothering to knock on the door or announce herself in any way, Gin entered the man's office.


2Absolutism [Mission] Empty Re: Absolutism [Mission] Sun Oct 28, 2012 7:52 pm



The man nervously greeted Gin. His handshake was shaky and unsteady, as if he were unsure of how to treat the Kazekage. "Damn, Yui let this place go to hell," She thought to herself. The young Kazekage sat down in the chair in front of the man's desk, waiting for him to explain what, exactly, was going on. Again, the man hesitated before speaking. "Well..." He began. "We've been receiving these letters for about two weeks, now. Each message gets more cryptic than the previous one. In fact, one could even argue that after a certain points, the letters cease to be threats. It's more of a... call, you could say," He explained, fidgeting in his seat while doing so. The young Kazekage quirked an eyebrow. "And are you sure these letters are all from the same person?" She asked. If the style changed, it was likely that the person did as well. The man, however, shook his head. "The handwriting is identical and the choice of words of each letter aren't too far off from each other," He said, to which Gin nodded, silently asking him to continue with the explanation.

The man nodded in response and continued. "However, you might be dealing with more than one person, nonetheless, though I wouldn't expect a group larger than three people," He said. Gin listened attentively as he spoke. She needed all the details she could get. The young woman certainly hoped that it would just be one person. After all, having to deal with more than one might be a bother if she wasn't in the right mood. "How do you know this?" The Kazekage asked, more out of curiosity than anything else. She trusted the shinobi under her, she didn't need to doubt their abilities. "That's simple," The man began. From what Gin could tell, he liked talking about his job. "There are different traces of chakra in each letter, though only one of them appears in all of them. Using the letters, we were able to track the signal down to a remote location in the Land of Water, a cave near the island's northern border. As of now, that's all we know," He finished. Gin stood up from her seat and bowed curtly to the man, giving him thanks for his help. As she left the building, the Kazekage sighed for two reasons. First of all, she would have no choice but to leave Sunagakure soon. She didn't want this ordeal to escalate out of proportion. Secondly, she didn't quite remember how to get back home so that she could pack whatever she needed for the trip and leave. Additionally, she would have to appoint someone to take her place for a few days while she was away.


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