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1Get Backers (C-Rank Mission/Private) Empty Get Backers (C-Rank Mission/Private) Sun Jul 26, 2015 3:05 pm



Crazy Money C-Rank Mission:

He was selected to work for a temporary agency to collect things lost and bring them back to their owners. He felt it was strange, but the group said they were low on man power and could not afford more than the current fee of two hundred ryo, they had trully hoped to get a really strong chuunin on this mission. When the boy arrived at the bar the group sighed as they did not like the idea of sending a child on a mission to collect money. They looked him up and down as he stood there in his loose t-shirt and his cute little backpack. His shorts was pretty plain too and he forgot his shoes at home since he was in a hurry to get done with the mission so he can finish making the omelette he wanted to give Ame as a present.

~words 148~

2Get Backers (C-Rank Mission/Private) Empty Re: Get Backers (C-Rank Mission/Private) Sun Jul 26, 2015 3:40 pm



The mission was underway as his target was a shinobi with brown eyes and black hair and a turban with a kumo head band customised in such a way as to make him wonder if the shinobi was not defecting to Sunagakure. He read through the mission and the information on his target as he said he would get it back for the owner. He went outside and began his search outside and around the bar area.

It was nearing night fall and the man finally appeared as a shady man stood there approached by his target he watched as the man took out a pouch containing ryo, he interrupted them as he ran in order to get back the money. The shinobi being at least decently skilled spotted him and began to make a run for it as the boy chased after him. He was a bit experienced and knew that he should take the child seriously since the child was also of the same rank.

~words 148 + 167 = 315~

3Get Backers (C-Rank Mission/Private) Empty Re: Get Backers (C-Rank Mission/Private) Sun Jul 26, 2015 4:57 pm



He keeps chase as the man jumps up to the roof tops as the turban falls off his head, he had to get away and exchange his loot to pay his debts. He ducked left and right jumping from roof to roof as the small little shinobi boy followed him leaping behind him catching up slowly but surely. As the wind blew through the young blonde's hair as the man tossed a kunai back which was countered by a shuriken toss from the young Elin. As they got further the man through a second kunai at Elin's feet as he jumped over it he looked in front of him as the man came charging kunai first at him as he pulled out his kunai as they clashed on the roof top as the clouds burst as it began to rain as they stood there.

This was a challenge as the man was not going to give up just like that, he was going to take the loot and do what he needs to do. No matter who or what tries to stop him.

~Words 315 + 185 = 500~

4Get Backers (C-Rank Mission/Private) Empty Re: Get Backers (C-Rank Mission/Private) Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:07 pm



The guy gave a grin before pushing back as the young boy Elin fell rolling backwards as tiles gave way as he was sliding down the roof. The man was not foolish enough to turn his back on the child again as he charged following up with a jumping stomp with his right foot to attempt to crush the small boy's skull. However the small boy blocked it with both arms as he coughed some blood from the impact, before the rest off the tiles gave in as they both fell to the ground next to the house they had been fighting on.

~Words 500 + 104 = 604~

5Get Backers (C-Rank Mission/Private) Empty Re: Get Backers (C-Rank Mission/Private) Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:28 pm



The man had landed on his feet as he coughed a bit as the dust cleared while the small boy managed to land on his stomach as his arms shielded his face from the dirt. He got up slowly as the man charged at him as he managed to block a direct strike as his arm got cut his arm flailing to the right side. The man then aimed a stab straight for his throat as the boy managed to pull back his arm blocking it directly as he was in trouble. The man then brought down his left arm to hammer down on the child who blocked it with his other arm as he managed to barely stand his knees bending as he slipped a bit slightly.

Was this the end for the small boy, or did he still have the key to victory in this little skirmish

~Words 604 + 149 = 753~

6Get Backers (C-Rank Mission/Private) Empty Re: Get Backers (C-Rank Mission/Private) Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:43 pm



He looked to the man as he felt fear and excitement at the same time as the man would throw a kick upwards as the boy would barely block it as the kunai came out from his arm the blood shooting out slightly. As he flew through the air the man grinned once again as he thought that this was the end as he through the kunai at the boy who had nowhere left to go as he managed to evade it barely by twisting in the air as he landing on his head slightly with his arms somewhat protecting him from injury.

The boy laid out on the ground almost out of it as he began to think back, what had he done in all this time. Did he not train for fights like these, was he still not good enough to deserve his title of prodigy. The man prepared to walk away when he heard the sound of the child moving slowly to his feet, with a bloody arm, and blood coming from his mouth and a shaking stance from taking a knock to his head. The man did not want to go further then he had to, he was now annoyed as he cracked his knuckles and charged for the boy.

The boy looked half dead as the man punched the boy square in the face, as Elin was not fully conscious anymore as he took the blow head on flying through the air. As the man laughed only to be cut short as the boy once again rose to his feet, this fight had long since passed the time when it was a joke as the man picked up his kunai.

"I am sorry, but it is bed time little boy." as the man thrust the kunai at the boy who simply fell out of the way as he hit face first into the man's thigh. The man smirked as he felt like he was being mocked, but in that moment things did not go according to plan as the ground beneath the man gave way as he fell down a hole with the boy on top of him. He dropped his kunai and the boy coughed a bit half dazed as he regained his consciousness. "Give it back."

With those words he grabbed the pouch as the man got knocked out, some passer's by went down and helped the boy while the authorities arrested the man who was stripped of his title as the boy would later return the money to the original owner. He worked hard that day even if it was through shear dumb luck that he succeeded.

~Words 753 + 447 = 1200/1000~



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