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1Suna Drug Cartel [Repeatable] Empty Suna Drug Cartel [Repeatable] Fri Jul 22, 2016 3:17 pm



Mission name: Drug Runner (Repeatable)
Mission rank: D
Objective: Capture the drug courier
Location: Sunagakure
Reward: 150 Ryo
Mission description: A drug dealer is employing a courier to deliver drugs to his customers. We have received news of his 3 stops today from an informant. You must capture the courier alive, preferably relatively unharmed (No permanent damage) so we can interrogate him and collect intell on the dealer himself.
Mission details: The courier is a civilian, but is very fast for a civilian, at D rank speed. He often delivers on a bicycle to further complicate matters. He may or may not even know he is delivering drugs. Either way, he is distrustful of law enforcement and will flee if he spots trouble or grows suspicious. The drugs he is carrying is up to the player.


[b]Mission name:[/b] Drug Runner (Repeatable)
[b]Mission rank:[/b] D
[b]Objective: [/b] Capture the drug courier
[b]Location:[/b] Sunagakure
[b]Reward:[/b] 150 Ryo
[b]Mission description:[/b] A drug dealer is employing a courier to deliver drugs to his customers. We have received news of his 3 stops today from an informant. You must capture the courier alive, preferably relatively unharmed (No permanent damage) so we can interrogate him and collect intell on the dealer himself.
[b]Mission details:[/b] The courier is a civilian, but is very fast for a civilian, at D rank speed. He often delivers on a bicycle to further complicate matters. He may or may not even know he is delivering drugs. Either way, he is distrustful of law enforcement and will flee if he spots trouble or grows suspicious. The drugs he is carrying is up to the player.

Mission name: Sting Operation (Repeatable)
Mission rank: C
Objective: Capture the drug dealer alive.
Location: Sunagakure
Reward: 300 ryo
Mission description: A captured drug courier has revealed a drug dealer who is operating in and around the village. Intel shows he’s of a smarter sort than the kinda tempting kids around the academy. We have arranged a stint operation. The courier has flipped and is co-operating with us. He has divulged the location and time of his next pick-up. You will stay hidden from view as the meeting ensues. As soon as the drugs are in the couriers possession, ambush the dealer. Capture the drug dealer alive so that we may interrogate him to gain Intel on his supply source.
Mission details: What drugs he he dealing is up to the player. However, he will have a D rank criminal ninja bodyguard. This ninja will know the basic academy techniques, and uses a rusty katana that can cut 1 inch deep. He has all D0 rank stats. If the dealer gets away or the informant is killed, or the dealer dies or is in no condition to be interrogated (permanent damage that won’t heal fully) the mission is a failure and no reward will be given. The bodyguard will likely try fight to kill or maim, and despite his D ranked abilities should be treated with caution. The bodyguard may be killed.


[b]Mission name:[/b] Sting Operation (Repeatable)
[b]Mission rank:[/b] C
[b]Objective: [/b] Capture the drug dealer alive.
[b]Location:[/b] Sunagakure
[b]Reward:[/b] 300 ryo
[b]Mission description:[/b] A captured drug courier has revealed a drug dealer who is operating in and around the village. Intel shows he’s of a smarter sort than the kinda tempting kids around the academy. We have arranged a stint operation. The courier has flipped and is co-operating with us. He has divulged the location and time of his next pick-up. You will stay hidden from view as the meeting ensues. As soon as the drugs are in the couriers possession, ambush the dealer. Capture the drug dealer alive so that we may interrogate him to gain Intel on his supply source.
[b]Mission details:[/b] What drugs he he dealing is up to the player. However, he will have a D rank criminal ninja bodyguard. This ninja will know the basic academy techniques, and uses a rusty katana that can cut 1 inch deep. He has all D0 rank stats. If the dealer gets away or the informant is killed, or the dealer dies or is in no condition to be interrogated (permanent damage that won’t heal fully) the mission is a failure and no reward will be given. The bodyguard will likely try fight to kill or maim, and despite his D ranked abilities should be treated with caution. The bodyguard may be killed.

Mission name: The Chemist (Repeatable)
Mission rank: B
Objective: Infiltrate a drug lab and capture the chemist.
Location: Sunagakure
Reward: 500 ryo
Mission description: A captured drug dealer has lead us to his source. The Chemist creating the drugs needs to be brought down, and the source distributing and giving him the raw materials must be found. Infiltrate the drug lab and capture or kill the chemist, while searching for information on his sources.
Mission details: The exist is protected by 4 D rank criminal ninja, all with D0 stats and basic academy jutsu and simple elemental ninjutsu. They are equipped with various C rank weapons. Infiltrate the drug lab and storage facility and capture or kill the chemist. If the chemist is killed, finding the orders and distribution documents hidden in the lab are mandatory. This mission is as much about gathering Intel as it is taking down a key drug manufacturer. Whether the ninja who take this mission bursts into the lab and takes everyone down, or uses stealth is of no consequence, so long as the chemist is captured or killed and information is gathered. What drugs are being produced is up to the player.


[b]Mission name:[/b] The Chemist (Repeatable)
[b]Mission rank:[/b] B
[b]Objective: [/b] Infiltrate a drug lab and capture the chemist.
[b]Location:[/b] Sunagakure
[b]Reward:[/b] 500 ryo
[b]Mission description:[/b] A captured drug dealer has lead us to his source. The Chemist creating the drugs needs to be brought down, and the source distributing and giving him the raw materials must be found. Infiltrate the drug lab and capture or kill the chemist, while searching for information on his sources.
[b]Mission details:[/b] The exist is protected by 4 D rank criminal ninja, all with D0 stats and basic academy jutsu and simple elemental ninjutsu. They are equipped with various C rank weapons. Infiltrate the drug lab and storage facility and capture or kill the chemist. If the chemist is killed, finding the orders and distribution documents hidden in the lab are mandatory. This mission is as much about gathering Intel as it is taking down a key drug manufacturer. Whether the ninja who take this mission bursts into the lab and takes everyone down, or uses stealth is of no consequence, so long as the chemist is captured or killed and information is gathered. What drugs are being produced is up to the player.

Mission name: Drug Distribution (Repeatable)
Mission rank: A
Objective: Destroy the drug supplies and capture a drug smuggler.
Location: Sunagakure
Reward: 1000 ryo
Mission description: Thanks to information gathered from a drug lab recently taken down, we have located a major drug cache and distribution center. Infiltrate the base and destroy the drug supply. The leaders of the smuggling and distribution network will be present. Capture one to lead us to the kingpin. Explosive tags will be provided if the ninja lacks another way to destroy the drug supply. (These are NOT permanent and will never be added to the characters item locker.) Expect enemy patrols and keep a watch full eye out.
Mission details: The drug distribution base will be petrolled by 5 or so C rank criminal ninja, lead by 2 B ranked criminal ninja. Expect them to be armed with various weapons of their own rank, with stats at tier 0 of their own rank. If these are snuck based by stealth, expect heavy offense when the drugs are destroyed or the distribution leaders are threatened. A fight is practically inevitable.


[b]Mission name:[/b] Drug Distribution (Repeatable)
[b]Mission rank:[/b] A
[b]Objective: [/b] Destroy the drug supplies and capture a drug smuggler.
[b]Location:[/b] Sunagakure
[b]Reward:[/b] 1000 ryo
[b]Mission description:[/b] Thanks to information gathered from a drug lab recently taken down, we have located a major drug cache and distribution center. Infiltrate the base and destroy the drug supply. The leaders of the smuggling and distribution network will be present. Capture one to lead us to the kingpin. Explosive tags will be provided if the ninja lacks another way to destroy the drug supply. (These are NOT permanent and will never be added to the characters item locker.) Expect enemy patrols and keep a watch full eye out.
[b]Mission details:[/b] The drug distribution base will be petrolled by 5 or so C rank criminal ninja, lead by 2 B ranked criminal ninja. Expect them to be armed with various weapons of their own rank, with stats at tier 0 of their own rank. If these are snuck based by stealth, expect heavy offense when the drugs are destroyed or the distribution leaders are threatened. A fight is practically inevitable.

Mission name: Kingpin (Repeatable)
Mission rank: S
Objective: Kill the drug Lord.
Location: Sunagakure
Reward: 2000 ryo
Mission description: By working our way up the drug cartel, we have found the kingpin of the whole organization. However our steadily elimination of his business has put him on alert. Intel shows that he has hired 2 criminal jounin as bodyguards. The leader is ruthless and will put up a huge fight. Kill or capture the drug lord, and his bodyguards. All that matters is that he is brought down, and hard. Send a message to the drug industry in a single sweep.
Mission details: The leader may be male or female, and is up to the character to describe. However his bodyguards are both A rank, with full A0 stats. Both wield A rank weapons. They will be hidden in a secret underground hideout deep in the desert. While the exterior may be hidden and fortified, the interior is opulent and richly decorated, showing the drug lords wealth. Expect the bodyguards to patrol the only entrance, and likely check on their employer from time to time.

Name: Unknown (Up to the player)
Age: Unknown (Up to the player)
General Appearance: Unknown (Up to the player)
Personality: More lazy and relaxed than her partner, she takes everything in her stride. Unlike her partner however, she has a vicious streak and seeks to play with her prey, often torturing her victims.
Motivations: She seeks only to be infamous, and to have as much “fun” as she can along the way, and if she earns money in the process, all the better.
Fears: No major fears
Abilities: This criminal ninja is A rank, with solid A0 stats. She has Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Bukijutsu. Her weapon of choice is the bow or crossbow. While her partner handles up close combat, she will typically launch a barrage of arrows and genjutsu. Her skill at mid to long range combat compliments her partners close range fighting style, making them incredibly formidable. She mixes Suiton, Fuuton, and Katon. With her partners help she will launch devastating combo ninjutsu, usually with her suiton and his raiton, or her katon and his fuuton. She has access to all elemental ninjutsu from her alignments that are in the ninjutsu library.
Other: She wears and A rank flak jacket and wields an A rank bow or crossbow. With a long and deep relationship with her partner, expect flawless teamwork. Her A rank perception means an A rank stealth Jutsu will most likely be nessisary to sneak by her.

Name: Unknown (Up to the player)
Age: Unknown (Up to the player)
General Appearance: Unknown (Up to the player)
Personality: Serious and. Professional, likely to take the job seriously as a matter of pride. This bodyguard will not spare anyone and will attempt to kill anyone who attempts to harm his employer.
Motivations: Money and notoriety.
Fears: No major fears
Abilities: This criminal ninja is A rank, with solid A0 stats. He favors up close combat, and uses Bukijutsu, ninjutsu, and taijutsu. He wields an A rank katana and an A rank wakizashi and will dual wield. If forced to relinquish these, he switches to Muay Thai taijutsu. His A rank speed reaction time, and strength help make him incredibly formidable. He favors up close ninjutsu for surprise tactics as the battle progresses and the opponent expects him to keep to melee combat. He uses doton, fuuton, and raiton, often cladding himself in Doton armor. With long and mid range support from his partner, he is able to launch devastating attacks. He has access to all elemental Jutsu of his alignments from the ninjutsu library.
Other: Wears an A rank flak jacket. Due to his long partnership with the other bodyguard, they work flawlessly together, without communicating much. His A rank perception means an A rank stealth Jutsu will most likely be necessary to sneak by him.


[b]Mission name:[/b] Kingpin (Repeatable)
[b]Mission rank:[/b] S
[b]Objective: [/b] Kill the drug Lord.
[b]Location:[/b] Sunagakure
[b]Reward:[/b] 2000 ryo
[b]Mission description:[/b] By working our way up the drug cartel, we have found the kingpin of the whole organization. However our steadily elimination of his business has put him on alert. Intel shows that he has hired 2 criminal jounin as bodyguards. The leader is ruthless and will put up a huge fight. Kill or capture the drug lord, and his bodyguards. All that matters is that he is brought down, and hard. Send a message to the drug industry in a single sweep.
[b]Mission details:[/b] The leader may be male or female, and is up to the character to describe. However his bodyguards are both A rank, with full A0 stats. Both wield A rank weapons. They will be hidden in a secret underground hideout deep in the desert. While the exterior may be hidden and fortified, the interior is opulent and richly decorated, showing the drug lords wealth. Expect the bodyguards to patrol the only entrance, and likely check on their employer from time to time.

[b]Name:[/b] Unknown (Up to the player)
[b]Age:[/b] Unknown (Up to the player)
[b]General Appearance:[/b] Unknown (Up to the player)
[b]Personality:[/b] More lazy and relaxed than her partner, she takes everything in her stride. Unlike her partner however, she has a vicious streak and seeks to play with her prey, often torturing her victims.
[b]Motivations:[/b] She seeks only to be infamous, and to have as much “fun” as she can along the way, and if she earns money in the process, all the better.
[b]Fears:[/b] No major fears
[b]Abilities:[/b] This criminal ninja is A rank, with solid A0 stats. She has Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Bukijutsu. Her weapon of choice is the bow or crossbow. While her partner handles up close combat, she will typically launch a barrage of arrows and genjutsu. Her skill at mid to long range combat compliments her partners close range fighting style, making them incredibly formidable. She mixes Suiton, Fuuton, and Katon. With her partners help she will launch devastating combo ninjutsu, usually with her suiton and his raiton, or her katon and his fuuton. She has access to all elemental ninjutsu from her alignments that are in the ninjutsu library.
[b]Other:[/b] She wears and A rank flak jacket and wields an A rank bow or crossbow. With a long and deep relationship with her partner, expect flawless teamwork. Her A rank perception means an A rank stealth Jutsu will most likely be nessisary to sneak by her.

[b]Name:[/b] Unknown (Up to the player)
[b]Age:[/b] Unknown (Up to the player)
[b]General Appearance:[/b] Unknown (Up to the player)
[b]Personality:[/b] Serious and. Professional, likely to take the job seriously as a matter of pride. This bodyguard will not spare anyone and will attempt to kill anyone who attempts to harm his employer.
[b]Motivations:[/b] Money and notoriety.
[b]Fears:[/b] No major fears
[b]Abilities:[/b] This criminal ninja is A rank, with solid A0 stats. He favors up close combat, and uses Bukijutsu, ninjutsu, and taijutsu. He wields an A rank katana and an A rank wakizashi and will dual wield. If forced to relinquish these, he switches to Muay Thai taijutsu. His A rank speed reaction time, and strength help make him incredibly formidable. He favors up close ninjutsu for surprise tactics as the battle progresses and the opponent expects him to keep to melee combat. He uses doton, fuuton, and raiton, often cladding himself in Doton armor. With long and mid range support from his partner, he is able to launch devastating attacks. He has access to all elemental Jutsu of his alignments from the ninjutsu library.
[b]Other:[/b] Wears an A rank flak jacket. Due to his long partnership with the other bodyguard, they work flawlessly together, without communicating much. His A rank perception means an A rank stealth Jutsu will most likely be necessary to sneak by him.

2Suna Drug Cartel [Repeatable] Empty Re: Suna Drug Cartel [Repeatable] Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:21 pm







3Suna Drug Cartel [Repeatable] Empty Re: Suna Drug Cartel [Repeatable] Sat Nov 19, 2016 3:13 pm



Kaiya Missions Completions Approved

4Suna Drug Cartel [Repeatable] Empty Re: Suna Drug Cartel [Repeatable] Sat Dec 03, 2016 12:44 am



Taking Drug Runner and Sting Operation, and completed them:

5Suna Drug Cartel [Repeatable] Empty Re: Suna Drug Cartel [Repeatable] Sat Dec 03, 2016 1:02 pm



Ryuto Mission Completions Approved

6Suna Drug Cartel [Repeatable] Empty Re: Suna Drug Cartel [Repeatable] Sat Feb 11, 2017 7:32 pm

Otter Aiden

Otter Aiden


Completed Drug Runner and Sting Operation

7Suna Drug Cartel [Repeatable] Empty Re: Suna Drug Cartel [Repeatable] Fri Feb 17, 2017 1:53 pm

Sun Bulate

Sun Bulate

The Chemist done:

8Suna Drug Cartel [Repeatable] Empty Re: Suna Drug Cartel [Repeatable] Sun Feb 19, 2017 3:55 pm




Completed Drug Runner and Sting Operation

The Chemist done:


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