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1A Day As A Cat Maid [D-Rank Mission] Empty A Day As A Cat Maid [D-Rank Mission] Mon Aug 03, 2015 8:50 pm

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari

Fill In Waiter:

Wow... I still can't believe they allow missions like these. Mari currently was looking at herself in the mirror in the  changing room of the restaurant she had been assigned to assist. And she was wearing a maid outfit, with cat ears. Mari had personalized the outfit just a little with her signature big white bow on the side of her head and she had been allowed to keep wearing her black boots and black stockings.

The uniform was a black with white apron and frills, traditional french maid outfit. Complete with a white lace hairband with attached animal eyes. She was wearing a black haired wig that went down almost to her waist. Plus there was a huge red plaid bow on the center of her chest. Mari turned and examined her backside. She saw a poofy frill in the back, along with a black furry cat tail. I really do look like a cat maid. Though at first when she had taken the mission, the girl didn't know what quite to expect. She had visited a few maid and Butler cafes before, she had just thought it would be interesting to see how they operated from the inside. It was just coincidence that she happened to see that very mission available. The owner of the restaurant seemed nice enough, if not just a tad bit eccentric. There apparently had been a bad bug going around and next to all of his waiters and waitresses had gone down with the flu. Mari figured it would be nice to help out a simple villager when he needed it. After all, helping civilians was not only a benefit to Sunagakure but also had a moral obligation by her own and her Clan's ideals.

Mari still couldn't help but be amazed at her transformation in the mirror. She tentatively raised her hand, mimicking a claw like motion. "Nyuu~ " Slowly winking at herself in the mirror, she made a cat noise. Before she realized it she was already making herself blush red. The cute cat maid in the mirror definitely was not Masayoshi Mari the Shinobi and Swordsman she thought she knew.

I'm... So cute.

Once the thought came to her, she felt her cheeks get even hotter. Though the girl loved cute things, she had never really considered herself cute in any way. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knocking on the door.

" Mari-chan! Are you ready?!"

It was the voice of the only other waiter that had not been taken over by illness. Without waiting for a reply the door opened, revealing a taller young man with silver white hair and deep blue, intrinsic eyes. He was wearing a traditional black and white butler's suite, and he too had a pair of large animals ears drooping down the sides of his head. He smiled shyly, and it almost looked as if his ears drooped back as well.

"Ah.. Sorry for intruding, but you had been in here for a while."

Mari only nodded once. Her polite composure hiding the fact that only moments ago she had been dawdling to herself in front of a mirror about how cute she was. "It is no problem Kyuji-san." She made her way to the door, exiting the changing room and headed to the front. All the while she felt a pair of eyes watching her, she turned to see Kyuji, the other waiter, simply looking at her. She blinked once, as if to say that she noticed him noticing her.

The other waiter seemed to panic a little when he made eye contact with her. "Sorry Mari-chan. It's just that I find it hard to believe that you're a shinobi when you look as... Cute as you do in that outfit."

Mari turned her head quickly at his last comment. Her cheeks returning to a shade of red from earlier. So it was true... She did look very cute. The girl still wasn't sure how to feel about that fact.

"I... see." It was all Mari could say at the moment. Thankfully she didn't have to saw anything more as the manager of the restaurant yelled out to them both.


Both Mari and Kyuji cringed at the sudden explosion of noise, the voice sounded amplified and they were confirmed of their mega-phone suspicions when they saw the manager holding the voice amplifier in the middle of the dining room. The manager, a short dark haired middle aged man with a pencil thin moustache and small spectacles to match, was standing atop a table, mega-phone in hand. Once Mari and Kyuji arrived close enough to him, he put the mega phone to his side. In reality with the volume of his voice, Mari found that a mega-phone wasn't really necessary.

"Unfortunately! For the past week a terrible illness has spread to nearly all of our staff. Leaving only poor Kyuji and myself to run our cafe! Now I had taken the liberty to make a special request to the Kazekage to ask for aid in running the restaurant for a day as tomorrow some staff should be able to return in good health. And the Kazekage has indeed delivered! We have been granted the assistance of a very fine shinobi, Masayoshi Mari!"

The tiny restaurant owner pointed to Mari, who was slightly unsure of the entire situation. She was especially concerned at why the manager kept referring to himself as we and why he was  yelling so very loudly. "I... Will try my best to help." She hesitated with her words, now concerned with the manager's eccentricity.

"NOW THAT! Is what I like to hear. And today the cafe is open!" The manager jumped down from the table and went to the back, as he nor only way the owner but the very cook of the cafe as well. Mari followed Kyuji's lead as he clapped politely while the manager made his way. She looked up to the Butler with a questioning stare.

"Yes, he really is like this everyday. Hehe, it's never a dull moment around here, Mari-chan."

He smiled as they went to the double doors, he set his hand on one handle, while Mari grabbed the other. "You do know what to say right?"

Mari nodded back, suddenly feeling sort of apprehensive about the whole thing. They opened the doors together, to a small group of waiting customers outside.

"Welcome back, Masters!"


2A Day As A Cat Maid [D-Rank Mission] Empty Re: A Day As A Cat Maid [D-Rank Mission] Mon Aug 03, 2015 9:29 pm

Masayoshi Mari

Masayoshi Mari


So far... So good. Mari thought as she set her pencil behind her left ear. She had just taken an order for a couple of strawberry green tea shakes and was headed to the back to give the ticket to the manager. If had been a busy day, already getting to the late afternoon. The girl had first been taken aback by the sheer volume of customers that bad arrived earlier in the day. But under the guidance of Kyuji and the manger, she had already helped serve just over a few dozen customers on her own. Every few costumers of course had commented on her cute outfit, which still made her blush red.

"Mari-chan!! The chocolate ice creams are ready! Don't forget to add your special cat maid charm!"

Mari heard the manager call after her when she grabbed the waiting chocolate ice cream dishes. She felt like sighing out loud, but she kept it on the inside. It's not that she felt embarrassed about casting her "cat maid charm" on an order, but after doing it so many times in a row... She was starting to question why she took this so-called mission.

The girl returned to the dining room and quickly served up the two ice creams to their waiting customers. Mari raised her hands in a pawing motion and made cat sound effect. "Please let this kitty cat maid cast your ice cream with cute cat charm, nyu~" Mari formed a heart with her hands and held it above the ice cream, winking and shaking her head with the words of her 'spell.' "Nyu, Nyu, nyu~"

"Ah, she is so cute!"

"She's the best maid here! Well, the only one."

"I've never seen her before, she must be new!"

"She is the cutest though!"

Mari heard the customers whispers around her when she finished her spell. "Thank you very much. Please enjoy your meal, Masters." She bowed and then left the customers to their dishes. She found herself face to face with Kyuji, who was smiling with sincerity.

"Heh, the customers really seem to like you." He placed his hand behind his animal ears, scratching his head casually. "You've become so popular in one day, maybe you'd consider working for us full time?"

"Forgive me, Kyuji-san, but my duty as a shinobi and swordsman is my true passion." Mari nodded her head in a polite bow. In the end her helping the restaurant had been a mission after all. "Though, my time as a cat maid has been very... Enjoyable." She added with a sincere smile back.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully. Both Kyuji and she served at least another few dozen more customers, she casted another round of cat maid charm, and was constantly cheered on by the manger until closing time. Exhausted, the girl had already changed out of her uniform and returned to her normal Gothic lolita attire. She was standing outside the restaurant door, saying her goodbyes to Kyuji and the little manager. The sky was turning shades of red and orange for another picturesque desert sunset.

The little owner was dramatically in tears, and of course yelling in passion, thanking the Shinobi for her assistance that day. "Mari-chan! You are always welcome here again! You will forever be remembered as one of our best temporary staff ever to take the name of cat maid! It is thanks to you that our cafe has made it through the day! Tomorrow, surely staff will be returning, but we cannot thank you enough for assisting us today!"

"But we can try, here Mari-chan, think of it as a parting gift." Kyuji held out a hanger, a simple black clothing cover held what Mari knew to be...

"The... Maid outfit? I can't take that Kyuji-san..." Though Mari trailed off in defeat, it would be rude of her to refuse a gift. But wasn't it also strange to just accept taking what was technically restaurant property? And... It was a maid outfit, a cat maid outfit.

"We INSIST!" The little manager jumped up. "Let it be known as a small token of our immeasurable gratitude toward you!"

I really didn't do much. Mari thought to herself, but smiled anyway and graciously accepted the gift. "Thank you very much. I am very glad I could be of service. I hope to see you all again."  Mari turned and began walking home, she waved back as she walked by the dying light of the sunset.

764/1857 Total Words

600/600 D-Rank Mission

1157 Words Left


Strength E~> D-1 1075/1075
Endurance E ~> E-1 75/75

7 Words Left

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