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1Career Day [D-Rank Mission | Private] Empty Career Day [D-Rank Mission | Private] Sun Jun 07, 2015 7:51 pm



“I hate kids,” Kyohei thought to himself as he looked out into the class full of Shinobi Academy students before him. Apparently as part of the Hokage’s efforts to instill trust and goodwill with the newly revived police force a youth & public outreach program was started. Part of this program involved officers from the police force heading to the academy rather than their usual patrols and spending their days talking with the students and trying to instill a positive view of the Military Police Force as upholders of safety and justice. Now, among the officers in the department and even the new recruits there were plenty that would have probably been very good for this kind of thing. There were nice men and women, many of them with children of their own. They were personable and very proud to hold positions of service. Kyohei was not one of those people. Only the gods know why he of all people was chosen for this kind of assignment. It obviously wasn’t because he fit the profile. It was more likely that they just rotate the assignment arbitrarily or as grunt work for the younger officers that seniors can’t be bothered with.

Either way, Kyohei was there and now found himself being awkwardly gawked at by an entire classroom of snot-nosed kids who didn’t know a thing about the world outside of these walls. What was he even supposed to say? Surely neither the Police Force’s upper brass nor the school’s administration wanted him to tell them stories about how violent and dangerous the jobs of shinobi could be. The Uchiha was pretty skilled at making up bullshit to put people at ease or tell them what they want to hear, but he usually did that when trying to flirt with women, not when trying to pacify a room full of little demons.

He considered his own days in the academy and recalled having to sit through long-winded guest speakers who always seemed to have a lot to say about nothing. At the ages these kids were at they weren’t concerned with anything like morals or justice. It was with that realization that he concocted a plan to get him off the hook with this whole speech ordeal, as well as possibly earn some good reviews from the kids. With no regard for the teacher’s opinion on the matter, Kyohei announced to the class that rather than the speech he was supposed to give, he would be taking the class out to the schoolyard where he would put them through practice drills like shinobi who join the Police Force had to go through.

At first the teacher would try to interrupt Kyohei, but he would continue to silence him by hyping up the children so much that there would be no amicable way to settle them down without allowing them to participate. Once out in the yard Kyohei would demonstrate to the children how to perform certain maneuvers, not all of them entirely practical, but hopefully ones they could have some fun with. He also created competition among the students by encouraging races on an impromptu obstacle course. After a while he was even able to get the teacher to participate reluctantly after a good amount of pressure from the kids. In the end, the day wasn’t so bad. Kyohei got himself out of having to give some corny speech to a bunch of kids that didn’t care, the police force looked good in the eyes of the students, the students had fun, and the teacher enjoyed an easy rest of the afternoon after the smaller children had worn themselves out from all the physical activity.


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